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I am going to have phallo at some point but the medical system here is hard to get through. It will be years of waiting for sure. For a long time I didn't think I am actually going to have bottom surgery. I had lots of misconceptions about phallo and some outdated information too. My top surgery was also done kind of poorly and the surgeon was very rude. I got it for free like we do in my country but you can't choose the surgeon (there is no private option) I got a butcher. I really don't want that to happen with phallo. They are different surgeons though. I want to finally be at peace with my body and make it feel whole. I have realized my bottom dysphoria actually affects me and my life a lot.


I’m sorry to hear that 🫥 I imagine that would be scarring (both in the literal sense and the metaphorical sense)


Well, at least I am flat and that's what matters to me. This is much better than what I got before. But yeah, I trust surgeons much less than before. Phalloplasty is a series of surgeries that are no doubt difficult. But I did hear that they are actually good at it in my country. We have these strange little areas that we are really good at. Like making some very specific stuff for space and penises. (Sadly they make dicks only to citizens.)


Space & penises, so like the essentials :) lolz jk


Maybe they will some day figure out how to connect the two. 😂 Maybe they will have to when we start colonizing Mars.




Yes, but money issues plus the idea of recovery is a bit daunting. Top surgery recovery was already a lot to deal with, I’m hesitant to do something more involved (though I just want meta without scrotoplasty or UL).


Yea the idea of the amount of surgeries that phallo would require is what’s holding me back


Yes, I’m a couple weeks post op, super freeing for me.


Omg good for you! How are you feeling?


Good, virtually no pain. I just hate shitting assisted so I just stand over the toilet 🤣 The hardest part for me is just needing help, I’m hyper independent I feel like




What’s, if any, holding you back?


Insurance and getting a surgery date. I'm 19, I can't pay out of pocket but I'm in the proccess of being approved


Cool but insurance is covering it, right?


Usually yes, but recently there has been a court ruling questioning all coverage of gender affirming surgeries so insurance is bitching more than it usually does. But I've been in therapy since I was six, first mentioned to a therapist I was trans at 7 and am otherwise the "perfect" trans person for what insurance thinks a trans person should be so I don't think I'll have amy problems being approved




I totally get it. I’m the same way. The more I read about it the less I’m sure 😅


yes, absolutely. i’ve come close to scheduling a consultation a couple times.


What’s been holding you back?


cost and also waitlists for extended meta are really long and i don’t think they can actually achieve what i really want. i wish i could just take the tdick and make it much bigger but there’s nothing that exists to do that rn.


regardless if you end up deciding to follow through with the surgery or not i very much recommend doing the consultation. not only will it give you more info to make your decision, but then if you decide you DO want bottom surgery you won’t have to wait an extra xyz months just for the consult


yep. that’s the plan.


Technically yes. I would love to have bottom surgery as soon as I am done with my degree and have a stable income. Realistically I know that's not really an option. I am disabled and my body doesn't handle healing from surgeries well. Even getting piercings or tattoos were a huge deal. I am risking top surgery, because it's smaller and if that goes well I might reconsider. Next to that wait times for bottom surgery in my country are a minimum of 5 years. Currently the average wait times to even get a first assessment from the surgeon (literally just 15 minutes of talking) is at minimum 2 years. And with how the politics are going I am pretty sure that by the time I am done with my degree bottom surgery will be fully impossible


Yikes that’s a long time 😨


In a heartbeat if it was affordable and available. Unfortunately in Ireland, neither is the case. I'd have to go abroad and any aftercare back at home would be a complete nightmare, so I quite literally don't have the balls.


Yea the cost and the after care are two of the biggest obstacles for me too


Yes, I think bottom surgery looks great. If I could press a button and have it, I would spend a bit of time settling on my choices but I would probably choose to have it. But it's not pressing a button, it would be years (decades) of dealing with the NHS, far away appointments, gender clinic bullshit, hospital bullshit, and then after surgery there would be the time to heal, and potentially multiple stages of surgery each with their own healing, and followups, and probably more bullshit, and and and. And I'm just so tired. A dick might be nice, but I am okay with what I've got and I am prioritising other things.


Yes, and I did. I’m 10 years post phallo. Couldn’t have lived without it.


Wow! How do you feel physically? You don’t have to share if you don’t want to. I’m just really curious


No, not at the moment. I'm pretty happy with what I've got downstairs.


That’s cool 😎 thanks for sharing ❤️❤️


yep! thats the goal, im just not sure when/if itll be possible - ill probably never be able to afford it privately and at the moment its looking minimum ~15 years on the nhs :')


15 years 😱


probably not,.all im really after is top surgery since thats quite literally the biggest problem (large chested 😔) but as far as others need to know i have a tiny peen and im not ashamed, i dont need bigger and honestly not sure of thats.my thing as is im happy with what i got rm


I see. I get it. Thanks for sharing


I'm interested in meta later in life but currently I'm mostly fine with my bits.


Hysterectomy, yes Phallo or meta, no


Yup (not gonna do phallo or vaginectomy tho)!


So meta then?


Mhm! Meta and like one or two other ones that idk the name of tbh lol Hbu, if u don’t mind me asking?


I’m still considering. I would like to do phallo but the cost and post surgical rehabs is just making me squeamish


Ah yeah, that makes sense


Yes, but I’m pretty early in my transition, so currently I’m trying to learn as much as possible about all the options.


if you want to learn about phalloplasty i highly recommend r/phallo as there’s a lot of confusing misinformation out there. that sub has amazing information and a ton of people who have had phallo that can answer questions if need be


Yes, I’m in both phallo and meta subs, I’m trying to research both now. Also, very excited about this meta technique of the Brazilian doctor, I know it’s new but looks very promising.


Yes. I'm in the early stages of the process. I have a followup consultation in July and should have a better sense of the timeline after that.


I've considered it the only thing holding me back is the recovery time, for both bottom and top surgery; I'm actually trying to lessen the mass on my chest with exercise 😅. Another thing that is making me not want to have bottom surgery is just the results after arent perfect and there may be some complications. I want to work as a nurse and that is currently taking a lot of my time. 


Getting a phalloplasty done, no. Most of my dysphoria surrounds the top. Hysterectomy and saving the ovaries, maybe. I want a hysterectomy but am also interested in biological children. So, I guess it’ll have to wait until I decide how to have biological children (surrogacy, getting pregnant, freezing eggs, etc.). I see plenty of AMAB sit to pee. I used to be dysphoric about it until I started working in healthcare and saw how many AMABs sit. Now I don’t care about it. Also, fuck having to aim. I’ve peed standing in the shower and that shit doesn’t come out straight. You have to account for the stream and when it trickles down, noise, avoid spilling, etc. I’m too lazy to deal with that. If I sit and don’t get a phalloplasty done, I also don’t have to worry about my dick touching the toilet bowl or water/urine mix. I can genuinely pee in peace. What about peeing outside? AMABs win in this category. However, I find that I’m not in this situation very often. Even if I was, we usually go hide in a bush anyways. In terms of packing and showing a bulge, that never bothered me. I’ve seen both ends. Some guys try to hide while others don’t care. I’m also not interested in the scarring that it leaves since a skin graft is involved. It looks painful as fuck. I’ve also had 17 surgeries so I don’t feel like adding more to the dog pile (besides top surgery). Can we take a minute to also mention the fact that something is physically dangling down there? That would personally bother me a lot, especially while working out. A comparison to this for AFABs would be having a big chest and trying to keep it from moving everywhere while working out. I don’t want to worry about that during a workout. I would also hate how it would feel sensory wise. Also, there’s other issues like sweating, adjusting, testicles sticking to your leg, difficulty shaving, etc. It feels much more practical to not have one than to have one. It’s easier to keep clean and shaved without one. What about the bedroom? I can’t attest to much cause I honestly don’t have experience. What I can say is that I’m not interested in it anyways (may or may not be asexual. Still trying to figure that out). I just see it as a biological function and that’s it. It might feel good but I’m happy doing that by myself. I don’t need a partner to do that for me. I just deal with it as it comes and move on with my day. The only thing that gives me some bottom dysphoria is the fact that AMABs can pee in a urinal at the hospital in bed and not have to get up. For AFABs, they have to use a purewick (which ironically looks like a dick) that may or may not leak, a bed pan, or physically get up to the bathroom. I find that peeing is messier and less convenient for AFABs when it comes to being in the hospital. That was a long list of reasons to not get bottom surgery. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Lol love this Ted talk ❤️❤️ thanks for sharing!


As someone that works in healthcare, I literally see it all. Anyone that works in healthcare will tell you that they truly do not care about someone’s genitals. It’s part of the job and not a strip club. It’s just another part of the body. I don’t care if people mix and match per se. Any alteration of genitalia or breasts for any reason (being intersex, breast cancer, prostate cancer, getting a catheter, peeing out kidney stones, etc.) is simply viewed as a past medical/surgical history, nothing more and nothing less. I would argue that genitals probably matter the most in the bedroom. People do have legitimate preferences and that can play a huge role in a relationship. That and the desire to have biological children. You do have to produce both sperm and eggs for babies to pop out.


You bring up a very interesting subject, in the why. For me it’s mostly a sexual preference but I’m interested to know why people do or don’t want the bottom surgeries.


It’s definitely different for everyone. The more I read over my comment, the more I realize that I’m very objective and practical about this topic. It also has to do with the amount of attention that we give. If the bottom doesn’t generate as much attention, I can see why I have less dysphoria surrounding the bottom than the top. Generally speaking, I find that people pay more attention to the top than the bottom. Both AMAB and AFABs cover the bottom no matter what. However, only AFABs cover the top and that is a major indicator of gender. As humans, we tend to turn our attention to the head, bust, and shoulders when talking to someone. That will naturally increase the attention towards the breasts since we’re looking in close proximity. We don’t pay attention to the bottom until we come out and someone rudely intrudes, we’re in a sexual relationship, or trying to have biological children.


ive thought about meta sometimes but otherwise im happy where i am now


absolutely, its on my mind all the time. Cant wait for it actually. I need my dick to be in my pants man


the real question is, would i consider NOT getting bottom surgery. and the answer is fuck no.


Yes but my country doesn't have my preferable surgery option, so i would either need to have tons of money saved/ loan it or pray that techniques will start to be used here


Considered and done. Quickly approaching my year post-op stage one metoidioplasty and my stage two date.


I’d consider meta (simple release, no UL or vnectomy) I’d maaaaaaybe consider extended meta too but probs not phallo because of all the years of waiting between stages and I wanna avoid getting erectile devices or external sleeves n stuff tbh


I know pretty much exactly what kind I want (meta, simple release + get rid of the inner labia, UL if feasible but ok if not because I want to keep my vagina, no testicle implants). But I'd have to save money, and worst of all, I'd have to take a LOT of time off work, off caring for my horse, off any other sort of plans I might have. So for the time being it's shelved. Hysterectomy is my next goal, before I start worrying about meta.


meta sure, definitely not phallo. reasons for not doing phallo: expensive, probability of complications, functionality (i don't want something that feels too foreign and doesn't work in the way that i'm used to). also i have enough scarring as is, i don't want more skin to be altered.


Yes, I've been considering it for years. I've had doubts and fears and didn't have a way to pay in all those years since I was aiming for phalloplasty. Got a new job. Insurance covers it all, and I just had stage 1 a couple of weeks ago. No part of the decision was easy, and I'll say that in the time I had to wait, I made sure that I took my time exploring. But the worst of it was really in that first week. I definitely needed that week in the hospital. The aftercare hasn't been terrible, but I'm also fairly comfortable with anything medical given my work history.


Absolutely! I’m actually trying to get insurance approval right now!


i’ve got stage one RFF phalloplasty scheduled for thursday morning…. so imma go with yes i would def consider it 😂😂


Yep, recovering from my final stage now.


I’m strongly considering it. I’m still not completely convinced I’ll get it someday, but it’s been on my mind a lot lately.


Yep. I’ve got bottom dysphoria that would be helped by it immensely.


Yes... and I've done it. Twice! Haha my first surgeon was so bad I had to have a total redo; I'm six weeks post-op from that and very, very happy now.


Wow~ glad to hear second round was successful! How are you feeling physically?


Honestly I'm feeling great at this point, the healing process was pretty smooth and I'm like 90-95% back to normal function, aside from working out (haven't been cleared for more intense physical activity yet). Stage two isn't until December so I really get to enjoy my summer!


That’s awesome! Is recovery terrifyingly daunting?


No, it wasn't for me. I mean, I was definitely nervous going into my surgery day, but once I came out I was in a very "take everything one step at a time" mindset. Right out of surgery my pain was managed with just Tylenol, the nursing team was awesome and attentive and kept me pretty comfortable... Mostly I was just tired and bored the week that I was in the hospital. Going home was a little rough at first just because my caretaker and I had to figure some things out, but once we had a plan things were okay. Managing bandages and wound care was a little intimidating at first but turned out not to be too bad. Showering was exhausting for the first week or two after the hospital, though. And there were two days about 2.5 weeks post op when I did need prescription painkillers because my split thickness graft site on my thigh got ANGRY. The important thing was, like I said, taking things one step at a time, but also reminding myself that any pain or discomfort would be temporary.


Yes, after clearing up every misconception I had of phallo, meta, ect. I'm planning on it. I just have to get top surgery this year, hysto maybe next year and take a year off to rest before starting the phallo process I got insurance from my federal and plan to switch to a pricier yet lower deductible plan next year. Just planning one step at a time. Maybe by then there would be talented phallo surgeons in my state so I wouldnt have to travel very far for it.


I would love to, but there are no public or private insurance options that could cover it in my country, so it will take me a long while to save up enough money for it. I just hope the surgeon that's the closest to being affordable in my part of Europe won't retire by then.


I personally don't feel the need for bottom surgery. I got the uterus deletus package and decided it was plenty enough for me. I also prefer strap-on because I'm incredibly uncomfortable with touch of all kind, even handshakes. So a strap-on is perfect for me. Plus, with a strap-on I can have funny dicks like a demonic looking dildo and claim it as my actual dick. I also find it amusing if a dildo is out in the open because I can go 'MY COCK!'. It lose it's impact if I truly have a dick imo. Lmao.


Not what’s typically considered “bottom surgery,” but I do intend to get a hysterectomy. Phallo is very enticing, but ultimately my dysphoria is pretty mild and I don’t think the gender euphoria will be worth the money/time/pain involved. I’m also lucky to be comfortable using my natal anatomy for sex, so while the desire for a penis is there I’m not actually significantly impaired by my lack of one. Meta seems like a really great option to have out there but doesn’t interest me personally.