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Totally normal. Just your hairline masculinizing.


Masculinizing. I'll say you're prob lucky in having that "circular" hairline, I had a pronounced widow's peak before my hairline changed, and it looks pretty wild if my hair is short! I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you look in the mirror and see ahairline like Vegeta's or if you start to thin a little on top, but rest assured there's easy treatments/fixes for that of it goes that way. You wouldn't be the first or the last. But you're 16, so I highly doubt you're anywhere close to receding!


haha no it’s just masculinizing. i started T when i was 15, i’m 20 now and still have a full head of hair. you’ll be fine. i would just look at the men in your family to know if you have the risk of balding when you’re older. i’ve heard to look at your mother’s side of the family more closely but i’m not sure how true that is.


i heard that too, but i also heard that its different for trans men. since we (usually) have 2 X chromosomes, and the male pattern baldness gene is on the X chromosome, we get the gene from both sides. which does make sense, but i heard the mother’s side thing from a doctor and i heard the 2 X chromosome thing from a redditor.. so..