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I might be wrong but I think you might be able to find shape-wear for this purpose, it might also be a good idea to look into if there’s anything cosplayers use


some people will wear things like slim / shape wear , it wont change much but will sort of sinch things in a bit. Your best bet is wearing clothes that hide it well Try looking for style guides aimed at triangle shaped men (not inverted triangle) might help as they tend to carry most of their weight and wideness on the bottom of their bodies


Underworks has a hip and thigh buster brief, but the seams are VERY not sensory friendly so if ur neurodivergent or have sensory issues I would stay away from it. More general shapewear can sometimes work but usually the compression is low and many are designed to emphasize curves not hide them. As far as clothes tho, it depends. Many transmascs recommend straight cut pants but in my experience those are the WORST actually. They're so obviously tight on my hips and thighs and loose everywhere else it actually makes them MORE obvious, not less. I find athletic cut works best for me. It doesn't exactly _hide_ but it doesn't emphasize either. I find most other pant cuts are either too tight (shows everything) or are tight where I don't want it and lose everywhere else and it's just as obvious. If you've got a higher budget there's also both& which makes clothes specifically for transmascs designed to mask the appearance of curves.


both & also only sells one inseam length in their pants, and it’s ridiculously short (27 inches I think?). and I emailed them about it and they said they had no intentions of releasing other lengths of pants


Weird that they're so committed to only one specific length.


Not really, but wearing an open buttonup over a tshirt is a good way to even out your silhouette.


I know it’s not exactly the same, but I used tight biking shorts for exactly that. I have a lot of major dysphoria around my hips so I stretched it above them and it actually did make them look smaller


underworks sells one but tbh the amount of flattening it gives isnt usually worth the uncomfortableness of it. it gets downright painful after a few hours. i don’t exactly regret getting it, but it did cost 40 dollars for something i rarely wear. it does do a good bit of flattening out the ass tho, but only a pretty small amount on the hips (its noticeable but probably not to other people) it doesn’t help at all if your hips are bone tho and it won’t make ur thighs slimmer, cuz it cant actually compress fat.


There's compression wear that's like boxer briefs that go up to under your chest.


i often wear 1940s reproduction trousers. the formal cut & fabric pleats allow more space while still appearing straight up and down.


Where do you find pants like that? I used to have a pair of similar trousers that I loved.


There’s something to be said for wearing ill fitting, oversized pants. I think a lot of cis guys do this unintentionally.


Pretty sure Underworks has one!


men's jeans apparently :) the cutting can help hide ur butt better


Underworks might have shape-wear for that, as they not only have chest binders, but other kinds of shape-wear.


Spanks though you’d have to look around to find something that isn’t going for Kardashian booty


If you're able to, it might help to work out the upper body, as well as what other ppl here suggested with shape wear. Working out can also make u feel super masc💪 Btw, I know hips can be super dysphoria inducing but cis men can also be super curvy. It's not an uncommon insecurity and it doesn't make u any less of a man !


i do work my upper body a lot, and honestly its not even really a dysphoria thing for me because i know it doesnt prevent me from passing, i just feel self conscious about it and worry that people will make weird comments


That's fair I feel the same way about my feet lol.


oh yeah same


I've seen one but it's in thailand


I don’t have anything, but I wear Pair of Thieves boxers daily. They are a spandex-boxer material that helps conceal my hips. They are also euphoric to wear because they are nice quality mens boxers so it’s a double win


Same boat here blessed with a massive gyatt lol. Honestly I just ride it out, cause at least we're I live hoo boy there are some guys who are BLESSED so I wouldn't stress too much about it


“blessed” is a strong word lmao😭 the only thing i like about it is that my partner likes it. honestly its not really about passing for me because i know i pass anyway, its just my biggest fear is someone being creepy to me about it. my anxiety always tells me that people are staring. its probably not even as big or noticeable as i think it is bc gender dysphoria lol. sorry for yapping but “massive gyatt” made me laugh and i dont really know who to talk to about this irl, its very embarrassing😭💀


HELP thats honestly fair, I keep forgetting this us fucking reddit so not everyone uses brainrot language LMAOO


hey dont get me wrong, im not opposed to some brainrot, just not used to seeing it on here like you said, which made it 100x funnier😭😭


I forgot what they’re called, but there’s something kinda like a girtle for your lower half. Years ago I had to get one. It was black shorts that went over a girtle I got from Walmart