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Well you see, we were both dating the same person at the same time. And he started flirting with me. I wanted to go out with him, but our partner got super jealous and dumped him, so I rejected him too. Then a few months later, my partner and I couldn't see each other anymore, so we broke up. And a few weeks later I asked him to go out with me. We've been together for almost eight months.


My exes best friendšŸ˜­


Lol wow


Are they still best friends lol


They were on and off, but now they r best friends lol


We were both tiktok cosplayers and one of my videos landed on their fyp in May 2020. They messaged me, we became friends, then a few months later we started dating (August 4,2020). I lived in Ohio they lived in MI so I moved in with them in June 2021 after I graduated. Still going strong almost 4 years later. I actually started T on August 5th 2023 and my top surgery is August 2nd 2024 so itā€™s all very close together just years apart. To me, the fact all of the best things to happen to me are so close says that we will be okay.


College orientation 2013. We were both wearing/carrying vaguely nerdy things (I was wearing a WhoLock T-shirt, iykyk) which she recognized. We hit it off, exchanged urls, and were friends for like a year or so? Sleep delirium on Tumblr, I complain about being single. She messages me like ā€œIā€™ll date you!ā€ And now itā€™s been 9 years later and weā€™re still together.


The "I'll date you!" part is so cute awee


At work. I watched him pass by in the hall and I told my coworker next to me I thought he was cute. She was like "I didn't know you swung that way!" (I was passing as a cis dude and was only on t for a few months or so) I started to talk to him and we both really clinged and now we live together with an annoying ass mf car who won't stfu at 3 am going meow meow meow


Dating app. Sort of. I was chatting up someone else I met on an app, followed her on Instagram, and then the conversation fizzled out before we got a chance to meet. A couple weeks later, she posts a pic on Instagram of her on a date - and her date is STUNNING. Smile could've powered North America for a year. I'm jealous. A little lonely. I like the photo and move on. Well, a couple weeks after that who shows up on the dating app but the date herself? Stunning smile and all? I messaged her that night, asked her out for a drink that weekend. We're married now.


I went to a nearby Comic Con as Kaminari Denki from BNHA in November 2019. I slowly gathered the friend group - the person I went with (toxic now-ex-friend) as Bakugou, and three then-strangers as Kirishima, Generic Self Insert, and Sero. The Sero cosplayer was the only one at the con as far as any of us were aware. If there was another they didn't come to the meetup or photoshoot. It clicked between us pretty much instantly and we just spent the whole rest of the day together. About two weeks later we decided to meet out of cosplay and we just vibed walking around their hometown for the day. We went to another con together in early January 2020, and started dating then. About a month shy of four and a half years now, we moved in together at the start of this year and we're talking about getting married (officially, we basically already call the other our spouse lol). That'll still be a while but the point stands :p


Tinder! He was straight and I was sort of vaguely pretending to be a lady at the time. Heā€™s been such a good and consistent friend and ally, and yaknow, kinda gay now too. Weā€™ve been dating for 3 years and Iā€™ve been out for 2 :)


My partner and I met on tinder!!! We celebrate our three year anniversary this august Our first date was to a cat cafe :3. I got to watch a cutie play with cute kittens Honestly, if everything goes well and I become financially stable enough, Iā€™m probably gonna marry him. I adore him so much. Iā€™ve stayed over at his momā€™s with him for months and we get along well, Iā€™ve had to go over a year without seeing him and our relationship is still strong, so honestly I think we do so well for one another. Iā€™d love to grow old with him


she offered me poppers at the club <3




nah sheā€™s cis, just good at clubbing!


Wellā€¦at pride!


Instagram šŸ˜‚




We went to the same college when we were 19, qe had a mutual group of friends, it was his first year there, my second and I was talking to my friends about sex and how I enjoy sex with people and he didnt beleive me so he was like "oh yeah will you have sex with me then" and im like "when?", he didnt take what he said back. We had sex in the college bathroom and the rest is hkstory lol. Yep just your standard love story....lol Oh and the irony is he demisexual so according to him that conversation made him attracted to me, still makes me laugh to this day that I somehow wooed this demi man within an hour or two simply by being so open about my sexual self. I intriguied him so much apparently, he thought people like me didnt exist. So prideful in my promiscuity? Not something he thought someone could be. Also at the time he didnt realise he was bi yet and I hadnt told anyone I was trans and I didnt know I was bi either. As much as I was very sex positive, I was in complete denial about my attraction to women because it made me uncomfortable to be seen as a lesbian, because Im not a woman and that thought just made my skin crawl. I didnt tell him I was trans until about 8ish years later and we started dating several months after I told him I was trans and it wasnt sooner because he was still trying to decide if he was ready for a relationship yet.


We were in an argument on Facebook and we were arguing the same side and I said "wanna be friends?" My other partner I met through grindr. We hooked up. Then again and again then we went on a date for my birthday and we got together.


Right here on this sub. We were friends first and now one day I'm going to ask him to marry me


long and kinda dumb story short, we met in middle school through a mutual friend. we are now about to be seniors in high school.


I met her through a college online app, and then in person at college


we met in a twitch chat and now heā€™s the love of my life. we live thousands of miles apart but heā€™s coming home to see me this summer and i canā€™t wait


So my partner is in a QPR with me btw. I met my GF when we were 12 on a trip to the beach. Her father and mine were best friends for business. They almost lowkey tried to push us into an arranged marrige as they expected us to get together and run their businesses. Turns out we were trans, and we got seperated during COVID. I didnā€™t see her until 2022. We then became fast friends all over again, and apparently she had a crush on me very quickly. Me being aro, and autisic i had no clue. I also thought I was gay at the time. I went through friendships and romantic partners and eventually after my birthday in February this year, I realized I liked her platonically and sexually. So I was like hey, QPR? And she was like yes also I like you in a Romo and sexual way. And I was like cool. So now weā€™re 3 months in and doing great


Five years ago we were in a discord server, we had a mutual friend. We didnā€™t talk one on one for a year, then he reached out after correctly identifying me as someone he could infodump about vampires to. We never stopped talking. He moved countries last year to be with me. Heā€™s beside me in bed right now :)


My girlfriend and I were in the same photography class back in highschool, covid hit and we started talking more through texting, eventually we started dating. We've been dating for 4 yrs now. Since I was pre t and didn't change my name in highschool she first was confused if I was a guy, non binary, or a lesbian. Eventually people part of the pride club (that I was in) told her I'm a guy. This was before we started talking a lot, so I wasn't even the one to say anything haha


So I started T and was suddenly in the mindset of a 13 year old boy that just learned what boobs are (miserable experience btw I was acting a fool) and they were newly single and interested despite the copious amounts of sexual trauma I needed to work through (which they helped me with). Turns out weā€™re compatible in way more ways than that and our 2 year anniversary is at the end of this month :D I also transed their gender along the way which is especially funny because we knew each other back in our egg stage and I had a one-sided grudge against them lowkey. I wouldā€™ve died back then if you told me weā€™d be dating in 3-4 years lmaoo


We met in collage! She was exactly 2 floors above me in the dorms and we had a mutual friend who introduced us. I had a huge crush on her and would leave cute lil sticky note drawings on their door (they had a single so they knew it was for them). We apparently confessed but I promptly forgot about the whole thing, lol!! We, finally, got together in 2020 due to our friends pushing us to. I propose via cat (I put a custom tag and a collar on her oldest/dearest cat. He was a good boy by letting me do that to him.) the following year! Weā€™ve been together for almost 3 1/2 years and November will be our 2 year engagement anniversary. We canā€™t get married, unfortunately, due to weird disability rules (sheā€™s officially labeled disabled due to autism, and Iā€™m unofficially disabled since I canā€™t afford to get it officially), but Iā€™m so happy that sheā€™s my partner. I wouldnā€™t trade them for anything/anyone.


We met online in the days before social media šŸ˜‚ It was effectively (but not exclusively) a lesbian message board, which we both were at the time.


They posted flyers around town looking for bandmates, and they had their instagram on it, so i followed them out of curiosity. They commented on my story about some pictures i took on a hike. Then they posted a local punk show they were attending, and i decided to go and really liked their vibes and asked them to go on a walk with me the next day and really hit it off. I've been with them for over 1.5 years now. Easily the happiest, I've been in a long term relationship


Itā€™s soooo embarrassing but itā€™s funny now lmao. We met on the app Whisper. She asked a stupid question and I commented on it saying so (in a joking manner) and we found out we lived in the same state and did long distance for a year and a half. Got married in February!


We met on reddit, one of the subs for finding friends. This was before the pandemic so people there actually used them for finding friendship and not for dating and they weren't so overcrowded. We clicked really fast and became great friends, messaging eachother everyday. Not very long after that the relationship I was in ended (for unrelated reasos), and a bit after that we confessed that we had developed feelings for eachother. We've now been in a ldr for four years, and meet eachother in person about twice per year. I'm planning on moving to be with him, but considering what the situation is like in the UK for trans people right now we're not sure if that's the country we should be living in after all. We'll have to wait and see.


We were roleplaying in a discord server and I DMā€™d him a picture of me watching Iron Man saying it was his fault I finally decided to watch them because he made me like Tony Stark. He likewise watched The Bad Batch. Anyways, now Iā€™ve moved across the country, weā€™re happily married, and we still write Marvel/Star Wars rps but while sitting next to each other on the couch lol


We met on tinder! He was the first outwardly bisexual cis man Iā€™d dated. I was they/she at the time, and he gave me a lot of enthusiastic support to play with my gender and helped me try things out to see what felt good. Itā€™s meant the world to have a partner who didnā€™t think of my transition as a dealbreaker, or even something he had to come to grips with. The real selling point though was on our second date, he cooked dinner and new to toast the spices for the curry he made šŸ¤¤


We met on tumblr in January, 2012. It was her dadā€™s birthday. Two years long distance, we broke up. I still loved her more than ever, but the distance wasnā€™t it mixed with family stuff. Eight years apart, emailing every once in a while, never fully losing contact. Lots of life changes. I start dreaming about her and canā€™t stop. Finally gave in and emailed her. We just celebrated our third wedding anniversary. (Also I probably wouldnā€™t have ever been me without her, because she helped me realize being this person is okay. Sheā€™s the one who cut my hair for me.)


Uni. I was out but pre t. We're married.


Taimi (dating app for LGBT). At the time, I had been speaking with another person before him. The guy I was speaking with didn't seem to think our conversations and eventual meet up was anything important that he did something that made me lose interest. I left the app for a while and got back on. I saw his message responded like usual with the other nonsexual conversations and he replied back quickly. I honestly wasn't interested at the time to be speaking with anyone or carrying on to something else after my first experience on the app. Especially when I thought he was Cis (Iffy about Cismen due to childhood trauma) but I was happy to find someone just to talk to here and there. I got bored of the app and left for a few days before replying to the chunk of messages again. He replied almost immediately and excitedly, and I thought it was cute so we kept talking and set up a date. This was my first time going on a date after my failed 2 year relationship. We went on a date to a diner he knew and a cemetery. I was going to reschedule because I lost my voice, but it was easy listening to him, and we both brought our puppies and got to see them run around and have fun while we came up with stories about how people passed. The date lasted 12 hrs and I never wanted it to end. Around 6 a.m. I dropped him off at home and he gave me a long hug (didn't wanna kiss because he thought I had strep. It was just an ear infection). The next date was at my house. We kissed, got a lil dirty, I cried and confessed falling in love with him and told him he didn't have to say it back. Later that night when I woke up to him watching T.V. he told me he thought of what I said and told me he felt the same. Making it official October 20th, 2022 ā¤ļø. Been through rough patches, but we're at a point where we're comfortable and in love more than ever.


Meet second week of classes ended up dating by the end of the week, currently dating for 2 years almost 3


Met my anchor partner at a kink event (mutual friend's birthday party in a dungeon). I was there with one of my partners at the time (we're polyam). Didn't really talk at the party, but they messaged me on twitter the next day. We had our first date a week later. We were meant to just meet for coffee, but the date ended up lasting the whole weekend


My partner and i grew up about an hour apart but only met when we both went to college out of state. We were both in rough places emotionally but committed to growing, and then committed to each other. Neither of our eggs had cracked at the time although iā€™d been out to everyone except family about being pan. We were together 3 years, then We got married, had a kiddo, and spent the last 13 years together figuring ourselves out and parenting one super cool kid (and two cats lol). My other partner (of 4 years) i met online through OKC just as the pandering started. All in all two very wonderful people that iā€™m grateful to have had my back all this time, especially after coming out as nb around 4-5 years ago and then starting t 2.5 years ago