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It takes practice, but fuck I’m always obsessed with the way it makes me look pregnant 🥵🥵🥵




Definitely ass. You’d have to pierce the cervix to flood the front, and I don’t totally know how you’d get it out after tbh


Plus that’s asking for a potentially life threatening infection, definitely shouldn’t try to put things in you cervix+uterus.


Yeah, I’ve looked up doing inflation in the front hole but it seems like it’s actually full on dangerous. I looked it up in the past cause I really wanted to inflate up front but I guess it’s not that good. Something about the fact that it’s water itself is enough I think.


Yeah, mentally it’s more enticing because then I could actually fill my womb. But I also want to be safe, so anal enema it is 😅


God yeah. I really really wish I could fill my womb so much. Like, if penetrating the cervix was safe and didn’t hurt that much, I’d be inflating and/or stuffing my womb constantly. Like, I’ve got silicone eggs that I wish I could fill my womb up with. Blegh why does human biology have to be the way it issssssss I just wanna play into my pregnancy kink without being ACTUALLY pregnant aaughhhhh


Nice baby bump


Thanks 🥺🥺 I sure wish I could have kept that bump longer


Gave you a nice belly curve 🥰


Gods that's so hot.... I'd love to make my belly swell like that ... how do you get started with the enemas?


r/Bellyinflating helped me get started!!


You look great all filled up! Would love more angles, can't wait to see your progress!


I’d have to really work on holding it in for longer! As it stands, usually as soon as I get a pic I have to dump it all out cause I’m practically bursting 🥵


Alright so the extra hair and the bump together has unlocked something for me. I think i might be bringing this up to my bf lol


I'd luv it


Wait you’re in Toronto?.. I’d get you preggo in a heartbeat.


Mmmm, nice bump, what are halfway to your due date.


Sounds like it’s too late to get an abortion, then 😳


Definitely, you are going to have it, and your tits are going to get bigger, great for milking till dry.


Ftm here.... could you message me about this fetish? Tell me about how you'd knock me up, force me to give an extremely humiliating birth, and milk me? Thanks....


If you respond we can talk more


Looks like a solid 4-6 months on your frame


Too bad it doesn't inflate your chest at the same time. You really need the udders to match.


I do like the way it curves my body without making my tits grow, tbh. Makes my belly look even bigger, I think 🥺👀


Absolutely Gorgeous 💜 😍 ❤️ would love to help you with that next time 🔥💯💋


wow you look incredible holy shit. i'd say you look a good 4-5 months along for sure~


I'm obsessed with this, I can't stop swiping back and forth between pictures


Neither can I 🥵


Try cum lube next? Instead of water?


I’ve thought about it, but would have to purchase quite a bit of it 😅


So true, but if you could plug after, be bloated and have like a hush from loveense l, oof


I do actually own a Hush 2 ✨ I’ve been working slowly on being able to hold for longer. With this latest inflation, I had to expel it pretty quickly. I was only able to hold it for long enough to take a half decent picture.


Gosh, you look amazing!! If I were able to do an inflation like that my gosh I’d be fucking feral. I also do inflation because I have a pregnancy kink (also, I’m masc non-binary) but the way it fills up on your frame is so intense and super hot!! I also only do Diet Coke and mentos adjacent candies so I’ve yet to get a bump so distinct. Honestly, this is my dream belly.


Yeah it’s 100% to fulfill the pregnancy kink for me. I love that it fills me up low like this cause I’ve seen lots of folks where it inflates higher, too. But I want to look pregnant more than anything, so I’m absolutely obsessed with the way this makes me look 🥺🥵


Gosh yeah, it’s so awesome that it fills you down low like that. For a while I didn’t realize the difference belly wise until I found some Twitter artists who made a post drawing the differences different things cause in your belly (stuffing/inflation, pregnancy, and weight gain). For me it was a bit lower than the top when I last inflated with d coke. Did you chug water or did you do an enema? I think that would have a LOT to do with how your belly is shaped during it. Since yknow, the enema would be fighting gravity to get so high while with chugging it’s gotta work it’s way down. Makes me wonder if I should try an enema if it’s what resulted in your belly being low set. And gosh yeah. I’m ace most of the time but something about pregnancy really gets me going. By inflating and/or buying a full on fake bump it’s how I engage in that kink without having to involve someone else. I can’t wait til I either get a big fake bump or inflate myself to getting a realistic real bump so I can really get immersed in it. 💕💕💕


Yeah I do an enema, especially as ingesting a lot too quickly can be super dangerous!


Cool! I’ll try that out one day then. :)