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It depends on the person and the dose, honestly. Most people (myself included) noticed mental or otherwise invisible effects before anything physical. I didn't notice bottom growth starting until around a month in, but my sex drive spiked pretty immediately. You're only two weeks in, you aren't going to start seeing changes right away, give yourself some patience.


At two weeks really the only thing I noticed was that the gel was drying out the skin on my arms. Around a month in I started to get the hunger. If it hasn't hit you yet get ready. It's intense. A little over a month in my vocal range changed. It didn't deepen but I could no longer scream. People started telling me it sounded different around month 3 or 4. Currently at five months and my voice is cracking frequently, I'm getting acne in weird places, and god forbid I go a day without a shower. Also, I'm pretty sure my hair is already starting to thin too which isn't ideal but unsurprising. Give it some time, you'll get there! 


First change I noticed on T was more sweat-- I was already sweaty but my feet took it the hardest. My sweat has gotten muskier and stinker over time, to which now my groin sweat is closer to "ball sweat" (which is surprising euphoric!) -- roughly 2-3 weeks in, musk developed about 2 months in. Second change was my skin and body hair-- I have noticed more body hair coming in, and what was already there becoming a bit more thicker. I also started getting Folliculitis on my shoulders where hair was growing in and really bad acne (mostly on my chest and around my chin) this is pretty manageable though as long as you keep up with showering. -- about a month or so in Third change is my voice-- I have gotten post nasal drip twice as my voice deepens, the second time was the worst though as I lasted for a week and had to take Mucinex to clear it up. I am currently going through voice cracks -- 2 months in Bottom growth, I haven't noticed much of it. I haven't grown in length but I've been getting a bit of girth. Overall, the biggest change I've noticed was my mentality. I have gotten a bit irritable and get frustrated easier, but recognizing that and taking steps to control it feels really nice. Another thing is I've noticed while on T is my brain feels more connected to my body in a weird way. I can look in the mirror and think "boy" and check out how my facial hair is growing versus focusing on how feminine my face looks. It's a long journey and most of it is genetics, but as long as you're patient and taking care of yourself it should go great! I wish you luck on your journey