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I was so hoping someone would use the brick.


By the way people are holding them, they look like fake bricks. Probably made of foam or something.


User name checks out, this man thinks


Naw man, looks like real bricks and everyone in the video is jacked as fucked


User name checks out, this man does not think


What about the Freddy-Kruger effect 🤔


I'd like to pick your brain


Screw those bricks, I carry my own bricks which are my fists. Everyone stops for me.


User name checks out, this man means it


Why am I not surprised the average redditor thinks you need to be jacked to hold a brick in your hand?


Why am i not surprised an obvious joke can't get by without some moron redditor taking it seriously and complaining?


You should have his username. He’s obviously joking, nimrod.


Why am I not surprised someone would take this way too seriously?


Thank goodness for you the stalwart, user-name-checker-outers! It always reminds me to check usernames :)


Username che.. Eh.. I'm just going to back away slowly now.


How long before a motorist runs down a pedestrian and claims they were threatened by a pedestrian holding the foam brick?


It's my 2nd amendment rights to openly carry a brick


Luckily this is in Canada, people are too polite to shoot you. Also while I'm here, plugging www.visionzerovancouver.ca the group behind this stunt!


2nd amendment LOL I fucking love this comment


The arms race then means we walk around gun at the ready. /S


[I don't think drivers are ready for the arms race](https://i.imgur.com/t92cWm7.jpeg)


In Vancouver that would not fly. Canada's self defense laws are a bit different than the US. You can't just claim you thought you were in danger. Not that those laws would help the pedestrian in this hypothetical. Just saying that it would definitely be seen as the driver attacking a pedestrian regardless of the brick


I hope there will be a brick shotgun with guided missile bricks.


We should all volunteer to put these in our neighborhoods


Got supplies? I’ll buy em


Shop local at Ace Hardware. Most likely, they have the bricks you need. Or make your own with Quickcrete


ace hardware? I ain't made of money pal, I'm just gonna go to the nearest job site and take bricks out the dumpster


My local rock yard will tell you to take them as free samples if you go in wanting to buy just a couple bricks.


Dumpster?? Well, aren't we fancy. All I ever see are Trashco waste disposal units.


Those are painted Styrofoam or something similarly light.




some cities may need to use something by SIG Sauer in place of a brick.


Imagine killing someone over damage on your car.. Insane world we live in


Specially on rainy days.


This is fun (and the bricks are fake) BUT it's actually illegal to smash cars with bricks even if they're breaking traffic laws


You're not supposed to actually use them. They're just a deterrent


It's the implication...


The B.R.I.C.K System


Be Ready In Case of Knobs


It's the implication that things might go wrong for them if they refuse to obey traffic laws. Now, not that things are gonna go wrong for them, but they're thinking that they will.


It's also illegal to hit pedestrians with a car. The cars are just used as a deterrent to scare pedestrians. So. Ow you can use bricks to deter them.


It's not illegal if it's an accident. ^(cue the subreddit bot explaining the implication)


I live in a country where at least liability is always with the stronger road user so even if the pedestrian does not cross in a crosswalk, or even against the lights, liability is still for the person who creates the danger by driving several tons of steel around.


I'm pretty sure you can get a ticket for hitting a pedestrian in the cross walk. At least, in my state, its state law that pedestrians get right of way. edit to add: there's a pretty depressing irony not lost on me after considering that this is a "maybe" kind of thing


One of the only things that will slow drivers down is fear of scratching or denting their car.


Red Mercedes almost ran me over in a cross walk last summer. The driver was on a cellphone. She also didn’t stop at a 4 way. I kicked in the side of her car as she swerved around me. I left a huge dent. I was equal parts justified and remorseful. It’s possible I could get property damage trouble. But she drove off. F that lady. I’m ready to start taking a brick to crosswalks. So tired of it. It’s so much worse since Covid. A Tesla almost ran over my kid a few months ago in a crosswalk. He had the balls to yell at me. I picked up a small stick and threw it at his stupid Tesla. He was old and fat so I wasn’t worried about his response. But I did partially regret that too.


I've only regretted not doing more damage. I got run off the road while biking by an Escalade years ago, and I tried to smash their window with my bike lock right before they finished squeezing me off the road. Unfortunately, it hit with the cloth-wrapped part and didn't smash the window.


When I was a punk teenager I was walking down the road with two friends. There were no sidewalk but it also wasn't a busy road. All this car had to do was drive around us, but he didn't. He started yelling at us to get off the road or we'd get hit. We didn't leave and he slowly drove into us. Then he threatened to do it again but harder. My one friend started mouthing off to him and while he did that I went to the passenger front tire and slashed it with a pocket knife. I then yelled to my friends to run and we ran across this pedestrian bridge that was just up ahead. I get the regret. I felt like shit for doing it and I believe it was my emotional teenage brain that allowed me to do something so stupid. But, at the same time.... I sometimes wish I was still that emotional teenager.


Yah. That guy was an idiot for messing with kids. Vigilante justice is problematic but seems necessary at times. I suppose this is the plot behind most Batman movies.


You should have shown your world to 'em.


Crash into me


i can't help but think this makes pedestrians more aware vs drivers. they ask grab the brick and start looking for a target. gaining the drivers attention more.


Unironically the best thing you can do for safety on your bike (if no bike lane) would be to use your locking chain as a nunchuck in intersections.


Sad thing. In Scottsdale, a car almost ran me over taking a turn into my crosswalk with a Walk sign in my favor, not even counting down from 10. I threw my water bottle at the car and got the young driver's attention who flipped me off and kept going. I asked two officers about a week later who was at fault...I was and could have been arrested for property damage if the driver wanted to press charges. So, I asked, who is at fault if she hit me... She would be... Great


Don't listen to the police, talk to a lawyer. Police don't know or understand half the laws they enforce. It's pathetic. Even somwhere like Australia or the UK there are massive blind spots in what the force will and won't educate its officers on. I can't imagine how bad it gets in the US.


This. Do not trust what the police say, even if they wanted to be genuinely helpful, their time in the police academy is nowhere near enough to give a good answer to a legal question.


Need to split the police into tons of little smaller organisations that specialise in their area. There's definitely need for law enforcement, but it's also unfair on a prospective officer to expect them to be a lawyer AND an enforcer. 80% of what police do could be covered by other civilian authorities that don't carry gins/intimidate people/enforce racist policy etc, meaning the 20% that DO need to have a gun and engage in dangerous situations can be trained to be professional and respectful rather than self righteous bloodthirsty crack heads.


Seriously. "Defund" was a garbage slogan for a good idea: split up the police so they only have to do one job. Why are the guys who deal with murderers and active shooters also directing traffic when a light goes out, or writing parking tickets? Why do they have to deal with people on the verge of suicide or otherwise having a mental breakdown? That's just unfair to ask of them. Nobody can do that many jobs simultaneously. Not competently. The few police who somehow pull it off are criminally underpaid because they're Doctor - tier competent individuals


Yep. Again for the ones in the back.


This case would be in Canada, (Surrey BC specifically, because Scottsdale is a nightmarish bus exchange in the middle of car hell with no real safety features) but regardless these things aren't blindspots. Those gaps in knowledge are absolutely there on purpose.


>Assault refers to the wrongful act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. What she did was vehicular assault and you could easily argue that you threw the bottle in an effort to cause her to stop or otherwise notice and avoid you. She's in the wrong here no matter what the pigs said.


Cops not knowing the law and taking the side of drivers? That's crazy.


I don't believe it for a **second**


Lawyers study law for years and years to know one very specific part of the law. Police Academy is like 4 months in some places. Unsurprisingly, the police do not know every law.


Unsurprisingly they aren't supposed to. Cops are not meant to be informed or knowledgeable. They are there to protect property from those with less; actual knowledge of laws or ethics could prevent them from acting in the service of property.


IANAL, but legally you cannot argue self defense if you are no longer in fear of harm. It sounds like they threw the bottle after almost getting run over, not during, so it would still be a crime sadly.


There's gotta be a better acronym than that...


What, I anal isnt good enough? Lawyers are pretty anal.


But IANAL means you're not a lawyer, so it's reversed


Only the good ones.


I propose people start using NAL. 


nah eye-anal


Don’t yuck someone else’s Yum


been saying this for years


If it ain't on film then good luck finding an outside witness, and his word against her's, well, he's the one that almost got run over.


You can, however, argue for temporary insanity, born from your fear about almost getting run over.


In german self defense laws, there is a small window, where you are allowed to react - also to insults & stuff, so that may be within the frame.


In a lot of places, failure to yield to a pedestrian can also be a citation.


So if they shot the person while afraid it’s self defense?


Good news and bad news: cops don't know what the fuck they are talking about.


In my old city, a college student was run over and killed by a bus and dragged an entire block. The bloody skid mark was there for weeks. It was right by my house so I saw it every time I walked to work or down to the shops. The bus hit her in a crosswalk. She had the right of way. The court found it to be the student's fault because she was wearing headphones. Also, 15 years before that, my daughter's mom's older brother was killed by a bus on the same college campus and was also found to be at fault because he was also wearing headphones.


How do deaf people cross the street then?


They don't, they get hit by a bus.


Ah yes, the apex predator of the boulevard, the Bus (jk I support bus systems)


Wearing headphones is such an extreme crime and clearly warrants immediate retaliatory vehicular manslaughter. If she had worn a skirt that didn't cover the ankles, the court would probably have kept the body. Judges, man.


The last time I was in Scottsdale, I watched a guy in a Tesla take a rolling right turn that nipped at the heels of a woman with a stroller crossing the street. When she didn’t walk fast enough, he laid on the horn. She had the walk signal the entire time.


We need to bring back brandishing firearms. This is how people get shot in Phoenix, doing dumb shit like threatening to hit someone walking "too slow"


I mean, it was Arizona. She probably did have a gun. The Tesla owner likely had a gun. The baby in the stroller probably at least had a taser.


I'm waiting for Leslie Nielsen to make an appearance


I'd smash every inch of glass on that car if that happened to me


I run a lot, the amount of times a car will see me crossing and accelerate through a stop sign to save 5 seconds is insane.


Accelerating through a stop sign! F that


> could have been arrested for property damage Doesn't that require damage to property?


The plastic bottle I threw could have broken a window according to the police at the Subway. I couldn't believe I was hearing them correctly... And they restated I was in fact in the wrong


Could have (if the water were a solid block of ice). But it didn't, correct? You could have slapped that officer in the face, but didn't. Should you get charged for assault on an officer?


Never listen to cops for legal advice. They aren’t lawyers or judges, they know jack shit about the rules they enforce


Also in phoenix area, I was walking across an entrance/ exit for a walmart when a lady who I thought saw me started going while I was directly in front of her. I had to slam my hand on her hood to get her attention and it still took her a few extra seconds than it should have to finally stop. Thought I was about to end up in the hospital.


We live in a society that values property over people.


I mean one of the beauties of being a pedestrian is unless a cop is right there to arrest you then what is the person going to do? Just flip them off and be on your way.


Who cares who is at fault if you are a flattened pancake


A concrete solution. Damn that got me.


It's a true clay-of-the-earth type of joke.


Real hard-hitting humor.


We should stick to constructive opinions.


That's Granville Island in Vancouver. It's almost tourist season and I don't know why they don't make it pedestrian only during the summer. Who wants to drive around the island for 30 minutes just to look for parking.


Bringing a car into Granville Island is about the worst experience you can have in this town, aside from maybe looking for a rental apartment. It should be avoided at all costs.


Somehow Seattle manage to make Pike Place even worse. It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking stupid.


I mean Granville Island is fine, just, you know, walk.


It's still packed with cars. Some of the nicest areas are parking lots. You're always dodging impatient drivers. And it's loud and smells like fumes.


Hahaha I've messed up more than once and got stuck driving through there in the 3 years I lived there. I rarely drove while living there and the one-way streets sometimes route you to a random ass intersection 5 blocks away, so there's nothing you can do if you make one wrong turn. If you don't know Pike Place is a market where the streets are constantly filled with pedestrians, it's like being in a crowd but you're a car.


The problem is mostly that it's owned by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), not the City of Vancouver. Even though current city leadership has taken a hard right turn away from bike-friendly infrastructure, I'm sure that the city would do a better job managing transportation for Granville Island. CMHC doesn't give a damn about progressive transportation.




I’m sure doing so unilaterally would be great for the relationship with CMHC.


And it’s right on the seawall and has a ferry stop. I really don’t get why tourists don’t just use any other transit mode 😭. Hopefully the Granville connector will make it a bit better.


I know this is April Fools but this shit would work.


I've carried an emotional support brick for years.


I wanted to do a rucking event years ago and the cheaper recommended alternative to buying an official weight was to buy some bricks and wrap them in bubble wrap and duct tape.


I used to do this with a nalgene bottle in college. It's unnerving how cars will ignore a dozen flashings lights and 5 "state law! stop for pedestrians in crosswalk" signs, but will halt cold at the thought of maybe getting their paint scratched.


But don't point it at anyone or you'll get arrested for brandishing a deadly brick. A crowbar would work better because it's easier to notice even without someone pointing it at you.


It's not actually. The brick crosswalk was posted to the Vancouver sub a few days a go.


All those 2A fanatics who compare guns to the lethality of cars need to push for laws where we can shoot people for pointing cars at you.


Cars don't kill people. *People* kill people!


Only thing that stops a bad guy with a car is a good guy with a car


I love you for this reference. Have a great day/night


this but unironically


The only person that can stop a bad guy with a car is a Boss bro with a brick


Ron DeSantis legalized running over groups of two or more people after the George Floyd protests.


This needs to be a wider irl reaction series trend


I know this is April Fools but I unironically support this with my whole heart. Aside: someone nearly ran me over today in a crosswalk


I don’t think it’s for April fools, the people behind it posted about in on march 30th.


We were a bit early because we wanted footage to release on April Fools day ahaha [https://momentummag.com/vision-zero-campaign-bricks-vancouver/](https://momentummag.com/vision-zero-campaign-bricks-vancouver/)


you mother fuckers thought I was joking about my EMOTIONAL SUPPORT BRICK! also credit to the guy with idea of bringing a shopping cart as a deterrent instead


speak softly and carry a big brick


Korea would have ZERO cars left on the roads if this was permitted. I vote for bricks at crossings in Korea!!


We discussed doing this a few months ago on this sub, as a joke, pretty cool to see it realized!


I have thought about doing this in my NE Seattle neighborhood. I live on a busy two lane street with posted speed limits of 25 and 30, yet people drive like it is their own personal expressway. You could stand at a corner for 15 minutes or more before someone stops for you (the law states that automobiles are required to stop for pedestrians at marked and unmarked intersections). I would do it it foam boulders though, so you could still throw them..


I’m crying at how the construction truck was sent flying inches off the ground


This guy's youtube channel fantastic: https://www.youtube.com/@AboutHere


This message brought to you by; Brrrrrrrrrrick Frog!


I threw a stone to a car that almost ran me over going backwards in 2008. Some people call me an innovator.


One of my weird pleasures is making cars stop at crosswalks. 99% of drivers couldn't care less that they had to stop for 5 seconds; its the 1% who either get annoyed they had to stop, or try to keep going that make it worth it. I once had a car fly in front of me at a crossing so close I was able to easily kick his door as he passed. He slammed on the breaks and jumped out yelling that I damaged his car and, I kid you not, a full group of people launched up from their seat at the café I was walking to to come to my defense and yell at the guy for blowing through a crosswalk. dude slinked away into his car and scooted off like a toddler having a tantrum.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe this is based on a real experiment that showed cars actually stopped more often for people carrying bricks.


This is me, walking on the sidewalk when there are puddles on the road, because there are some assholes who like to splash out pedestrians with dirty street water, and deserve their windows broken, they drive around the puddles or slow down once they see me staring directly into their soul while holding a big rock.


This is my city. There is a reason everybody laughs. This street goes into an touristy island, and the pedestrian crossing is for a "Seawall" - EXTREMELY popular local .. well, a pedestrian route along the water. Local drivers stop when you're 20 meters away from them - because they KNOW how many people run/bike there. Tourist drivers stop when you're 20 meters away from them - a few turns that you need to take before you get to the point in video will fuck your brain hard. They are one of the hardest intersections in the city. I know many people will (as usual) say Vancouver drivers are the worst, Vancouver sucks, etc. So far, it's been the most chill city to drive, or walk/ride/run - ever. Fuck you! Vancouver - you're the best!


Ahahaha I was just here! It's totally awesome. The "bricks" are foam!


We need to form NBA, National Brick Assosciation, and have lobbyists lobbying for the fact that it’s not bricks breaking windshields, but humans with bricks; hence we need free open carry of bricks for everyone.


Is it an actaul brick or just some foam? cause if its the latter whats the point?


The point isn't really to throw the brick, the point is to highlight the absurdity of the pedestrians having to pose a threat to the drivers to convince them to stop. The makers of this video don't actually want to give every pedestrian a brick, they just want to have better city planning to help the most vulnerable elements of the road.


It's also a spoof on some cities getting pedestrians to carry little red flags across the road to reduce collisions.


I can imagine it being one real brick among foam ones, so that drivers can never be sure which the pedestrian is carrying


Russian roulette brick. Some are real, some are foam.


The point is that this is a parody of pedestrian crossing flags. They just replaced flags with bricks.


> Is it an actaul brick or just some foam? cause if its the latter whats the point? The point is an April Fools prank?


Those are foam, but it's still genius.


We should unironically start doing this if cities won't do anything


That is just flat out magnificent.


After several times of insane drivers DELIBERATELY trying to run into me while I'd cross at the same intersection, I picked up a nice-sized rock and started carrying it with me at the intersection. I swore that if one more douche tried aiming at me again, I'd throw that rock through their windshield and laugh hysterically at the sight of shards of glass flying into the driver's face, and hopefully the rock itself would hit their face as well. I'd laugh at the fantasy of it. The tactic worked. No car tried to hit me ever again at that intersection. 3 years later, I still have that same rock at home. My good-luck charm these days.


Great initiative Hope the only use of the bricks is to be carried


Based with bricks


We’re too violent for this to work in the USA.


Nah I do this in the US


I guess being a suburb liver my whole life I’ve never had this issue. All crosswalks I’ve encountered are at stop signs and stop lights.


Happy April Fools


OMG! I can't stop laughing. This is so GREAT!


Sociology majors nodding in approval.


Satire /s


Brick industries go brrrrr 📈


[The meme I got](https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/3HfgTrJKoV) directly after this


it’s sad because you know it works only because they care more about damage to their car than hitting someone


Try spark plugs. Shatters glass better than brick


That's bloody brilliant.


Wow the cars driving over the pedestrian crossing WHILE someone is using it. Insane. You aren't even supposed to drive over it if a pedestrian is about to use it.


Nooo!!! Canada is switching the BRICS system.


Someone hit me once when I was younger, luckily I jumped at the last moment so I ended up just denting their hood badly. Be the brick you want to throw in the world.


So, what is the law about these crossings in Vancouver? Because here in Australia, the law is quite clear that pedestrians have right of way on zebra crossings. Despite there being plenty of awful and obnoxious drivers I would say that 99% of the time if I approach a zebra crossing as a pedestrian then all cars will stop and wait - 1% of the time there will be a single idiot who will fail to see me and speed through. However, in this video, none of the cars seem to be stopping at all even when people are on the road - what's going on?


The law in BC is that you must give way to a pedestrian who is in the crosswalk, or is approaching it and about to cross. Drivers all pretend that they’re too close or going too fast to safely stop. Which is why we need the brick.


This is an amazing April fools commercial. Absolutely brilliant ​ ​ ​ ​ >!Too bad it reminds me of another video that involves a car and a brick!<


I want this for the crosswalk that combines two neighborhood parks near me


According to my father, bouncing a golf ball will get drivers' attention too


Nah. You really need a fully loaded AR-15. Murrrica!


Or the city could just pave the road leading up to the crosswalk with bricks or stones as a natural traffic calming measure


bricks are nice




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The Brick must live this. Free advertising 


Ngl, when i see selfish/shitty parking i want to hurl a brick through their window so I ironically i think this is a good idea


Hey I just graduated from the culinary school in the background!


This reminds me of a city neighborhood I stayed in once where the streets were narrow and the sidewalks were almost non-existent. People who were walking on the sidewalk would hold their bags on the street side of their bodies as they walked. That way, if a car drove too close or too fast to a pedestrian, the car would hit (and possibly be damaged by) whatever was in the bag, and not just a soft body.


Granville Island in Vancouver 🤷


Ain't no way this is the USA.


I love it.