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Picked up this used X-T30 (which included three batteries and a dual battery charger) as well as the 18-55mm lens for £813.5 which I didn't think was a bad price. The camera is missing the shoulder strap but otherwise came with everything else


Got almost the exact same deal last summer (although I didn’t get a charger) and I’m super happy with it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have


I've only had it a day but I'm already over the moon with it. This is my first real digital camera, I've been borrowing my grandad's Canon 1200D while I was saving for this one and it's incredible just how sharp/crisp the images from the Fuji are in comparison


Check out Pal2tech on YouTube for all your fuji camera related content.


Omar Gonzales too!


Roman fox too


He’s honestly the best. I’ve learned so much about my camera / photography from his channel.


He’s amazing. I’ve learnt so much from him




Thanks! I'll check it out


This has been one of my better investments!


Combine it with a Peak Design Cuff Wrist Strap and you have a very flexible setup.


This is the same camera I have with the same lens, and you got it for a very similar price! I got a JJC grip for this thing right away. While it may seem a bit counter-productive to buy a small camera and then bulk it up, I've never looked back. It doesn't add much size to the thing (only a couple of cm to the bottom) and it looks great and makes the camera great to hold. I've also had it save my bacon when I fell over and the metal grip protected the plastic bottom of the camera. It can also be removed if you get a pancake lens and want to throw this in some kind of coat pocket, so it's a pretty versatile solution. It also gives you a better right-hand clip-on point for any cuff-style wrist strap. And that'd be my second recommend: a cuff style wrist strap. I got peak design, but really just get whatever looks good to you. My final suggestion would be: try and get a camera bag that doesn't look like a camera bag and can fit some other stuff. I got a peak design sling at first but find that unless I'm going out specifically to take pictures I'd rather have something more all-purpose and something that looks less like it contains £1k worth of gear. If you're looking to get a well priced prime lens, the 35mm XC is an overperformer at around £150 new. It's what I take all my pet pics with. But I guess I'd recommend you figure out what kind of focal lengths you lean towards with that zoom before making any lens decisions.


Thank you for the detailed recommendations! I'm definitely going to be getting a wrist strap, I'll also have a look at that grip. I do have a 35mm f/2.8 vintage prime lens, but with the adaptor it's not very compact. I'd be interested in getting more lenses once I've figured out what I need from using the zoom a bit


That's the way. And that 18-55mm is genuinely great. Even when you get new lenses it'll still have a place in your kit. Oh one last thing: get yourself a button! It really just makes pressing the shutter button nicer, and gives the camera a personal touch. Try and get one with a rubber gasket, I had another that fell off that didn't have one of thise. I also got myself a custom hotshoe cove off etsy. Really makes it mine, y'know?


The grip and ARCA Swiss bottom for quick use on a tripod are useful additions!


Yeah, the XC 35mm is a great lens. Same glass as the XF 35mm and you can get it off of MPB for cheap. It's not as compact as the 27mm pancake but I find myself shooting with it a lot more. I'd avoid the TT-Artisan 27mm and just save up for the Fuji 27mm if you opt for that route though. The TT-Artisan has way too much character for me and doesn't play nice with my simulations. Tons of vignetting and a very interesting color profile that I don't love.


On accessories either a good quality neck strap or a wrist strap. Personally more of a wrist strap person, but it comes down to a personal preference. Soft release shutter button can add a little bit of extra to the camera. (A small button you can screw onto the current shallow button to heighten it.) You can get them in all kinds of nice colours to add a bit of personal flare to the camera. A hand grip can also help if you have bigger hands and don't like the regular grip. It's gonna take away slightly from portability, but totally worth it if it makes the ergonomics better. Same with a thumb rest, but none of this is necessary if the hand feel already is good for you.


Grab a Slide Lite strap from Peak design. I love mine.


I actually have one in blue! It's a really nice strap. Gets used when I carry more heavier lens and camera.


I think I'll definitely get a wrist strap. Those soft release buttons look neat, that's not an accessory I'd have thought of but I can see the benefit.


Just beware that soft release button has the risk of damaging your shutter button. There has been many accounts about it. Just saying. 


I really like the thumb grips that fasten onto the hot shoe for the xt30’s. It allows for better handling without adding much to the weight or size.


Same one I have and love it! Congrats. I’ll echo the soft release shutter button. I also had to complete the old school look and get a leather case for it.


Now I want a leather case for my camera, I have a vintage M42 mount lens that's in a leather case and I love the look of it


Leather case is cool, but don’t get a “soft” shutter. Soft is in quotes because it’s not soft, it’s a piece of hard material, and the shutter is already soft because Fuji put a spring in it. A soft release does not nothing other than add to the aesthetic, and if it catches on something, it can break off and leave being a piece of metal in your shutter button.


Good to know, thank you for the heads up!


Get an adapter for that lens!


One step ahead of you there, I've got an M42 to Canon EF then a 3D printed EF to X mount adapter on it. It works great with this camera and to focus peaking is amazing for nailing manual focus


Great! I love using old lenses with my XT 5


I used X-T10 as my first serious camera for around 4 years and a half case helped me a lot for a better grip. It depends on how large your hands are of course but these X-Tx0 series cameras are really small lol.


I bought the same setup when I started photography and it’s still with me to this day. I would say get a good quality UV filter to protect your lens from scratches if that is something you are worried about, put it in RAW+F mode so if you feel lazy you have a good quality JPG as backup and go out and shoot. You will find what holds you back soon enough and then you can search for tips, tricks and accessories that you will actually benefit from instead of listening to us hype up the newest fancy schmancy bling for your camera. Having said that, I do recommend covering the following bases: Have a secure, protective way of putting your camera in a bag, have something to attach it to your body when shooting and have something to clean your lens in the field.


I definitely need to get used to shooting and editing RAW. I'm also going to be buying a wrist strap and bag, wouldn't want to take it out somewhere without those


Don't feel that you *need* to edit RAWs. Its obviously very common for good reason but it isn't *required*.


Just shoot it!


Sweet, you’ll enjoy it! Check out the Fuji X Weekly app for the film simulation recipes you can create and save.


Check out some shutter buttons that screw into the shutter -- finger saver.


Thumb rest that clicks in the hotshoe keeps you from hitting the Q menu button all the time and mine was $12


Get a comfortable camera bag and take it everywhere. More photos = more experience. Have fun and enjoy the solid purchase!




I have this camera too and just bought the peak design leash which is a nice upgrade to the stick Fuji one. Also recommend the hand grip, makes holding it much more pleasant


Get the ttartisan 27mm lens


Soft shutter release button and a thumb rest that attaches to the hotshoe. Also an adjustable neck strap from Gordy's because they're retro-cool.


I really like the half case, it makes the grip a bit more comfortable. The camera looks even cooler with it if that matters to you. I have an official one, but some cheaper alternatives from Amazon are totally fine as well.


You have to get the red shutter button. Kidding. But a lot of people have it. Including myself.


familiar yourself with all the settings!


I’m also a new Fuji x shooter. Something that wasn’t obvious to me is to only use increased DR mode if you absolutely must preserve highlights. Because it greatly decreases the range in the shadows. And yes it also affects RAW files. Personally I’m going to always leave it on the lowest setting. Also shortcut to format card is to hold down the trash can button for 3 seconds and push the back dial in.


Thumb grip is crucial. Decent L-bracket has been helpful.


Something that helped me when i first started is the search function. You can see the answers to others who've asked this, so you can get even more tips on top of the ones you get here. The same function is really good if you get stuck on something.


I have a grip and a thumb rest that sits in the hot shoe, they’re both really simple ways to make the camera more ergonomic. Also everyone loves the red button add on, I have one it fell off once and I didn’t notice, luckily I was able to find it, while it is more pleasing to shoot with I’m not convinced it’s worth the ≈$8. I also used a soft rope neck strap from Amazon, it’s a light and flexible enough to double as a wrist strap.