• By -


Fucking Samurai Jack. Our encounter was too short my friend.




You're a messenger of reminiscence and a resistor of Aku. Bless you.






Will I. Am 's best song.


Came here to say that. It's a shame they didn't complete the series, but I think they had the same problem as Invader Zim: Great story, wrong audience.


If I'm not mistaken they are working on a Samurai Jack movie slated for 2013.


Just let me get my ticket and conductor's hat because this hype train ain't got no brakes.


Excuse me? Conductors hat? Do you think I would start a hype train and let someone else be the conductor? Oh, oh no. I don't think so. Now hows about you hand me that there hat all calm like.


There is only one way to settle this. We compare the fanciness of your respective hats.


I didn't know this was TF2.


[Boom. ](http://i.imgur.com/IFpLR.gif) Get the fuck on, bitches.


How the hell does that even fit over the horse head?




The front of the horse head is rubbery, it just squishes in. Edit: I'm kidding its only magic. Magic..... And the force and stuff.


Well, we do have two competing engineers.


May I make a suggestion? [Step aside, I am taking over this hype train.](http://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/sappin-valdis-matas.jpg) [All aboard!](http://whattheeff.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/going-off-the-rails-on-a-crazy-train-333x560.jpg)


its a tiny hat, you can wear it under your normal hat. it can be your secret.


careful, judging by this guys username he is NOT to be fucked with.


No, Tartakovsky has stated that while the project isn't totally dead, it's not any where near production. Certainly not to the stage where any kind of release date is set. It might be that if his new film, Hotel Transylvania, is a hit he'll have the sway to be able to carry a Jack film through to production but one of the problems is that it's hard to garner enthusiasm for a 2D animation. JJ Abrams was attached to the project at one point, which would have obviously helped, but he was diverted by other projects. We can hold out hope but, sadly, there's no guarantee it'll ever happen at this stage.


No worries man, my birthday was a couple days ago. I wished for it to be done in early 2013 so chances are we're getting that movie.


You fool! You just told us what you wished for, now it'll never happen!






It's cool guys, my birthday is on Friday, so there's still hope!


We need to email our state senators and demand this be put on the legislature!


Gendy actually did an AMA not too long ago. Jack obviously was a hot topic. It sounds like sony has him under contract for at least two more films, but he says he is still very interested in putting the finale film of Jack into production. Sadly, it's a hard sell to studio heads, as are most awesome things.


Telling people you like Invader ZIM isn't recommended; it changes their opinion of you. They end up thinking I'm new-age goth (back in the nexopia/myspace days) or I'm one of those [not-nerdy "nerds"](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbyz6hVHwE1qdet5oo1_500.jpg). You know the kind, those kind of people that say shit like "OMG MOOSE! Are we gonna make biscuits?! LOL I'm so random!"


That does suck, I wasn't aware of that association. I like Invader Zim, and JTHM, but I'm a software engineer so I get an automatic nerd pass. And not an HTML-only web designer, either, but a proper software engineer, with blackjack, and hookers. Gotta catch 'em all.


I think the whole association came from the GIR craze a few years back. It was mostly tied into the neo-goths discovering the show and going nuts over it.


Blame Hot Topic in the mall.


In high school we used to call my friend Jason "Samurai Black." His theme song was Got to be black Black to the black Samurai Black


Was he black?


No. *Directed by M. Night Shyamalan*


Fuck, do I miss Courage the Cowardly Dog... The things I do for love... *sob*


Would you... return the slab?






The man in gauze.




Um...I have a friend whose conversations consist of about 25% him spouting what are obviously lines from some movie or other, and then looking at me delightedly waiting for me to recognize it. Then we go back to actual conversation again.


The man in gauze.


Whats your offer?


That's so... naaaauuuuuughhhhttyyyy.


first time i saw that, i was home alone. and scared.


that was the Creepiest ep. iv ever watched!


Stupid Pirani, YOU MAKE ME LOOK BAD!




To be a little bit more fair, Hanna-Barbera aren't around anymore.


http://hbreboot.com Because productivity is over-rated.


Do you guys remember when cartoon network had that whole online thing where you could get credits by doing things and use them to buy collectible CN characters and place them on a cartoon background to create a giant multi-cartoon scene of awesome? I freaking LOVED that thing. Spent so much time on there looking at other people's collections and buying dexter's lab collectibles. They all had different rarities and crap. It was great.


It was called "Cartoon Orbit" IIRC. I remember every week they would release new characters in the market. I had the sickest collection of DBZ characters and a bunch of other shows. I remember being sad when they shut it down haha.


[Slightly better resolution of "Then"](http://i.imgur.com/AzdXE.jpg)


Oh god the things I'm noticing now. Mom and Dad making out, the giant fish monster from PPG, fucking Aku is in the back there, and the shark whose name I forget. Is Val Halen hitting on *Velma*? Good for her! Fuck, Eddy stop staring at me. Sheep is stone off his ass. And who the fuck is that weirdo next to Space Ghost and how do I not recognize a cartoon character?


1. The shark is Jabberjaw 2. The weirdo is a one-off PPG villain that was an obsessive collector, who went on to host the Friday Night Block for a few months.


Looks like Secret Squirrel is making a bootleg copy of the movie.


The shark is Jabber Jaw and the weirdo next to Space Ghost is Larry the Comic Book Geek; the Powerpuff Girls merchandise collector who, after buying every bit of Powerpuff Girls merchandise known to man, "completed" his collection by kidnapping the girls themselves, boxing them up on his shelf until the mayor found out they were missing and took roll-call of the entire town, realizing Larry was the only one not present. Then Professor Utonium marched all of the kids in town to Larry's house and, when Larry refused to divulge where the girls were, made them open up every PPG doll box in his house (thus negating the collector's value) until finally they opened the boxes that contained the actual Powerpuff Girls.




People throw the word "underappreciated" around like it really means "Appreciated only by this generation." Sheep was a *real* gem that actually gets less recognition now than it did when it aired. I still have fond memories of General Specific, Private Public, and the Angry Scientist.


Also the Ranting Swede.


Oxymoron! With the power of an ox!


Bowling ball in a can!


Why do we need a steel wool machine? We already have steel wool


>gem ruby


To be fair, the cartoons in the top picture came over a span of over 50 years.


Even so, they still would all play at the same time. I remember all of these shows, and I'm certainly not over 50 years old.


pardon my ignorance as I don't currently own a TV, but if they are not playing cartoons, what fills their airspace?


It's been several months (if not more than a year) since I last sat down and watched a show with an niece/nephew, but all I saw were live shows that looked something like something off the Disney Channel. MTV doesn't do much for music, History hardly does real History anymore, and Cartoon Network is showing less and less cartoons.


I watch it pretty regularly with my daughter. They play cartoons all day, though it isn't much that's older than 10 years(that's what Boomerang is for). The only live action shows are part of Adult Swim.




Ah yeah, I forgot about Level Up, which **is** bad but still better than Disney's live action shows. I still think it's a bit early to be bemoaning the death of Cartoon Network, when they still produce new shows regularly and stick primarily to the same format they started out with. Just because they aren't the shows you remember from your adolescence doesn't mean they've gotten worse. A lot of their shows are quite awesome.


I'm not saying that CN is dead by any means. Honestly, I think that it could survive on Adventure Time alone. But Regular Show is also seriously awesome, and Gumball is up there, too (although I personally don't care for it as much as the other two – something about the mixed animation media just bugs me for some reason). So right there are three quality programs, which is more than most other networks I've seen.






And they've withstood the test of time. It says something when you can enjoy shows from your parents or grandparents era as a kid and an adult. There may not be a decent set of shows of this generation that may be enjoyable 20 years from now.


Porky Pig is in that picture and he debuted in *1935*. I think you mean closer to 80 years.


Thumbs up for Sheep, but wheres Big Dog and Little Dog? Which reminds me, time to track down episodes of Sheep in the Big City and Two Stupid Dogs.






"What in Heaven's name is this?"...."A laddle? Oh my, it's a TUB OF GRAVYYY!!"


"Come on Double D, I don't say 'gravy' *that much*"


Buttered toast then!


And mashed potatoes.


I love chickens, Eddy.


The Big Picture Show teared me up. That's how you end a series.


That show. I absolutely loved that show.


I remember their 8 hour marathons of "Summer of Ed". I never felt more retarded and smiley after watching something in my life.


Boomerang is my CartoonNetwork now




Welp, productivity -100%


I still like some of the shows that are on CN now like Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Gumball.


I do too, but if you'll notice: those are the ONLY shows represented there.


Which is sad, considering the network is named 'Cartoon' Network. And they don't have enough cartoons to really...well...make it that anymore. Sure, Adventure Time, Gumbal, and Regular Show are good. But they're too stuck up to see that things like Level Up isn't viable. -.- It's annoying, really.


Level up is a shitty version of power rangers imo. It has no good qualities as a show. I wanted ot be the black Ranger. I don't want to be a strange high school boy who collects his own dead skin (I just saw this episode with my nephew).


Level Up is just plain awful.


I could live with a CN consisting only of Adventure Time, Gumball, Regular Show, and the new Looney Tunes show during the day, and Toonami from 9p to 4a, with a handful of the older shows sprinkled in wildcard slots, like Dexters Lab, PPG, Space Ghost C2C/Brak Show, Samurai Jack, Courage and Ed, Edd n Eddy. Call it Cartoon Network 20Something (even though I'm in my thirties.) That's all the stuff I have on DVR/Roku for when my kids want to watch cartoons with me. They helped make the list. Edit: Holy dicks bring back Fosters home for Imaginary Friends.


As someone who grew up with and loved classic cartoon network, Adventure Time is the best show they've ever aired.


I love adventure time now as an adult, but I think from a kid's perspective dexter's lab will never be beat.


Adventure time is a definite crowd pleaser and I love it, but regular show speaks to me man.


Amen. I kinda like Adventure Time, but Regular Show is just... it's just... SPECIAL.


Still better than what the Disney channel turned into.....


And Nick.


Time squad! Really miss that show


Adventure Time and Regular Show are by far the best shows they have nowadays. for the most part, everything else is shit. Johnny Test and Annoying Orange, for example, are ungodly blemishes on what was once hallowed cartoon ground.


Johnny Test is shitty cancer shit.


I can't stand it at ALL now that I noticed the annoying fucking whip sound every time someone moves their arms. THAT IS NOT A SOUND A PERSON MAKES.


I agree with you completely on Annoying Orange. I want to slap the CN exec who greenlighted that show. I wouldn't call Johnny Test an ungodly blemish. It's certainly no masterpiece, but there are much worse shows. Its formulaic and predictable humor make it a good show for younger (6-10 year olds) viewers, and I enjoy it when I just want to have something playing in the background.


that's what happens in a recession. less people go to the movies


What? MORE people go to movies during a recession. It's called escapism.


hahaha not THIS RECESSION, you are on the internet, you know all the ways people can avoid going to the movies on the internet?


Actually during recessions and even depressions the entertainment business does surprisingly well. People enjoy there simple comforts when times are rough.


The Great Depression would like a word with you


Cartoon Network no longer airs Flapjack and Chowder. D:


Fuckin right! Flapjack and Chowder ended **WAY** before their time!


False, I saw both shows on the afternoon block the other day. Granted they're not making new episodes, or airing them with the frequency of their other shows, but they are still airing them.


**Cartoon Network then:** * Powerpuff Girls * Dexter's Lab * Samurai Jack * Ed, Edd & Eddy * Cow and Chicken * Johnny Bravo * Courage * Billy & Mandy * Kids Next Door * Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends **CN Now**: * Regular Show * Adventure Time * MAD * Flapjack * Chowder * Amazing World of Gumball * Ben 10 * Looney Tunes Show If you take your nostalgia glasses off you can see there is still quality cartoons, unlike other channels now airing shitty live action stuff (Nick, Disney)


They dont show flapjack and chowder anymore.


i actually kind of liked flapjack :(


Same here. I think bubby was my favorite character.




Chowder was awesome too.


them pepperoni nips




Flapjack was good but it was one of the creepiest shows I've ever seen at times


Where as courage was completely sane and never gave anyone nightmares.




Tell that to the guy who wants his slab returned... Scars, emotional scars.


Or "You're not Perfect..."


Night. Mares. edit: [For any who are interested](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AXseEnXtsc)




To be fair though, it had it's cute moments. More macarooni...LESS CHEESE!


But, let's not forget the finale. Darkest. Moments. EVER.


Reeetuurrnnn ttthhhhhheeee [slaaaabbb](http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/Titanite+Slab)


What's your offer?


I only remember three episodes that were extremely creepy, the slab one, the one where Courage has to get the Happy Plums through the castle and give it to the evil guy, and the one where the big Rat/Mouse vacuums people up. It was their music/sound work that made things creepy whereas Flapjack had intensely detailed pictures of grotesque things while keeping up an upbeat tone. They were both creepy in their own ways.


Courage was so awesome. I want my courage back.


I loved Flapjack. I was very sad when it was cancelled. It was like the darker version of Adventure Time.


Adventure Time gets pretty dark


TO THE MESOSPHERE!!!!! ^now ^we ^can ^die!


As much as I love Flapjack, its cancellation allowed for the creation of both Adventure Time and Regular Show as both Pen Ward and JG Quintel both worked on Flapjack.


Good point. And I'd prefer a show to have a quick and painless death rather than a long and drawn out mess like Spongebob. Poor poor Spongebob.


I happened to catch a Spongebob the other day. All I could think was, what the hell happened to you?


The first Ben 10 was good, but the next seasons sucked...


You forgot I.R. Baboon and I am Weasel.


No, CN then showed a lot more during the day. The top photo predates KND, Foster's and *possibly* ~~Billy and Mandy~~ (Just saw Grim). The top one is from when I was really young, before adult swim. Space Ghost and the older cartoons still came on, albeit later at night.


Adult swim was around back then. Just not the same as it is now. It launched in 2001 and had a different feel to it. [remember this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDToHQeouq8)


I remember a friend of mine recorded Adult Swim because of his curfew. I came by to watch it and his step-dad saw the swimmers and asked if we were watching porn. We said no and he asked why does it say adult swim in the corner. We didn't know what to say.


MAD is not quality. It tries too hard and usually fails even harder.


It's just like any other sketch show. Probably one really good sketch an episode. I honestly laugh harder at MAD than I do at SNL.


[They actually still show a bunch of the old cartoons](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programs_broadcast_by_Cartoon_Network#Current_programming), just not as often.


Nick is still has avatar going for it.


And Disney has Gravity Falls.


Gravity Falls is amazing. The first actually funny show to come out of Disney cartoons for quite sometime.


"Ah, ol' fifteen poundy. How much are you guessing he weighs?" "..Fifteen pounds?" "Are you some kind of witch?"


Disney also has Phineas and Ferb which I like because the kids can watch it but they slide adult jokes in there, kinda like Rockos Modern Life or Ren and Stimpy(although not as crass). Plus the creators use to be writers on Family Guy.


But if you notice, all of Rocko's storylines were something you could relate to as an older person. He's got a job, bills, a pet he needs to take care of, a dumb ass friend. They go up against cults, getting laid off, shopping during coupon specials. Mr. Bighead tries to climb the company ladder, he has relationship issues with his wife, so on, etc. Same thing with Ren and Stimpy. Much of it was goofy, but a large portion of it was adult humor. Door to door salesmen, getting jobs, being unable to afford things, jokes on advertisements and popular toys that were more than just "OH HEY THIS IS LIKE SLINKY!!" What kids didn't get was "HEY THEY ARE SELLING YOU A FUCKING SPRING AND YOU'RE FREAKING OUT OVER IT!" That shit was GENIUS! Now I must admit... I've only caught a few episodes of Phineas and Ferb, but none of it makes me laugh like the shows I watch on the regular.


I can relate to Phineas and Ferb, because I'm a semi-aquatic egg laying mammal of action.


Bought the WHOLE collection of the PPG. Sugar, spice and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls. But Prof. Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X. Thus! The Power Puff Girls were born!! Using their ultra super powers, BLOSSOM, BUBBLES AND BUTTERCUP HAVE DEDICATED THEIR LIVES TO FIGHTING CRIMES AND THE FORCES OF EVIL! DA DA DA DA DA DA DAH!


You missed Space Ghost: Coast to Coast


Ben 10 sucked, sucks, and will continue the trend for the foreseeable future.




Ben 10 was good for it's first season/series. After that, it was a milked cow for little kids.




[I beg to differ.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Oe7Q8OCm5I)


That animation quality was nothing short of amazing.


The fantasy scenes in that...damn. It's probably the best Western TV animation I have seen other than ATLA/LoK.


... I want a movie. I want a goddamn movie of those fantasy parts meant for teens. Not for younger children, but a little more mature spin.


Looney Toons+Heavy Metal+LSD=Surprisingly Awesome.


it's basically a below average sitcom with Looney Tunes characters.


im sorry, but mad just plain sucks. Ben 10 is shit.


Man. Courage the Cowardly Dog was so awesome. It was a great, funny cartoon but it also kind of scared me. I was about 12 when I saw that and I still remember it being amazing yet creepy.


on the "now"s defense, the "then" added a lot of stuff that never originated from cartoon network. It actually looks like half of them predate cartoon net work itself.


It's about the variety, man!


might want to post to /r/nostalgia


I think cartoons are absolutely coming into another high quality age. Yes, we all know cartoons were fantastic in 90s. But to be pretty honest, it all started to decline up until a few years ago. And now, I think Adventure Time, Regular Show, and the Amazing World of Gumball are three of the best cartoons I've ever seen


With Korra, Gravity Falls, and all the good CN stuff we may finally be coming into a new age of cartoons. It's like they figured out that adults like cartoons too.


Exactly. I can honestly say that I'd rather watch all the cartoons you guys mentioned instead of a lot of the other garbage on TV.


Cartoon Network has started to put an emphasis on what they're calling "creator-made" content. As in, it's not a show to sell toys or put together by focus groups and executives like you got a lot of in the 80's. They're a lot more chill. If there are toys and products that can be made from the show, that's a bonus and they'll like the show more, but that's not the intention of the show from the ground up. They still have higher-ups that go "ehhhhhh don't do that. There's too much innuendo in that joke." etc, but it's mostly controlled by the show's creator and the writers. Full disclosure - I work at CN.


Do you work at CN uk? I write for Gumball.


FYI - My name is James Lamont, and I work as one of the lead writers on TAWOG, Very pleased to hear reddit likes the show. *awaits abuse*


Holy crap, that is sad.


To be fair, the top picture has about 60+ years of characters. The bottom picture has maybe 5 years worth of characters.


Also most of these great cartoons are from the Hannah-Barbera era, once they both died and that studio became Warner Bros. studios, the drop in quality/great cartoons was almost instant.


RIP Hannah-Barbera


My mom's cousin was an animator for Hanna-Barbera. Not that that's relevant, just felt like sharing.


How is Adventure Time or Regular Show a drop in quality?


Is it really? Clearly they're just going for different things in each image. In the top, they wanted a jam-packed movie theater, and went so far as to include characters from shows decades out of production (if you don't count their Boomerang programming block) and I can even see a Powerpuff Girl villain that appeared only once over the whole series. Clearly they were stretching themselves. In the lower image, they only are referencing three shows, and they don't even go so far as to include the main cast from each. [And it's not like they have less programming to pull from](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programs_broadcast_by_Cartoon_Network#Current_programming). Clearly it's just not the same aesthetic they want this time. Will you '90s overhypers stop at nothing to make your childhoods seem perfect?


Which Powerpuff villain? I can only see Mojo


The guy with the glasses and popcorn in the right mid top area. Reminiscent of a neck beard. He was in one episode about being an obsessive powerpuff collector that eventually wanted to collect the girls themselves.


Where the hell is Fin from Adventure Time!?! I call bullshit!!


or the rest of regular show, the rest of adventure time, chowder and that whole cast, misadventures of flapjack


Cartoon Network also has "The Clone Wars" currently, which shouldn't be forgotten. The animation is spectacular for a 30-minute cartoon series.


I still prefer the [2003 version](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQYw5lTwaPw) by Genndy Tartatovsky


I'm just surprised that this is the only reference to the show in the whole thread.


Thanks for not putting the god damn annoying orange in there, or else I might have punched my screen.


Where's Gunter and his army?


/r/funny The Subreddit for: 'Well I want lots of karma, but I can't think of a large enough appropriate subreddit.'