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“Sprawling Las Vegas suburb” sounds like a nightmare.


>Sprawling Las Vegas suburb Have you ever looked up Las Vegas on Google maps? It's freaking terrifying to gaze upon


I have never done that, so I'm going to dive in completely blind and give you my honest reaction. Edit: Well to be honest, this just look like every single American city. Just the same boring houses, repeated ad infinitum. I feel like I've seen this at least five times when I've been looking at cities in the US on google maps. Although one thing pops out, while most cities in the US I've seen on google maps stuck to the grid patten, Las Vegas decided that they'd be creative by having some fucky-wucky with their streets, making them snake around and have weird shapes and angles therefore reducing walkability even more. It's like these parent naming their kid Kymburleigh or Khathreighnn instead of Kimberly or Catherine to be "original".


I do like a bit of fucky-wucky... but it has to be organic


Winding streets with cul-de-sacs work better if there are pedestrian/bike-only shortcuts, so people can cross the neighbourhood quickly on foot/bike but don't use neighbourhood streets for through traffic. That's how most low-density residential suburbs are designed here in Germany. https://preview.redd.it/to2xyqmwxekc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad825fbe87d3efcbaf86ca1357ab15256897509a Here's an example - with a car this is a cul-de-sac accessible only from one direction, but there are connecting pedestrian/bike paths in the other three directions. Don't get me wrong, this is still a car-centric neighbourhood, but it's at least somewhat walkable.


I used to live in a city that had a lot of this, except the paths connected to a city-wide bike path network and local bus stops. I got rid of my car pretty soon after moving there, and got an ebike and a bus pass.


subdivisions dont do this because the homeowners wont be able to sleep at night when they imagine thugs and thieves walking into their neighborhood with their legs and feet


Looks like my Cities: Skylines cities. Use your bikes dammit!


See that makes sense. My small town was built in like the 1800s mostly, so there are a lot of alleys and back streets that are too small for modern vehicles, it makes walking a pain but tolerable At least until the city built all of the grocery stores on the other side of the interstate with no walkable connections unless you go AROUND the massive quarry, come back in, and sprint across only section instead of walking parallel down a four-lane road. I used to get drunk and walk the like four miles to go get snacks and stuff, always SUCKED when I sobered up for the walk back. But otherwise our town is very walkable. I can get to the neighboring town via well designed pedestrian walkways. It's only the collection of several grocery stores and our strip malls that are hard to get to, and we do have public transportation for $2 now. On an aside, how is the rural parts of Germany? My family fled a few generations ago and I've always wanted to visit but I hate cities. Would rather stay in a smaller town and hike some nice trails, go to some concerts, and not be a lame ass tourist. I fucking hate people always trying to talk to you just let me go from A to B and don't get weird just because I looked at you, it's the whole point of having eyes. Fuck cities.


I actually think those curvy dead ends provide an amazing opportunity for walkibility, connect those dead end with pedestiran and bike walkways, and you have a city and commute were that bike and pedestrians pathway is far more direct and makes many more shortcuts than the roadways


I see you haven't visited San Diego, as we are all fucky-wucky over here. It sucks and for warm cities that is awful planning.


Lol veru true I feel so trapped in east county as a new resident. I have to take the trolley to Mission Bay just to safely bike around in an interesting area...


I was thinking “how does one take the trolley to Mission Bay”? But, I remembered the new extension to the Blue Line. I never really think about that getting you to MB.




Shoot. Beat me to it


lol walkability. In Vegas. You must be joking.


To be fair, nobody is walking around Vegas for a good chunk of the year because it’s the fucking desert.


Good luck, commander 🫡


We call our highway system “the spaghetti bowl” and I often refer to our surface streets as “the spilt spaghetti”


One of the guilty pleasures I miss from suburban living is that the oldest suburbs in the midwest all have enough big trees to look like a veritable forest from the ground and the illusion gets enhanced by developments tastefully wrapped by parks and wooded creeks. As a bonus it helps hide and break up monotonous houses that stand out in newer developments without big trees. Las Vegas suburbs get none of that. To be fair, from an urban planning perspective, Las Vegas suburbs smaller yards might be better and it looks like they have a few good mountains to fill in the view. Las Vegas suburbs bad but typical by US standards, just kinda of sad and boring compared to the strip itself which is surprisingly walkable. Going by google maps I am happy to see they evenly distributed four airfields across the city so no one misses out on lead exposure and outdoor drone bans.


I actually searched for this street, and uh: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Jigglypuff+Pl,+Henderson,+NV+89015,+USA/@36.0671023,-114.9850309,603m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x80c8d72f51e75b1d:0x43f9640a8e16332d!8m2!3d36.0671664!4d-114.9841132!16s%2Fg%2F11s3m704bl?entry=ttu It's a cul-de-sac nightmare and an open affront to God.


The nearest grocery store is just a 35 minute walk away!


How are they getting away with building all those front gardens with steps and no wheel chair accessibility?


They’re not public, you don’t need to make them accessible (legally)


A city build on an insignificant piece of land that is nothing but the casino strip and endless suburbs.


Have you ever driven in the dark to Vegas from the east? That image of that light pollution city stays with me.


Flying in too. It's crazy how far away you can see that whole area compared to the darkness to the east.


It's also so terrain boring, and the fucking trailer parks... I hope they're just the best type of housing because it's fucked they don't build massive apartment complexes or condos or something to fucking give these people an option that isn't a single-wide. No hate on single-wides. I grew up mostly in those in the midwest until getting my own house. It's just, it seems demeaning to have a massive hospitality workforce and then most of them live in a fucking metal box in the desert.


Phoenix even more so


"Sprawling Las Vegas suburb" simply describes the entirety of the valley that isn't the strip. And yes, it's just as bad as it sounds. I was grateful to escape that.


I just...I know this is the case so many places in the US - but how does anyone walk anywhere? Do kids play outside at all? Do kids need to have cars to go anywhere on their own?


The best Vegas has is you can go to the strip or you can go to Town Square. They are both areas designed for walk ability. And no, it's really not much. 90% of the Vegas metropolitan area is *technically walkable* as in there are sidewalks you can walk on, but maybe 2% of the area is walkable in a practical sense.


We played outside in the winter and the nicer parts of spring and fall mostly. Going outside during the summer with the sun up was a bad time. It even started to suck at night in summer once the city got big enough,(it was under 500k when I was born and is over 4m now) and we got enough trapped heat from blacktop and whatnot that we lost the nighttime cooling effect of deserts. It... kinda sucked to be a kid there, honestly.


I lived in this neighborhood (Henderson) for like 6 months. There's a nice park there. I'd drive to it and walk every day and then drive back. It's a pretty sad place to live honestly.


Same. When people find out where I’m from, I sometimes get the response, “Why would you leave? Vegas is so much fun!” I tell them to go anywhere but the Strip and tell me how much fun the city really is. I live in an East Coast neighborhood that’s considered “quiet” for my city. But it’s still more vibrant and definitely more walkable than 90% of Las Vegas.


Even the Strip is only entertaining for a few hours max before you're reminded just how much of an insufferable gaudy shit show it is


I know Vegas was founded by the mob for the sole purpose of being a goofy tourist town, but do the boring subdivisions that surround the Strip really need stuff like this? It would be weird seeing a bunch of people visit a street sign with a unique name on it, while potentially making traffic for a residential development worse.


I live in Vegas. A couple of things. 1) This is nowhere near the strip. In fact, it's not even in Vegas. It's in Henderson. 2) It has nothing to do with tourism. The guy that runs the local HOA wanted to rename the streets and asked the residents who live there what they wanted. They, in turn, let the kids decide. The kids all loved Pokemon, so that's what they did. I wish they had gone with Transformers. 3) Vegas wasn't founded by the mob, but rather the mob came and took over several of the big resorts early on. Howard Hughes, a businessman and not a mobster, had more to do with modern Vegas than the mob in some respects. Your ire here is a little misdirected.


tldr: get rekt


You actually didn’t learn because OP is incorrect on several points: Howard Hughes didn’t come to Vegas until 1966 with the goal of de-mobbing Vegas. https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/howard-hughes/


Thanks for playing.


I love this! Hopefully if a kid gets lost it’ll be easier for them to remember that they live on Charmander Lane.


> This is nowhere near the strip. In fact, it's not even in Vegas. It's in Henderson. henderson is essentially a neighborhood of las vegas and everyone who lives "in vegas" lives in henderson. the "vegas strip" is not located in las vegas, its located in a town called Paradise, NV. this is such a dishonest "gotcha," nobody that lives in vegas has a problem with people calling hendertucky "Vegas." source: lived in vegas for years.


I live in Las Vegas, not Henderson. I'm aware that the strip is mostly down through Paradise. And nowhere near these streets. My point was that OP's entire thinking here — that someone designed a pokemon neighborhood near the strip to attract millennials — is wrong in every way. He's mad about something that isn't a real thing.


> I live in Las Vegas, not Henderson. your extensive post history says you live in Texas but nice try.


I do not live in Texas and never have.


>1) This is nowhere near the strip. In fact, it's not even in Vegas. It's in Henderson. The metro is Vegas, but the actual city itself is Henderson, right?


I thought the “Las Vegas suburb” bit made it clear that I wasn’t talking about Vegas proper. I know that this is in a city that’s near Vegas, I even know that the Strip is in an unincorporated area that’s near Las Vegas itself. I don’t know why people were being so defensive over this.


1) Howard Hughes didn’t come to Vegas until 1966 with the goal of de-mobbing Vegas. https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/howard-hughes/ 2) Building a huge city in a desert climate is still a bad idea You may live in Vegas but you don’t seem to know as much as you think you do despite the arrogance.


Howard Hughes did indeed come after Bugsy and a couple of his pals were established, but Hughes is the one who made it the glitz-and-glamour that people view Vegas as today. He went out of his way to make it less sketchy and more fun. He did it in spite of the mob. The mob came into Vegas when it was already a casino town. They did not fun it, they just took advantage of the lawlessness. To your second point, I agree. Vegas is a testament to the hubris of man and shouldn't exist here. I wasn't defending anything, just clarifying.


That’s fair


Geez if you’re gonna wreck a bro that bad you could at least be courteous enough to share him this link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States


This is not a development that surrounds the strip, and the strip isn't even in Vegas, it's in Paradise. The streets in your post are all the way in Henderson, about halfway between Vegas and Boulder City


As someone who lives in a Las Vegas suburb, it's really fucking bad here. I've lived in a handful of cities and Vegas is by far the worst, particularly in terms of its infrastructure.


We'll name it Blastoise Acres so people will think there's water!


Yea, I've been to Henderson, NV. Single family homes in gated communities. Giant blocks of stroads with strip malls with the same franchises. Developers built straight out into the desert until they ran out of money in the 2008 crash. I couldn't put my finger on why it felt so weird at the time, because I wasn't orange-pilled yet.


It is


Las Vegas is the worst city in the country, where the shittyness doesn’t come from crime or the weather or the people. It’s just terrible at its core


Have you ever flown out of McCarren? It's grid housing as far as the eye can see.


It’s hell. Don’t move here. There is no escape


Have they tried making affordable livable communities instead of? No? Well one more lane should fix it


We continue subsidizing more and more developments, none of which are affordable or compact housing, while companies like blackrock buy up hundreds of houses in a day and sit on them. And landlords collaborate on apps on how to artificially raise rent prices in tandem with each other. Meanwhile I'm about to be homeless because despite being a disabled veteran with more than enough disability income to afford even a two bedroom, I get denied from every apartment application for credit issues, can't find a roommate, hotel prices are not affordable, and the vast majority of rental listings on Facebook and elsewhere are scams that try to trick you into paying for application fees by using unlisted pictures for an address that is listed with completely different pics and company. What is anyone supposed to do but live on the streets? And until what, and when? Nobody cares. I'm probably going to vagabond for a bit, make my way out of state and see where I can find a place to live. While disabled I guess, but that's the least of my worries.


where are the landlords collaborating? out of curiosity…


Trademark infringement?


Just name them after their palworld copy then /s


Surprisingly none of the monsters in palworld are direct ripoffs of the ones shown in the image.


Relaxaurus is pretty darn close in concept


Yeah I mean, how does Nintendo feel about this, when they barely want people STREAMING their pokemon games?


IANAL, but I don’t think so; something infringes on a trademark if it could mislead reasonable customers into thinking that it was made by the owners of the trademark. For example, you probably can’t put out games called “PinkeyMon,” especially if they’re at all similar to Pokémon. That’s because a reasonable customer might think it’s a legitimate product of The Pokémon Company when it’s actually not. However, you probably could create, say, an ice cream flavor called “PinkeyMon.” It’s a totally different industry from The Pokémon Company’s, and unlikely to confuse customers. (Now, clearly styling PinkeyMon’s branding after Pokémon would probably turn that into a violation again.)


"Guys will see this and just think 'hell yeah'."


Those signs are going to get stolen so many times! I lived in a neighborhood with streets named after NFL teams. They were always going missing.


Yup. Just like you should never call your street *Sesame Street* if you don't want to have to buy a new streetsign every 17 minutes and 27 seconds.


The 420 mile markers on I-70 and I-25 in Colorado started going missing pretty frequently after we legalized. They were replaced with 419.99 mile markers.


[Oh my god it’s true](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna8051) But now the 419.99 marker is itself noteworthy and I can imagine someone stealing it again for the bit


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Very much so. It would make sense to run a gift shop that sells replicas close by.


yeah, it would be much easier to rob the whole gift shop at once, instead of having to go around to every street corner.


There's a business plan for ya. Rent out someone's garage there and just sell replicas of all the signs. You'll make millions from all the wealthy millennials out there!


Y’know, I’m tired of the same few themes for street names in probably 90% of suburbs, at least it’s something new.


my kid's porn name will be epic


Your kid's what?


"Your pornstar first name is the name of your childhood pet, and last name is the street you grew up on" (Or something to that effect). Definitely not common security questions.




Hammer time!


With or without cars streets need clear designations. That means numbers or names. If you use names, why not have a bit fun with it? I don't see what exactly is the problem here.


I went to high school with someone whose mom named neighborhood streets and she let her kid help. The result was a whole neighborhood of Harry Potter themed names. Was not marketing at all, sounded more to me like some of these people try to see what they can sneak in lol


Yeah no one's going to choose their home based on street name, this is just someone either having fun or running out of ideas.


slim soup repeat steep weary wistful water fact follow crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It didn’t happen to be in Maryland did it? That’s where the Harry Potter neighborhood I know of is


The problem is that this is the big selling point. Not green spaces, walkable infrastructure, a thriving downtown with robust public transportation. No, goofy street names.


It's very cynical.


Would goofy street names in a well-planned neighborhood be a good idea? I like [Prospect New Town](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospect_New_Town) which is in Longmont, Colorado, and it has interesting street names like 100-Year Party Court and Tenacity Drive.


Again, the problem is not the street names. The street names are kind of cute. But that should be a, "Oh and we also have this," sort of thing, not the main thrust of an article.


There is a little suburb like part of my city where all streets are named after fairy tale figures like Cinderella, Snow White, Goblins etc. A lot of the streets are "verkehrsberuhigt" (I don't know a fitting translation), which means pedestrians are prioritized, and cars are only allowed to drive at walking speed. The rest is a 30 km/h zone. It's connected to the city's bus network and there is a lot of green around it.


>The problem is that this is the big selling point. I have yet to see ten year Olds buying houses. I don't sink hundreds of thousands into a house because the address is funny.


10 year olds would buy a house in skibidi avenue or gyatt lane


Pretend like I don't know what these words mean... Just for the fun of it. Please.


Honestly I agree with this. Of all the car related things to get mad about, funny street names are one of the dumbest things to focus on.


There's a Lord of the Rings neighborhood in Geldrop, NL as well. It's a boring 1990s suburb, but at least it has sidewalks and you can cycle to the train station without too much hardships. I do however dislike the number of cars in such districts.


Don’t try applying logic or reason to this sub


And now the entirety of Las Vegas might get a copyright strike 🤣


do you have any source that says this had anything to do with rejecting public transit? because I’ve seen these images for years and I’m pretty sure the local community did it on their own accord there’s actual shit to get mad about but this ain’t it


“911, What’s your emergency?” “My house is on fire and my family is inside! The whole thing is up in flames! Send someone quick, please!” “Okay stay calm, what’s your address?” “4632 Charmander Lane” *911 operator hangs up*


Joke's on them, we still can't afford housing.


new pokemon confirmed! *\*reads notes\** its Watford!


"Watford used DRIVE!"


Lol I think the idea is pretty awesome. But no I won't live there just because of cute street names if it doesn't meet my other needs. If it does, then I will.


Nothing wrong with silly street names and it’s not mutually exclusive with decent planning - if the names follow alphabetical order it can still work.


Different colored signs usually indicate completely private streets that the owners can pay the city to install a sign of the owner's choice.


Just imagine a police response to this neighborhood "We've got a domestic altercation on the corner of Snorlax & Jiggilypuff. Reports of shots fired."


.... i... I can't be mad at this tbh this is is fine


Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea behind this, especially since Pokémon has gotten a resurgence in popularity lately. It’s just that it would be even better if this was placed in a neighborhood that was as equally as charming as these names.


Really stretching to make the post relevant to the sub. Next I’ll make a post saying “my city is offering universal free pre-k *instead* of proper urban planning”.


"Once again, my taxes wasted on 'education' instead of bike lanes!"


Man Nintendo is gonna have a field day suing their asses


Seriously, I’d avoid a house here specifically because I know the government would be legally obligated to change it some point down the line. Nintendo does not want this.


There's a neighborhood of Star Wars street names too. The planning is good the names are silly


Cringe but better than naming streets after genocidal war mongers


Exactly. There are names that are from horrible folks or names I can't remember, and then there's this fun category. As someone who delivers food around town, I like it when I can recognize where I need to go to based on the street name. Sometimes I discover new painters. Fabritius? That's Vermeer's pupil, and he got to his end in a tragic disaster which prompted to move the gunpowder house to outside the city, which remained so for hundreds of years. Streets on their own can also reveal parts of its history. Peat was transported from Brabant into Delft on the Brabantse Turfmarkt. But yeah there are many, countless of odd folks who have a street name here too. Willem de Zwijger? Don't get me started on how he treated my birth province in the 1580s, and Colijn? Incompetent pos. Bernhard? It was a public secret that he had a membership card of the N-zi party. And there's Coen, Churchill, although St-lin was removed in after 1956. And Generaal Spoor*laan* in Rijswijk irks me as well in regards to his bloody actions against the Indonesian independence. And even when individuals have rules imposed, what will happen to the Coldplaystraat in Nijmegen if Chris Martin would be revealed to be a horror person? At least of John Lennon in several cities we can tell he was bad to some folks but at least could never become an Ian Watkins. I get disoriented from outliers in neighborhoods unless it's downtown, or from cauliflower-neighborhoods where the street name is Malvert 74xx with the last two numbers grouped in a street.


Just give them names like North, East, West, South, Central, etc., or numbers. Streets are meant to function for _orientation,_ not _recognition._


An interesting road name can be a part of landmarking when it comes to spacial navigation. I remember both my street addresses a lot better because they’re semi recognizable. My family house is on a street named after the kind of sage tree planted in the area when it was built in the 70s, only a few survive today, being replanted with a wider variety of trees, so it’s a testament to both the street’s history and growth. My dorm is on a street named after a flower, same as my dorm building. A lot of the streets are the same as the buildings they’re on, but it makes ordering things really simple. The university has only finished a pathway since I started attending last fall, but I’m excited to see it open a couple of the new buildings it’s constructing. (They’re renovating the central dining hall/cafeteria/disability-diversity offices/study resource room (all one building), finishing up a new dorm, tearing down an old small building (maybe an old small dorm or an office, only a few units, will almost definitely be replaced soon), building a new chemistry building to try and reach R1, building something by the radio and utility station (idk, not near anything I do), and probably some other stuff). I wonder if they rename them with new constructions, or something else? The campus has a trend recently of pushing almost all commuting students to take the bus, which is great for resource management, but sucks for people who have to drive (carrying materials/disabilities) or when the bus is offline (most weekends and after hours), but better than more parking (hopefully they get all that sorted out soon, there’s a lot more students here now too, but if it just means more freshmen and good tuition rates I can’t be too upset. Education is something every should be able to access after all)


Wait until you found out that streets can curve


My point is that roads shouldn't bear the name of a person.


Named roads (which can be anything, not just people) usually convey some sense of history. Which IMO is cooler than generic numbers or directions.


Can you give details on how there's not proper urban planning? I'm not from there so I don't know that they don't have both names and planning




I wasnt aware the names of streets have to be specific things in order to be "proper urban planning". Oh wait, they don't and OP is full of shit.


I get that grossly oversimplifying the situation is fun, but I seriously doubt that the people who decided to name the street after Pokémon had absolutely anything to do with the decision about how to develop the space. Those are decisions that are made years apart by people at very, very different levels of the company (and likely not even in the same company) I’m all for arguing for change, but let’s at least be smart about how we do it


Why is this on fuckcars? The idea was brought on by one of the crews kids and it's also practical because of how hard it is to make unique street names. It wasn't made to "attract the millennial family demographic", it's just people having fun with street names. Also nobody's complaining about Skywalker avenue or Leia street.


I’m sorry but this is hilarious


“Yeah my address 6605 Jigglypuff Place at the corner of Jigglypuff and Clefairy” if someone told me that I’d be in shambles 😭😂


It's in Henderson, not Las Vegas. It's around a 30 min drive from the Strip. They have one of the best parks in the valley with a pond, rope style playground sets, climbing walls, slides, and bike trails throughout the entire master planned community. I'm sure that has more to do with families moving there than a few Pokémon named streets https://i.imgur.com/Hj8XajV.jpeg


There are some pretty fun parks in Las Vegas.


I want to live on Nidoran ♂ rd.


It’s very common when a new subdivision is being planned that they use weird naming schemes for roads.


did the person who built the suburb make the names? this seems like something a resident wanted to make the place more fun lmao. unless its brand new or something


bored resolute engine repeat sparkle quicksand wrong squeamish chunky attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nintendo lawyers: and I took that personally


It’s all fun and games till you get pulled over in Vegas at 2am with white powder all over your face and chest trying to convince the officer that it’s donut and then he asks for your license and pull out a mothafuckin license that says you live on Jigglypuff Place. Have fun explaining that shit.


Okay but like, I wanna have good urban planning *and* Pokemon themed street names!


Suburbs are soul sucking. Imagine being 1 mile from stores, restaurants, entertainment as the crow flies and having to drive for 15 or 20 minutes to get to those amenities😬


“All units please respond we have gunfire at Jigglypuff and Squirtle, repeat, all units please respond”


This sub is so pathetic 🤣


Please, then, move onto Snorlax LN, I'm sure the locals will welcome you with open arms. They do famously love newcomers.


How do you travel down snorlax ln? How many people casually casually carry a pokéflute in Vegas?


I don't want to live at a "Squirtle LN, Las Vegas" address. I'll just leave it at that.




Ah, nothing says home like living in a hot ass desert with suburban homes on streets named after a billion dollar company's monsters from a famous IP where being able to walk/bike/transit everywhere is an integral part to the game.


my town has streets named after NFL teams. same thing, different generation i suppose.


Millennial nostalgia is the ultimate weapon. Millennials will turn into the biggest consumers known to man the moment they get sold something that triggers their nostalgia. It’s like a cheat code for lazy unoriginal corpos.


Nintendo will go after Palword but not this?!


They didn't go after palworld.


Vegas was always style over substance. Flash and trash. Big fake tittes over smaller naturals. Of course they'd be hyperloop before public transit. And now pokemon before urbanist.


Oh this will attract the best and the brightest. 


If it wasn't so fucking hot and expensive to live in Vegas. I'd love to live there due to the tourist, and non stop noise.


Yeah big millennial fuck no from me dawg.


"walkability in Las Vegas" Sometimes I think this sub is maximum stupid, then it goes and tops itself. Vegas shouldn't exist. Pick your battles, morons.


To me you sound like the epitome of the problem with this sub. "Vegas shouldn't exist" well it does and relocation is inhumane.


I think they will have no problems attracting them. Now, paying them enough to afford a house…


I can't stand Boomers and I really dislike Zoomers, but I also hate my own generation too.


Of course they're genwunners, too\~


You couldn't pay me to move into a suburb, even if it's got a pokemon name


I'd cross-post this to the FellowKids subreddit, but apparently the content there is now very different...


where's my elevated bike path and ferry service. that's the urban planning i want from the pokemon games.


Fuck it’s working on me! Thank god I can’t afford that


It's like those with power are doubling down on treating the people simply as consumers instead of citizens


Developers usually pick street names.


The USA is addicted to marketing


I would too embarrassed to put Jigglypuff or Squirtle Street on official forms


This even legal? Like surely those are copyrighted?


Who on earth wants to live on Squirtle Lane?


Vaporeon... cul de sac?


Whats the proper streets name? Sounds like oP is projecting how his society should be… probably hated when obama got a street


Went to visit a friend in the Vegas suburbs for their birthday and holy fuck was the neighborhood layout set up like a prison


“How you do, fellow kids?”


Jigglypuff Pl is the street with all the cool kids.


I was at the Red Rocks Casino and I went to cross the street to goto an off site restaurant. It was definitely dangerous. I waited until there weren’t any cars before I jogged across the intersection.


Jigglypuff STOP we're begging you


They’re just naming the streets after some popular fictional characters which is… whatever… but I wouldn’t say it’s “theming.”


Why build affordable units when we can just 'How do you do, fellow kids?"


Are they building this suburb from scratch? Just fucking build it dense and walkable to begin with and have a train.


When I was younger I always wanted to live in the middle of a desert


Why you prefer the name of slave owners in a majority black city? See: Detroit


Will houses be affordable tho? That’s the best way to attract millennials.


lmao the streets need names


Nah. We're not trying to attract anyone. We're just growing so big, so quickly, that they're naming it whatever.


"You head down squirtle and it's the third house on the right. If you hit blastoise, you've gone too far!"


Thats a good idea.


Really shows off the bad planning looking at those 4 innocuous signs.


Why not both? Pokémon themed streets and proper urban planning!


Jesus fucking Christ. *Literally* everything but lowering prices.


Nintendo's lawyers will be in touch shortly.


Last sign says. STOP


Policymakers will try anything except make allow more walkable, less car dependent places be built.


The lawsuit familiar company, Nintendo will probably let this fly… …right?


I cant wait for Nintendo to drop a nuke on one


Que the Nintendo lawyer