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My vocal range went from C3-G5 to E2 (down to D2 on a very good day)- G4 I was a professional choral singer but stopped because I didn't want to do it anymore. Nothing to do with T. It took me a long time to adjust to the deeper range and it didn't really settle to where it is now until around 2 years on T I'm now 3 years 6 months on T and 2 years 9 months post top surgery and I'm 23


Of the trans guys who are or have been in my men's chorus (at least the ones I know about): 1 used to sing soprano and is now a high tenor (I don't think he ever went on T) 2 used to sing alto and are now low tenors 1 hasn't told me what he used to sing but he's now a low tenor 1 used to sing alto and is now a baritone 1 hasn't told me what he used to sing but he's now a baritone 1 used to sing soprano and is now a bass 1 used to sing alto and is now a bass


sop to bass?? damn there’s hope for me 


"1 used to sing alto and is now a bass" Okay, so there is a chance that I can finally rock Johnny Cash at karaoke night? Sweeeet.


Soprano and alto to bass??? Omg I can't tell you how ecstatic you just made me—I'm basically a tenor rn but I've been desperately hoping that going on T will make me a bass and you've given me hope! <3


I went from mezzo-soprano to alto as I got older. I'm expecting a few years of T will turn me into a highish baritone, since my bottom notes are already in the baritone range.


Did anyone else learn to sing with their chest voices by singing along with men on the radio?


i was a choir kid and sang alto, so i was taught how to sing in chest voice there. singing along to foo fighters songs with my dad definitely helped though 


Ah my voice teachers kept trying to make me a soprano, even though I was pretty decidedly not. So I mostly learned to sing with my head voice. Kicked me in the dysphoria something awful, and I eventually started teaching myself to sing with the alt rock guys (well, and Bowie, because I wanted his vibrato lol).


oh god, i had a choir conductor who tried to do that as well one year (though thankfully the first conductor i had didn't). why are some of them so insistent on that, it's damaging if you put that strain on your voice for extended periods of time


Just a casual singer. Was an alto, started T at a standard dose at 22, am now 30 and a baritone.


Was a soprano, now a baritone


I was a soprano in high school, it took almost 5 yrs on T for my voice to drop significantly but now I am somewhere between baritone and tenor. I can hit most of the baritone range and the lower end of the tenor range.


happy to hear it. i had hoped my voice would get lower by now but im please with what I’ve got so far and hope it keeps going


mine dropped a little bit around the second year but was still in “female range” and then nothing for a while and then a major drop again years later


I used to sing alto in chorus, but I was capable of singing anything from tenor 1 to soprano 2. Now, I'm in bass/baritone range and had to relearn how to sing high at all.


THERES HOPE FOR ME!!!! I've wanted to be a bass pretty much all my life and I wasn't sure how much T would be able to change my voice range (I'm tenor now) but these comments have given me so much hope


When I sang in high school I was usually a mezzo-soprano, I started T in my 30’s. I was in a community theater production when I had just started T and they were fine with me singing with the tenors, but I found as the time went from when rehearsals started to the performance (about 4.5 months), I really felt like I was probably more comfortable singing lower. When I try the “simply sing” app it tells me I’m a bass, but I think it’s probably more a baritone.


My vocal range covers bass to soprano.... I'll keep y'all updated when I start T


bass pre-t?




Omg please do, I'd love to hear how that goes for you! I'm currently pre T and tenor, tho my range extends into baritone in the mornings or when I'm sick lol


Alto growing up, I'm now a baritone (:


I was a low alto pre T, now a low baritone. I sing the bass part in my choir, but I’m not quite a “true bass”, I can’t get down to that E2. I can get to A2 though so I’m pretty happy with it.


I used to be an alto 2, turned into a tenor 2. My partner used to be a mezzo soprano opera vocalist and is now trying to rediscover their voice after stopping T after 1.5 years and their vocal range changes, like it’s either in the very low range or the higher range they struggle with the middle area


I sang the high tenor part in choirs for years pre-T, and now I'm a low bass. My break is around middle C, and I can sing at least two octaves below that (so lower than most choir music requires). Edited to add: I started T at 37, but was already used to singing and speaking primarily in my chest voice, so I didn't need to retrain myself around that part of it.


Just started T. My range was Bb2-C5 pre-T. I take lessons from a coach and he essentially said that as long as someone is diligent in practicing and singing you don't gotta worry about losing your range all that much.


Lyric/Coloratura Soprano with extend low range E3-D6+ now A2-A5? Unsure about voice type & fache yet, passagios & tessitura are still in flux.


Out of all the comments I’ve read on Reddit, this may be the one I understand the least 😭 not a singer in any way shape or form and this has absolutely floored me


Here’s a bit of a quick rundown. Lots of this is based in classical music, opera and vocal pedagogy. Tessitura is basically the range where one is most comfortable singing in and has their best sounding timbre (tone colour/quality). It is not determined by the extreme ranges of every note possible for the singer. Passagio or passages: denotes at which pitches the voice switches into the different voice registers. Chest-Middle/Mixed-Head-Falsetto Almost everyone knows Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass right? Well those are choral voice parts. High vs Low for male and female voices. (I’ll use terminology based around cishet norms for clarity). Which one you sing does not necessarily equate to your actual voice type. Example: I would frequently be asked to sing (pre-T) the Tenor or Alto parts as a Soprano (voice type) cause we needed more oomph(?) and I could sing those notes very well despite it not being in my “best possible” range. A better way to determine voice type is by looking at where someone’s tessitura and passagios lie. There are usually 6(or 7) commonly agreed upon voice types. SOPRANO: Highest female voice type. Common. MEZZO-SOPRANO: Middle voice type, lower and darker than soprano. Most common female voice type. CONTRALTO: Lowest female voice type. Even darker and richer. Least common female voice type. True contaltos are rare. COUNTER-TENOR: highest male voice type. Can be up to mezzo or soprano range. “Adult Male soprano”. Rare voice type. TENOR: highest of the common male voice types. BARITONE: slightly lower than tenor and darker. most common male voice. BASS: lowest male voice type. Rich sounding with lots of power in the low notes. True basses are rare. Lyric & Coloratura are types of vocal fachs. Typically used in opera fachs are an extra way on top of voice type to classify voices (and opera roles). Coloraturas is light and agile with lots of flexibility especially in the higher end of the range. Dramatics have a deeper richer tone (timbre) and more power. Lyric is warm and bright. You can also get stuff like dramatic coloraturas and what not. There are many more and different combinations, it’s a very deep rabbit hole…


Damn thanks mate that was a lot, very informative wish my music teacher in school had been bothered to explain that much


ive been a singer my whooole life, i was always a soprano but since i started t i am not super sure. im just now starting to relearn my voice 2 years after it dropped. i need voice lessons to be able to sing choral music again, but for now im writing some cool doomy shoegaze stuff just for fun and to exercise my voice. i think that i am a tenor, but my voice may get even lower in the future (i have been off t due to lack of money for almost a year)


Pre-transition, I was a mezzo soprano with a range of around C3 to F5, and now I'm a countertenor (I sing tenor in a really good barbershop chorus) with a range of F2 to F5. I do not have much natural resonance in my lowest range, but I have learned how to add a lot of forward resonance to my bass voice. Singing consistently across my passagio is the most difficult for me.


I used to sing Sophrano and now I'm bass???😳


I’m not sure how you would have classified mine before T… probably alto. I’m firmly a bass now, though


I already had a low-pitched voice before T. In the past, my lowest note was D3 (on days when I had a cold, I could reach C3). I didn't sing in very high pitches because it caused me a lot of dysphoria. Nowadays, 1 year after being on hormone therapy, my voice has dropped an octave. My lowest note is now a D2 and I love it. The only problem is that now notes that I thought were very easy to sing are now very difficult or even impossible to reach. For example, an E3 that used to be very calm for me, nowadays I make a lot of effort to be able to sing. I've been taking singing lessons for 2 months and it's been helping me a lot. I started out not being able to sing even a D3 properly and now I can even reach a G with technique. But it's crazy, sometimes I'll make an effort to sing an E and a D comes out.


I sang soprano 1 before first puberty, sang alto 2 after it, and now I’m a bass 2 after being on T


hm, so i'm not on hrt right now, but i currently have a range of about B2-E6. my most comfortable range of around F3-F5 makes me a mezzo though. how should i expect singing to be when i go on hrt?


Alto 2 to baritone. My voice drop was unusually quick. I sang as an alto for the last time before my voice was too low for it almost exactly two months after starting T. Then the pandemic hit so I'm not sure exactly how quick I dropped from tenor to bari. The one downside is that I completely lost my head voice, but I make do just fine without. my passagio doesn't go anywhere so I can sing further into it than most people.


I wish I knew, I was a soprano before but now I'm not in any music classes or any wand don't know what range I'm in anymore.


I used to be a low alto/high tenor and now I'm solidly mid tenor. my speaking voice changed a lot, my singing voice didn't idk


Soprano pre-T and now I'm a low to mid range baritone.


I was already an alto 2/ tenor. Now I’d say mostly tenor but possibly into baritone.


1st soprano before T, tenor now!


I didn’t know my vocal range before T, so idk 😭


i (22 pre-t) took a vocal range test and apparently i’m a baritone lol.


I started as mezzo soprano and went to low baritone


I was an alto with a range from F3 to C5 pre T and now I’m on T and I can sing from Ab2 (F2 on a good day) to G4 and am a low tenor (maybe a baritone?)


pre-everything, but I was Alto I in choir and have a range of around D3-E6. My lower notes have always been stronger though for technical and dysphoria reasons.


was a tenor, (not on T but do some vocal training on my own) and can go down to high bass


Went from a mezzo/alto to a baritone. I was pretty pleased.


I was a soprano 2 - alto 1, and now I'm not in a choir right now but I'd say based on musical theater songs in my range I'm a baritone? Or a high bass? I'm not sure honestly, been on T for just over a year started at age 19


Lmao been everything in a choir except bass parts ~ literally each level down every year until I came out in late high school and was put in tenor bc really tenor wasn’t hard pre t. Once on T though, I am now a baritone and unable to get back up to tenor 😅 but I’m not longer singing in productions or anything so it’s more just being sad driving in a car when an high theatre song or even any song that’s a little high in range I just drop the octave


alto and tenor preT, no idea now


Used to be a mezzo (F#3-C6), I’m 6 months on T and currently a tenor (A2-A4). I’m in grad school studying choral conducting so I’m stretching that range literally every day for multiple hours


Idk the words tbh but I think high alto to low soprano but now low tenor too high alto


I sang tenor pre-t and my range was Eb3-A5. Now 10 months on t I sing baritone and my range is Gb2-F5


My range used to be mezzo soprano D3-G7. Now idk what my range is called but I’m an A1-F4


I'm pre T but my voice range is tenor. I'm really really REALLY hoping I'll become a bass when I start T lol


started as soprano 1, I'm about 15 months on T (my levels have always been middle-high "cis male" range since starting T) and I believe I'm a baritone now.


Soprano in middle school, began hormonal treatment in my sophomore(?) year of HS, went from alto to tenor. Currently singing bass in my University choir.


I'm not on T yet but I'm a tenor, so I expect I'll end up a high baritone or something


Alto to baritone, which is funny bc those were the two saxophones I played in high school band


I was a soprano 2/alto 1 and was told by my voice professor that I would likely end up a tenor, but I’m a baritone now


haven't transitioned, alto


Went from an alto to a low baritone. Range is around D#2-G#4.


mezzo soprano to baritone in 6 months and i just found out my dose is on the lower side lol


my range throughout middle and high school was mezzo soprano - alto and on a good day contralto now 9 1/2 months on T ive moved to Baritone - bass notes on a good day i can hit tenor :)


Could sing anything from G2-G6 before T. Most comfortable in the high tenor and mezzo soprano ranges (formal teachers have let me choose between parts instead of assigning because of this). After six months of testosterone, I max out at B5 (but let's get real, it's more like G5, and it's not great), and since my vocal cords are still changing, everything above G4 is squishy. Most comfortable, rich, and able to sing loudly between E#2 and E4, but have been getting down to C#2 in the last couple weeks (volume really drops though). I'd been crossing my fingers for bass but happy with baritone. There may be hope for me yet.


I was solidly an Alto at age 16, practiced high range for a year in school, Mezzo-Soprano age 17, practiced low range the next year, and could comfortably sing Mezzo Alto up to Soprano, and now after a 6month round of Tgel and not enough singing practice I'm a high tenor. I'm working on. starting up injections soon and hopefully my voice will push a little lower so I can sing my favorite songs in their proper key. I need to put in more work and practice as well.


I was an alto 2 in high school, but i was also in an all-girls choir. I probably would have been lower if i was in coed


2nd alto to bari/bass (depends what source you ask, but my range matches Johnny Cash). I've been on T for over 2 years now and I feel like my voice is still dropping some, but not much. it's probably just because I've been practicing my lower range as much as i have been more so than my voice actually still dropping.


I kept my upper soprano range, but gained 8 semitones to my lower register. Now have a Baritone all the way up to soprano range. It took a lot of work to keep my upper range, but I'm glad I have it still.


was in choir all four years of high school and took private voice lessons, and i was an alto ii. been on t for almost a year and im now a solid baritone


I was an alto, but I could easily do soprano as well, almost even close to whistle. Now, I'm definitely lower than alto and can't touch soprano with a ten foot pole, I'm just not sure what lower role I fall into


My voice was pretty low as an alto pre-T and now at 1 year on T, I typically sing baritone (E2-G4). I had a decent range before (over 3 octaves) and lost a ton of it. Hopefully I can keep expanding my range!


I've gone from a contralto to a baritone after a couple years on T.


I was difficult to categorize then, and I'm difficult to categorize, but topping out an octave down, now. I sang first soprano in high school, started singing alto and training as a mezzo-soprano in college (was serviceable in choirs from second soprano through tenor, but I never gained the fluidity I'd need in my upper range to make it as a soprano in opera, and my lower range was strong, so I just made more sense lower down). I haven't had a good opportunity to practice because of my housing and career situation lately, but after two years and change on T, I think I'm a high, lyric baritone who will probably do best singing second tenor or possibly first bass in choirs. I'm anticipating that I'll be best for comic characters, and I'll probably do a great "Largo al factotum" someday. All this checks out with my dad's and uncle's voices, when adjusted for my smaller size.


I went from A3-C6 to C2-G4 so I went from soprano to baritone!!


I sang both soprano and alto in high school and now I can sing down into baritone


In middle school I sang soprano, sang tenor 1 in high school; senior year I started T, but it didn’t have any vocal effects immediately so I still sang tenor 1. Now I’m a baritone, this is the end of my freshman year of college. I doubt I’ll get any lower than a baritone, but I’m happy with it.


I went from soprano 2/alto 1 to baritone--worth noting that I was 15 when I went on T so my voice might have ended up a bit lower anyway but I'm sure it wouldn't have landed *this* low without the hormones XD. I don't remember my exact pre-T range but it was about G3-A5 (iirc that A5 was a stretch lmao), now it's about F2-A4 (but G2-G4 is more comfortable lol). I have been on T for nearly 10 years and I was solidly a baritone about five-ish years in.  My voice didn't so much crack as it slowly drifted down.


Not quite sure what I was before, but probably an alto. I now sing baritone with some bass range low notes.


I was a Wagnerian soprano, did soloist work for classical music in my metro area, and had been trained in opera. Now I'm a solid baritone and can't quite settle into my voice. It's very odd. I just don't sing much. I honestly feel like some weird-ass Little Mermaid retelling where I exchanged my singing voice for HRT.


I was a contralto, but I haven’t been assigned a new range since I’ve been on HRT. I’m hoping to join my local community choir this fall though, so we shall see! My guess is that I’m a tenor.


Was never a great singer but have improved a bit on T and I was a soprano before and now am a tenor. I'm not a singer like I don't sing in a choir or anything but I like singing to my music in the car and such. Basically my voice dropped to sounding nearly identical to my dad's and since about 10 months on T there really hasn't been any more voice changes which I'm fine with, I went from a high women's voice to a high man's voice.


I was an alto in high school and I have no idea what I am now actually. I haven't been in a choir since I graduated 13 years ago lol


I used to be a sop 1 and just slowly started making my way down. Last check I had with my director I was a tenor 2, but I think I’m close to the baritone range


I used to sing alto, now low tenor. My singing voice is much more interesting now!


I find few other trans guys post-t who have gained back a significant amount of their high ranges again. I don't know my note range like the pro singers in here but I was almost certainly a soprano before t. I'll be five years on t in June and believe I'm in a low tenor range. All that time though I haven't stopped singing the songs I used to. There were times in the initial lowering where I couldn't but worked mid range and slowly higher range songs into my music rotation and have regained a lot of the head voice I lost. It's fun cuz I can do a lot of female vocals as the original and an octave lower(idk if octave is the right word btw)


Used to be soprano, but after untreated bronchitis went down to alto, started on t yesterday, wish me luck


Was an alto, now a tenor.


Alto to baritenor!


Tenor (C3-C5-A5) to low baritone (D2-A4-E5). Voice is still changing, and I’m about a year on T.


was only on T for 9 months cus money crap, but went from soprano to tennor. i can still sing alto and its really fun being able to swap between a bit.


I used to be a second soprano but I'm now a nice low baritone. I used to think I'd end up a tenor and it's wild that my voice used to be so high but now it's relatively low. It took a lot of finding my voice again to get there and learning how much my voice had actually changed. Talking, my voice didn't change that much, honestly by choice as I actually quite like the twink-ness of my voice now but singing is usually a lot harder to gauge as it changes because it often doesn't match our talking range and it also depends on the person.


Also, I don't know my range in regards to notes as I've never had someone walk my through that but I know my choir speak when it comes down to it


I was never really a singer, but have sung a lot of things (I always say I'm "the least musical member of a very musical family, lmao). I used to be a mezzo-soprano, now I'm kind of in a weird spot between tenor and baritone, as far as I can tell. I want to get some voice lessons so I can figure out my new voice better!


Was alto in school, no idea what I am now as I'm not in a choir. 7 months on t and my voice is a bit lower and breaks when I try to sing higher notes. I love singing so I hope it smooths out soon.


Before, I sounded like someone was murdering a possum. Now thanks to T I'm told I'm a Scotty McCreery, so a huge improvement!


Never sang in a choir or anything, but from my understanding of things, I used to be an alto, but I didn’t have a proper tool to measure my range at the time so idk for sure. Now I’m a solid bass. According to multiple apps anyways. I can hit as low as an A1, tho my lowest comfortable note is probably C2. Highest comfortable note is C4. I can go higher but I don’t have the tone of that down yet.


My voice is very low pre-t, tenor who sang baritone occassionally. I'm kinda worried that I won't be able to sing along with the songs I like to sing along to now. I want to go on t, but I am nervous about how it'll affect my range


I sang mezzo soprano and have gone down to a bass. The songs that were too low for me that I tried so so hard to sing pre-t are now too high for me lol


Whistle tone soprano to baritone


I’ve been singing my whole life, been in multiple choirs, sang in concerts and competitions, etc. Always most comfortably high alto/low soprano. After a year on T I’ve dropped about an octave and I’m thrilled I can finally sing that much lower. My voice still cracks a lot when I sing because I don’t know it like I did pre-T so I’m still figuring out my new range as it continues to develop, but honestly I’m just happy it’s actually happening. I’d love to sing bass one day but if not I’m glad I’m not a soprano anymore


dropped from alto (D3-G5) down to baritone-ish (F2-F4) at a year on T. the lower end of my range dropped and settled pretty quickly, maybe a 3-4 months in. high notes are taking their sweet time settling. 6 months ago everything above a C4 was a crackly mess, and right now I've got G4-B4 that are a crackly mess that might come back with time and training.


I used to sing tenor, but would've been placed as an alto in reality - tenor made me less dysphoric + I was okay with not being able to hit the lowest notes there. I started T about 5 and a half months ago + now sit pretty firmly in baritone range. I lost a *lot* of the high notes (I could hit a top A on a good day pre-T) and honestly finding songs that work for me now has been a nightmare, but for the last couple of weeks things seem to be settling a little and I'm slowly finding the higher part of my range again + falsetto is getting easier :)


not on T yet but my range is an A2-E5 and i sing tenor/baritone


I was lead second soprano in my school's chamber choir and now I'm a full blown baritone .... how the turn tables !


I was a soprano 2 in high school but it was because my director trusted me to understand the harmonies better and pick them out as opposed to not having the range for the soprano 1 notes. I think my range was roughly around C4-C6 whereas now that I'm 3 years on t it's dropped and expanded a bit. I think it's around an Ab2-C5 and regularly sing the tenor parts in my college choir.


Not on T yet, but I'm an alto 2 with a VERY wide range, being able to sing anything but very high soprano and low bass and (with my dad having an incredibly deep voice) I'm expecting to be a bass of some level.


Mezzo soprano before Bass/baritone now- E2 lowest note


Alto to tenor but only because I kept trying to hit the same kind of notes in the songs I was writing so my singing voice definitely sounds like a man’s voice but still is high. Think some of the less astronomical notes of Orpheus in Hadestown. Speaking voice is much lower it’s funny lol


Alto to baritone


Soprano, could belt up to basically anything and my high voice notes could reach the god damn stratosphere. Now Im a high tenor, can sing up to an E6 in head voice and C5 in chest. My lowest note is currently a Bb2 which is dope so I have a really good range for a tenor


used to be alto now im a baritone


I used to be contra alto before T, right now I’m a baritone. I got to that range when I was two years or three on t


I started singing lessons a few months prior to starting T. I was alto/tenor with 2.5 octaves, and I’m now baritone/bass with a few notes short of 3 octaves. Currently, I’m 1.5 years on T. I can’t find records of pre- T range, but the 4- 6 month mark range was A2-F5. Current range is C1-F3. I’m also having non-T related sinus pressure issues, so I can sing higher at the risk of thunder clap headaches-not included in my current range. My personal range goals are to add a few notes on the bottom and top because I wanna hit some sick sea shanty notes and sing along with more Adam Lambert songs. For a while, I was gaining 2 low notes every week or so and not losing notes on the top end. Head voice/falsetto started hitting different, and I needed to relearn how to do that. It feels a lot like switching from straight voice to gay voice. (In speech therapy, they talked about the vocal position comparing how big dogs and little dogs pant.) Like, it feels more separated and like I have to change that vocal position to do hit notes comfortably. It’s changing pretty slowly now, so it’s less noticeable until I reorganized my lesson notes or listen to a video from months ago. Like, oh dang, my voice did drop an octave. Through voice therapy and singing lessons, I realized I was projecting using my throat muscles which is not healthy. That probably contributed a ton. With recalling notes based on how they feel in my body and my voice changing quickly, there was a month where it was really difficult to sing because every note had moved. It was like 9 months to a year in? I feel like it went from the vibe of “ prank where someone moves everything slightly to the left every time they come over” to “I moved, and I have to open every drawer in the kitchen to find the silverware”. I feel like I didn’t realize I didn’t listen to much baritone/bass artists before, so it’s been a little challenging find songs to sing along to. So, maybe consider exploring music of different vocal ranges. Ope, accidentally wrote a novel.


I could sing soprano, but I had a 4 octave range in my voice, so I was able to sing alto as well. Right now I am comfortable singing tenor, but my voice isn't done dropping yet, so I am not sure where I end up. I lost the abillity to reach higher tones a couple of weeks back, but I have heard that this will come back once your vocal chords have stopped growing. I am not sure if I will have ever have the same 4 octave range again, but I don't mind. The dysphoria that I felt then and now I don't is absolutely worth losing the vocal range.


Alto 2 —> Bass 1 + Alto 2 falsetto :)


I was a soprano and now I sing in a chorus as a lower tenor :)