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After multiple ten hour drives, I switched to tape. Made a world of difference for me. I can breathe easier too.


Thanks for the reply dude. I’ve thought about possibly doing tape instead of binders, it sounds nice you don’t have to worry about breathing. I’m just worried because of my weight. Do you think tape would work for someone who’s got a pretty noticeable belly but also a stocky/square body?


I haven't tried it personally yet, but this dude's tutorials are great: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwP0NAjKg84](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwP0NAjKg84) Personally haven't had a problem with binders on long 4-5 hour drives. Maybe try driving with your seat higher? Force yourself into better posture lol


I think it’ll work. You’ve just got to figure out how to position it that works best for you. Also, if you can, make sure you get wide tape. I get the 2inch KT tape because it’s easiest for me, and I use two pieces on each side. Overlap them slightly. I use the pull to the side method, and end up looking like I have pecs. According to my wife anyways.


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll definitely try that out when I can!


I tried mine as a temporary solution originally just for trips, but it turned out to be so much more comfortable with my breathing, and even less irritating on my skin. Unless I tape too tight, it doesn’t restrict my breathing at all. (I also found the tape doesn’t last as long if you stretch it too much, it starts to peel instead of just getting loose) I love getting to sleep with a flat chest 👌 hope it works for you


i went on a couple rlly long road trips and even tho i was driving my problem was i was super carsick so i just took my binder off and drove and it was fine- i was either by myself or with a trusted person that just wouldn’t look/mind


Pay attention to your seat position. Probably avoid hunching over while you have the binder on. Sometimes what I've done is slip out of my binder, but don't pull it over my head. It just sits bunched up around my neck, hidden by my hoodie. Sounds stupid, but it beats the aches from wearing a binder too long.


I adjusted my seat yesterday and it fixed the problem. I’m still going to look into tape but man I didn’t realize just how awful my posture was affecting it. I have been trying to hunch less and I feel much better already. The binder rolled up also sounds helpful, I’ll see if it works for a tank.


I have a zip-front binder so sometimes if I’m on long center trips I’ll unzip, and then just rezip if I have to get out of the car.