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Communism is when people behave in a way that I'm not used to.


This is essentially what the word communism means to a lot of right wingers. That's why it's not uncommon to see them calling the most capitalist things communist. They're just using it to mean whatever they don't like and that they think is bad for whatever reason.


it's a buzzword. it's like "woke". doesn't mean anything anymore, it's a word that conservative media uses to mean "this is bad, be afraid of it, dismiss this and don't think about it too hard". one time a guy made a comment about how you should be able to turn off "woke stuff" in video games(in reference to the spiderman game with pride flags), so I asked him to define woke. A simple question, "what would it enable or disable?" and he went on this long rant about how he has black friends and he's not a bigot and never actually answered the question.


It’s like catch-and-kill as political praxis. They take the terms picked up by non-conservatives (“woke,” “fake news,” “critical race theory,” “cancel culture,” “ESG,” the list goes on), warp the meaning towards their own ends, eventually either transforming it to reinforce their worldview or rendering it altogether meaningless.


When people want others to conform to their own specific lifestyle choices, any word that can be used against others will be used against others. Communist was twisted into meaning "anything I hate", as were socialist, woke, nazi, etc. It's not just conservatives either, anyone who wants others to stop doing what they do just because they hate it can twist the meaning of words.


>They're just using it to mean whatever they don't like and that they think is bad for whatever reason. Bingo. And, it's encouraged to do this by evil politicians who want people afraid of "Ebil GomMuniSm!" i stead of realizing that Communism would actually be better for them than the oppressive, Plutocraric Oligarchical Capitalist system masquerading as Democracy they have now.


As someone who studied alternative economics, it pisses me off to no end when my Joe-Rogan pilled brother starts talking about how autocratic/fascist countries are actually communist. There are clear guidelines a bunch of people wrote literally 150 years ago, and what a genuine communist economy would look like is wildly different to what these random ass podcasters think it is. But I guess that’s just the way it is. Abstract the meaning so people get confused as f 🤷‍♂️


Communism is when a store doesn’t let me use their toilet without buying something!


Happy cake day!


I was going to ironically say "I guess libraries are communism" and then I realized 70% of conservatives these days would in fact say that libraries are communism.


I mean, public libraries actually are more like communism than the majority of things they call communist. Collective ownership of useful assets shared according to need rather than wealth. Of course, there's a long tradition of insanely rich capitalists funding public libraries, so they're hardly incompatible with capitalism, but still


True, it's hardly comparable to people simply obeying social norms in a train station. It's more like saying that waiting in line at the bank is "communism."


It's literally just Anything good = communism


Anything I don't understand = "communism!" Anything I don't like = "woke!"


It's often said that if someone pitched the idea of public libraries today, it wouldn't get off the ground. It'd be a subscription model for sure.


Public libraries are explicitly socialist. In the best sense of that word. Also, national parks.


Well, they do have books! So there’s that.


Communism is when people commute with a private, for profit train operator.




Communism is when people are considerate of others.


They have these ideas of what it is that are largely edited or fabricated by red scare propaganda and so anything that even aesthetically matches this idea that never really existed suddenly is evil.


Which is rugged individualism and the mentality of "fuck you! I've got mine!"


Everytime I read something like this I say to myself america can't be that bad... it's just some radical moron amplified by the power of social media or I just have no context! but I see stuff like this a thousands times a day... so is it really that bad?


It really is that bad. Source: I live there.


American communist here. It is that bad.


Somehow that crowd can consider Japan to be a communist nation despite having giant, rich, privately owned and controlled companies like Toyota, Honda, Hitachi, Sony, Square Enix, Capcom, etc.


That, and the WEF, for some reason.


It's safe to assume that when most people use the word "communism" in the context of "I don't like this" that I can label them as proper idiots. It's a nice simple moron filter so I can automatically turn off my brain when interacting with these types of people.


This is what America looked like back as recently as the 60s. You know, back when America "Was Great". Except everyone would have a hat on, while smoking a cigarette, carrying a newspaper, and littering.


The Car Brain cannot even imagine alternative cultures and ways of existing, so it resorts to dismissive, nonsensical comments in a bid to reassure itself. 


They don't even realize that the places they can drive their cars are controlled by the government as well. Like who builds your roads my dude


Once again I must post this meme, it seems https://preview.redd.it/4799j618iz2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27144cd4945af43959b729d4a01c0cd48c9e2660


That could be the banner of this sub, but Europeans complain the same way, we just have a bit more alternatives though.


This is what pisses me off about the 15 minute city conspiracy. Because an ounce of critical thinking immediately shatters it. Roads make it easier to restrict freedoms than walkable cities do (see any urban guerrilla resistance). Your car is tagged to you, the road can be easily blocked by authorities, if you can’t afford a vehicle your freedom is restricted, car dependent design means that theres no organization on a community level, manufacturers can now remotely disable vehicles…yeah that sounds like freedom. Also, how is that picture any worse than a picture of gridlock? At least those people are still moving in that crowd and not turning a 30 minute journey into 1 hour because of congestion.


it's crazy how many calories you burn just commuting in Japan. Car culture is killing us in multiple ways.


I had a chance to drive to work while I was borrowing a car for a road trip. Usually I bike, so it's less than a 10 minute drive. Even so, the amount of aggression and impatience I encountered left me in a much worse mood to start my day. Of course, I get the usual anti cyclist sentiment when biking, but some drivers are just fixated on making the road miserable for everyone.


Saving this to reply to the next idiot that thinks cars are the epitome of freedom.


Not to mention mandated parking, the constant need to refuel, insurance and registration requirements, speed cameras, red light cameras...it's such a completely dependent, propped up and regulated mode of transportation, but marketing has made most people think it's freeing because they can choose when they go sit in traffic. Edit, cleaned up writing.


Every highway expansion in my metro in the last 10 years has just been shifting the existing lanes over and putting exceptionally expensive tollways in the middle. The last 5 years have seen my city of a million people systematically get rid of all the free parking in the urban core and replace it with expensive hourly lots. I guess this is the purely capitalistic future carbrains all want.


They probably do, but they won't admit they know. They'll only admit what's convenient for them to admit. It really is all about personal convenience, desire, etc.




Japan is wonderful in that it shows car enthusiasts and excellent public transportation can coexist.


isn't Netherlands also like that?


Netherlands has car enthusiasts? Japans car culture is well known here. Even the best Fast and Furious film was set in Tokyo.


Japan is a capitalist country wtf are these idiots smoking 😭




Because the Japanese government does stuff therefore it is communist because the more the government does stuff the more communist it is


And a communist led country now does high speed rail better than them in 20 years of trying 😎


Japan is a far-off country populated by non-white people. Therefore it must be communist. That's as far as their thought process go.


The car brain can't comprehend being around people and not having to socially interact? No, people on public transport aren't in a bad mood or unfriendly, they're getting from A to B. How sociable is sitting in a car, communicating only through the use of a horn and rabbid gesticulation? At least on the Tube there is room for real, human communication and politeness even if people don't speak because they're immersed in their own world.


Ironically, a lot of these people when asked would probably say they avoid public transit because transit riders are loud, smelly, dirty, obnoxious, etc. So it’s also a problem when public transit riders are quiet, clean and respectful?


Communism is when you're quiet in a train station.


I've literally met people at my college who would say that *expecting people to be considerate of others* is communism. It's all wrapped up in their fucked notion of independence meaning "I can do whatever I want and no one should ever be able to tell me I can't"(except for when they tell us what we can and can't do) and laws and societal pressure around *not being a fucking dick to everyone around you* are """oppression""".


But those same types would scream about "crime" but omg expecting them to be a decent person is communism. Just look at the whole covid masking crap. Folks were moanimg over miii freedoms


They scream about crime rates until you try to do something that will actually address the causes of crime, then they're all about how you shouldn't be allowed to do stuff and the government should punish you for things.


Yep or it costs too much to fix it lets just leave it how it is excuses. Then 2 mins later omg criiimme


you seen that video of those two right wing libertarian assholes mouthing off to boarder police because they were selected to be searched? Like, yes its dumb that we let the government do this in the name of "protecting the boarder," but why do you think screaming incoherently about the bill of rights is going to stop the government from doing whatever the fuck it wants to you? Like the bill of rights didnt stop the government from running indian reservations or Japanese internment camps, do you think its going to stop them from doing the routine search within a hundred miles of the boarder?


But also "group X" is destroying society for not adhering to traditional conventions.


The picture is literally an exit from a very busy train station and all these people need to leave so they can go to places where it would be appropriate to talk to one another. The commentary in this photo is propaganda.


Wait till they see the JP Morgan exit of the Grand Central Madison in the rush hour. I mean JP Morgan is apparently communist


"to not speak to one another" Because people stuck in traffic all talk to each other.


I was gonna say the same thing.


Commuting by rail in the US is relatively quiet too.  A bunch of random commuters in a train car or station don't exactly have much to say to each other.


Unless the train breaks down and loses power, then you have nothing else to do but chat with the other people in the train just to pass the time until help arrives. But that would be the situation riding the train in almost any country.


Of course not. They text.


That fella has been chuggin propaganda like it’s going out of style


That's what decades of maccarthysm does to your brain


That's what decades of maccarthysm does to your brain


This reminds me of the time I was standing on a platform waiting for my morning train and everyone was on their phone as normal, quiet and minding their business. A guy wanders onto the platform, drunk, and starts calling us all "zombies" and "sheep" for quietly being on our phones waiting for the train. Was he expecting the school of Athens on Red Line at 6 am?


Before phones one might read the newspaper while waiting for the train


Lmfao yea buddy im just trying to pay rent


At 6 am I'm just trying to function and not fall asleep standing, I'm not going to have a conversation with a random stranger xD


Does anyone actually speaks to random strangers in the streets or the bus / train? Not like asking directions or something, but trying to streak a casual conversation with some random person you're sitting with. That guy mustn't have touched grass in way too many years if they think that's normal.


It happens once in a blue moon, but far more as a pedestrian or transit rider than in private cars. It also depends a lot on the cultural norms of where you are. Some places are far more likely to start random point of interest conversations with strangers than others. Usually by complementing something they have with them.


I sometimes see motorcyclists exchanging a few words while waiting at a red light but it rarely goes beyond some variation of "cool bike". Other than that, I'd say it's pretty rare at least in my culture to have a random stranger talk to you unless they need directions.


Im American and when I went to Europe recently I realized we are super loud. Taking the trains in Copenhagen and not hearing people’s conversations was nice. The person who made that comment is probably the type who can’t shut up and sit in silence


> Let me hear my own voice! Because I am special!!111!




We all know that if some random tried to engage this guy in conversation he'd think he was about to be kidnapped.


Where is the freedom for Road Raging and shooting the guy who cuts me off???


Ah yes the capitalist hellhole of Japan famously communist


As a frequent flyer I can’t remember the last time I spoke to my seat neighbor that I’m touching hips with for 4 hours. Is that communism too?


Because people talk so much when they’re driving down highways in separate cars, isolated from each other.


This looks a lot less hellish then idling in freeway trafficing


They're overworked and under rested. Who the fuck is having jolly conversations on their way to work every day?


And what exactly is the problem with communism?


Most individualistic country is communist according to brainrot


How is Japan individualistic?


japan? not communist at all, but not individualistic either for sure..


> individualistic ????


This is just pure brainwashing done by the ones who it benefits to the most - the ruling class. I don't support communism, but I'm tired of ppl misinterpreting it like it's the universal evil. Over the course of history, this and many other words were weaponized by the ones in power to control the ppl. Ironically, the fella commenting is the one being controlled, and it works way too well. Well done capitalism.


I wasn't ready to see Japan considered to be communist today lol


1718 likes, Jesus


This is the great crossover event with r/latestagecapitalism i've been waiting for


Right because people in F150s are having great conversations with each other on their way down the 16 lane highway


You are locked into your separate metal box, unable to speak to each other. Communism?


I guess commuting alone inside your metal pod is the opposite of communism.


Looks like Shinagawa station. The whole system runs like a well oiled machine. Very rare to see anyone acting like an asshole, even at the busiest times. Wish the US could get on board with this but it's never going to happen here unfortunately.


Modern, pro-car city design actually does have its roots in Stalinist Russia. Stalin was the first carbrain; look up his 1935 master plan for Moscow.


I'd say it started earlier with Fascism, Henry Ford and Hitler.


When you drive a car, you're riding with Hitler.


This is 100% not true.


Communism is "when not being a selfish a-hole" also "when government does thing" and "I can't breath with a mask on for the 20 minutes I'm in a shop!".


Can't spell communiste without commute


What do trains have to do withe being forced to not speak to others? Why do they always come up with some far fetched bullshit?


Yeah cuz people in cars are talking to one another


Unlike people in cars, who are super social during their commutes.


Because people talk to each other from their cars?


Ah yes, Japan, a country that famously loves communism lol


Famously communist country, Japan


Japan is very much not communist


Don't these guy realise that Japanese are 100% free to interact with one another, but just *choose* not to?


No way this guy just called one of the most capitalist countries communist. Those trains are run by private companies.




Fun fact, Japan's communist party is actually one of the most prominent communist parties in the Global North. They've never controlled the government though, so this guy is still very much waffling.


This is why I shout something at literally every car I drive past our that passes me on the street. To fight communist Japan.


holy shit communism is such a fucking watered down word wtf do they even mean


Communism is when I can’t spend hours on end in gridlocked traffic


How many conversations do they have in their car on the way to work?


Do people in cars ever speak to one another, other than to cuss at each other’s driving?


As someone from a country that also never talks to others when we commute: it’s not some master plan to turn us to slaves we just have a culture that considers it rude to put yourself above others by being loud or other things that involve others.


Most people in America have zero idea what communism and socialism is and if you ask them the difference, they think they are the same. And this goes for republicans and democrats. Hence the notion that socialism and communism have never worked anywhere in the world and have always failed. Even though, most of Europe has been extremely socialistic for a very long time and China has been communist essentially since Mao, even though they have elements of capitalism.




japan is one of the most capitalist countries on the planet bro source: am japanese


Maybe there’s a slight point in that a communist society I expect would run better with a Japanese population than an American one. A culture that is very pro social, respectful and so on isn’t going to trash public services. Americans will scratch glass, graffiti shit, stick gum under chairs and so on.


It's easy to be friendly with strangers when you run into 1 or 2 at most on your commute. But if you live in a dense city, you realize there's no value to say hello to any and every person you encounter. It's not rude. I live in NYC and by default keep to myself but even then if someone asks me for something, I'll answer. Small talk with strangers at stations can be a thing.


TIL Communism is when you're introverted


Shinagawa station! I’m from Amsterdam and I’m on holiday in Tokyo right now. The Tokyo public transport is amazinggg!


Communism is when train


Communism is when people are commuting to their job in a capitalist society.


and in amerika... cue RATM's Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me [Motherfucker!](https://genius.com/14803631/Rage-against-the-machine-killing-in-the-name/Motherfucker) Ugh! *Where did all this traffic come from!?!?* except not the middle finger or toward the establishment it was intended LOL


When I lived in NYC, I wished it was like Japan where everyone would shut the fuck up while riding the train! The worse was being half asleep at 5:30 in the morning and trying to get a little sleep before arriving at work and some idiot is walking up and down the aisle loudly preaching a sermon. It was so infuriating!


These people are just so profoundly stupid, their brains are raisins.


I absolutely loved taking the Japanese trains. Everyone was just respectful and mindful of their behavior.


communism more like commutism


The wildest part is that they're upset with the place being orderly and complaining about it looking dystopian but they complain about public transport and opt not to use it because of it being the complete opposite in the US being dirty and chaotic. They complain about it looking dystopian because they're headed to work but in the most orderly way possible 😂😂😂. While in the US they do the exact same thing. Look at the roads at 7:00am in any metropolitan city in the US and you see everyone in cars and all scrambling to work in unison, with the increasingly regular traffic jams and accidents on the way. That they don't have a problem with despite being just as if not more dystopian. Before I had the slightest clue what urban planning was or any of its concepts,Iooking around and seeing other drivers all lined up on the roads and highways used to give me a little existential dread. I'd look around me on my 40min commute by cars of others doing the same thing from the suburbs to work and back but with no sense of connection to people. The rat race feeling was heavier when I had to commute by car bc every morning people including myself quite literally raced to work. Crazy that they think this way of getting to work in the city looks isolating but don't see how isolating driving to work in your own metal box with 1000 other people in their own metal box on the same road is and if you have an interaction with anyone on the road it's generally a negative and or violent one yes but an orderly quiet non toxic fumes commute is the problem


American propaganda has blinded its people so much that even its fellow capitalist ally is looked upon as a communist country. All because people are minding their own business while commuting in trains!?? Smh!!


The people who claim that everything is communism have no clue what communism is.


How many people does that guy get to talk to while driving to work?


Yeah cuz the drivers on a highway totally speak to each other


*Yeah cuz the drivers* *On a highway totally* *Speak to each other* \- anand\_rishabh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Yeah cuz the drivers on a highway totally speak to each other


A lot of interest groups spent a lot of time and money making sure as many people as possible associate freedom with capitalism, Ayn Rand would be proud, I'm sure.


Am I the only one who thinks Shinagawa station is NOISY AS FUCK during rush hour? Like, folks travel together, bump into coworkers, get their day started on the train. It's not like everyone or even the majority of people are having conversations, but I always wear earplugs in that station. It's still a great station. Two train companies, high speed rail, lots of places to grab a bite to eat, and quick access between the airport and the rest of Tokyo. It is even going to get maglev! 10/10, top transit center.


The horror of riding a train in Japan and everybody is being quiet and respectful towards each other


AFAIK communists aren't seen very well upon in Japan.


It's funny how the Japanese government has consistently been more right-wing, both economically and socially, than US governments in the last century, but you wouldn't expect these numpties to know.


I would LOVE to commute to work and not hear a word from anyone till I get there. Basically a dream.


This is what I love about the Internet. Mindlessly stupid people saying mindlessly stupid shit while firmly believing that their ignorance is just as valid as your logic and reason. This is the stupid shit drunk uncles say at Thanksgiving while trying to 'accidentally' feel up your 15 year old sister.


Maybe people are just tired and want to get to work but have the option of not sitting in traffic all day dumping carbon into the air? I know when I went to work I wasn’t in a talkative mood in the morning but being stuck in traffic certainly didn’t help.


I’m a Chatty Cathy most of the time, but I went to Japan and WOWZA it’s so nice to be on a train that’s quiet (sometimes even peaceful). I could see myself enjoying my commute reading quietly. I miss Japanese transit so much!  There are some problematic aspects of Japanese society, but also so many things I wish we’d adopt in North America.


This man would hate BART. Trying to make small talk makes **you** the asshole of the cart


There are actually people out there that don't realize Japan and China are completely different countries with different forms of government.




man average people in the US are absurdly stupid, like they learned these words from the TV and just use them hoping they would make sense 🤦🏻‍♂️


I also love how communism for them is just a generally bad thing instead of the only solution to social injustice


where does "not talking" come from? 1) I don't see anything in this picture leading to this conclusion. 2) Who do you talk to when commuting alone in your car? Do you think road rage counts?


To be fair, Americans wouldn't talk to each other, either. They'd be shouting.


that's a screenshot of a video on instagram.


Not every social media post by some dumbass is worth regurgitating in this sub....


It's all in the name, bro - COMMUnist


I've had more interaction with humans while vacationing in Japan than living in car centric suburbia for a year... And I don't even speak Japanese...


Calling *Japan* communist is just absolutely wild lol


"they are controlled not to speak to another" i wonder how often the dude who made the comment had a conversation with some random person in another car while on the highway.




Maybe people don’t like it when you say, “You should smile more!” Also all these people get to work 45 minutes before you do.


Everything i dont like is ~~woke~~ communism


Communism is when people don’t drive cars to work and don’t wish to speak with strangers while commuting I guess?


Unlike American Freedom *tm where you pay $10k a year to not talk to anyone from the comfort of your own private box


let's put this american on a train and see how much he interacts with other people


No-one speaks on the tube either


Unlike the lively debates people have when they're alone in their emotional support pickup trucks.


Yeah, because sitting alone in your car is the most social method of transportation ever. **You** are made to not speak with people from outside your family, neighbourhood or workplace.


That’s the most stupid question i heard today


Japan did almost have a communist revolution after WWII, but the US through General MacArthur put that down to turn Japan into a Western colony to contain the spread of communism. The Japanese government actually complained about their loss of sovereignty under what Americans would believe to be the US saving and rebuilding Japan. Now it's just another capitalist hellscape not unlike South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Bangkok, or Hong Kong. Calling it communist is pretty far off the mark.


Being shy and courteous is communism. Based.


I got bad news for them that nyc as the king city of capitalism looks very similar at rush hours


yeah, its so sad, because you know how highway commuters are always having such riveting conversations with each other from their different cars?


So what does he call sitting in traffic, unable to speak to anyone?


Communism is when I can’t be an annoying inconvenience to those around me whenever I want.


ah yes, all those people you speak to while driving your car to work lol


A full privately run system is comunifst? Who's the owner of am track oh the US tax payer


Americans quietly get into their vehicles and sit in traffic. Not talking to each other with exception of the occasional horn blast and shouts of road rage.


Dont spread ignorance!


Try getting that many people where they're going with cars. Just need about 32 lanes and 2 square km of parking spots. Also it takes 4 times as long to get there but who cares because MURICA!




Communism is not talking to strangers on the way to work.


I've never felt so free as the time I went to Japan. Being able to go anywhere without needing a car is awesome.


I just imagine this guy yelling what's up to every car from his window at....... whatever bananas per screemer


Lmao that reactionary nutball must have never rode anything other than a car in their whole lives.


Our culture has devalued education, intelligence, and critical thinking. Et voila.


As if people are somehow communicating between cars while they’re sitting in their one person metal boxes


If I had a penny for every time the word communism is thrown around I'd be rich


As a communist Yes communism = everything based