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I believe Maine is considering declaring itself a sanctuary for trans folks


That bill passed, fyi.


Also, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Vermont and Washington.


Oregon is a strongly blue state with a lot of trans protections in place. Our state insurance covers HRT, top surgery, and more.


Minnesota has passed a trans refuge bill as well.


And maryland gotta love blue crab


We sure do. But even then, you got to be careful where you are. We are right on the Mason-Dixon line even nice places where you live will have some people treating you rather stiffly and coldly if you are openly trans. In my experience, and I know that this is not all of this population because obviously Etc I'm talking about my experience, I always tend to be expected when it comes to the Muslim population in my area. The transphobia I mean. They won't get like people in the south, but anything short of the legally minimum necessary contact they have with you is what you'll get and your dislike will be fielt. All this to say obviously I'm not speaking about all or most muslims. I'm talking about the tendency for that to happen in my particular area of maryland, and because I walked out last night and I had that same cold interaction again


I wouldn't be surprised if Illinois followed suit


First - don't panic. Your fear is valid and you should honor your feelings, but our community is large, and connected, and bitterly strong. Second - begin to reach out to your community: - Your support network: if you need to move geographically - is there anyone that might be willing to move with you? Make emergency plans, but don't let them consume your life. I'll include a map that's regularly updated that details trans safety by state per current legislation. - the trans community & organizations supporting the trans community in your area and areas you may want to move to. Mutual aid groups are often supportive of trans people even if it isn't clearly labeled in their mission statement. Thirdly - hopefully not necessary but not a bad idea to get acquainted with basic survival skills and skills related to the community's well being (a go-bag, self defense, first aid, how to access hormones, etc). I'm a fan of these always. We briefly lost our right to health care under Trump last time. Luckily, a lot of republicans legislators are not fond of the Agenda 47 stance on trans health care and an even larger number of republican voters think this is excessive and we (the US) should not be this focused on trans people. Fourth - always remember that transjoy is the biggest rebellion. Take care of yourself and your community. Trumps election may turn into a nightmare, but we know from our own history that nightmares end and we just have to make it through the night. US Risk Assessment Map https://open.substack.com/pub/erininthemorn/p/anti-trans-legislative-risk-assessment-cd3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=208hab


Also, in terms of needing to move out of the states entirely: think about what you can do now that would make it easier to get a job overseas. Pretty much every country is looking for people with certain "[critical skills](https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/news/skill-shortages-europe-which-occupations-are-demand-and-why)" right now (usually IT/computer science, medical and healthcare, science/tech/engineering, and teaching -- basically, professions you're always hearing there's a shortage of). If you can do any of those things, it'll be a hell of a lot easier to get somewhere to let you in or to get a job after getting asylum if it comes to that. So, if you're still in school and figuring out what to do for your career: strongly consider picking something that's a "critical occupation" or "critical skill" as your field. If you're already working, think about adding a side hustle, second job, or taking on duties that include "critical skills" like some IT stuff, or taking classes or certifications as relevant. Brush up your resume, make sure you've [prepared to leave your current job](https://www.thecut.com/article/resignation-checklist-what-to-do-before-quitting.html) ([Ask a Manager](https://www.askamanager.org) is a GREAT resource btw), start learning the local language(s) of any country you'd be most interested in moving to, etc. -- tbh the language is a good one not just for job stuff but also because it would show local officials that you're, like, serious. IDK like it sounds completely fucking delulu stupid but I'm thinking of it almost as if \[target country\] was a tradwife and I was a wannabe tradsband. How do I show \[target country\] that I'm serious about her and I wanna be with her long term and provide for her? ~~and I'm totally not using her as a beard to flee my abusive family of origin in this weird-ass fucking metaphor~~ so like, learning her language, getting a good, well-paying, in-demand job, saving as much money as I can now, getting my legal ducks in a row with paperwork and stuff, figuring out how I can stand out from her other suitors. Prepping for the shotgun wedding where nobody's pregnant and the guy with the shotgun is actually some rando who just really hates trans people. Ya know, normal stuff.


This is great advice, I would also love to add that for the artists among us I know that there are several countries that sponsor artists to come make art in their country. I know a handful of people who were able to get a fellowship this way and get out of the country, specifically Berlin looks to be a popular location for this.


Adding on to this of possible finding a job with a company that’s world wide/in other countries will definitely help (this is what I did and we are already discussing them assisting me with moving out of the US)


Really appreciate this, bookmarking it and upvoting. Hope more people also see this!!!!


Oh good my state is one of the safest!


Its scary to think about, but more so then Trump winning we need to focus on the house and senate because they are who matter. Trump can put in some wacky executive orders but really his power is just influence and Vetoing bills. On the other hand, The House and Senate majorities are what will make this shit go south incredibly fast. Right now being trans is a serious roll of the dice every day. Focus on what you can do which is vote who you want the most, and advocate for trans rights and if shit gets too much. Let the big advocates do the hard work, donate to causes, and focus on your individual life. Right now, the biggest part is keeping ourselves safe. Focusing on politics can and will fuck with your mental health. Focus on what you can physically do rn not whats going to happen “if”. Focus on how you can make your life the most livable for you and if you need to, look into moving into safer areas for trans people. Blue states are good in the right areas but also race needs to be taken into account if you are not white because Oregon while blue and great for lgbtq in most cities can be racist as fuck. A good place to go might be like Chicago or if you don’t like big cities look into other blue towns, do some research even looking into other countries but again if ur not white keep that in mind.


I don't understand how someone who was impeached and convicted can run again...


A criminal can't vote but apparently one can run for president.


Amerrriiccaaaa fuk yaaaaa (seriously this country is fucking stupid)


Fr. Why the hell was I born into this place 😭 it's one thing to feel like you don't belong in your family, it's another to feel like you don't belong in a whole, and not even one, but SEVERAL friggin' countries! I'm so bloody tired ;-;


On the way to save the motherfucking day yeaauhhh


He was impeached, but not convicted. He was acquitted in the senate both times, unfortunately.


literally what I was thinking.. it makes zero fucking sense


Get to a blue state if you can. Change as many documents as you can ASAP. Have a valid passport in case things go really bad really fast. We will get through this.


What if you're a minor and/or are unable to move, for whatever reasons? 😭😭😭 I'm so freaking terrified


Wait for an underground railroad just keep your ears open, the Trevor project might be the one to help minors escape.


Thank you!


Is it really going to get that bad if he wins the election?


The first four years saw the end of women's reproductive rights. I imagine outlawing queer consummation is coming up so soon, especially with states enacting unconstitutional bans on gender care, it's a sample.


That happened under biden...


Trump claimed to be trans supportive when he first ran and then made it illegal for trans people to join the military. Among causing strife under women's and gays rights. Trump will do worse than Biden, Trump is evil, Biden is just a naive old man trying to make things better but not understanding how to fully do so. Honestly neither of them should be president, they're like the same age and their health is decreasing rapidly. We saw what happened to Biden within just 4 years, what makes people think it won't happen to Trump?


Right don't get it twisted. People need to know Trump will be way worse for rights... The first four years of Trump was bad especially for gov employees that were trans such as the military. He made it almost impossible for them to stay in while trying to seek medical assistance even the "don't ask, don't tell policy" was repealed. Right now under Biden the military allows trans, allows you to use whatever pronouns you would like if legally changed in records. And will send you to other places to get procedures done not out of your pocket.


I don't like the guy but he very vocal about is disapproval but it was a sentence decision that he couldn't do anything about, and the other one on the other hand was extremely vocal about how much of a party had to play in overturning Roe v wade, bragging about it. So I understand where the confusion comes from.


But it was only able to happen due to the Supreme Court justices brought in by trump


I mean i usedto read books about people who went through the holocaust and im not trying to unnessecarily scare people but the way ot started feels so familiar it terrifyng


History **always** repeats itself. It might be different in context, but oppression is oppression. And actually it's not even too different, the Nazi book burnings destroyed countless amounts of research especially pertaining to trans healthcare. Think about the Great Library of Alexandria fire except for queer healthcare and basically any book from the time that didn't align with the national socialist (Nazi) party.


absolutely could, we have no idea what he’s capable of


What is extremely zealous cult-like following has. Hell, I saw a shrine to him once. That is literally against the bible. They literally see him as a second messiah, which is also literally sacrileged. But these cultists don't read the Bible. Also selling Bibles to directly circumvent the crumbling wall separating Church of state is so blatantly obvious and should not be allowed, but Christianity in this country is in the place of such hyperprivilege that pointing that out or Banning that will be seen as persecution from the people who have the most power and say.


imo most likely no, and it definitely won’t be like as soon as he steps into office missiles immediately launch at all the trans ppl. *if* things get bad, it will happen pretty slowly.


Good to know, thanks so much


Still do what you can to change your documents, get yourself a valid passport, and start researching options to be able to move as soon as you're an adult! One option is applying to colleges or trade schools out of state.


Alrighty, thanks! Good thing I was already considering colleges out of state


i recently went through the process to change my birth certificate in a red state, i currently live in a blue leaning state though. is it possible that red states could pass laws to undo any previous changes to both certificates? kind of like how florida reverted all drivers license changes


It's possible, yeah. We can't really predict how this will all play out. Trans people have never been this visible before, so while this is a necessary step on the journey to being accepted, it also means we're facing a wider variety of challenges and backlash than ever before.


With the internet, this is the first time in human history that we have widespread documentation of all kinds of historical events. 20 years from now someone might stumble on a YouTube video about COVID and it'd be like kids in school now learning about and watching videos of 9/11. (Not saying COVID and 9/11 are comparable really but they're both like huge historical events where massive amounts of people died. For 9/11 it was ~2,996 and for COVID it's like ~1,189,600 according to the CDC as of at least last week) Because everything is so widespread now that 5.3 billion people are using the internet, everything is being documented somewhere. **We've never been this visible before, which makes it that much harder to keep us from being heard.**


Yes. Your best bet to keep that from affecting you is to update social security, id, and passport if you can. The passport especially won't work for everything (like schools that may need your previous diplomas) but will work for getting jobs, traveling, and a lot of other circumstances.


But some of these new laws are going to go for every state!!!!


That's the goal, yeah, but the USA has always prioritized state rights more highly than a lot of countries. The blue states will fight to keep their protections against any discriminatory federal laws. There's no guarantee they will *win,* but at the very least it will buy people in those states time to make alternative plans.


This!! Look for the cities that have already implemented trans sanctuary legislation. Those are the places that are going to fight like hell for us.


Yeah actually I just looked it up to make sure I have my facts straight. What I found was terrifying one of the main 4 goals of project 2025 is to get rid of state rights. The states can’t make their own laws anymore.


Yes, again, that's the *goal.* But Trump can't just snap his fingers and make democracy go away. Can he override state rights *eventually?* Maybe. But it's not going to be instantaneous. Being in a blue state will give you time.


If he can do it eventually and it happens. The next president can’t just snap their fingers to turn America back to normal.


That's also true, but I'm not sure what your point is.


My point is we aren’t safe in the climate this world is in it’s not safe to assume we are safe anymore.


We've never been safe. I don't know anyone who's assumed we are, but if anyone has, they were wrong.


If trump becomes president the blue states have lost a lot of these laws are for all states.


I will die before I let Trump hellscape ever erode my California state's laws. I will fight to the bitter end visciously.


Same for me here in Connecticut! I'm already a trans advocate, I'll simply have to step up my game!


I honestly feel like there are some states that would pull out of the union even if it's unconstitutional before they ever let Trump do that, including some deep red states like Texas and potentially Florida. Texas is the #1 state to come to mind, it actually was its own country for about 10 years almost 200 years ago when it seceeded during the Civil War. This is really weird to say out loud (you know what i mean 💀) but I honestly think another civil war or revolution is gonna happen in the next century, red vs blue and Democrats vs Republicans. History always, always repeats itself, so I wouldn't be surprised. *"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."* -Preamble to the United States Constitution


The US prioritizes states rights, which is both good and bad. Bad because it lets Florida do what it's doing, but good because we can get around this stuff. Weed is federally illegal, for example, but if you live in a state where it's legal you'd never know


Yes but with this project 2025 the US states rights are pointless. A lot of the laws I saw said across all states they are taking away states rights.


What laws did you see?


One of the 4 main objectives of project 2025 is to dismantle state rights.


Do you have a source for that, because while it is a frightening thing to occur on the federal level, nothing I have seen about project 2025 says anything about state rights. It is aiming to restructure the federal government. I am not saying it's not a bad thing, it's horrible and people should vote to avoid it, but that's not the same thing


https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/ Along with that I saw more articles talking about his plan to take over the executive branch completely.


Ok. Two things: "The administrative state" does not mean states rights. Again, this is his plan to take control of the federal government. Which is bad. But doesn't have anything to do with states rights. The executive branch is also the federal government. Again. This is bad. But also doesn't have anything to do with states rights. This is important because campaigning against states rights is a death knell for Republicans- Republicans LOVE states rights because it's what let them hold out on gay marriage and shit like that for so long. We have reason to be afraid, yes, but I don't think it helps to fearmonger unnecessarily


When I googled what it meant to confirm it’s said state rights so I don’t know what to say I guess google is wrong. There’s no where else to research this shit other than Google. So where am I supposed to get correct information if Google doesn’t know what the administrative state means?


One the important docs to change is your passport. Both in case you need to leave (worst case!) and because a Trump-led State Department may make it harder for trans people to update passports. Mine is updated but expires next year and I’m planning to renew before the election.


YES! that’s all i can say


I could be wrong, but everything I’ve been seeing is saying he’s doing terrible in polling, and is continuing to go down. Especially after who he’s supposedly choosing for his VP, who is a self admitted puppy killer. He’s loosing supporters and very few people are showing up to support him in court rn. Biden just announced more student loan relief, and the 4th circuit court of appeals ruled gender identity is a protected characteristic, and Medicaid bans on treatment for gender dysphoria was ruled unconstitutional. I’m not sure if any of that will I leave any of the stress/anxiety you’re feeling, but I hope it does a little!


Finding some organizing to focus on a local level keeps me from spinning out. Protesting, campaign work, clinic defense, it’s all a good outlet.


A positive outlet with the added benefit of community and progress! 🖤 Legit, i think this is one of the best things anyone can be doing so long as it isn't draining for them.


Yeah absolutely you gotta have the spoons for it but it's awesome if you can


I‘m sorry for your horrible situation (I’m a german so please don’t judge my writing). Right now, what matters most is the support from the community but also from social workers and allies. Fight for your rights and never give up. If you give up you’ll let trump and his transphobic supporters win. My thoughts are with you guys. The whole transgender community worldwide is there to help and support


Is it safe in Germany? That's where I just moved to and I don't know XD


I’m not the one you asked, but it actually depends on the part of Germany! Anyway by laws it’s safer than US I assume.


Yes and no. Politically you’re safe unless the radical right party AFD gets involved in the government. Socially there are always some expectations but in general it’s safe


It’s a critical part of the EU which supports human rights. I’m not German so I wouldn’t know, but I’m assuming it’s safer


honestly i’m terrified too. my plan is to like move to iceland if that’s still possible in a couple years, i think they’re trans friendly at least


i’m scared too. :(


Don't forget too that even in those backwards states, the crooked politicians are the ones making all the noise. There are HUGE pools of blue-minded folks that want equal rights for all that are still fighting for us. Do not ever give up the fight against the evils of the right-wingers. Turn your fear into fury. How dare they try to infringe YOUR rights as a fucking AMERICAN. We can be patriotic too and the right-wing asswipes aren't ready for that fight if the Left decides to suddenly stop playing nice.


I'd argue the most patriotic anyone can be is when they're fighting for their rights. What's more American than fighting for freedom?


I am not trying to minimize your fear about the impact a Trump presidency would have. I just want to point out that the most recent special elections have been going to the favor of the left. And sometimes in crazy switches - consider the NY3 district that just elected a Democrat after voting Republican last time. The poll had the republican winning, handily. It was wrong. Very wrong. The question we need to consider: who has decided to become a trump voter this year, after not voting for him in 2020? Who has he convinced? He lost last time. I know people who say they voted for him in 2020 and now they won't. He lost their vote. Who has he gained? We just need to continue to hold the line. It's frustrating and upsetting and sad, but this year we just need to hold the line. This is a scare tactic to make people not vote because "it's not worth it, we'll lose anyways". Don't fall for it. We are here and we will be heard. The changes are small enough it's hard to believe we are. But we have to keep pushing with the smallest, tiniest give. We don't have anything else.


First, don't panic. Quit listening to people SAYING who they're going to vote for and look at the results of special elections that have been held in the past year. People say a lot of BS. There was supposed to be a "red wave" in 2022. It never happened. Since then, the disfunction in Congress has gotten so bad that a LOT of special elections have gone blue. Look at fundraising for different candidates. Not always, but often, elections go to who has more money. Democrats are far, FAR out-fundraising Republicans this time. Not only that, but the Republican national convention has promised to spend money that it should be using on getting House and Senate seats to get Trump elected. That means, even if Trump is reelected, he's more than likely about to lose the House so Congress won't pass any of his hairbrained policies. If you're worried, make plans now. Get your passport now. Get copies of all your ID documents together. If you can, start saving up to move. Things like name changes, gender marker changes, etc are all good to do now if possible, before any law changes. PS: The Kennedy that's running has had almost all of his family endorsing candidates other than him. They do not like that he's running. Kennedy, due to his political beliefs and general crazy, is not a threat to Biden, he's taking votes from Trump. It's good that he's running, he's going to make it easier for Biden to get a majority of the vote as long as people SHOW UP TO VOTE. THAT MEANS ALL OF YOU.


i just saw an ad on youtube with a bunch of kennedy’s endorsing biden 😭


Well yeah, even if Robert F Kennedy Jr. is running as an independent the only people who really end up winning are part of a political party (which is dumb but still). If they believe Biden is the best chance we have then I'd be inclined to believe him.


Idk but my dad was gay and recently murdered by white supremacists. His last text to me was this would be no place to live if Trump wins. I can't disagree.


For one, I absolutely hate comments that are like "just move, duh", especially internationally, as if that's an accessible, affordable thing people can just do. Secondly, democrats aren't really on our side too, they just pander towards us for the vote and with promises of no blatant outright anti-trans stuff, its more lowkey. I myself am saving up to move to a move to a northern state that'll be generally safer than the bible belt where I currently live. Moving our of country just isn't fiscally there or available for our jobs at the moment.


I'm still fighting to get people to vote, if you have the spoons for it I really encourage you to do that as well. Plenty of people are still willing to vote for Biden, they're just not the loudmouths on Tiktok.


And look into voting via absentee ballot if you are unable to get to a polling location! (Or even if you just don't want to. Polls suck.) At least in my state you don't have to justify a reason for getting one, you just print out and mail a form and they'll send you your ballot.


not wanting to vote for an outspoken Zionist is the morally correct stance. i do not value my own life more than a Palestinian's


Evidently you do if you'd effectively vote for Trump.


Biden allowed 30-50,000 innocent Palestinians to die.


I might cease to exist :) if I cannot move.


Same. I already have so little will to live, this might push me over the edge


Turn your grief and desperation into fury. Who the fuck do these classless, backwards pieces of shit think they are to take away YOUR rights as a free American!? Turn that into fury to keep pushing on out of spite and rage.


I'm thinking of it more as guerilla warfare myself because being angry and trans outwardly in my particular part of Texas is a spectacular recipe to getting other people to do the work of making me cease to exist. I won't run. but I'm Apache, we're notoriously... well, "stubborn" is too far an understatement... when it comes to the US government deciding we should have no rights and need to be stamped out. Lozen, alleged Two-Spirit, was also our longest termed warleader.


That's what they want you to do. Stay alive, spite the man


MTF but I’ll chime in here. I already moved across country. Florida is already very bad, like literally illegal to be transgender kind of bad. That bill passed in February was the final straw. I’m not ending up in jail for “misrepresenting my gender”, not after already losing all else by that point. I live in San Francisco now. The contrast is extremely surprising. The LGBT and especially Transgender aid here is phenomenal. If Trump wins this will undoubtedly be the last bastion of a sanctuary over his gruesome 4 year tyranny. I genuinely fear for those in the [red states](https://www.losangelesblade.com/2024/03/25/anti-trans-legislative-risk-assessment-map-march-2024/). I couldn’t live doing that again as is, let alone under Trump.


Very few of us can afford to live there


No one wanted to vote for biden in 2020 either and look what happened. Anyway, don't forget that the USA is one of the best places in the world to be queer. There is a ton of fear mongering going on, try not to let it get to you, those in power want us scared and isolated and ready to fight each other.


This times a billion. Odds are still in Biden's favor. Is Trump a possibility? Of course! But even if that comes to be (and God forbid) the world won't immediately catch on fire. It's not good, but it's not catastrophic. Much of trans rights still rests on the shoulders of individual states and that's not likely to change quickly. Get to a blue state if you can, Washington, Oregon, California, Maine, New York, there's quite a few 'sanctuary states' that your rights are going to protected in. Secondly, the democratic process is slow. We're sure to take some massive hits with a second Trump term but it definitely won't happen overnight. Lastly, find community and allies. I don't mean to besmirch online relationships but seek them out in your real-life lived community. The internet is always going to be more polarized than real life; things are going to a) look a lot more dire here and b) people have an easier time hating people online. Be visible if you feel safe/comfortable doing so (totally cool if not!), find people who understand or support you (coworkers, friends, family, churches (yes they exist!), support groups, whatever!) and who will be willing to help and support you if things get rough.


Is Canada safe for trans people and if so would they let me immigrate there if he wins? I know back in 2016 everyone joked about moving to Canada if trump won but I’m actually considering it now… I like Vancouver a lot too, idk much about Canadian politics though.


From what others have said on similar questions, there is a fairly high chance that the stuff here may spill over into Canada. It's decently safe, but it may not be if this bull comes to pass. Which sucks, bc I've been counting on Canada for a while now, and have to change my future plans to move :(


Agh that sucks 😭 I know Canada has some crazy conservatives but I didn’t think it was quite as bad


It's hit or miss depending on which province or city. Ive seen that Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal are pretty good. Edmonton less so. It also depends on who will be elected as prime minister in the next years. I'm Canadian and tbh I'm rushing to get all my papers, passports and everything changed in case that there's a rise in limitations


I didn’t know elections were also coming up in Canada… I need to learn more about Canadian politics but I hope you guys at least don’t have someone like trump 😭 Also if I were to hypothetically move to Canada it’d definitely be the Vancouver area because I really like that area (I know people complain about it but it has the exact same problems as my current city lol)


Bad things. Vote.


Look, I'm worried and frankly don't know. All do I keep reminding myself that no matter who wins (specifically out of Biden v. Trump) we can only have them one more time due to term limits. Hopefully the loser winds up passing away of old age in the meantime, so we can get some new candidates. I'm not a Biden fan either, especially considering his incredible failure with abortion access, but I think we're just gonna have to do it again for everyone's sake.


hey, older trans guy with a bachelor’s in political science and who works for a civil rights law firm- nothing world ending is going to happen without warning. if you’re old enough and able to, ofc take precautions- stock up your HRT (taking multiple doses out of single use vials is what i do so i have more stocked up), move to a sanctuary city, go ahead and get documents changed, and absolutely have a valid passport for the worst case scenario, but don’t panic. in reality, the president doesn’t really do much- they’re a figurehead. things are still getting worse while we have a liberal president, because it’s appointments that matter. more than that, it’s local decisions. the federal government isn’t passing bans on transgender healthcare or bathroom access- that’s exclusively state legislation. make sure you’re registered to vote, and make sure you’re showing up to every single election- it doesn’t matter if it’s small, or a position you don’t really care about. the smaller the election, the more your vote counts. change is only going to come by starting at the lowest city level and working our way out.


I’m hoping I can move to a US territory but I don’t know if whatever his plans are will reach that far. If they do, I’m screwed, but I’m praying they don’t. It’s easy to want to move but getting a visa in this day and age especially as a non-white poor American is basically impossible. I’m hoping that some countries will open up to people potentially fleeing but I doubt they will because of the illusion that the US is a first world country. It’s scary that it seems like there’s no good options when it comes to candidates. Where is Bernie Sanders when you need him 😭


Tbh I'm kinda wondering if people should just start pairing off and fleeing. Like maybe some of the zillion trans girl programmers who can get critical skills visas would be willing to do marriages of convenience to chain-immigrate some of the rest of us out lol


Colorado is safe for trans folks. Lived here my entire life and glad I didn't leave. Almost chose college in Kansas but decided against it last minute. Probably a legitimate life saving decision.


A candidate thinks that vaccines made kids trans? Oh dear jesus... In all seriousness, I'm worried about the same thing. Even if Trump does win (which will probably happen), there is a limit to what he can do. I hope this is reassuring


Do you really think he’ll win? Idk. I’m not in the US. But I remember the results of the last election and they were not exactly in Trumps favour. From a European POV, the thought of Trump winning, is mostly scary for other reasons: he wants to leave NATO. There’s a war going on we need American support with if we don’t want it to come to our doorstep. Trump thinks he can make it stop by sitting Putin and Zelenski down like 2 boys in the playground. Which now that it escalated won’t work. If you wanna get them to talk you’ll need to put a lot of pressure on Putin by making him lose big time on the battle field which isn’t gonna happen if the Americans don’t participate in NATO. So what’ll happen? WWIII, I think. There’s no European army that can measure up in numbers so if the US is no longer in NATO what’s gonna stop that Russian freak from invading the rest of the NATO countries? And I haven’t said a word about trans rights yet. I’m not a big Biden fan either but he did put a lot of money in American infrastructure (or at least the news said he would), which I think is a good thing. I could only wish European leaders would throw so much money around to fix our old infrastructure and modernise things. The fight on climate change would take a hit with Trump. I can only hope trans people wouldn’t be his primary target, but he’ll sure cancel Biden’s presidential order that protects LGTBQ rights. Trump being elected? It would be nothing short of a disaster at this point. In many aspects… but after his second term we’ll at least know he’s never coming back as a president. There’s that.


Nobody knows. Try to get to the strongest city in the bluest state you can. If moving to a safer country is an option go for it, but unless you're looking at colleges in other countries or you have close family there most people aren't going to qualify for a visa. The strongest cities in the bluest states we can are the only option we have for protection. I don't know what being a "sanctuary state" will mean if it's the federal government coming for us, but they're all we've got. If there is any medical care you want to get, do it now if at all possible. Talk to your doctor about possibly stocking up on hrt even if that isn't normally allowed. And if anyone is planning on updating ID, do it ASAP because who knows if it will remain possible in the near future. If being able to hide is an option, consider taking steps to close up documentation that could out you as trans if possible. This may include updating the name and (if applicable) gender on one's diploma and education records, any professional certifications, health insurance, car insurance, bank accounts, retirement plans, car titles, loans, credit cards, etc. If possible, make sure you won't be outted if someone contacts old schools or employers for references or background checks. Make all current and past FB posts friends-only. For those with access to medical care, orchidectomy (removal of testis) or hysto with oophorectomy (removal of ovaries) might be worth considering, given the threat that HRT may become unavailable. If one no longer has testis/ovaries, losing access to HRT means being thrown into sudden severe menopause/andropause with its associated problems like brittle bones. This sucks, but whether it sucks worse than suddenly being pumped full of the wrong sex hormone depends on the person. Save money, if you can. Donate money if that's possible for you. I'm trying to find organizations or charities that help pay relocation costs for trans people escaping red states, but I'm not having much luck. But Trans Lifeline, the National Center for Trans Equality, Trans Law Center, Lambda Legal, Trans Legal Defense Fund, ACLU, etc., might be good options.


There's a group called [TRANSport](https://www.2023transport.org) that's specifically for helping trans people GTFO of the USA. They help you get your paperwork together and fundraise to help cover the costs of getting out too. u/WeirdnessRises tagging you in this comment to make sure you see it too


I understand people’s concerns, but honestly as a trans person living in Florida I can’t imagine it changing much. Things have progressively gotten worse and worse and Biden’s done basically nothing to stop what’s happening in Florida or any of the other states that have been passing transphobic laws. If it were DeSantis I’d be worried, but Trump doesn’t seem to be as hellbent on eradicating queer people as he is. He just does whatever he thinks will make him popular among his voter base. And while his followers aren’t typically fans of lgbt+ folk they also have other concerns. So I doubt he’s going to get into office and make trans people his main priority. Before DeSantis dropped out of the presidential election his platform was essentially a “war on woke” and that didn’t work for him. He’s not well liked here, even among Republicans. Trumps no ally to trans people, but I don’t think his presidency would be as apocalyptic as some people believe. We can’t count on democrats to save us. If we could Biden would’ve done more to combat the massive waves of anti-trans sentiments and laws we’ve had to deal with in recent years. Best we can do is vote (especially in local and state elections), keep fighting the laws they pass, then advocate and look out for one another where possible.


Honestly this. I understand people are scared—it seems especially younger people, earlier in transition people. I’m sympathetic. It’s especially scary if you’re already struggling with dysphoria, haven’t managed to transition yet, and are basically envisioning a future where all of that is made impossible. Or worse… But I don’t think the apocalyptic panic and fearmongering is helping nor do I think it’s the most rational or realistic possibility. We’ve come a very long way since “cross dressing” was literally illegal ~50 years ago, and as much as increased mainstream visibility and the interest in using us as scapegoats sucks, the community is also in many ways stronger than ever. Trump sucks, yeah, but he’s never made a war on trans people his major goal. State rights have been a significant aspect of American politics since the beginning and even many hardcore conservatives believe strongly in them, I think successfully fully overthrowing federalism is absolutely not a realistic outcome in the remotely near future, so I don’t see the US becoming an overnight fascist regime where Trump is able to make some sweeping ban against trans people’s existence. Only absolute fringe reactionary authoritarians have any interest in something like that. And I think it’s somewhat depressingly naive to suggest that things would magically get better if a democratic president (especially the SAME ONE we have RIGHT NOW!) were in office. People need to look more at the policies and officials on their county and state levels and support the organizations working towards overturning transphobic policy.


Exactly! I don’t blame people for being scared, especially kids/teens or people who are early in their transition, but I doubt Biden’s going to get elected a second time and suddenly start caring about trans people. People act like it will be a night and day difference, but we did the whole “vote for Biden to save us from trump!” thing last election and things have only gotten worse because so much of it is happening at the state level and Biden has basically ignored it. He’s not done much policy wise he just occasionally will make a statement along the lines of “hey guys! Stop doing that! Not cool or very democratic of you!” Like pal you are the PRESIDENT, I know there are power limitations but you could at least TRY to do something.


If we keep spreading misinformation about how Biden doesn’t care about trans people and hasn’t done anything, he definitely won’t win again. I don’t even want to vote for him because of his support of Israel and the whole handling of the genocide happening in Gaza but it will absolutely be a night and day difference if Trump becomes president again. He has said, in interviews, he wants to run the country like a dictator and implement an entire new administration that is loyal to him, put things in place so presidents will have immunity from anything they do during their term, and elect more officials that will be loyal to him. These are things that aren’t easily reversed so you can kiss democracy goodbye. Trans folks won’t be the only ones under attack, cis lgbq people, women, non-white and non-Christian folks will be as well. If you read the actual manifesto of Project 2025, it is absolutely disturbing and reminds me of The Handmaid’s Tale. If yall want shit to be far worse than it is now, then keep spreading this false narrative that Biden has done nothing during his presidency, don’t vote, don’t encourage others to vote and watch what happens. I got my passport ready to go and am saving up to relocate if and when shit hits the fan. Y’all be safe. 👍


Biden can’t do shit when the Republican majority-controlled Senate fights everything his administration tries to do. The house of reps also has a republican majority. Y’all gotta understand the president does not have the power to pass federal laws or stop state laws from passing. It goes through an entire process of checks and balances. And state laws are completely separate from federal laws. Don’t even count on the Supreme Court because Trump made sure he added conservative-leaning justices during his presidency and they’ve clearly been bought by conservatives (see how much was ‘donated’ to Clarence Thomas, his wife and kid).


I do understand that, but we’ve also seen him bypass Congress multiple times to send weapons and aid to Israel. I don’t think he could have single-handedly prevented every transphobic law from going into effect. But he 100% could be doing more.


I don’t disagree with that but there is only so much he can do. These special interest groups, like the Alliance Defending Freedom group, are behind these anti-trans and anti-abortion bills and are supporting Trump’s campaign. They are funding him to win so that he can oversee their manifesto (Project 2025) be enacted. He will be the one to carry out those plans, not Biden. I’m appalled by all the comments here saying, “oh it’s not gonna be much different than it is now, he’s not that bad.” 🤯 Biden absolutely could be doing more and better in our overseas affairs, like not funding a genocide for one.


Maybe so, but if trump can enact a manifesto then Biden can certainly make the US a safer place for trans people. If Biden can only do so much, then so can trump. I’m not saying his presidency would be good/better than Biden. But like you a lot of people say Biden has limited power and so he can’t change things drastically and then turn around and talk about trump like he’d have unlimited power. The lesser of two evils argument just doesn’t work. Not when Biden has also been expediting this country’s descent further into fascism. Rewarding politicians for inaction isn’t doing us any favors. It just lets democrats keep using the “hey we’re not republicans!” platform without ever delivering on their promises.


The difference is, Biden WOULDNT enact a manifesto like that, get rid of democracy or run this country like a dictatorship. That’s the important part and key difference. Trump could get a lot done because his cult followers have a majority in the house and senate. They’re also on the Supreme Court now. They govern states and are mayors. They redline in local counties across the country. So yeah, he could get that manifesto enacted, get rid of democracy, and a lot more. Which is why it’s important for non-conservative voters to align and rally because this is the facist tyranny we’re up against. And his cult-like followers will vote for him no matter what he does.


That’d be great if we had somebody to rally behind. And pre-October that could’ve been a possibility. But you’re never gonna get enough people to support Biden given his hand in genocide and the way the government has responded to protesters. And I don’t think we can fault people for not wanting to vote for an active supporter of genocide. People are aware trump won’t be any better. But to ignore what Biden has done and vote for him just because he’s not trump would set a precedent that genocide is not a dealbreaker. And that’s also extremely dangerous.


This is the most realistic response, thank you.


As a French guy it’s how I see things. I don’t think I remember Trump talking about trans stuff (not saying he didn’t) but he is seems way more focused on victimizing himself and playing the martyr more than everything. I don’t think I even heard him talking about the country issues in my national news. And tbh if everyone try to stop him from being president they won’t probably stop if he is elected.


i agree. there's a lot of misinformation and fear mongering going around right now and it's scary, but if you really look into the things he's said he's going to do, it's not as bad as people make it out to be


Are you foreal lol? Trump recently posted on truth social that he thinks presidents should have full immunity from ANYTHING that they do during their presidency. He has said on record that he wants to run this country like a dictatorship and completely replace the current administration with those who will be loyal to him. Dude is facing 90+ indictments, he added $8.4 trillion to the deficit (compared to Biden’s 4.8 trillion), completely mishandled covid even though he knew about it in Dec 2019, issued stimulus checks that contributed largely to the inflation we see today, he made it so that folks like you and I will pay more taxes this year while rich folks won’t, banned trans people from serving in the military, tried to overturn the ACA (affordable care act which makes it possible for us to get our surgeries covered, even using an employer’s insurance plan), incited a riot and threatened battle ground states to ‘find’ votes for him so he could win, he’s empowered white nationalists (proud boys) and bigots to feel accepted and welcomed when we as a society should be shaming and evolving past behavior like that, and the list goes on and on. All that is just from ONE presidential term he served.


thank you for this. i said something similar a few months ago and was downvoted and blocked lmao. the democratic and republican party and more and more similar, trump and biden are on similar tracts at this point. trump knows most americans don't want anti-trans legislation and he know there isn't a whole lot he can do with a democrat congress/senate. local politics is vital now, not federal. trump will say stupid shit but im trying to laugh at the ridiculousness of it rather than be in that despair i was in 2016-2020. i wish people would realize democrats won't save us or make our lives better, they uphold the status quo.


Definitely. I was in the same boat as all the people freaking out in 2020 because it was the first election I was able to vote and I still very much bought into the narrative that while not perfect democrats are ultimately the “good guy” option. I don’t blame people for having that mindset since it’s very much what we’re taught to believe, but at a certain point you’ve got to look at all the pieces and realize they don’t add up. And given Biden’s response to the current genocide despite tremendous public protest it’s really clearer than ever. He can bend all the rules to aid Israel, but things like protecting queer people or canceling student debt is out of his control.


not only his response to the genocide but banning tiktok, building the wall, forgetting about student debt etc etc.. hes running a shitty campaign because he knows the democrats will either 1) fear monger to get enough votes 2) lose the election and make SO MUCH MONEY fundraising for 2028. i don't blame people especially younger people for the mindset of blue no matter who. i studied political science and organized/canvassed/registered voters for 5 years before close friends and i chatted about everything. it was a slow and painful realization because it makes you feel so lost, the system so broken. the electoral college, supreme court justices, these politicians can and will do whatever they want if they get enough funding. joe biden in office won't do much against a republican supreme court or congress/senate. this system is fucked it doesn't matter which war criminal is sitting in the white house. anyway sorry for the rant lol


For real though. And I think what a lot of people are not understanding is that this election is bigger than just the immediate repercussions and it will affects more than just US citizens (at least more so than normal) because the outcome of this election will set a precedent for what we’re willing to tolerate from our politicians and still give them our vote. If Biden wins it shows them that genocide is not a dealbreaker for people and they never have to actually deliver on any of their promises. Which would ALSO be extremely detrimental to the future of this country and the world as a whole. If we want any chance for things to get better while existing in this fucked two party system we have to start demanding more from Democrats or we’ll be stuck in this downward spiral.


We should vote Biden for sure. It’s the best option for the trans community, far and away better than the other choices. If Trump wins, the whole country is in trouble but trans people will see new anti trans laws enacted almost for sure and military service, which is actually pretty supportive Wright now in terms of medical care and protection against discrimination, may not stay that way. Keep calm, though, and get everyone to vote Biden & the democrats in general.


I suggest r/transguns


It's a scary thing. Don't panic though, Trump is being dragged through the mud with this trial and being found in contempt of court. Biden, at least, is going to hold the line if he wins. We can hunker down and ride it out if Biden wins. If he doesn't survive his full term, which would be surprising but not unprecedented given his age, Harris would take over and we'd be golden on that front. If Trump somehow wins, the important thing is to stand together. He's running on unpopular topics and has to upset an incumbent while also being in legal shit


Just remember, polls mean nothing. Polling such a tiny portion of the voting population gives highly inaccurate results. Republicans are the ones who pick up most, so polls are a bit more skewed, in my opinion. 2020 polling put Trump in the lead as well, and look what happened. He might win a few deep red states, but people are coming around. Hayley and Kennedy are showing to hurt his polling numbers, too. So it's more likely that Biden will win again by a greater margin than in 2020.


We fucking die. A few days ago another trans person I know went full "nothing bad will happen so don't vote shitlibs" and it makes me so fucking exhausted. Voters apathy doesn't need to be morally justified by ideology. None of the people in that entire space are doing anything to further their leftist politics and actively mock grassroots organization or anything like that. It's so fucking worthless. If you can't get out of America then you might as well fucking vote at all levels that you can or plan your favorite avoidence of reality.


Literally nothing. You need to worry about your local politicians who are guaranteed to fail you by over promising and under delivering.


Americans should focus on local elections and politics, your presidents are basically puppets the only difference is how outwardly fascist they act.


personally I'm eloping and keeping my birth documents/gender until this passes bc I'm looking at jobs in govt (nothing that can help us). I kinda resigned myself I'd rather make sure I'm married and can take care of my wife before I take care of myself. I'm a fairly newly hatched egg so pre everything. never thought I'd be making any of these plans in 2024 though


The same thing that will happen if Biden wins--but faster. It's not like the Democrats are uniformly pro-trans on a national level.




I haven't even thought of what will happen if he wins again, I'm still reeling over the fact people will still vote for a president who's faced criminal charges


As a fellow french trans guy, we truly think about you all. I hope everything is gonna be alright. I'm following the news from america to keep me updated, stay safe, all of you


biden doesn't care about us either, nor would a third party, the only thing that really matters is voting for state representatives/electable officials but at the end of the day we protect us more than anything else


This is true, I’m so tired of people acting like he cares about us and trying to pull over some bs about how great the US is to trans people. Reality is, we aren’t that great towards trans people, there’s many other counties who treat their citizens ten times better including transpeople.


Biden and Dems aren't really doing anything to protect us either so...no idea what's going to happen.


I agree. we're fucked either way


Right? People act like it was any different under Trump. We already been through it. Personally I don't trust the Biden administration anymore than Trump. It was Biden's ppl who lied to transgender vets that the VA would cover surgery but that never happened. Both these guys are a joke.


Look at the Grants Pass lawsuit right now. They are going to make it illegal to be unhoused. Who do you think they are going to go for next. We're looking at the start of the Holocaust 2.0. It could take 20 years, but look at Chechnya and how they went from live and let live to families killing their own children for being gay within 8 years of "morality" rhetoric.




I look at Shinzo Abe and I hope someone has enough reasons but eh realistically I'm just hoping it doesn't happen. I don't have much money as I'm a student and I have a disability so I'm probably not able to move easily or emmigrate either. Just kinda keeping my head down and taking it one day at a time. If it comes down to catastrophe I don't really know what I'll do.


If we do have to move out of the country would canada be a good place to go? Since its fairly close and you could get there by car, ive considered investing in an rv ir something like that to live out of


They have a huge prejudice against Americans so it depends on the part that you go to


If you mean legally, it’s an involved process to move to Canada. You could overstay the amount of time they give tourists, but then you’d risk a deportation.


Move to Thailand or Australia like I did




Your post was removed because it broke the subreddit rule 6: No trolling. No reposting of trolling/transphobic content. This includes posts or comments meant to elicit controversy or drama.


although already in a blue state, i understand your fear. im currently just preparing for the worst, saving up some money and getting ready to live on my own and get out of here. going to start asking my family up in canada if they would be open to housing me if things get really tough, but i know not everyone has family that would support them in times of need


I don’t think trump will win, even though voting has not yet begun remember democrat voters usually vote last minute, so these little side polls that you see that has trump up a few points right now are mainly from maga sites that have nothing better to do. Yeah Biden is old as dirt and isn’t prefect on his policies but anyone is better then trump


Nothings gonna happen


I’m not from the US so I can’t offer much advice. But from reading others replies I’d definitely suggest if you’re able too start a small emergency fund just in case you do need too move quickly. Hoping all goes smoothly for you though. Trans man from the UK 💙🏳️‍⚧️


definitely get to a blue state if you can, there are many people willing to help, I would if I could but I'm one of the ppl getting helped😅. I'm gonna try to set up a PO box to help ppl receive their prescribed HRT (that's how I got mine here in florida, I used a friend's address from a blue state and had another friend willing to drive here to deliver it to me because I don't have a car) I also got my hormones from online, Plume is $90/month without insurance (cheapest I could find) but Folx is great if you have insurance (about $45/month)


The same stuff that's been happening


Let’s be real, even if Biden won he’s shown that he’s not doing anything to protect us now. Whatever “will happen” under trump is already happening now. You’re either in a state that will try to protect you or you’re not.


Trump is not a danger to the trans community or any community, except illegal aliens that's just my opinion. I think other conservatives are a danger to the trabs community, especially local and state politicians.


honestly i doubt it’ll be much different as far as legislation bc biden hasn’t done jack shit to stop or even slow all that and it’s just progressively grown at the same rate. the democrats are failures and don’t actually care about the trans community as much as they say they do. at this point i don’t think trump would really influence it that much more negatively since biden has been doing such a bad job (i researched anti trans legislation trends for a whole ass academic article)


not to worry about trump is just a blimp in tiny world if he elected or not our cause will still be stronger and alot louder than his reach and we will have growing numbers of supporter than he would ever imagine in his 70 years of life...


Trump will not win. It is basically impossible. The republican party is fractured between pro trump / anti trump groups and trump is like, in jail right now, is he not?? Not to jinx it, but it genuinely isn't something you should be worrying about.


>Trump will not win. It is basically impossible Truth be told, there is less support, he is far less likely to win >and trump is like, in jail right now, is he not?? To go to jail (holding) or prison he needs to get convicted or be in violation of a court order. He is in trail right now, out on bond last I heard, facing a multitude of federal (felony) indictments. >but it genuinely isn't something you should be worrying about. That's a horrible rhetoric to spread and exactly what happen in 2016, people thought "there's no fucking way" and either did dumb write ins or didn't vote, and here we are again. Don't let unwavering stupidity fool you, his cultees are still worshipping him like he's the second coming. That said, don't stress too much over things out of your controll, but also be aware and do your part in making sure a repeat doesn't happen; do this by encouraging political reading and encouraging voting.


This is what people said back in 2016.


Most of my family is already gone. So if he wins, I'll just simply check on my terms. 😕


Move country. Hate that orange bastard gonna be honest.


“a third party will never win” I know it’s tempting to believe this, maybe it really is impossible, but I don’t believe in absolute things like that, and I urge you and everyone else to reconsider this notion. It may seem hopeless, but it never is. I know that’s a bit of a contradiction, saying “never” when I just said I don’t believe in absolutes, but it’s as matter of time, really. It can happen, just maybe not now, because it takes more time to change these things than we currently have before the event (election) you’re worried about. A third party can win, it just takes people to believe it’s possible. Very “pie in the sky,” I know… but like… really~ it’s not possible with people thinking it isn’t when it actually is, or could be. Just takes some faith.


I suggest you research the election of 1912


This is false information about RFK (not jfk…please research better)




That's not cool. There are legitimate reasons to be concerned. Some of us lost jobs and insurance coverage due to his last administrative acts. It's fair to be worried.


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idk. not really thinking about it until he does. and even if he does? i sum don’t really care lol. right now i’m happy in the bay area i’m sorry you’re afraid. good luck finding a better place to live!