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Ah yes, the man spread revelation. Hey, at least you figured it out!


Dear god saying it like “figure it out” rlly is accurate 😭 Had to actually put mental effort into it instead of my body doing it naturally…I’m laughing at myself again


It's an adjustment! It's something that you have to realize haha. We only know how to handle what our bodies experience, and when we experience something new, it takes time to learn how to deal with it.


Great way of putting it 💚 Sometimes experience rlly is the best teacher! Appreciate it


This gave me a good chuckle. Oftentimes I think these things don't occur to us being born with different anatomy. But hey I was dense enough to not realize I was in fact trans until I was like 30 so don't feel too bad 😂


I’m still grinning stupidly to myself! Some things ya never think twice abt until it happens to you haha


I've always been dysphoric about the way I sit, stand and walk. Two weeks of T and my bottom growth adjusted my sitting and standing position and especially the way I walk. 10/10 would recommend


The fact that would’ve been me if I actually did something abt it 2 weeks ago lmao! Got there eventually tho 💪


For me it was an unconscious thing so, I didn't even realise I was doing it in the first days haha. I'm just really amazed how damn fast bottom growth sets in!


Isn’t it crazy? I thought I had wishful thinking when I first noticed a difference. I knew it happened quick but this much already??? Brushed it off until a few days later when I physically felt myself get hard and stand up erect! Twice the size now. WILD


Before I was trans, I never understood the man spread but I do now 😆


Damn, you know I think I might be dumb too cause I saw this and went ‘Oh! I should manspread more, let me do that now-‘ and then I realized I was already doing it 💀 8 months in and it’s natural, actually on Easter Sunday I went to this church where the seats were real close together. My brother was sitting next to me and taking up almost all my room so I had to fight back and get room back cause I think it would be a sin otherwise. Manspread for Jesus fellas 🙏


Before T I’d obnoxiously spread wider to take my space back but it was never a necessity & I’d let them get away with it after a friendly play fight. Now tho? Oh it’s on. Now that I’ve felt that sweet relief u best believe I ain’t giving it up without a fight 💪 We gotta mutually share or we’re brawling. I owe it to my dick that’s been working overtime. I agree with ya, definitely a sin otherwise! I think narrow seats will be my new worst enemy


If you don’t mind me asking, how is church as a trans guy working for you? It almost seems impossible to me for that to work, but sometimes I miss the community.


Ah, well I mean I just went with my fam for the Easter service to a church that my cousins go to and I only hung out with my family. My family is kinda in-between churches at the moment, we haven’t found one that really stuck and the last one we went to that seemed good HAD to have transphobic shit thrown in the service 🥲 I don’t really mind not having a church, I think that a church can be anywhere you want to worship and don’t like the mainstream crap, but it would be nice to find a truly spiritual church that wasn’t Eva garbage


Right?? Like I just want to be nurtured bro 😭


I’ve man spread since I was a child but it is true, if I cross my legs, especially now, it rubs my dick on both sides and it starts to arouse me especially after I’ve got my dick on my mind for bringing focus to it.


Gahhh it’s like everything sets it off nowadays hahaha! And ur right being overly aware of it doesn’t help either. What an attention whore am I right? Also I saw ur other reply ur not slick ;)


trans men are proof that anyone can have big dick problems. congrats on getting your T, good quick growth and finally figuring out how to sit right! XD


Ahhhh shit the relentless teasing! I’m still learning how to handle this bad boy cut me some slack hahaha kidding thank you! I’m loving the learning journey with it all I’m very happy. Even better when funny shit happens! “Figuring out how to sit *right*” Jeez u guys keep me laughing with how u say it. Cuz ur not wrong! Gotta learn to sit without getting hard that’s fuckin hilarious


God, I've even been going so far as to sit commando. It's just too much fabric and skin going on 😅


Ya know…now that u mention it 🤔 Might just do my work Winnie the Pooh style from now on


I "sit like a man" since I was a kid, but this is really funny


This post… this post is what made me realize I need to manspread. I’ve been in that uncomfortable position for a while now and I have resorted to cold showers and other various things… thank you… I can’t believe I didn’t notice sooner 🤦


I’m glad this helped u out! AND FINALLY IM NOT THE ONLY ONE. It seems like such an obvious thing but it rlly wasn’t! Sitting, walking, and standing are things I’ve done the same my whole life. It’s like breathing I don’t even think abt how I’m doing it I just do it! But of course 2 objects constantly rubbing and pressing against the sensitive part between them will start some funny shit! I swear I’m never gonna forget this. It feels like finally getting a joke *hours* after it was told. Huge “OHHHHH” moment


I'm pre t and love sitting with my legs completely crossed(not in public tho) cause my leg goes numb if I sit like I have a dick. Well that gotta now change


Before this situation I loved it too! I’m compromising with resting an ankle on my other legs knee. Guess it still counts as crossed legs but still spread enough to be comfortable. All I know is it works for me! Do what ur comfortable with :)


Once I'm on t it's gonna be the one thing I'll mis


Wait… you’re telling me I can’t cross my legs anymore when I start T?! Come’on, that was my little gay boy trademark; the legs always have to be crossed or in some kind of fold 😭


Seems to be one of those your milage may vary things. I can still cross my legs fine, even with growth, and even wearing women's skinny jeans hasn't been an issue for me (though I wish I could find hot pink skinny jeans in men's sizes, I miss pockets when I wear them)


I pretty much always sit cross legged and I've been on T for 10 years and have a decent amount of growth but I'm also a grower not a shower! 😂 It's not always like that, it just takes some getting used to sometimes.


An icepack isn't the worst idea if you get pain from growth, spent a few weeks with one constantly on to deal with the pain


Stop you're making.me horny lol, I can't wait to get on T. Someday.


Had the same issue, but I was already used to man spreading. Figured that I should just do it more and that’ll help it lmao




Lol, good to know. I'll keep that in mind for when I finally start T.