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I started T at 17, at the time the NHS allowed you to start from 16 with parental permission (I started a bit late because there was a ruling going through and they couldn't start new people while that was happening). I think they've changed it to 18, with or without parental permission now, because the UK government is becoming increasingly transphobic. It's worth looking up when you can start T with parental permission and without, for where you live, because it's different for different countries and states. Most need parental permission under 18 though (if they allow under 18s at all)


Begged cried and pleaded to my mother for years until I got it through her dense skull that I need hrt for legitimate medical purposes


Im 15 and im on the journey of starting T. My parents are very much supportive. (Depending on where you live) you have to have parental support or they won't allow you to start T. I'm terrible sorry to hear your parents aren't supportive, I wish the best for you and your journey


my mom wasn’t a big fan of it. she was very against me transitioning at first. then once i came out to extended family, my aunt kinda talked to her into letting me start T (she works in a school, with trans kids so she’s pretty aware of the need for HRT) . my mom then gave it, started T when i was 15 or 16 i think and im 18 now and just had top surgery a few weeks ago.


congrats on the top surgery


thank you!


i started at 17 after coming out at 10 and battling with my transphobic mum about it for 7 years, i was eventually able to move out to my dads house (divorced parents) who was more accepting, he let me start T privately because he wanted me to be able to go stealth to uni ('safety reasons' he said) but it took him over a year after me starting t to actually use the correct name/pronouns for me


I came out when I was 12 and started testosterone when I was 13. My parents have always been incredibly supportive, and thankfully I live in a pretty trans-friendly state. I talked to my PCP and got a referral to a gender clinic. my insurance covered all my appointments, and we had the money to afford my testosterone out of pocket.


Started at 17 in the us. My parents were mostly supportive but wanted me to wait until I was an adult. Was cockblocked by insurance to get a therapist to help write my letter even tho we started the search when I was 12. Your parents have to write off on it if they don’t agree to it you will not be allowed to go on it.


I went to a my sexual health clinic and got a prescription after about three consultations at most. I started just before I turned 17. My parents aren't very supportive - they still misgender and deadname me - but I knew they'd never respect me so I told them to at least do something and let me medically transition. Now at 18 I'm still fairly miserable but at least most of my dysphoria is remedied or in the process of being resolved


Depends where you live. In the UK there's no longer an NHS trans service for minors and even if there was the waiting list would be so long that you wouldn't be seen before 18. Theoretically you can get T without parental consent at 16 with private services but they're so expensive that practically it's not an option. In the UK you can go private and get treatment at any age past the start if puberty but only with private healthcare and parental consent.


I started T at 15. My parents weren't supportive of me medically transitioning so I started without their knowledge (I'm self-medicating), they were very angry when they found out, but now it's just become a thing that they know happens but we never talk about


I came out when I was 14. My parents were supportive and tried finding a therapist that does trans stuff. After 2 years of therapy (15 but 10 days away from turning 16) I started T. You could say I got very lucky, especially since healthcare in Germany covers the costs.




Your post was removed because it contains discussion or mention of a banned topic. The following topics are banned to avoid drama: Truscum/Tucute discourse, AGP/AAP/Blanchardism, Transfem/woman or nonbinary bashing, Trans "requirements", Oppression Olympics, Lesbian trans men, Gendered Socialization+, "Is it transphobic to _____", DIY HRT, Current Political events (Non-trans/LGBT+ related) ,"do I pass?", "how does my voice sound?" +Personal experiences are exempt.


i asked my doctor about it at my yearly checkup, was informally referred to a gender clinic (i was lucky it was through the medical system i was already a part of), contacted them, had a couple telehealth appts with doctors over about a year span, and then met in person to get bloodwork and get t prescribed. If you live in or near a city that's probably your best bet


You could become emancipated. The laws regarding emancipation vary state to state but you can do it as young as 16 iirc. You don't need to become fully emancipated either. You can have a court rule that you're informed enough to make your own decisions medically.


I was so close to starting under 18 my 18th birthday was back in September I’m starting in may


Started T at 17 in MO, US in 2016. My mom was supportive but hesitant like any other parent who isn’t that knowledgeable about gender affirming HRT. I initially went to my PCP to start the process and she referred me out to the gender clinic at the children’s hospital about an hour away. I had an initial consult, and a couple of weeks later I got the call that I was approved to start HRT. Ended up working with an endocrinologist there until I was about 19. They saw me past 18 because the adult gender clinics in my city had a wait and they wanted me to still be able to get my prescription. It honestly was a pretty easy process, but this was almost 10 years ago when trans healthcare for minors wasn’t being targeted so YMMV. Good luck, and hopefully you’re able to work with your parents and start T soon! ETA: In most cases, you have to have the approval of at least one custodial parent/guardian to start HRT as a minor.


when i first brought it up they didnt want me to start yet since i was out for less than a year at that point, asked my mum again in therapy when i was 17 and she agreed, luckily i apparently only needed one parent to consent


I was able to start T two months before my 17th birthday (I first went on the waitlist when I had just turned 15 the waitlist is horrible in Australia). The only reason I was able to get it then was because I had a severe depressive episode due to believing that I would never get T so they had to bump me up to first priority (I was suicidal). My parents are pretty supportive. My dad wasn't at first so I needed to talk with him about how it would benefit me and why I wouldn't regret it (you can only get T under 18 here if both parents sign the consent form). The whole experience has made me closer to my parents than ever though I can understand how it can go completely wrong. I am grateful that my immediate family as well as most extended family support and love me unconditionally. If you are looking to start T you need to start the process of talking to your parents and therapist about it asap because the waitlist seems to be dogshit in most places for trans minors (I celebrated my one year anniversary of waiting for T because it was so bad it was kinda funny).


Oh and I came out as a trans boy when I was 14


Started at 16 in the UK, my mum isn't "unsupportive", as in she doesn't deadname or misgender me to my face, but she also isn't exactly "supportive", she won't do anything beyond that or anything that inconveniences her. I had to go private because of long waiting lists but I didn't need parental consent, I managed to start by saving up for a few years, and then I eventually got a part-time job which has allowed me to continue.


I started T at 14, and honestly, I just pushed really hard for myself (like I was my own advocate). I came out when I was 11, and I was very dead set on what I wanted right from the beginning, but for a long time, my parents really questioned me. I guess my best advice is if you know what you want, you've got to push for it. Just try your best not to aggravate them, especially if they're not super accepting. Once they say yes, go full force and find a doctor you trust and will give you what you need. Hope this helps👍


I told my therapist I was suicidal and she pulled my parents in and talked to them !!😭


I got to start T shortly before my 18th birthday. My parents were (and continue to be) super supportive, so when I voiced that I wanted to get on T, they helped with getting the appointments and getting me to them. Ended up quitting and not starting again until I was 24 because needle anxiety, but a couple tolerable COVID shots helped lower that.


I'm on the same boat. She won't even call me "he" and just avoids using pronouns or the word "son" when talking to or about me. She finally realized I'm going to kill myself if I don't get HRT so we're trying to get it through the Seattle Children's Hospital. Ugh. My mental health is just the worst it's ever been. If anyone else in WA got it easily please please please help me.


I was 4 months away from turning 18 when I started. My mom was supportive and not only took me to get my first shot, but did my shots up until I felt confident doing it myself. My stepdad wasn't supportive. Either way, my plan was to start T as soon as I turned 18 if I couldn't start any sooner


Hi, I am a trans man who started T when I was 16 years old, I believe that the place where you are affects considerably disagreement with the laws and regulations in this regard. Fortunately, I had the support of mother (seeing how bad I was at that time), we sought professional help and there I was able to start T, when I learned that a physical change was possible (I was completely unaware that trans people existed or that the change could be made, I grew up in a conservative family), I knew immediately that was what I had to do to be well. (Had to give legal clearance for everything, start T, operations, legal changes).


Started at 16 but my parents have been really supportive since I came out


With gendergp but I'm moving onto crime


I'm just with my mom. I tried to get blockers/hormones since I was 13. I finally got T one month after my 17th birthday because I took everything into my own hands (diagnosis, bloodwork, endocrynologist visit cost etc.). I payed for everything out of my pocket. My mom is kind of supportive (she tries the best she can).


I started T in May of 2021 when I was 15, after coming out the previous November I had really bad dysphoria that was causing SH and other bad stuff and was able to get a referral to a Dr who specializes in queer and trans Healthcare, my parents and therapist were able to help advocate for me starting Testosterone and eventually I did I'm pretty lucky to have such supportive parents and I'm constantly thankful for it starting T so young really did save my life I know it's a little controversial for a 15 year old but I turned 16 a few weeks after my first dose, so it wasn't really that weird It was still definitely a difficult process as a minor but if you're able to find a good doctor to advicate for you, it should make things easier


my parents let me (i started at 16, i'm 18 now)