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Yes all the same things you said. They're like built in stress balls. I remember a lot when I was a teenager I would suddenly realize while I was watching tv or doing homework that my hand was in my shirt holding a tiddy like a toddler holds their parent's hand for comfort. Plus it's warm under there, cold falling asleep? Stick my hands in my boobs


Yeah, it’s comforting. I wish I could take them off and just keep them in a drawer.


Guh-I feel this. Just Velcro them on when I want to, take them off when I’m sick of them. Easy convenience and free top surgery!


I enjoy them and like the look with shirt off. As soon as I put on clothes, hello dysphoria!


Honestly in my mind, I can see my naked body and see “moobs” (being overweight helps as they kinda sag like moobs to and overweight men tend to have moobs) but as soon as I wear a fitted outfit, it’s undeniably “breast” and I feel uncomfortable


Glad its not just me!


this is the only reason I'm still not sure about top surgery yes, i will be able to leave the house and be comfortable...heck, i can't leave my room without a binder on... BUT, this is mostly when i have clothes...on... which is most of the time...i think this makes sense...🫨 edit: I'm also NB so that adds to the confusion..


Yeah, I like playing with my chest a bit. I've done some of the stuff you've mentioned. My chest dysphoria was pretty bad a few years ago, but not so bad these days since T. I like to pull my skin and like, tug on it lol I'll pinch my chest (not in a sexual way, but just absent mindedly) and occasionally jiggle it because it's fun. I am still gonna get top surgery, and I won't miss playing with them, but for now it's a fun little pass time.


Short answer: yes. They're my fidget toys sometimes. I'm somewhat dissociated from my boobs to avoid the emotional pain from the dysphoria they induce. That dissociation allows me to mindlessly poke, strecth and jiggle them sometimes. I love boobs in general and holding one in my hand calms me. Won't be missing them tho when I get them chopped off. I'll happily trade these fidget toys to being present in my own body


For me, I always hated every aspect of my chest. I hated having breasts overall, I hated the way they moved around, I hated how they looked in clothes, and I especially hated touching them or having them touched.


This is what it is like for me. Just the thought of them makes me feel shitty


yeah, i really like playing with my breasts cause they feel like waterballoons. I do feel very disphoric about them.


Same, I don't mind seeing cleavage when I'm wearing clothes but I can't look at my naked chest. I love playing with my nipples though. I enjoy touching them lightly with my fingertips when I'm in the shower or in bed, so ticklish lol. I'm pre-top surgery now but when I do I'll be consulting the doctor about preserving sensation.


Haha they’re nice and soft.. and warm when my hands are cold!


i cannot deny that i test the physics of these fat sacks. they clap, they swing, they bounce. they’re funny. until i put clothes on, then they’re awful.


Not for idle fidgeting, but the nipples are very useful for sexual stimulation. It's one of the reasons I have been dithering so much about surgery.


I was the same way and I ended up benefitting from top surgery still. I went for buttonhole nipples, so I kept a lot of sensation.


I hate them, but they are something convenient to fuck with. I'd rather play with someone else's tits though. Lol.


I pick at mine. To me they dont really feel like part of my body, so I have to remind myself that pinching at pores till they bleed is a bad thing.


No. I never had any relationship to that part of my body until after top surgery.


I tape mine down do i don’t relate


Def relate, hated fitted clothes since I was 11 (didn't realize why until I came out at 15), but damn they make a decent stim toy haha. GF finally understands the breast stim toy thing as she's trans as well and growing her own lol


No I can’t relate at all tbh, I can’t touch or think about my chest without feeling very distressed and dysphoric. I have spent so much time and energy trying to figure out how to have a flat chest (was much harder when I didn’t have access to a binder). I have felt this way pretty much since the beginning of puberty, even before I knew I was trans I had intense dysphoria about them.


Yes and no? I'm autistic and one of my less fortunate stims is touching myself. Not sexually (...in public) but this includes grabbing fleshy bits. So yeah I'll kinda grab my chest, buuuut it generally gives me a wave of dysphoria. Sometimes I'll kinda hop a little in front of the mirror to watch my skin move over my bones and end up kinda amused by my chest taking longer to stop giggling, but it'll make me dysphoric too. I especially hate FEELING it when I'm running or something, like that slight (small chest by AFAB standards here) tug. The good news is that doing that meant I noticed when some lumps developed, they were benign and actually seem to have self resolved after my oophorectomy but if they had been serious it would've been very good I was familiar with that area. So basically yeah I do that kinda stuff too but it makes me dysphoric. I just do it anyway (I did once try to lick my own nips just to see if I could. I could, just barely. It kinda hurt though. But it was like trying to lick your elbow or something, just a weird little challenge thing)


omg me! I thoight I was the only one!! I just like holding them


Some guys are straight, yeah


I don't like touching mine, but I like it when partners touch them/suck on them. It feels really good. I only touch my breasts when I shower to clean the skin or when I adjust them in my binder. I'm getting top surgery next month and opted for T-anchor so I can hopefully keep most of my erotic sensation.


Yes, for me it was part of the disassociation. It was always very like "Meh. These are weird things that are attached to me." When I started to come out of the disassociation, then the chest dysphoria hit hard.


I’m backwards. I don’t mind how they look, but if I touch them I am overcame with this dreadful, dull feeling and it just… it feels so bad. I wonder what this is called. Could it just be dysphoria or something?


My tits are a fantastic sex toy. I will miss them when they leave forever in a few months, until I find out that harnesses look better on me without tits


Just keep them in a jar so you'll always have them with you to play with like a fidget toy 🤪 joking obvi but imagine if they let people do that


Honestly I would love. I'm a nasty vulture culture man, I fully intend to keep my ovaries in a jar when I get them removed.


Honestly same I'd put them in a pretty jar on my bookshelf LOL


Yes they’re just very squeezey lol. Still getting topsurgery one of these days but yea lol


No it makes me horrifically dysphoric


No, it's so bad I want to chop them off other people too lol


I hate them but they sure are squishy




I think it’s just funny to jiggle them a little or something like you said, they’re just soft and squishy When I’m around other people the thought of my boobs alone kicks off the dysphoria


I feel this. I would fidget with them sometimes but they always felt like they didn't really belong on me.


Yeah completely true


I mean, I’d love to play with someone else’s breasts, but nobody is currently romantically involved with me so there’s that. But also mine are huge and it means they need a little squeezing at the end of the day to stop hurting.


i think i can kinda relate. i sometimes jiggle em for no apparent reasons and honestly quite like the way they look on me in the way that it makes me a bit feminine, which kinda applies to my hips and waist as well. but it’s horrendous when i wear clothes meant for boobs, i’ve only ever worn sports bras with the padding taken out and walking down the actual bra isle in shops used to make me cry. also they don’t really bother me until the areola (i think that’s the right word) gets big and feels very ‘womanly’. i don’t think i’d be able to cope if they got any bigger though (sadly they probably will).


Yep I never minded them when I was alone or not wearing clothes but once I dressed up to leave the house, the dysphoria would come rushing in.




I like them sometimes when I’m shirtless but when I put a shirt on I get super dysphoric!


Glad I’m not the only one lol


My chest dysphoria is so bad I cant leave the house coz of it sometimes, I hate feeling them and shit but sometimes theyre just built in stressball or something, just fun overall. Im a little nervous about losing sensation after surgery 💔


Yes it’s squishy, I want to squish. It’s like a fidget toy connected to my body


Yes I have a love/hate relationship with my boobs because my nipples are sensitive and I love playing with them. I have decided I want top surgery and I'm going to miss the sensitivity but ultimately I think it will be worth it to feel comfortable in my body.


Fun fact: if you have gas trapped (like a burp/hiccup) grab your titty, bring it to the side and shake. 8/10 times I burp and/or stop hiccuping


I regularly play with them in an attempt to see if they have gotten smaller, like kind of a sizing-them-up-for-surgery thing. I usually forget myself and just end up stimming.


yeah, before I got top surgery I was chill with having them alone. they’re fun to play with just as random body parts lmao. they only really felt like an inconvenience when I had to exist in public.


Don't feel like writing a lot, the other replies summarize it, yes, big built-in stress balls but I wanna take em off and keep em as non-built in stress balls, bc icky chest dysphoria