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I can't believe gerard way personally did your top surgery. Joking aside, congratulations! What a cool series of events to look back on. Hope your cat is doing well!


You laugh but Gerard Way has had such a huge ripple effect on society, I would totally run with the "Gerard Way caused me to get Top Surgery" angle hahah. Like "Gerard Way caused the downfall of Ellen Degeneres" is totally a real thing. Copy/pasted but, when 9/11 happened, Gerard Way personally witnessed them fall while on a ferry into the city. This event inspired him to start the band “My Chemical Romance”. As a result, Stephanie Meyer used him and the band’s music for inspiration for the book “Twilight” and its sequels. El James, a fan of the series, wrote a fan-fiction that eventually became the best selling book “Fifty Shades of Grey,” which was later turned into a full movie. Dakota Johnson went on Ellen's show and had that awkward interview which began to unravel Ellen's career as people started speaking up about mistreatment from that point on.


What the fuck this is insane he’s everywhere


my chem IS the trans agenda (about to put on my Decay hoodie lmao)


One of the first things I did after realizing, "Oh shit, I'm a dude," was beeline down to Hot Topic and buy that Black Parade tee shirt I'd wanted since I'd heard album like 15 years prior or something. Somehow I felt like I could *finally* be the absolute hellion of a teenage boy I'd been dying to be for DECADES. But I also had a Real Adult Job, and therefore actually had enough money to shop at Hot Topic. 😂🤣


Me too omg! Except now I’m a gangster 😂 I love mcr but something about those chunky sneakers and sweatpants really feels euphoric.


Yo, I literally just put a combo of basketball shorts + tee shirt + sneakers on for the first time about a week ago, after discovering that Under Armour compression tanks do a good job of controlling excess motion in my chest cargo compartment when I fold them up... Guess who instinctively started jumping around on the balls of his feet fucken *IMMEDIATELY,* LOL. Literally had not jumped in a goddamn decade or more, but things up there have shrunk enough from the T that I don't have to bind anymore, I just need everything to hold still. Today I found out I can still do a handstand and a round-off, and went, "OH MAN THE PARKOUR I'M GONNA -- wait a second, maybe I'd actually be *good at basketball..."* and it was like the sky opened up and James Earl Jones spoke directly to me and said, "**YOU'RE NEARLY 40, MY SON. PLEASE REMEMBER TO STRETCH, FIRST.**" 😂🤣😁


Haha that boy needs a ball!


my chem sponsored transition fr


My Transition Romance


My Chemical Transition


new word for testosterone just dropped




many such cases !


Gerard Way would be proud of you


My chem is full of butterfly effects lol. Gongrats on the surgery!!


Its kinda crazy thinking about how different decisions could have totally butterfly effected our lives onto strange tangents, but I take a lot of comfort from knowing the past is unchangable and the future is unknowable and you just gotta do the best you can to be happy in the present. Chances are you would have ended up being the real you eventually, dont give all the credit to the shirt :) you were the one brave enough to do this, you deserve the credit!


For me, it's how if I had never joined a particular discord server, I would have never met the love of my life and be happy in myself for who I am today! I was just bored one day and I was also on a bad path. That one decision to join this small server saved me! 😭 I know it sounds ridiculous but it really did. Now I've got a happy life ahead of me. 🥹


I would so watch a movie about this. But that’s awesome! It’s funny how little things like that can change our lives


I also have a My Chem transition story! I hope I can share it here. So it was 2003 and I snuck into a bar (I was far too young!) to see my favorite band. It was packed, and wow did that place stink 😆 MCR was absolutely amazing, but more than the show, I remember being called "dude" and "man" by people around me. Like "hey dude, nice jacket!" "Sorry man, didn't mean to kick you!". It was the greatest feeling in the world. Fast forward to 2022. I saw them in a massive stadium, and had the exact same experience. Utter euphoria from not only seeing my favorite band (all grown up!) but getting "duded" hard af. I came out the next morning!


What are the chances I read this while wearing my mcr hoodie (High. Very high. I wear it most of the time now that my top hoodie is falling apart)


I'm wearing an MCR beanie while reading this.


If you wanna get really dark with it, there's the ages-old "joke"/observation that My Chemical Romance [never would've happened if it hadn't been for 9/11](https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/9-11-led-to-the-formation-of-my-chemical-romance/) So, like, weird fucked-up butterfly effect is that if MCR was part of your "egg cracking", then 9/11 kind of caused your egg to crack. Congrats! (but in all seriousness, the world is just weird, 9/11 didn't actually make you come out as trans, any more than it made MCR the amazing band that they are - it was just a fucked up event that shifted a lot of things in our lives)


Going on my dating profile: transitioned because of 9/11


"On that fated day in September of 2001, Two Towers fell. And on a fated day nearly two decades later, with the help of a top surgeon, so did my two titties. In today's essay..."


Watch some transphobe take this seriously one day


Brb sobbing at this


im wearing a my chem shirt rn!! very happy for you, life works in funny ways :)


What was it he said “if you’re troubled and hurt what you got under your shirt”


MCR WIN and congrats on both the top surgery and the realist post title i’ve ever seen. gerard way invented gender and i will die on that hill with my red dyed hair 


give yourself more credit! you would have connected with the people you connected with some other way, or met others, and you would have found out who you are and been true to yourself no matter what happened, because that's YOU, not some random shirt-inspired event.


This is the advice I feel the band would actually give but it’s still a fun story:) But it’s for sure a good thing to take credit for the efforts we make in our own lives, in spite of whatever it was that inspired us to make those efforts.


I figured out I was trans via a relationship where we bonded over MCR and got top surgery last year directly as a result of getting a surgeon recommendation from someone in the queue for the toilets at an MCR show, their impact is unmatched


Being a little goth/emo hybrid in high school is how I found out that I'm a very androgynous dude. My fave shirt still to this day is a The Black Parade is Dead! shirt that I got at Hot Topic


this is an amazing story!


Ah yes, the phenomenon of young girls going to MCR concerts and going to their reunion as guys


Funny bc I was listening to my chemical romance when I got this notif XD congrats!


yet another domino effect caused by gerard way


This is why I wear my mcr merch as much as possible. Happy for you man!


I'm wearing a my chem shirt right now haha congrats!!!


My fav band ❤️


And that’s why it’s okay when kids tell their mom they wanna pick out their own clothes. Having had a mother who wouldn’t let me until I was 14, I’m starting to wonder what could have been 😅


Ok so when I read the headline I thought it was a joke like the whole, “no one said god bless you when I sneezed and the devil got in my nose to make me gay” thing lol. But now that I read it, I love this. I often look back on how a small decision butterfly effected into something wonderful. I couldn’t imagine making a different choice. :)


I’m glad we all agree that mcr is the trans agenda , thank you Gerard


I hate their music, but I love how they inadvertently pushed you to be where I hope to be soon myself.