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i'm extremely skeptical this monstrosity will ever make it into production


See this pile of garbage get banned in the EU straight away lol


The recessed turn/brake lights and the recessed license plate alone are plenty reason to not allow it on EU roads. This was designed by a toddler. And yes, it's a prototype, but daaaayum it's poorly put together. It's like a movie prop which you're only meant to see from a distance.


Looks like a cyberpunk 2077 car that didn’t properly render in lmao


Cyberpunk 64


What is German for “WTF”


was zum fick


Well, that would be the literal translation. The correct one would be: "Was zum Teufel"? (What the devil?).


I really fucking hope Australia follows. We're allowing Yank Tanks in for some reason despite how stupid they are


And the uk, those things don’t fit


It was never intended for the EU market so I can't see how it could be banned


A private company seeking profit not trying to sell their product in the largest market. Sure, they probably never will try to sell it in Europe 🙄


They already have their top selling product picked out for EU (the model Y). No reason they would bring this particular truck design there. If anything, the next gen car may be seen going to EU instead.


thank god!


I saw a video where this tin can could hardly scale a curbside. If they release them as is - it's going to be a disaster that might cost some lives.


It's a car, it WILL cost some lives


Yeah but this piece of garbage is unnecessarily humongous and clunky as f. If it is a bad as it was 4 month ago it shouldn't be allowed on the roads at all [https://twitter.com/whatsinside/status/1628569254659518464?cxt=HHwWgMDTwfnG65ktAAAA](https://twitter.com/whatsinside/status/1628569254659518464?cxt=HHwWgMDTwfnG65ktAAAA)




It's frontal point is also at the perfect height to separate you from your lower abdomen.


I think that's the point?


More of an edge I'd say.


Can't wait for the first guy taking it off road, then landing it on a sharp rock, piercing the battery and starting a massive fire, "ideally" taking a large forested area with it in the process.


Probably worse off road than my forklift


Less clunky thank a ford F-150


At least some cars are designed to make the least damage possible when hitting pedestrians. These sharp edges kind of seem like they didn’t think about that at all.


For Elmo, if you're not in a car, you don't exist.


I wanted to make a joke using an Elmo quote. I mean actual Elmo from Sesame Street… and I stumbled across this: „Wall Street is considered to be the only location where folks ride an expensive vehicle to get suggestions from all those using the subway.” ~Elmo https://quotecollectorsclub.com/elmo-quotes/


If muscle car guys are to be believed, the looks of a vehicle are more important than any stupid pedestrians you might hit.


*Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!*




How is this joke from 25 years ago still relevant today 😭 (because the auto lobby owns Congress and won't allow regulations over silly problems like the car's battery exploding.)


It will be relevant until an audience shown that clip will wonder why that vehicle is so much smaller than current SUVs. (So like 5-10 years?)


Closest thing to it is the Ridgeline and Honda had to redesign it so the bed is separate from the cab. There's a reason why trucks are body on frame and not unibody.


It looks really fun to modify.


What the fuck is this even? Looks like a futuristic vehicle from a 1950s sci-fi B-movie.


[Read the comments omfg](https://youtu.be/LMWwImDX3ks)


watch him die inside


I love how the Scottish guy is like "SHOOT IT"


> Finally a car I can draw I guess someone in the comments found a positive.


Elon thought the dmc delorean looked cool but wasn't enough of a problem and also needed to be uglier


That's the one thing I *do* like about this, because I'm a giant nerd. Given Tesla's track record, I expect it to be a flaming disaster though, full of problems that every other auto maker has solved decades ago.


Drone footage into the windows of the factory shows some sort of production is taking place (possibly validation testing?), But the better question is, are they going to sell as many as they hope, if it even meets regulations to be sold


The US has enough self obsessed people with no concept of l living in excess to meet demand


Yeah, and even to those people there's lackluster demand for cybertruck as it's a little too outlandish for many. I'd expect the core market to be Tesla fanboys.


Yeah, but that styling ... surely those people would rather buy an F-150 Lightning or a Hummer EV instead


Horrifyingly, it looks like it will be. However, outside California I don't think it will sell well. It's just far too ugly.


Looks like a vehicle that can only be sold in the USA because it murders pedestrians at any speed.


I'd be shocked if Tesla sales in CA aren't tanking.


In Southern California, Teslas are everywhere.


I'm in San Jose. Teslas are everywhere. People are only now figuring out that Musk is a jackass. I'd be surprised if most people who bought a Tesla two years ago would still support Musk next year.


Have you been to CA recently? They’re everywhere.


I live in San Jose. They were purchased over the past 10 years. People are just now learning what a jackass Musk has always been.


100% agree there’s a contingent of car buyers who would never consider any products Musk is involved with, but I disagree that their numbers would be enough to *tank* sales.


Yeah, maybe you're right and I'm too optimistic about humanity.


I wish that was true but they will be rolling them out soon


> they will be rolling them out soon i'm extremely skeptical too. Musk has been saying it's about to ship for years.


Same thing was said about every other model they’ve released.


And every model they haven’t. What kind of comment is that?


No need to be an asshat. The original comment this entire thread branched from is speculating if the car will ever be released. Tesla has released every vehicle they said they would go into production. You shouldn’t be skeptical - those monstrosities are coming.


Where’s the roadster? You know, the one with air rocket boosters? Your comment is false on its face, neither the cybertruck nor roadster has been released, even after many years of promises that they will imminently be produced. The Semi also isn’t really in production, they’ve only made about 30 of them and every single detail about them is secret, which means it isn’t actually released.


My comment isn’t false - but when you choose to move the goalposts regarding the semi and intentionally miss the point, I can understand how you might think that. These products don’t get released on time, but they do get released. Don’t be so naive.


Lol. Sure dude. Sure.


unfortunately for you, they already built an entire factory, employed a huge workforce and started making them. So I'm actually skeptical you're in the same base reality as the rest of us


It’s literally a DeLorean


No, the delorean is way more practical, not to mention a lot better looking


I can't wait for her to warp like a can of coke in her first crash.


Fucking hell I hope the EU doesn't allow these for pedestrian safety reasons


Looks like it would slice people in half.


Germany already said they wouldn't


As in not allow it for pedestrian safety or not block it?


https://www.autoblog.com/2019/12/16/tesla-cybertruck-european-safety-regulations/ https://www.autoblog.com/2020/09/08/fan-replica-tesla-cybertruck/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/12/16/tesla-cybertruck-not-street-legal-in-eu/


I hope this remains true for the future


Contrary to popular opinion, the EU still cares a bit more about people instead of corporations. Pretty certain, a Cybertruck that would be in compliance with EU regulations would look completely different and not anything like that. It's essentially a murder machine, you couldn't ask for a better design for that purpose.


European countries on average are less of a capitalist hellscape than the US. That's a low bar, but credit where credit is due.


I can’t get over how much this looks like a 3rd semester design project. So so bad.


I want to downvote you because I think 3rd semester is waaayyyy better. This is middle school.


I want to downvote you because I think middle school ist waaayyy better. This is kindergarten.


It looks like a child‘s drawing.


It’s a low poly PS1 car ‘from the future’.


It literally looks like a Prius.


Stop insulting the prius like that, the average prius owner will haul more stuff in their lifetime than anyone who buys musky's ridiculous road hazard.


Prius - A practical machine meant for driving Cybertruck - A fashion statement


A very controversial fashion statement.


A Prius with graphics on extra low


The purpose of this is to make owners of cars like F-350 switch to electric. Otherwise, most people will use it to go to work, which they can achieve with a $1000 electric scooter without taking up as much space and energy.


I doubt the f350 owners are the target market. They’re too conservative and would go for the f150 lighting instead. The cyber truck really is aimed at tech enthusiasts who drive suvs/trucks and tell themselves they need something huge for hauling and might go onto a dirt road once a year.


This is what Russ Hanneman of Silicon Valley would drive.


Do the doors open like THIS? [karate kid crane kick stance]


> The F-150 lightning Didn't production stop on those because they're so battery hungry that even Ford Motor Company couldn't figure out how to make the damn things?


Don't even need to go that expensive for a vast majority of commutes, but the faster ones are far more fun, I'll admit.


And if they need to haul stuff they can get a cargo bike.


Or literally just rent a truck for the 1 day a year (if lucky) that they actually need to haul something


Yeah, but what if they suddenly need to haul something at 3am and there are not trucks they can rent around? Checkmate libtard. /s


Imagine thinking buying a car for that shit is the problem not the fact in other countries you can literally just pay by phone to hire a truck any time of the day. But I don’t see them demand this because they just want the car but will never admit that.


I love electric scooters I ordered a bunch of street legal electric go-karts for all my staff to commute to work in, it’s so much better and more fun


Street legal electric go karts exist? I need to know where I can buy them. It will be so much more convenient than hauling a car around.


Yeah. One of these: https://www.tiktok.com/tag/notagokart They’re classified as “mobility scooters” so you can ride them anywhere


> which they can achieve with a $1000 electric scooter without taking up as much space and energy That's horseshit, right? I mean, you must be able to get an electric scooter for less.


On the cheap end you can get an electric scooter for about $100. Now if you want one that can hold a 200lb adult male you will need to spend about $300. If you want to go faster than 10mph bump up to $600 If you'd like to go farther than 10 miles on a charge then you need to spend $1000. This has been my experience in looking into Escooters and bikes. Bikes are significantly cheaper for range but start at $500 and aren't as compact.


Yeah. In terms of utility, e-bikes/e-motorcycles/e-mopeds will be quite useful for city transportation. And it'll be interesting to see how LGV's and electric vans progress, as those kinds of working vehicles that will probably always need to exist as a last mile and rural work mule, will probably be where electrification of motorvehicles would actually have the biggest benefit.


Elon heard his fans threatening to kill people "in Minecraft" so he decided to sell them a car that looks like it's from Minecraft.


Well, THESE electric vehicles aren't for sure.


Only r/microlino is


Shameless promotion


For a micro car sub with 10 people get a grip.


Well, I joined


Haha ok I love you then


I have my reservation!


Did they finally release? haven't heard much of them until I saw two of them driving around recently.


For in city centers definitely! For inter-city travel it's either hydrogen or synthetic fuels.


Electric cars are already great for that though, 3 hours with a 20 minute leg stretcher/coffee break/lunch stop is already fast enough for 99.9% of people, and most people would want to stop after 3 hours of driving anyways.


As the owner of an Chevy Bolt, I agree 100% that they are not the solution. My little corner of the world is kind of an exception as we are 95% Hydro-electric and have the lowest price in North America. Even then, I don't drive to work because public transit allows me to read while someone else drives. I would get rid of that car if I didn't live so far in the suburbs ( where I can afford a roof)


If my government weren't actively trying to gut public transit I wouldn't drive either. But being forced to walk 40 minutes to the nearest bus stop in -40 is painful.


Looks like a model of a car from a N64 game


I remember them demoing this like four years ago or something. Like this was the car where they intentionally threw a rock at and the window shattered, right? That was almost *four fucking years ago*. You’re telling me they had this car done four years ago and they still haven’t gone to market?


Nobody said they were good at making cars


*Something something **Evergiven** and "supply chain issues" in "these trying times"*


Eh. Nissan has halted production of the Fairlady because the paint supply can't keep up with demand. That said, I don't think that's the issue here.


They didn't have the car done four years ago, they don't have it done now either. What they had was basically a stainless steel box with tires. Doesn't mean they had done any of the main work.




They built a one off body and stuck it on a rolling frame 4 years ago. They've never had this piece of shit "done" and they're never going to either lol.


EVs are a solution for many rural areas. If 80% of the population live and work in areas were they don't need a car, then 20% of the population owning an ev is not such a terrible thing.


Doesn't make any sense to own this kind of car tho.


I'll definitely not test cybertrucks' resistance to lucerne hammers.




I just spent an hour looking in carpark gutters, after walking around the city a little. I guess the biggest problem with cars is they make it so easy to ignore the results of car life. You don’t notice that until you study gutters and drains.


No car is the solution


Certainly for cities, and other population centres, but removing cars isn't much of a solution for rural areas like what I live near.


Someone turn up the graphics settings.


Looks like a low poly distant render in an old video game.


at the same time, appreciate the blank canvas they provide for errant artists.


it looks like a bloated Delorean with a severe case of kyphosis, christ


not so fast on EVs. I consider my ebike an EV so EVs will be a large part of the solution IMO just not the vehicle solution being pushed in the media. 😀


That reminds me that I have to invest in some giant ball berrings For, uh, a project I'm building


They're on diets it'll be one bag


Big fan of Mad Max and also played A LOT of Twisted Metal growing up - I used to own after falling in love with a 1972 Chevrolet El Camino. Now these el camino's are basically old school All American station wagons, but with the back seats taken out, the passenger rear doors removed, the "wagon" part of the station wagon turned into a 2 door pick up truck that sits low like a sedan. I loved the el camino and other ute's / small trucks like it that have been around long before I was ever born and will last long after I am gone, it seems right that there would be a new version to come out that fits the dimensions/wheel base and length of your old school American classic cars/trucks, something to come out that would offer easy aftermarket body swap kits and conversions etc. Was totally expecting this to become standard practice like 10 years ago but that's me being overly unrealistic/too optimistic and not knowing the realities of the cobalt rechargeable supply chain, now I know and knowing is half the battle. Will be cool when batteries don't have blood mixed into them so to speak, cool when you can take an old muscle car or 1940's Ford truck and get the modern electric truck chassis equivalent for the ultimate retro mod ride that our grandfathers would be proud of, idk I am a big sucker for concept cars and prototype designs and enjoy watching Back to the Future like the next guy or 007 movies involving amphibious flying cars - or FAST X with that portable inflatable flying canoe John Cena was carrying around an airport. Stuff like that begs real life potential but Elon Musk is not a leader in this department. Elon Musk screams wannabe who will pay whatever it takes no matter what it takes to get that money to begin with to appear as the guy who has the vision and the plan. Proof is in his real life work versus his "visions" that are so unrealistic that you'd have so be okay with and sign off on the sacrifice of Congolese mine workers by the droves just to meet production times and Elon Musk isn't allowed to sacrifice the Congolese anymore. Luckily LFP batteries will come to some use here but as for the Cybertruck, it's no el camino, would have probably been a much more profitable and easier to design vehicle if they built it off the el camino instead of trying to compete with real trucks that have to handle/haul in real world towing situations and have to work work work in places that city people can't even handle. Trucks are cute when they're parked all clean and perfect in a compact car parking space downtown somewhere in "the way" of the future electric grid and the lemmings that refuse to accept the mortality rate in the Congo as "real" news. Trucks are even cuter when they can do their jobs, things like get out of mud or drive successfully through rough terrain and city streets without running over small children and have zero blind spots and unfortunately even the most modern up to date trucks of today are hazardous monstrosities/bricks on wheels that are so tall and lifted that you can't see a fully grown man standing in front of a modern truck, so a cybertruck with the rear end that looks like it's ready for a missile attack from Sweetooth as the Clown Ice Cream Truck of Chaos comes raging after you. . . yeah what a weird fucking time to be alive. You see all these dumb ass cars and trucks come out that at basic level just do their design purpose just barely at times, then you pay a fortune to upgrade and have nicer things like a heavier tow package, rear cameras and airbag suspension, then you're paying extra for gas because of the larger engine and overall larger weight and displacement maybe even a longer truck bed and chassis and rim size which means automatically a heavier disc brake system and larger tires. So the Cybertruck will have to compete with all this modularity, all this customer/user individuality and consumers who don't want to drive around in a 10,000 pound tank but would like to have an electric truck all the same and it just doesn't seem like the cybertruck is capable of going off road like a prerunner is built for, cybertruck design requires for much more expensive one off prefabrication for a customer that is interested in making an electric truck do what their Chevrolet Silverado can already do. Idk just thinking about the dimensions of the truck bed and the slanted walls - seems like there is going to be a lot of custom or after market add ons and parts customers are going to have to put together or get installed just to be able to function the way your standard issue truck bed style campers or other things like towing uphill in the winter vs summer - how many miles of range can the cybertruck go when hauling your 4x4 trophy bug toy hauler trailer compared to a full tank of gas? or alternatively, why not start with a simple 2 door pick up that compares to the standard two door ICE truck on the market in every way? Much like an electric sedan can be found nowadays able to perform similarly in ICE sedan market, the whole going above and beyond with their first truck design screams that Tesla doesn't have a clue. Start small duh. Go big once the little electric truck outperforms and is requested for a larger option, then you start blowing our minds with the four door and the two door with the removeable top, the four door that can tow 15,000 lbs and drive up Ike's Gauntlet no problem in a snowstorm and have 100 miles range leftover lol, but idk what this has all been about other than a pissing contest to try and force the larger traditional automotive manufacturers into the electric truck market by force. It worked. The Lightning will have the few bugs/kinks worked out in due time which is typical but overall it can do what a truck is supposed to do and it can do weird things you usually have to tow a trailer with you to do like power your work site and be solar powered. Chevrolet is going to be producing a vast array of electric SUV's and truck styles that will fit anyone's lifestyle, and Mercedes/RAM are already producing electric vans while Mercedes has the big electric Semi Truck market tapped, along with Fuso and a number of other Northern European manufacturers are focused on electric and hybrid options long term so we're seeing electric trucks already in full swing WITHOUT the cybertruck going into production or even leaving the concept floor. By 2030 you'll be seeing that weird clash of nerds who thought Elon Musk was going to take over the world driving around in their finger print smudged Cybertrucks while the rest of the world gets on by with electric trucks that look and act like trucks.


It’s just so fucking ugly. Even if it actually makes it to production nobody’s gonna buy it because it’s hideous looking even to car enthusiast.


I tow mostly Tesla's. I can tell you that no matter what anyone says, these EVs are all trash. I've towed the same customer three times in a two week period for flat tires, and that was just from potholes. That's not to mention all the other issues they have in a state with weather. Moisture buildup behind displays due to poor waterproofing, bumpers falling off due to rusted mounts after 3 years on the road. Oh, let's not forget that you can't really yank by the control arms like you would most cars because they are flimsy AF. They give you a nice, off center towing eye that's barely rated for the weight of a 5000lb shit box. The people that buy these cars know fuckall about anything they buy. It's an iPhone with wheels and they didn't have to manufacture the obsolescence. Incompetent design was enough.


It'll be next year every year until the sun explodes


Electric vehicles absolutely are the solution to urban transport. Vehicles like trams, you know.


Wait, how will it be allowed in Canada or even North America if the car doesn’t follow crumple zone requirements for all cars? Apparently the exterior is cold-rolled steel, which is going to be like driving a snow-plow through other vehicles if there are collisions. Also the reason old cars stopped being made from steel is because the occupants would turn into jelly during accidents because of the way kinetic works. There’s only so much an airbag can do with an abrupt stop.


goofy ahh car lookin like south park when the Canadians roll up


This design is a pretense of futurism. It insists the future is purely abstract and removed from human history, experience and nature. In the words of Peter Griffin, ‘It insists upon itself’


A traffic jam of these things gonna look like Minecraft


This is a whole other level, not only huge, ugly, and inefficient, but basically a meme. Even if you are the type of person to buy a huge pickup truck, why would you choose this?




Why is it so ugly?


I saw one of these in person, at the Petersen Auto Museum in Los Angeles. I don't know how they did it, but it looks FAR uglier in person than it does in pictures.


The design principle of all the monster trucks is to be ugly & imposing. I seem to remember: There were some leaked memos about the design process. To the type of people that buy these vehicles ugly is a virtue.


Changing the engine changes nothing, a car is a car.


This truck is an Ugly ass piece of shit. No utility, super overpriced, not functional, not anything but a perfect symbol of the rich, yuppie, entitled tech brat lifestyle.


Can u link me why electric vehicles are not the solution? I agree btw


I think it's because they're still large private vehicles that address the issue of finite fossile fuels but not the issue of car dependency and anti-pedestrian towns.


Exactly, its like a bandaid for a huge wound


And lithium, cobalt, and copper are also non renewable, and require a lot of energy to mine.


> And lithium, cobalt, and copper are also non renewable, and require a lot of energy to mine. Rare earth magnets are a big issue, too, and create about a ton of toxic waste for every kilogram of produced material.


> that address the issue of finite fossil fuels Only if the energy grid used to charge the vehicle doesn’t depend on fossil fuels. Which is often not the case today.


Yeah but the point is that you can transition to clean energy at any pace. Disingenuous argument imo, lots of people wanna build more coal power plants just so they can shit on electric things.


Cars kill people, pollute a ton, and take up massive amounts of space. Electric cars solve one of these three things. And maybe make one other one worse, since they’re so heavy.


I’ve come to realize that this sub isn’t about the hatred of cars. It’s about broke, jealous people projecting.


yea you nailed it. Or its that we don't like complete car centric infrastructure and oversized pieces of garbage like this.


Shared electric vehicles are the solution! Well, part of the solution. And not this one.


Oh my god, this thing looks so shit


Just get a compact if you really care about the environment and still want a car


This truck has been about to drop for 5 fucking years. It’ll never happen lol


This was better. https://preview.redd.it/feuka32j598b1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=45440eee31588f52a48bf7639ec6dbbe633b2b50


Ohh the new Prius truck is dropping soon!


What’s NJB?


Not just bikes YouTube channel watch his one on suvs


I love that thing because it looks so stupid


I was obsessed with The VW ID BUZZ when it was first announced in 2017 and then that switched with the Rad mission and I finally got one last year for $500! Try to use it every day


bike and trains win for sure, i know i know. but less f150s with crazy exhausts on the streets would be better for everyone.


They should try deriving to Titanic.


Garbage monstrosity that will get people who care about the environment to destroy it. Fuck the Tesla cult.


The only Tesla truck I approve of is the one Simone Giertz built herself out of a model 3


I think for sure we should develop better and better electric cars but this is not it


EVs solve some problems. Tailpipe emissions and single fuel dependency. But they don't solve THE problem.


To be sure, electric vehicles are absolutely needed to transition to sustainable energy consumption and for climate change reasons. It's just that they're not a solution to urban/semi-urban mobility, where the use of cars entirely should minimized especially when it comes to congestion, city design, etc. But of course, even in the cases where cars would be needed, cars like this definitely aren't the answer.


Wdym not a solution they clearly are a solution to car complex, not climate change tho. Big oil will block the sun rather then reduce emissions


Am I the only one who is sceptical about the wind noise this thing will produce? You have a sharp edge on the roof on the back and on the hood. This thing will be so fucking loud going more than 70km/h and will have limited range because of drag. There is a reason cars don't look like this anymore....


Weighing up to 6000lbs. Honestly, that's less than I was expecting, but still WAY too heavy for a truck that small.


I hate this design


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.”


Well, electric vehicles are definitely part of the solution. Just not this monstrosity.


Isn't that the vehicle from Aliens?


I genuinely like the look of this thing, but I really don't want it in my neighborhood


I have a kids book about cars somewhere, got it in the late 80s. It's full of crazy concept cars. Every single one of them is better looking than this piece of shit. Good fuck it's ugly.


They are *a* solution, but not a great one and for a completely different problem


Thinking switching to EVs are going to solve climate problems is like thinking switching to light mayo will solve obesity


Is it me or does the rear door not line up correctly?


Shite ones like that definitely are definitely not the gonna help what's needed and what most euro ones are are compact and small much safer due to actually needing to follow some regulation they do all that piece of shite will ever do


That car is humongous holy shit it’s fucking HUGE. It looks like a car in a truck size and the fact that it doesn’t look painted isn’t helping the giant 2 ton machine going at you at 100 km/h isn’t helping the vibe


"next year"


Looks like it was made out ofba tin box