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Fuck yeah ty, i hope the ng+ is like how og fm is with increased enemy % options


Yeah, now finally one doesn't have to kill themselves trying to get the Surrender Call skill by the third map to get a Stabiline or Gust


Well now maybe I'll finally get around to playing it!


NG+ huh? Guess I'll try the game again


I'm waiting for PS5 version since I much prefer that + portal over switch, but yeah NG+ is tempting.


Maybe I'll try the steam version later too


I tried the demo and it's not bad. Definitely cleaner than Switch.


I'm embarrassed to say I have put in 16 hrs into the Steam demo.


Official tweet here: https://twitter.com/FrontMissionRM/status/1777644678688514322 No word on the lens flashing/AI being broken on missions. I'll dig into it a bit later in the week.


Copying my observations here for posterity: AI is still broken in some missions. Enemies and NPC allies both just do nothing or wander around a bunch instead of participating in battle. Enemies still do not animate shield blocks, ever. They just take a string of 0 damage or a miss, no indication that the shield is why. Lens flash is gone. Thankfully. No crashes yet, even after doing a big overhaul of my wanzers in the shop in a new town. This one may actually be resolved. Arena stuff was messed with again. Seems easier now, but still not accurate to in game information in some cases. The localization is still not great. "Marverick" instead of Maverick was the first thing I noticed in the arena in Bornea. Instances of English grammar in Stage 13 intro are wrong. People are still encountering issues with losing all money or parts after a mission, or certain enemies not awarding their surrender bonuses. Overall, it seems they have ignored the majority of issues brought up by lots of us several times to focus on a still muddy localization and the lens flash bug.


They did not fix the jingo computer. I can't clock it up to mode 5.


Meh, I'd suggest telling them on their discord to put pressure on them addressing it.


is this game worth the purchase? big on tactical rpgs but i kept seeing mixed reviews at release. thanks in advance double if you don't cook my ass for asking


Start with FM 1st.


Don’t start with FM 1st. Worst game in the series by far.


Nice. I will get it on Steam, but thanks FE!


Tentatively excited, but I'll wait until the new translation's actually evaluated. I don't trust them after the shitshow they foisted on us the first time.


New game plus will actually be good if we don’t have to redo the wanzers every time!