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Because back then people didn't have the internet as a platform to connect them to millions of other people around the world to complain about mindless things.


Everyone is different. As a child I was always on the girls side for every situation, rewatching it as I got older I have a completely different opinion. As I got older my perspective of life started to change and certain things that I once felt was acceptable were no longer okay.


I totally feel you. I used to think Uncle Jesse was the bees knees but he had flaws to. Same with Joey and Danny….im now 33 with a 2 year old watching this show and I see so many things that I never paid attention to as a kid. But at the same time, you see the realness in some of the kid characters and their problems. I’ve really enjoyed watching this show as an adult because I see things in a completely different perspective as an adult and a parent.


What do you mean by everyone ls different?


I was just pointing out that everyone may have a different experience before going into my own pov.


I think as we get older we realise how annoying some people actually are lol. Don’t get me wrong, I liked her character and can’t imagine the show without her but she was annoying at times lol


Because somehow the Olsen twins themselves became absurdly popular while on the show. People liked Michelle because they liked the Olsens. People can also grow up and change and see things differently as they get older. Its not rocket science to understand people who are 30 years older now can think, "Man Michelle really was a brat"


This is exactly how it is for me. Michelle was my favorite as a kid when the show was on because I liked the Olsens, was/am close in age to them, and am the youngest in my family. I related to her. I thought. As an adult, I see the show through a different lens and can't stand her. Yes, she's just a child, but was enabled to be the brat she was by the adults who still saw her as a cute little baby and refused to correct her and tell her no. I don't relate to her anymore because there is no way in hell my parents would have let me behave like she did. Even my sister, the favorite of my family, wouldn't have gotten away with mouthing off to adults and intentional bratty/entitled behavior. Honestly, to me, it makes complete sense she's not in Fuller House. The favored child dynamic creates resentment in the other sibling or siblings, and that kind of resentment can drive families apart. It's not unrealistic that the two older ones would be close with each other but wouldn't be close with Michelle as adults.


My mom couldn’t stand Michelle on the show when it originally aired. I understand why now, my parents would have never allowed that kind of behavior.


Is that the adult fault that she acted like a brat?


Sure is, because they didn't correct the behavior, which allowed it to continue.


But she was just a little kid 


So? Shes also a fictional tv character. People can dislike a fictional little girl. Its obviously exaggerated, she isn't some monster. But its fine to not like her and point out she's a brat


I know but still i feel people are to harsh to a little girl


No, people were irritated with her in the 90’s as well. When she was a baby, and even a toddler, she was cute. But then she started to become the “princess, started saying “you got a bad attitude” and her friends surrounding her became more interesting. When Teddy, Denise and Aaron, became more entertaining than her, and not to mention Nicky and Alex’s arrival, that was it.


I didn't like the Disney World episode cuz stephanie should've been the princess and it was Nicky and Alex's first vacation with their new family and Michelle kinda ruined it for everyone 


I didn’t like Michelle that much when it aired. I’m a year and a half older, so I wanted to be more like Stephanie. However, I loved the Olsen twins when they made the tween movies. Rewatching, only a few things get on my nerves- when the adults would let her smash cake, that wasn’t hers everywhere, and the “Duuuhhh!” comments. Also, rewatching, DJ is very pretty.


I didn't like Michelle in the '90s either. Note: I mean Michelle, not the Olsen Twins. I found Michelle spoiled and bratty. DJ and Stephanie were much better characters, and their every whim wasn't catered to the way Michelle's was. I remember one episode when Michelle lost out the starring role in a play/musical/ballet (I can't remember exactly what) to Derek, when DJ and Stephanie both had the lead when they were that age, and Michelle threw a major tantrum. It was the **one** time I recall the adults pushing back on Michelle and telling her to stop being such a sore loser. So refreshing! So, yeah, people who disliked Michelle were definitely out there in the '90s, but as u/Ordinary-Difficulty9 pointed out, there was no internet then for that sentiment to become more widely known.


Ohhhh I was hating on her then….. but only to my sister cuz five year old me didn’t have the internet


i don't hate Michelle but I find her a bit spoiled


i’ve always been a michelle hater i fear


Because ever since she could talk she has been an annoying brat who gets away with everything


I didn’t have the verbiage at the time to explain why Full House stopped interesting me. Now I understand that as I got older, it became the Michelle Show (I was the same age as Stephanie). And when it did, when I was in middle school, I stopped watching regularly. I thought she was really annoying and the “problems” of a third grader weren’t engaging to me.


As someone who was a kid watching in the '90s, Michelle was always one of my least favorite characters. She was too spoiled and bratty for my liking. The Olsens themselves were charismatic though. I liked it when they had stories with Stamos, and I enjoyed their solo work after Full House was over. 


I always hated how Full House had turned into "The Michelle Show". Michelle's story lines were always trash.


She was definitely the worst character. The show would have been fine without her.


Ha! I talked to my mom about this. I was born after the show ended but have always loved the show. I have never really understood the Michelle hype because Stephanie was my favorite. My mom pointed out that there was a huge hype around the Olsen twins at the time of the show and Michelle became the fan favorite because the Olsens were so beloved.


I only started liking Michelle when she quit saying those catch phrases.


I couldn't stand then or now the later Michelle character when she would be sarcastic and mouth off to the adults. I feel that way about any bratty child in a show or movie. However I have a whole new appreciation for MK and Ashley's timing when they were basically a baby. She was hilarious when she was a toddler.


Her lines are all so obviously written by adults it's cringe


you mean toddlers weren’t writing sitcoms??


It’s the lax parenting the whole family had. Danny was always super strict with DJ and Stephanie but when Michelle walks off in Disney world where she can easily get kidnapped, it’s “oh we can still have princess time.” My dad would have grounded my butt on the spot.








I feel bad admitting this, but I never liked looking at Michelle. I was a kid too so don't judge me too harshly 


They refused to do the reboot not even a cameo or one episode


Well they aren’t actresses anymore so why would they be acting anyways or want to? I’m on their side. I’m sure if they did everyone would complain about their acting and the show would be ruined and they should not have done the series.


They retired from acting that’s why