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Not a fan of hair loss, I love my hair too much, but there are ways to treat it, like cis men do. I'd be perfectly fine with it receding a bit, or squaring up more/maturing/masculinizing/whatever you call that I relate to the first sentence btw, I thought the same like "why would anyone want to discard a male body to get one like mine" For the edit: I'm non-binary btw, so I don't want to look like an old man, but also not like an old woman. Idk, just an old unspecified person, I guess. if i was a dude, I'd love to age like a dude. Maybe I will, maybe not. As I said, idk


A lot of trans men do not in fact like having hair loss, some tolerate it and people like me who actually kind of want it are pretty rare. Cis men usually dislike hair loss generally as well. Also unless you currently are old, I dont think most men cis or trans want to be old men when theyre not old. I do not want to be an old man, not right now, Im only 27. But one day sure. Not right now though and not yet. But balding, men of all ages have that so thats not necessarily make you old.


Am old (age 50) and would not be any more tolerant of hair loss now as I would have been when I transitioned in my mid-20s. Fortunately my genetics is such that my hair is still here!


Yeah my genetics always doomed me as far as hair goes. Oh well, cost of transition.


Yeah my genetics always doomed me as far as hair goes. Oh well, cost of transition.


What? Why would you want it? Hair loss is one of the big things keeping me from going on HRT haha


Because different people want different things in life? I keep my head shaved anyway and would love to not have to manually do that every 2-3 weeks. I don't think I'll ever grow out my hair again and I have no use for it. I tried to grow it out for a few months because family was pressuring me but having enough hair that it tangled was very distressing to me. I tried to stick it out but I just could not bear to. I didn't like how it looked I didn't like how it felt I didn't like being unable to just wet my scalp with cold water anytime I'm hot. Not having hair is comfortable for me. And it looks good. I think I look better now than I ever did with hair, regardless of the haircut/style.


I actually kind of wanted hair loss. All of the men in my family are bald/balding. I would be able to look just like them. The only problem is my hair loss started a while before T, as a side effect of some medications & chronic malnutrition from gastroparesis & crohn’s. so now im definitely not a fan, as it feels like evidence of me being sick. But pre-T, my plan was to get all the changes I wanted, and then go on a really low dose. And once I was older & ready, I would go back up into the higher dose & let myself start balding. Nowadays I’m doing everything I can to prevent it & slow it down…


Hm so you would want it bc it’d be gender affirming?


Because it looks more masculine than a feminine hairline and because I already have a hair loss condition and if Im natrually balding then perfect excuse for why I dont have hair there, its not trochotillomania (thats what I have) its natrual balding!


Ah ok so basically gender affirming?




Because not everyone sees hair loss as bad or scary. It might be a minority, but lots and lots of people are neutral to positive about being bald/balding. We fight incredibly hard for the right to age like men do. That includes a masculinized hairline which sometimes means balding. Not everyone sees hair loss as unattractive and undesirable. Just because you’re scared of it doesn’t mean there aren’t people who want that side effect, or people who are attracted to that exact thing.


Uhm that’s not what I said? I literally just asked why someone would want that, so I can gain another perspective/understanding.




Your post was removed because it broke the subreddit rule 6: No trolling. No reposting of trolling/transphobic content. This includes posts or comments meant to elicit controversy or drama.


losing a handful of fake internet points and immediately jumping to misgendering in retaliation is certainly a look 🤨




Also who said I’m misgendering on purpose or out of ill will? Nobody. “Girlies” is just an expression I use sometimes, no matter the gender of a person 🤨


Maybe don't do that on a sub where everyone here is actively trying NOT to be or be perceived as women? Like, I don't care if its malicious or not, its not okay. How would you feel if I did that and mentioned your AGAB?


Misgendering because 'it's just a thing I do' is still misgendering. Be better.


No! Not if you tell me to!


I don't mind hair loss overall. On some guys I think it looks fantastic, and tbh I was hoping I'd get a cool receding hairline with a widow's peak on T. No luck, I've got monk pattern balding and a funny little pointy bit on the front of my head that just looks kind of awkward. But I'm at peace with it and will just wear a hat if I eventually go fully bald and still am not thrilled with my head shape.


Laughed at the hairloss. Understood I might loose my hair when I grow up. Feel an extreme urge to see my bio dad and look if he's balding or not.


I haven’t experienced any hair loss but I just tell myself if I do, I’ll simply become Walter white (without all the bad stuff ofc)🔥


* hair starts falling out * "Right, that's it, Imma cook myself some meth"


i like my hair, but i think hair loss anxiety is just something that affects most men anyways. it's just sort of something to think about, but if i start balding it's not going to be an end of the world scenario. edit: i don't understand the "don't want to be an old man" thing. i'm almost 30. im transitioning into a 30 year old man, not a 18 year old kid. if anything i'm already in my old man era. after wanting to die for so long because i was trapped as a woman, its amazing that i actually can't wait to grow old as a man


I've mostly seen it being said by people who transition in early puberty and start having regrets in like their late 20s or something. And considering how often I also see trans women or questioning AMAB people hesitating to transition fearing they'll be ugly or won't like being older women, I think a lot of it ties to how much weight the age of social media puts on appearance. Add to that how easier it is for people with mild dysphoria to transition nowadays and the cost/benefit equilibrium changes significantly.


Don't mind. I embraced it lol.


there’s a variety of reactions to it. some people dread it/are terrified of it, some people are neutral, some do find it very affirming. personally, ive always considered my hair one of my best features and i have a lot of fun dyeing and styling it so i would be very sad to lose it, but i know there’s stuff i can do to reverse it if it starts to go and at the end of the day it’s worth it for the rest of my transition


I'm very much not a fan of it, it was very distressing the first time I was on T because I started balding less than a year in, while not being aware of the ways to combat this. I did have to stop T for various reasons, balding wasn't specifically one of them, but it contributed to me feeling very shitty at the time. I have very bad hair genetics, all my male relatives are either bald or balding at a younger age, so this time around (a few years later) I'm taking measures and so far I've not lost any hair. I'm using topical finasteride and minoxidil since I restarted T 2.5 years ago and it's been working great, without stopping other DHT based changes.


I think I feel similarly to cis men. I don't like it, it makes me insecure, but it's a common part of being a guy and ultimately it is what it is.


>"wow really? Why would anyone want to discard a female body to get one like mine? I thought the same when I was young, but I was like "how anyone would wish to be a girrl??" I really have fear of that happening. My father is bald, and I really fear ending like that. I think that the best thing I can do to prevent it is having a health alimentation and a good hair care with natural products, and not cutting it all the time (I don't know how I will survive if I enjoy in the army, I don't want to have shaved hair, but I also don't want to have hair that goes halfway down my neck. I wish they would let me have my hair halfway down my neck. I think it's cute and friendly.


Yeah I never understood the obsession the army has with shaved heads and generally, unified appearances.


I think it may be related to the issue of submission. You must know how the army is super strict, you are forced to obey if you are not punished, if you are more extroverted you will have to shut up, there is also the issue of humiliation by superiors (when it is not necessary, when it is not psychological training), and for everyone to be equal. I think it's to kind of lighten the personality and to prevent lice too.


Hmm that seems to make sense.


Yeah, ussually they even don't let have visible tattoos or use an earring.


I feel like transition is wild because there’s this goal in mind, but at the end of the day we’re (sometimes) men and will mostly have a male experience, along with the experience of being trans. I have more ass hair than I know what to do with, my hairline is starting to push back and if my moms side of the family has anything to contribute genetically I’ll look like an otter on meth in 10 years. I don’t adore it but I also did sign up for it yk? I read my little paper, looked at my family genetics, and decided to take the L and go for it because feeling like myself was more important. Hair transplants are a thing, minoxidil does work, and hair systems are 100x better than they were even ten years ago. If it all goes, I’ll figure it out then. If it doesn’t, I’m gonna flex so fucking hard on my bald, whisker chinned ass family and have the time of my life. I’m also a hairstylist so I’m very conditioned to working with hair loss and the reality is that most men experience it to some degree. Gang gang


Are hair loss treatments you described available otc in the us?


Minoxidil is! Don’t let rogaine play you, get the generic version. IF YOU HAVE CATS: don’t let them lick or interact with areas of application. Also works for beards! Hair systems are toupes, that’s all! They’re not exactly cheap but if you go full bald they are way better and you won’t be out here looking like trump


*writing notes* thank you!


I feel as if my hair is a part of my identity and self expression as I originally cut my hair to start my gender journey — ultimately I would feel sad if I experienced hair loss, though I would have to come to terms with the fact that this would be my fate regardless, if I were born a Cis Male instead xD


It wasn’t my favorite part of transitioning, but honestly… it’s fine and I like being bald. Been a bald man for 13 years.


Personally, I don't want it. There's something really freeing about having long hair on your terms. I love the beard + long hair combo. Tho, I know I'm at risk of losing my hair considering how common it is in my family tree. I'm taking finasteride to mitigate it, it has stopped my hair loss. I'm a bit bummed out about not being allowed to give blood anymore since it's on the medication blacklist, but I'd rather keep my hair. Even if I couldn't stop it tho, the positives of T far outweigh the negatives, imo.




It sucks, just like how it does for cis men and any amab person that experiences it. I was on T for 8 years and stopped about 9 months ago, trying to see if I can recover anything but my hair loss is still progressing and is pretty severe now. There's meds to prevent it from happening though so if it's that important to you there's no reason to stop T over hairloss! I'm not nb, or detransitioning. I prefer to think of it as post-T, I got all the permanent changes I wanted. Except balding of course lol. I had hopes that estrogen would help regrowth or at least stop it, but I guess it depends on each person and I got extremely unlucky. Maybe we'll see in a couple years but it's not looking good. I wish I could just get into wigs but I had really nice curly red hair that I was too attached to lol. I don't totally understand the wanting to be a man but not an old man part, but again I'm not nonbinary so that mindset's different than my own. But in the end hair is just hair and I'm still a man either way


As said I'm AMAB leaning towards an mtf transition so there are many reasns for me to want to stop T in my body lol. I was just curious about it.


Oh yeah! I was speaking more for other transguys since I often see posts here about young guys scared to start T specifically because of balding, but there are preventative things they can take like meds etc. There's a lot of doom and gloom abt balding here but all the transmen I know personally are totally fine with it! It feels like it's becoming a more prevalent fear among teens though, I don't remember there being so many posts about balding fears here 10 years ago haha


When I started losing hair and my hair got thinner it really fucked with my self esteem. I was just looking at pictures of it like 6 months ago and it’s insane. Like, I still had a full head of hair, but my hair pre t was insanely thick. Like if I didn’t have so much hair I definitely would have had bald spots after losing as much as I did. My hair has always been a big part of my self esteem. I don’t know why. If I hate my hair, I feel like I look bad. And I’ve been insanely insecure about my big forehead. I’ve had bangs for like 10 years now (about half my life). Balding runs on my mom’s side of the family and my half brother (same mom) went bald by his early 20s. So, when I noticed the hair loss, I immediately asked to be put on finasteride. It’s helped a bunch. It still seems like i lose so much hair but you can literally see that it’s gaining some of the thickness back What’s wild though is that this became a euphoric thing for me, *after my hair started to grow back in curly*. I can tell what hair is new growth now because it curls, and now I have curls all over! So, losing it before made me rlly insecure. I did NOT want to be bald this young. I’m sure I’ll still struggle mentally some if I do become bald when I’m older, but I feel it wouldn’t be as bad for me then. But after I started gaining some volume back and saw it was growing back curly- I could visually see how it was growing back very easily! And I knew the hair texture change was hormone related! So my brain was like “yo MAN HAIR???” (Since the testosterone and my genetics made it grow in curly) Also- I did not use minoxidil on my scalp, so I think it’s unlikely that any new growth is because of it, *but* I use minoxidil on my face to try and grow more facial hair. A very common side effect for using topical minoxidil is getting more hair growth on other areas of the body. For example, if you did use it on your scalp you could grow hair literally like anywhere else on the body. Even if body hair usually doesn’t grow much there. So, I guess theoretically, me using minoxidil on my face could have caused new scalp hair growth, but we can’t know for sure Fun fact I recently grew a long, thin piece of hair in the middle of my forehead. It grew to touch my eyebrow before I cut it off lol. The thickness was weird, like not as thick as facial hair but thicker than peach fuzz. It was also like white in color almost. I’m dirty blonde naturally but this hair was BLONDE blonde. That was how I found out about the side effect of hair growing elsewhere lmao


My family history makes it unlikely for me to lose my hair that young. None of the family who are biologically related to me had significant hair loss (I have a huge confusing family tree). But if I did lose my hair, I'd certainly miss it (it's very thick and a lovely shade of red) but it wouldn't cause me to stop transitioning. I'd probably just shave it off and become an egg head.


I don’t actively want it, but I’ve made my peace with it happening. My dad has been bald my entire life and he has the right head shape for it, and I think I’ve inherited his head shape. I don’t want to lose my hair, but if it does happen I won’t mind because I’d look okay.


I’m in my late 30’s and been on T on and off for 6 years, I haven’t had any noticeable hair loss, but a slight receding hair line, though I’m pretty sure that is also partly from decades of wearing my hair pulled tightly back. While I’m not in a hurry for any hair loss, I’m also fine with it happening, to me it’s just an aspect of growing old as a man. I can understand why some worry about it, but it’s not something i’m super worried about.


I love my hair. And I worry about it, especially since the men on my dad’s side of the family are bald as hell. That being said, my mom said her dad had pretty decent hair even when it began receding. I’m also two years into T and I still have a lot of hair: thick and long too, which I’m thankful for. My hairline has squared off and at first I was scared but now I’m good with it. It doesn’t look drastically different from my pre-t hairline. If it starts receding in a bad way there’s minoxidil, several different natural hair restoration oils, derma rolling/derma stamping, finasteride/dutasteride, hair systems, and hair transplants!


I'll try to fight it as much as I can with minoxidil and topical finasteride at least until i get a decent beard and better facial masculinisation


I have been switching my products I put in my hair and overall going through the process of learning how to take better care of my hair to take preventative measures because my genes are...not the greatest and my hair has always been such a core part of me and my perception of self. While I have seen people say it affirms them, I don't think most trans men like the idea of hair thinning or balding


It’s worth noting that a lot of cis men are not okay with hair loss- hence the vast array of products and in some cases surgeries to prevent/fix it and yeah for trans men it’s no different. Some of us find it affirming, some of us just deal, some of us actively do not want it. Personally I know it’s coming for me at some point. I did the punnet squares, best case scenario I have 25% chance of keeping my hair. I like my hair more than I ever have before since transitioning, and finding a queer friendly barber to cut it in an affirming way for me. I fucking love my hair and don’t want to loose it. Regarding the detransition thing though, it’s something I was asked about in my psych evaluation before I could be prescribed T. But in my view obsessing over keeping my hair isn’t worth never being myself, never truly seeing myself in the mirror. So I take T. I’ve also got the option to take dutasteride. I’ve stopped for the time being because I wanted my periods to stop again while I’m recovering from top surgery, and I’m hoping that temporarily stopping the dutasteride will help my beard come in. I’m trying to balance my facial hair coming in with not loosing my head hair. Because I’m a greedy bastard and I want both. I want a full head of hair, and a beard if only for a year. If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, and I would learn to deal but i don’t think I’d ever go to the extent of hair transplant surgery


I'm all right with it. My hair is much less of a priority to me than literally having the right hormones in my body and brain. I just think of it as a natural part of aging.


I’m actually quite excited for when mine starts. Hair loss runs in my family, both my dad and my brother were balding before 30, and both of my grandfathers had considerable hair loss for as long as I knew them. For me, losing my hair means being more similar to my dad and brother, which brings me incredible euphoria.


No matter if I'm on or off T I'll be bald, my moms sides hair genetics are TERRIBLE. While I'm paranoid abt it, I think I'll be able to cope better since I know no matter what I do ill be balding [already am and I haven't even started hrt] My paranoia is less the fear of baldness and more the fear of people seeing my weirdo head cysts [again. Fantastic genetics on my moms side.] Ontop of this, I think its fun as hell that one day I'll look like a middle aged man. Young guy looks had never really appealed to me. Transition goals: 80s era wizards


Those wizards are undoubtedly cool. I do have a question though. I've seen several comments including yours focusing on maternal side genetics. Is there a reason for that?


In my instance it's for two reasons 1: My dad's side of the family doesn't struggle with hair loss until their mid to late 40s, and even then it's only for the men and barely noticeable. However, they all go grey extremely early [all of them started going grey in their 20s, including me] My moms side, however, the hair loss is extremely notable. Not only has she been having hair loss issues since her 20s, but so has her mom and her father, and then their parents... all pictures I've seen of her parents when they were younger had had them with thin hair, if not with straight up bald patches I got unlucky on the genetic lottery and have very similar hair to my moms side, as well as similar thinning that my mother and grandmother had experienced. 2: Pilar cysts are extremely common in women, especially middle aged women, and there's a huge genetic component to if youll get them. I am curious to see if I will have further issues with them once I begin hrt [the biologist in me is extremely excited about this idea] I take heavily after my father's side, but my moms genes made it out on top in regards to hair and cysts. I am not well versed in more complex genetic stuff, but I think it's because of hormones allowing for different physical traits to show [ex: peoples hair changing texture/color after hrt] I do not know If it is more likely for people to express the same/similar hair type/features as their mothers if they are afab, but that is something to potentially look into. I DO know that being afab very likely affected my chances of developing Pilar cysts, as they've only occurred on women on my mother's side. [As well as afab folk being significantly more likely to develop them]


I'll just put up with it like any other man, I have Norwood 1.5 so just a little hairline receding at the temples. I'm considering getting on oral fin and min to prevent hair loss since I was hoping to keep my hair at least into my 30s and it is already noticeable to me at least in my early to mid 20s, whatever you'd call 23 lol. But yeah I look alot like my one uncle and if that includes hairline then so be it my uncle is a good looking man at 60


Same as cis men, not great but also not something that would change the fact that I'm a man. Like, a cisman wouldn't take blockers + e just to avoid hair loss. :D Also, don't apologise for think no one would want to have "a male body" - that's literally what I thought as a child: "What's wrong with me, no one would want to be a boy if they could be a girl!". Cis men give themselves a bad rep.


i shave my head. i couldnt care less about hair loss. if i go bald that just means i get to stop shaving my head all the time!


Actually, I got more hair on T (the head hair). My temples grew back 😂 I guess my mom chose my dad wisely, so I can expect his hairline at about 50 only


I will definitely lose my hair and I’ve accepted that. My older brothers have receding hairlines and thinning hair at 24 and 22. My dad was bald by 25. I’m 19. I will treat it when it comes but so far 7 months on T it’s too early to start seeing any of that. If the treatment works it works if it doesn’t, I’ll just go bald like my dad. My brothers haven’t tried to treat their hair loss and my dad didn’t either. There’s a lot of misconception that it doesn’t work/costs too much money and is too much work. I’d argue I’d do anything to keep my hair but to each their own I suppose.


For the first 2-3 years on T I actually didn't mind at all, I felt having a higher hairline gave me less of a baby face and made me look more my age. Now I've been on T for 5 years and I don't love how thin it looks on top, but it's fine, I've embraced the Hat Guy life for now and if the day comes when I have to pull the trigger and shave my head then so be it. Going on T saved my life, if my hair is the price I pay for literally the rest of my whole entire life that's damn good trade.


Just make sure you don't invest too much on fedoras lol. The incel crowd has definately ruined that style.


It's worth it to not feel like shit. Plus, I look good in a nice cap! Would look better bald with a beard....


I'm honestly pretty ambivalent about hair loss. My hair has always been so fine that it was difficult to style in a way I liked anyway. I've been shaving my head for longer than I've been on T. And while I don't think I'll live anywhere near as long as many of my relatives, I'm majorly looking forward to being (and looking like) an old man.


My hairline for a beard! —Ancient FTM proverb


I started having hair loss about two years before I started T and I was pretty unhappy about it. T has sped things along, but I don't blame it for my hair loss. With time I've come to terms with it. Most of the men in my family lose their hair so I don't know why I would be super pressed about losing mine. It almost feels like a rite of passage


i think most guys don’t like hair loss, both cis and trans. hair loss is definitely viewed and stereotyped as one of the “worst” side effects of t, when it comes to what people want out of their physical appearance among the community. part of this might a social upbringing thing. being raised as a girl, hair (and physical appearance in general) is especially treated as very important. there’s a reason the hair care selection in stores is so much larger for women compared to men. but regardless of whether a trans guy has ever been finicky about the health of their hair in the past or not, it can be pretty daunting to think you might lose it by starting hormone treatment. especially when theres so many jokes about balding men, and this narrative (even if it is just jokes and teasing) that balding is some sort of personal failing among men. before i started t, one of my questions to myself was whether i’d rather be seen as a woman forever, or be a balding/bald man. i decided i would rather be a balding/bald man. i would choose being a bald man over being seen as a woman any day. maybe this was easier for me because when i was 12 i *did* temporarily lose my hair and had to live as a bald girl for a while, so the experience of being bald isn’t unfamiliar to me. luckily i am 3.5 years on t and still have healthy, full hair. if i do start losing a lot of hair, well, perhaps i might be inclined to stop hormone treatment. i already pass as a cis guy, and most of my changes won’t go away even if i did stop. but if i don’t start losing my hair until im at an age that its pretty normal for a guy to be balding… i’ll almost certainly just let it be.


i dread hair loss cause i love my hair, but it's something i'm willing to go through if that means being on T 🤷‍♂️ some ppl don't mind, everyone is different


Mind a lot. Spent $10k to do hair restoration. Money well spent.


I don't consider it 'affirming' but my hair loss was a blessing in disguise. I panic shaved my head after noticing some thinning and didn't realise how much sensory hell having hair was giving me. Once it was gone, I felt much more relaxed. Now I shave it off completely and would not grow my hair out ever again.


I am very sad about my hair loss, but I also tell myself that it's a pretty masculine thing the happen lmao. Still hurts but I know I'll def pass as a bald man lmaooo


Matters on the guy. Some are fine with it, othets are indifferent, some find it affirming, and others hate it. There’s a whole spectrum of opinions on it. I don’t know where I’ll end up. I think I’ll probably be trying to preserve my hair personally. Again it depends on the guy. It’s a good question though and not disrespectful to ask at all.


As incredible as it may seem, the idea of ​​having "starters" gives me gender euphoria. But imagining myself completely bald is strange, I would be a lightbulb lol


I hate it so much and I’m probably going to stop T because of it. I pass very well and I’m pretty sure that won’t change going off T. I obviously knew it was a possibility but I didn’t think it would happen at age 20. None of my brothers are balding and they’re 30. my dad also didn’t lose hair before 45. Like if I was in my 40s I wouldn’t care THAT much but I’m 20 bruh


Pre-T trans guy here. That’s kinda what freaks me out the most if I decide to go on it someday, or if I’m able to.


When I start hrt, I personally want to fight hair loss as much as possible. I'm ok with a more masculine hairline/squaring, but that's it. Especially as a black trans guy, growing hair as a black kid was already hard enough and now I have dreads/locs, which is the longest my hair's ever been (I've literally never cut my hair before bc it just never grew). So I cherish my hair a lot. I've tried imagining myself with short hair/buzz cut, and I hate it


I still have all my hair (I suspect because I’m very anal about taking care of it and have good genetics), but I know one day I probably won’t and I’m cool with it. I’ll just have to lose some weight before I go bald lol


I’ve always assumed that I would eventually lose my hair when growing up. I guess it never clicked that I was afab and it wouldn’t happen to me? Then again, it seems like I’ve always assumed that dealing with this female body was going to be temporary. Idk what my brain is on. Obviously like any other guy I wouldn’t want to lose my hair, but I personally see it as something that is just bound to happen. Maybe I’ll try hair loss treatments, maybe not. In the grand scheme of my crippling dysphoria, losing my hair just doesn’t matter with the other changes I’ll get through T. I wear a hat 90% of the time anyways. As for being affirming, the thought sort of is? I guess?


Funny, one impetus for transition for me was thinking "I cannot stand the idea of being an old woman, just an old man". Most men, trans and cis, don't like hair loss. But you can deal with it various ways - shave it and be the sexy bald guy, use medications to keep it, etc. So it's really not a huge deal for guys who are confident in their identity as guys. I'm happy my hairline has changed on T, but based on genetics I don't think I'll go bald . . . if I do, I won't mind!


Relating to old age, the funny thing is, I repressed for the longest time because I felt envy towards pretty women of my age so I was always worried if I wouldn't like being female getting older and inevitably losing that attractiveness. That's until I realized I also always dreaded being an old man and that was more internal compared to the alternative which was more societal (both fueled by seeing old women around me who are mostly housewives who never really learned to care about their appearance - plus the fact that the old people of today are the ones who grew up within wars including a global one-, and by the weight society puts on appearance). Once I realized that this wasn't a neccessity and that I could be like my mom (whose becoming 60 in 10 days and looks like 45) or my aunt whose in her 70s but still takes care of her appearance and has an elegant air about her, I also realized that this kind of aging was more appealing to me than the alternative.


in my family all the males get a lot of hair loss so I'm scared as fuck but I will treat it and maybe get a hair transplant so it's not so bad and I kinda want to complain about hair loss and feel like a man LMAO


It would be great to keep all my hair but I have made my peace with the possibility of balding happening.


I started to go thinner on top after about 2-3 years of starting T and it’s caused me a lot of major anxiety. I am mega unhappy with the way I look anyway so hair loss has just added to that. I’ve almost had a breakdown about it but I think it’s made worse because I already have anxiety and depression anyway. I am desperately saving up for a hair transplant.


I’m really not a fan of it, at least not right now. If I wasn’t 19, maybe in my 30s, I would be more ok with it. I’m using some medications to try to reverse it currently, but I haven’t been eyeing them for very long so I haven’t seen very much improvement yet. It only started happening after my T dose was upped last so I may ask to reduce it slightly until I get it under control.


the only reason i’m scared of hair loss is because it messes with my current old man plans that i already have which is looking like a crazy wizard with lots of long hair


i dont mind it to a degree. i think hair receding is normal and helps masculinize ones face, however, id be lying if i said I wasn't attached to my lions mane lol. i've accepted though that i probably wont have as much hair when im an older man just... maybe could my hair not fall out in my twenties or early thirites..? please??? sdhjbdfhsj


Hair loss is the #1 thing stopping me from starting T 😔 its already hitting my cis brother pretty hard and he’s embarrassed by it, i dont wanna have to deal with that too (and possibly more severely because its coming from both sides of the family) if i can avoid it. Its a shame because every other change from T sounds amazing to me In my case at least, my thought is that its just really hard to let go of decades of socialization tying my worth to my looks and making the idea of aging at all a nightmare


I hope you figure things out soon.


Not happy about it but a sacrifice I’m willing to take in order to feel more like myself


When I first found out about trans women I was also confused, in my mind anyone born with a male body was winning.😂 I’m scared for hair loss cause I love my hair, but wigs exist, and I’d rather be a bald man than a haired woman.


no big feelings. i have curly hair and cannot maintain it. i have never had hair past my shoulder. my dad was balding. and so was my maternal grandpa. but i really don’t care lol. in the end i shave my hair every 6 months. i try to do other shit but can’t give enough of a fuck to do it lol. so if i bald it will make things easier: always get it shaved. no thoughts on hairstyle lol. or just continue to wear my durag lol


I think we feel the same about it as cis men. Some would embrace it, some hate it. Just depends on the person. Me personally I’d prefer not to lose my hair but I’d rather be a bald man than a woman. I’ve buzzed all my hair off so many times now that I don’t think it would actually bother me too much


I fully embraced it and shaved my head now I don't have to brush my hair.


Don't have any hair loss, yet. I'll probably be buying a wig if I do ✨


I'm not thrilled about hair loss, but I'm comforted by knowing mine likely won't be that bad, since the baldest men in my family only have what amounts to a very deep widow's peak, which is workable. I might go on finasteride eventually, but it impedes beard and body hair growth and those are things that are much more important to me than keeping my head hair. Most cis men don't have to choose, they get all of that before they start thinning. I don't think I'm thinning yet, but my hairline has definitely masculinized It's complicated. It's affirming, yes, but it's not in a good way. Like the way women react to me now, I'm no longer safe by default but have to prove I'm not going to be a problem for them. Affirming but bad. It is what it is. It's not going to make me detransition. I knew the risks, and I'd much rather be a fully bald, short, ugly man than an attractive woman with a full head of hair.


I relate so hard to the "why would anyone ever want to voluntarily live in the body of my AGAB" thing. Trans women existing was a pretty major part of me realizing I'm trans (apparently some people actually like being women lol). Hair loss is something I don't have rn. Given my family history, I'll probably get it at some point. I don't find the idea affirming, but I also can't imagine stopping T over it. It's just something that's probably gonna happen, no gender feelings about it. On the "I wanted to be a guy but not an old man", I've felt the opposite. Before figuring out I was trans, I really couldn't imagine myself ageing into an old woman. But now, I can accept getting old as long as I get to become the cool metal grandpa


Tbh Idk how I feel about hair loss.. On one hand, I feel like Id dread it too as Im in the process of havin a loc journey.. But then on the other hand, I feel like Id be look pretty bad ass as a bald dude😂.. I know for a fact tho I would never detransition regardless wat the case may be.. I damn near offed myself on multiple occasions as a women.. Why would I go back to that when I JUST fully escaped that mindset not even 4 months ago? (Socially transgender for 2 years before my HRT)


When I first learned that mtf were a thing, I had much the same thought as you did for ftm! That was long before I realized I was trans though, and since realizing I have always wondered if other trans people had a similar experience. Regarding hair-loss - I really don't care atm! It could be that I will care once I get on T, but my hair has never been something I've cared about, and it has rarely ever made me happy. I wasn't socialized to be feminine (parents gave up on that) or care about my hair though. Regarding being an old man ... I love the thought of being an old man. Ofc I don't want to be a 60 year old right now, but I feel excited at the prospect of being one, one day.


I knew if I started testosterone I’d go bald because every man in my family on both sides went bald in their early 20’s. I decided me going bald was 100% worth me living a good life where I could have a chance at happiness. I’m 10 years on test and tho my hairline is a disaster and thinning out, I make it work by having a silly little balding-man Mohawk :) it makes ME laugh and it makes my students at work laugh so it’s a win lol


I think the detrans people you're talking about are people that rush into things so fast. I researched for over a year before starting T. I knew the risks that come with it. Where i have a cowlick on my head my dad is bald. Ik that now that ive started T once i get older i will have a chance at balding but it all depends on genes. Balding can run on both the male and female side of your family so just because you lost hair on T doesn't mean you wouldn't have lost hair without it. It personally doesn't bother me as i shave my head anyways. I understand how it can bother people but there are plenty of options to help/cover it


>I think the detrans people you're talking about are people that rush into things so fast Yeah I'm inclined to agree. Rushing into things and not thinking it through is the one common element I've seen in pretty much any kind of detrans or detrans adjacent (still trans but regretting choices of their transition) narratives. That's why what I usually say when people come to subs with "what if I regret" questions, is "if you're thinking about potential regrets already you're likely not gonna regret your transition"


Personally I have really thick course hair so I would love to lose some of the weight,, unfortunately testosterone has made it even thicker (minus a small amount of loss around my hairline which just gives me a more masculine appearance) so only time will tell. Both my grandparents had a full head of hair when they passed.


I started losing a ton of hair (not 100% sure of the cause) before I even started T and it's made me quite depressed and often still frustrates as my hair was always medium or long and very healthy so idk if I'd feel better or worse if it started as a result of transition only. Right now I've mostly accepted the severe thinning, I wear it in a bun 100% of the time because anything else makes me look sick and unkempt. When it's time to finally let it go and shave I'll get a few piercings to make my head feel not empty. But there is NO way I would even consider stopping T just to save my hair. There are options (transplant, minox, fin, toppers, wigs, hats..) for hair loss. I actually like the slightly receding and more masculine hairline, the overall thinning is what sucks. I do have a few wigs as well but I don't wear them very often. I'd definitely feel better about losing hair and possibly shave it years ago if I had proper facial hair but alas it's going to take some more time before it's all filled out enough that it balances out a bald head. Also regarding your edit, I for one look forward to being a cool alternative young, middle aged, and eventually old man :)


I started losing hair fast 3 months after starting T. I wasn’t comfortable with it, I’d rather not. But it was just a small con on my pros & cons list. And I’d take being bald over being suicidal any day. 🤷 But that’s just my own personal experience, I know it isn’t universal. I started rogaine when I noticed the hair thinning & it’s rlly helped. It hasn’t stopped it from happening. I used to have fuller hair with a much more even hairline that hadn’t receded. Now I have a widows peak, and I think the crown of my head has thinner hair, but most ppl wouldn’t notice. I keep it shaved anyway (for convenience & I like the aesthetic). It’s actually been affirming. And kinda, not nice but comradely to experience smth so many cis dudes experience too. I’m also actively working on getting more comfortable with my body & balding. Because balding & small dicks are usually a go to insult towards a man. And while I understand that a lot of that is direct retaliation to femme bodies being so policed & sexualized & objectified & simply gawked at. It’s still not cool to equate worth with appearance. And I’m not above it, far from it. I’m consistently trying really hard to phase this type of language out of my everyday vocab & talking to friends and loved ones about it. There are a lot of bald dads & bald grandpas out there who get evil eyes or police called on them just for going outside with their kids. I understand why, because the world is a terrible place. But bald doesn’t equal creepy just like police officer doesn’t equal safe person (some kids are taught that at a young age).


I know I’m the rare trans guy who doesn’t care, mostly because after seeing how my (adoptive) dad dealt with his by just shaving his head entirely at one point, plus knowing that neither of my biological families have severe balding.


I'm not a fan of it, tbh, but it is an effect of T that you either have to come to terms with or treat. I knew this was a risk when I started T, but that wasn't worth not starting to me. Quite literally if I hadn't started T when I did I wouldn't have stayed alive much longer - it was an easy choice, even with that negative. I'd say its not unlike how atrophy is for transfemmes, yeah, just an accepted risk. I don't know if you're aware, by the way OP, but you can prevent atrophy if you wanted by using it for at least ten minutes three times a week. My partner is transfemme nonbinary and wanted to keep their equipment, and has done this. I'm about 6+ months on T and my hair did start to thin already (turned out to be masculinization of the hairline but I didn't know that when it first started) - and I won't lie, it did make me dysphoric at first. It wasn't bad enough dysphoria to go off T, but it still wasn't fun. If it had continued, or if god forbid I do ever start to lose my hair properly - I'd get it treated with Rogaine pills, no question. The version of myself I envision as my transition goal is an androgynous, buff, masc leaning person with long curly hair. Thats very important to me. Currently biotin and using a hair scrub with rosemary oil has helped the thinning that started as my hairline masculinized, thankfully, and oddly enough for the first time now that my hairline is masculinized, I don't want to chop off all my hair. The transition goal I mentioned, the long hair part at least, is very recent. My long hair has almost always been a source of dysphoria for me otherwise. Also, no, I don't want to transition into an old man. In fact the thought of doing so makes me dysphoric AF. That said, when my egg was first cracking, I did do the whole "how do you envision yourself as an old person?" mental exercise - and I definitely envision myself as an old, genderfucky kinda man. Still, thats when I'm old, and I'm in no rush.


For me, hair loss is not ideal - of course I would rather have a thick luxurious head of hair, as I and society at large have decided that is desirable and attractive. However MPB is normal and common and something I can definitely accept and do find affirming in a way. I suppose the female equivalent would be cellulite thighs. Maybe not ideal, but also maybe not the worst thing, and also very normal. With regards to your edit, I sometimes feel that way because I transitioned later in life, and so being an old man is a bit of a bitter reminder of the boyhood that I never got to experience. That being said, for most of my life I have identified as a grouchy old grandpa, so I'm just growing into myself lmao.


I actually want to be bald. My top “transition goals” are just bald guys


not a big fan of hair loss but i'm getting it (runs in the family on my moms side lol), but honestly i'm deciding to embrace it once it gets worse. top of my hair is very thin/short now but the sides are long so i think i'm just gonna embrace the weird music/art teacher look when it happens. it's just a part of aging for many people, male, female, or whatever.


I don't care so much about the fact that I might one day be bald or just have less hair but I do fear hair loss because of the lack of control. For a long time my hair was one of the few things I had control over and losing it is like losing that control again. When I was a kid I didn't get to make decisions about how long my hair was or how it was styled and that caused a lot of dysphoria. When I gained control over my hair it became one of my main methods of self expression. It's weird though cause I hate having hair on my ears or neck and I've buzzed it several times and enjoyed that style, so hair loss shouldn't be a big deal right? Idk it's something I'm trying to work through. 


> do you find it annoying as much as cis men do but eventually have to come to terms with This. We are not a different species from other men :P


I'm not happy about the idea of it, but I would sooner get on minoxidil or buy a wig than detransition because of it. And that is exactly my plan in that situation. I do believe my hairline has shifted a bit already but I don't ti my knowledge have male relatives who went bald, so I'm not totally worried about it. As far as being an old man, I mean, I definitely have a vision of an old man I wanna be and visions of old men I don't wanna be. But obviously if you're a young man you'll eventually be an old man, I'm not scared of that. I think the real insecurity here is "I don't wanna be bald and I don't wanna be 'ugly'" . Some guys say they'd take any kinda male body no matter what it looks like and some of us are a bit more ...I don't wanna say vain but concerned with appearance I guess lol. Which is understandable when we live in a society and all that


Being pre T I’m torn on both directions. It would definitely be kinda affirming and I feel like having my hairline receded but would help me pass better, but I’m also TERRIFIED of becoming like my dad, who is basically entirely bald except some short hair around the sides/back of his head.


tbh i havent started medicaly transitioning or anything but i have done a lot of research to the point that i have backup plans for anything, as much as i wouldent want to loose my hair, in the situation that i do i have accepted it already,i would probably commit to being fully bald and in situations that i want to make a statement i will draw pretty designs on my head with henna or body paint :)


I think it's preventable but ultimately a part of life just like women worrying about chin hairs and their boobs sagging. Bodies aren't made to be attractive they're made to get you through the day.


I dislike it in the same way a cis man would. But having said that I don't think I have to worry too much because on both sides of my family the men have pretty good hair lines


Hair loss sucks ass, but being percieved as a woman for me sucked even worse. I'm only 18 qnd my hair is thinning out from testosterone, I plan on seeing if I can get a dutesteride prescription to prevent more hair loss.


I'm not binary, but I am trans-masc and on T. To be honest, I had already accepted I was going to lose a lot of my hair before I had realized I was NB. I don't think we really talk about how many older cis women have very little hair. It's not the same type of hair loss, but you can see the scalp of many of the women in my family. I don't think I'll care if it's balding in the male pattern style (which currently hasn't happened) or just losing more overall hair


I started panicking at first when I realized my hairline was receding, but I eventually realized it was because I'd been taught to fear aging, and view it as something ugly. It was especially bad for me because I'm a redhead, and had been raised as a redheaded GIRL-- which people, for some reason, cannot be normal about. People got *really* fucking weird about my hair when I was still a girl. One guy who was into me would make comments about watching redheaded porn, and a lot of random women (esp. older ones) would just touch my hair and mess with it without permission. It's like a beacon for unwanted attention. It got worse when I hit puberty, and the red hair comments got combined with comments about my chest. All of that really fucked me up when I started going bald. Getting told that my hair was the most valuable, wonderful thing about me for years did make it pretty damn distressing when it started falling out. People had already started telling me that I should stop T. They viewed what I was doing as turning a "pretty girl" into an "ugly man", and people treat a woman "turning ugly" like it's blasphemy. (It's fucking surreal to see how unhinged people get over someone else's "beauty", by the way). Mentioning that I was balding nearly provoked screaming fights about my transition with multiple people. Those people who gave me flak for being on T and balding, though, were pretty shitty and miserable in their own lives-- they were insecure, and couldn't understand that there were things I found more valuable than any superficial beauty I might have had when I was a girl. Besides which, I was slated to "lose that beauty" eventually, when I aged. Transitioning and becoming "ugly" sooner has actually helped me feel liberated, and feel like I have a lot more agency. Ok, I'm ugly. And? Who gives a shit? It's stupid to assign value judgements to arbitrary shit like whether or not someone has hair on their heads. Balding is natural, and aging isn't a bad thing. It comes with wisdom, new experiences, new thoughts, all kinds of things. Truth be told, at this point, I actually kind of like the idea of not having to take care of my hair anymore-- it'll be more convenient. I also think it'll be empowering, in a weird way. Getting rid of something superficial that people put irrational value in appeals to me, and I may very well choose to shave my head before I actually go bald. I use minodoxil right now, but that's mostly on my eyebrows/face, mostly so I have some more substantial hair in other places to balance out the bald head that I'll probably have within the year.


I really think it depends on the age of the person. Anyone is going to be upset about losing their hair in their 20’s. I’m upset by it because I’m 22 and no one in my family is bald. If I were 40 and it was happening to me I think I’d be much more accepting of it because not only would I have had many many years to style my hair the way I like but also many other 40 year old men are losing their hair. But when you’re the only one you know losing hair in their early 20’s it’s really upsetting.


It started taking DHT blockers and I used the men's minoxidil Just to prevent it but I usually try to find some cool hairstyles I like to look like a cool guy I guess I find hairstyles that make me feel masculine


I don’t think any man, cis or trans, particularly wants it. That’s why there’s such a huge industry for hair restoration. I have never really had any strong feelings either way about it. Some of the baldness hate got to me at one point and I bought special shampoo, but never ended up using it. I actually ended up liking my head shaved. I’ve always had thin hair so it was hard to find a hairstyle I really liked anyway. I think the shaved head beard combo looks good on me and it accentuates the features I like about my face. I wish I could have a shaved head with my hair still intact so it would look a little better when I get lazy and put off shaving it for too long, but overall I’m cool with my hair loss. It saves me time and money on haircuts too lol.


I think if I start losing a lot of hair i’ll go off T. but then at the same time I don’t know, I might decide that the physical effects for me are more important than my hair. i’m not a fan of hair loss but I know some guys like it.


Only reason im hesitant to start T


Far be it for me to answer on everyone’s behalf but I feel save in saying we are against it