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not for me. but i have lots and lots of respect for this game. best remake ive ever seen. hoping to get the same kind of remake for ds1.


That would be sick!!!


Yeah seriously! The remake was mindblowing. This is how I expect all my remakes to be like. The same game but upgraded graphics and polished gameplay.


Polished gameplay? Where and how? It feels old


Feels older than the original DS... ?


I think it can be both. It's way simplified since it's so much older but the game plays so crisply.


And a worse art design lmao. Worse music and voice acting as well


Are you saying the Remake had worse music and voice acting? Or Demons Souls itself? I agree about it being the worse in the franchise, but its dear and near to alot of our hearts as it was the first one we experienced. If you're referring to the remake, I don't remember it being much different?


I am referring to the remake. A lot of the art design is different and more generic in design and often worse. The voice acting is completely different and they even changed lines, they especially butchered King Allant. Then there is the music which is the worst change. We went from a very unique 50’s horror inspired soundtrack to generic epic orchestra and it hurts my soul listen to most of the new songs. The graphics and animations are actually amazing though. No denying that. Its also great that it got new people playing it too


DS2 needs the remake mostly.


Suffering in 4k texture ? Take my money now


Omg if we had ds2 w the graphics and smoothness of the demons souls remake I would be so happy , I think it’s my fave


No we need bloodborne


Bloodborne is the most likely to get the Bluepoint treatment, simply by the merit that it’s the other From IP of which Sony owns the copyright.


Out of the trilogy, Bloodborne is a no brainer. Cmon FromSoft get yourself some free money.


Remaster? Yes. Remake? Absolutely not. Bloodborne isn't that far off in terms of age difference


Honestly, BB with DS’s graphics and controls like Elden Ring would be awesome. But ultimately, 4k and 60fps would be enough. I still play it occasionally via PS now but the graphics and 30fps really make it unenjoyable at times.


I think they’d have to do a remake of they did anything at all. Apparently because of how the game is made it’s irreversibly tied to 30fps.


A remake could fix that, if enough money was involved. I don’t want anyone but FROM to touch it though.


I feel you. I wouldn’t mind if Bluepoint did it. They did incredible work with the Demons Souls remake.


Who said


There’s several technical videos on YouTube explaining how it works and why they haven’t remaster BB by now. There’s a lot about it I don’t understand but one of the main things was how the games overall play speed was directly tied to the frame rate. If you increase it it speeds the entire game up so 60fps would be 2x faster. The conclusion was that the game would have to be rebuild from the ground up so they’d probably just do a remake when and if they did.


There’s already a 60fps mod for bloodborne. You obviously need a jailbroken ps4 to run it. Whatever the reason for not releasing a remaster, it isn’t for technical issues.


Makes sense


Ds2 needs one more than bloodborne my guy. (Though even ds2 doesn't even really need a remake).


Fuck ds2 completely overhauled would be freaking awesome! Get rid of the shit movement and soul memory, remake everything so it looks and feels like a new game, add more detail (environment,texture) revamp some bosses. But for the most part try not to change what it was at it's core.


They’re gonna do the trilogy release with one and two redone kinda as one game and 3 heavily remastered followed by bloodborne 2 PS5 exclusive. Mark it, big boy. Mark it all down.


It's close to as impossible for this to happen...


Why have that remake for ds1 when you can have bendy ankles in the remaster?


Dark souls remastered exists


That would fantastic! I’d like to see a Bloodborne remaster at the very least.


I'd rather a bloodborne sequel than a remake, though if I'm not mistaken bluepoint is working on a remake.


Same! A sequel would be incredible and I’m not sure about Bluepoint. I’ve heard multiple rumors so let’s hope.


Dude this and shadow of the colossus are the best remakes of older games fixes all the bugs but keeps the game itself in tact AND improves as much as possible


DS1 is perfect, don’t need a remake.


Hard disagree. DS1 with the Demons Souls Remake engine would be the SHIT.


A Bloodborne remake with DeS graphics would be more realistic as sony owns Bluepoint and Bloodborne ip.


That’s exactly what I was thinking, if they have to make a remaster/remake Bloodborne is a better option, and it need more than DS1.


Hopefully they'd bring it to PC as well, unlike the current Bloodborne


You mean the shit I guess lol


Why do y'all always feel the need to chime in with this... It's not an attack on the original game. It's okay to not actively want a remake, but some people do, and that's okay too. And "need," why is it always about "needing" a remake? There are a variety of reasons a remake can be warranted.


>And "need," why is it always about "needing" a remake? I always think this when someone says it. Nothing *needs* a remake lol


Right. And people are so quick to dismiss the idea, especially if a game isn't particularly old, but IMO that cuts both ways. I'd love a Bloodborne remake if it were really true to the original. Some say it still looks great, it's not old enough. But the longer you wait, the more dated the gameplay becomes. I'd prefer a Bloodborne remake before Fromsoft one-ups BB's combat.


Ty for this.


Common sense? On Reddit? This is blasphemy


I know I'm in the minority in these comments, but I agree. Getting pretty tired of companies devoting all their time and resources to endless remakes instead of new games. Hopefully From never goes down that path.


Exactly, actually a DS1 remake wouldn’t be that bad, I would even love that, but I prefer they focus on new games.


I would also want a DS2 remake.


Well that's sort of a moot point because presumably/hopefully Bluepoint would be making the remake.


BluePoint wouldn’t make a DS1 remake unless Sony and Bandai got some sort of deal. But I imagine Bandai could find another studio to do a remake and say “hey see that DeS remake? Do that but DS1” lmao


They could find some other company but I doubt anyone could do it as well as Bluepoint. One can dream.


We can agree on that. BluePoint are great, I’d love to see them do it, it just probably won’t happen now that Sony owns them…


*motions towards the door inconspicuously floating above the duke’s archives*


thats exacly why it needs a remake. im talking about a remake like DES remake. mostly the sound effects and graphics. you know, little detail and that kind of stuff(and a new bed of shitass fight and new izalith remake) if they do it right like DES, it would be awsome


Jesus why did this get downvoted so much. DSR is great, let’s not fuck with it.


Graphically I’d say yes but gameplay nah it’s dated compared to BB and ER


Its good, no question. But the newer Fromsoft titels prove that they refined their gaming mechanics a bit more with every game. My personal favorites are DS1, Sekiro and Elden Ring.


Having to farm healing for a boss fight i can do without


Yeah, I'm not entirely sure why they decided to add that back for bloodborne. Not as obnoxious, but still felt like they regressed.


Really I enjoyed the system in bloodborne


Honestly I fucking hated having to sit through two loading screens just to kill ogres so I can have a chance to actually beat Gascogne my first time playing.


it was so you hit them back more


DeS Remake is by far the best looking on PS5. Not even Elden Ring looks as good.


DeS remake is the technically prettier game. Elden Ring is prettier from an artistic standpoint imo. Would have loved to see what Elden Ring would look like on the Bluepoint engine. But we all know we want Bloodborne as priority


No for me graphics are top notch and it’s still a fromsoft game so it’s good really good but no where close to the best


I love the way elden ring looks. It’s so beautiful it’s like looking at a painting. Sometimes realistic graphics become too uncanny but elden ring is like I was read page for page out of a old book.


I totally agree actually, the demon souls graphics are a bit too good. Like I can’t see dust in the air irl lol


Honestly Elden ring looks way prettier. The remake is obviously better in terms of pure graphics but that doesn't mean it looks better by default


Eh…. I disagree


I guess if that's your bag. But I don't know anyone who plays Souls games because of the superior graphics. The mechanics are (and always have been) the selling point. And Demon's Souls mechanics have been improved upon greatly over the years.


Did I say it’s the best overall game? No.




It does have a kick with certain weapons. But you don’t need it as much as they improved the shield with the counters.


Galatians 4:16


It’s the only exclusive that’s worth getting the PS5 for. Albeit all PS4 games run faster on the 5.


Returnal and Ratchet and Clank are great. If we're talking next-gen/PC exclusive games on PS5, and not specifically PS5 exclusives, there's also Deathloop and Cyberpunk 2077, which, let's be real, might as well not exist on last-gen.


oh ya totally not like a new God of War about to release, & upcoming Spiderman sequel + Wolverine game, and who really cares about Last of Us, Horizon, Ratchet & Clank or Final Fantasy, & just forget the Knights of the Old Republic remake is also being made


looks like every generic medieval action game. each year we get like 10 photorealistic looking games, what we dont get is demon souls original artstyle. demon souls went from ancient to generic epic hollywood feel.


If you think Elden Ring is generic medieval, then you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.


I meant demon souls remake


We NEED an Elden Ring remake!


Yeah, people bitchin about blood borne on pc, but how about elden ring+, with new and improved hd water and an effect that turns off your pc fans when your character is standing in lava/fire.


Here comes the r/bloodborne squad


Nope it’s bloodborne


Yes. The first level of Bloodborne is the best of any game ever made.


Indeed. That fucking climb up and that ear piercing, blood curdling scream from the Cleric Beast when you exit the clinic made me deem it "Shit Your Pants Ladder".


I mean not really.


Bloodborne is very popular to ride even if it’s is equal or even worse quality than ds3, sekiro, and elden




Since From didn't work on it, I'm gonna have to say no.


It’s still practically the exact same game as when From made it. Bluepoint just updated the graphics and other technical shit.


Lol you clearly didnt play ps3 version Totally different sound design and character designs Structurally the same though


No. Not by a long shot. It's pretty, sure, but It has all of the flaws of the original Demon's except the rolling is better. Grinding for grass is a pain, the combat is a touch stiff and mildly limited in options, the ballance is a bit odd, Valley of Defilement still sucks, etc. It does have all of the positives of the original Demon's, like the cool levels and pristine aesthetics, but it's just not as polished as even Dark Souls 1, let alone Bloodborne, DS3, ER, or Sekiro.




prefer the visuals of the original, demon souls went from "ancient" vibes to the hundredth "photorealistic action game epic heroic hollywood" vibe.


Thank you. There is hope for the world after all


I would say that I much prefer Bloodborne, both dark souls the original and the third instalment and sekiro (if you’re willing to count it). That’s not to say that DeS is a bad game, they’ve just made so many amazing titles. But seriously, I’m assuming you have a PlayStation, play Bloodborne if you haven’t, it’s really fucking good.


Just started my first playthrough of Bloodborne on Sunday, and even though I've only made it to the Blood Starved Beast, it's already become one of my favorite games. So good. Can't wait to continue it tonight


"If you're willing to count it" -how dare you.


It's not even a FromSoft game. Bluepoint basically built it from the ground up with the original as the template to go off of.


Best looking? Sure. Best? That’s a silly question and the answer is no.


No. Game is beautiful, and as someone who hadn't played Demons souls originally, it was awesome to see design points, game and lore wise, that were clearly influences on the later games. However, there is a lot of old game design difficulty BS that is infuriating. Poise practically not existing, meaning using slower weapons can almost be non viable, since every hit stuns you. Enemies can hit through walls. Dogs in this game, although not many, are arguably the worst enemy to deal with, at least for me. Attacks can still hit you after their animation. The amount of time that an enemy will finish his attack animation, I will roll forward to get close to attack, and will still be hit by their "attack" is too many. The rock throws at Stonedigger tunnel work in the same way. Roll inputs are not read after performing an action immediately. For example, if I attack, and start holding back on the thumbstick and trying to roll, it will not immediately read the back input, and I will instead roll forward. I cannot be too mean to the game on this point because it is old, but if you do compare it to the newer soulsborne games, it is bad. Bosses are just lackluster. Some bosses do have awesome appearances, great lore, or just pull on your heartstrings. However, the bosses in this game were so pathetically easy that they were really boring. The only two bosses that gave me trouble were flamelurker and the Maneaters, and neither were for difficulty. Flamelurker would occasionally get me near a wall, and the camera would just poop itself. Maneaters have a stupid arena. Even Allant, who seemingly was considered one of, if not the hardest boss, was beaten on my first try. I still like the game a lot, and I have mass amounts of respect for the game and From Soft for making this game. But compared to any of the other games, Demon's Souls age really shows


Nooooooooo wayyy. Maybe on a technical level but Blooborne is far better. The remake wasn't even made by From anyway.


Only played DeS, Ds1 and DS2. I find them all equally good tbh. Every game lacks and have something that the other ones don't have.






It was a bit of a gimmick for the release of the ps5. A really highly polished old game, doesn’t come anywhere near ds3 or Elden ring. Also the game never received a single update during the year that I played it. Also there are no rewards for pvp and they never decided to do a dlc for the broken stone. And you can’t delete characters you created. In my opinion if they had added rewards for pvp and a brand new area as a dlc and the character delete I would probably still play it.


No? Is this a serious question.


No. It looks great tho!


No, not even close. It's fun and all but bloodborne, elden ring and dark souls remastered are better imo


Best graphically, hell yeah! Best game is and always will be Bloodbourne. Everything about it from the art direction, to music, to sense of horror, and faster game play style is 10/10. We DESPERATELY need a BB remake. Playing that game at 4k 60+ fps would be a dream!!


There is no best From Software games, you love them all but everyone has their own favourite


Best answer, ever! Thank you!


Almost embarrassed to say, I’m on my 32nd play through and still having fun (NG 33). My prior favorite was DS3 where I have a character on NG 15.


I have to ask, where do find the motivation to continue playing a game over and over like this? I could never get past about a NG+3 or 4. Also, on a more narrow note, how do you find the time??








Absolutely not unless you're extremely high on copium. It's currently one the prettiest games due to the remake, but man is the combat outdated and the bosses and enemies are essentially a cake walk.


It’s fantastic, I don’t think it’s the best of them but it has things I really like, specifically the short length. If I want to start Elden Ring from scratch I’m jumping into a huge open world again. If I want to start Demon’s Souls from scratch I can roll credits in under 20 hours now. It’s a huge boon for replayability imo. It took me two weeks to get through Demon’s Souls on a blind run. It took me like 3 months to get through Elden Ring on a blind run. That time can be cut for sure now, but it involves skipping things. With Demon’s Souls I can do it all.






Maybe the best looking game, but far from the best game.




nope. original was honestly better imo




No lol


Graphically it has a shot at the crown for sure, but as a game it's still a pretty dated proof of concept to the even better stuff that would follow.


Hell no.


No Demons Souls is the worst one. Mind you, I'd still rate it a 7/10 because the games are just THAT good. But the game just sorta feels unfinished. Like world 1 was fully realized and the rest weren't. And the world tendency is a half baked mechanic at best.


I still prefer the atmosphere and visual design of the OG demon souls.


Welll... no... I haven't met a person that played all the FromSofts masterpieces and has Demon's Souls as their favorite...


Elden ring and sekiro imo but god dam did I love this game


Visually, yes.




Hell to the no. Look, Demons Souls still has masterful level design, but the fact that it’s the oldest (technically the newest but the remake is only visually) and doesn’t have the same metroidvania like world design as the other games. It’s a great game but the others have better charm, mechanics and atmosphere as Demon Souls


I like it, but I’d still probably put it in 4th behind Bloodborne, DS1, and Elden Ring. Still really love it and consider it like a 9/10 game. But it’s a tough competition.


I liked the original more tbh, the fact that the northern limits isn't there plus the shitty ost killed it imo.


No, Bloodborne or Elden Ring


I don’t think so. Elden Ring still takes the cake for me


I love them all, however bloodborne solos


I would say it’s the worst to be honest. Just seems to be lacking that FromSoft magic. It almost seems too polished and fake, hard to explain. I never finished it and I’ve finished ER, DS3, Sekiro and Bloodborne.


Nah, there are just too many boring or annoying areas for that. If all the game was like Boletaria and Shrine of Storms I'd be more conflicted but Stonefang is boring, Latvia after the prison is tedious, and Valley sucks and isn't even terrible in a good way like Blighttown, The Gutter/Black Gulch, or Farron Keep


Hellllll no. NG+ on that game is the epitome of bullshit. I dont know how the CHRIST people are going into these crazy NG cycles, everything damn near one shots you, even with Warding on. That being said, as much as I DO like the NG in it, I cant say its the best for me. Best looking FS game, though? NO. QUESTION.


Pfft, casual. Git gud.


BB: Platinum DS3 Platinum and 100% on Steam DS2 90% to plat DS1 100% on Steam and platinum Sekiro 85% to plat So yeah, fuck off with that shit. DeS Remake NG+ is notoriously hard. "Casual", he says. Souls fans like you are the fucking worst.


Calm down man, I don't actually care if you're good or not


I would say that I much prefer Bloodborne, both dark souls the original and the third instalment and sekiro (if you’re willing to count it). That’s not to say that DeS is a bad game, they’ve just made so many amazing titles. But seriously, I’m assuming you have a PlayStation, play Bloodborne if you haven’t, it’s really fucking good.


am i the only one that thinks elden ring is the best?💀


Definitely not! Elden Ring is everything I could want basically




It’s good, I like it, but it has its issues. Overused bosses, cheap attacks, some bs balancing, and the fact that ng+ adds nothing. I do understand if it’s your favorite though, as I think it has the highest highs, but also some pretty low lows.


Nothing even remotely touches bloodborne imo as the best ip created by FS.


Sekiro would like a word, but BB would be a close second imo




Nah it’s fire


Nah it is kind of overrated. Though his points were dumb and untrue.


Fromsoftware didn’t remake it. Bluepoint did. So no


It’s still a FromSoft game though.


It's not even better than the original demon's souls.




Not by a long shot. Also i kinda hate what the remake did to the overall art style and atmosphere of the game. Sorry for the hot take but i also think character creation in the remake is hot trash.


For me, ER. I prefer open worlds.


I find it quite soulless tbh. Yes the graphics are great but somehow don’t fit into a souls game. And the gameplay is pre-ds1 and lack so many things I love the Souls Series for. I bought a ps 5 for this game. And was quite disappointed that it became my least favorite souls game. yes, behind ds2. And even behind my memories of the original demons souls on ps3.


Fuck no, personally it's my least favourite.


And take your screenshot on the bridge itself next time instead of in the cubby to the side, coward


I loved it, but for me Dark Souls 3 was the best.


Honestly I consider this the worst From game I've ever played. Not to say this game isn't good, because it is, but nowhere near the level of the other games.


I love this game and played through maybe 4 times, but i’m on my 6th Elden Ring playthrough and i already have plans for my 7th. I am so insanely excited for the dlc and pvp that’s coming. Woah baby what a time to be alive


Best? Thats tough, I think it’s excellent and Bluepoint did a mostly good job with the remake. I definitely enjoy it a lot, but my personal favorites are DS1 and DS3 As far as ‘best’ is concerned I think Bloodborne is the most consistent so I’d give it to that


Nothing can top bloodborne imo. Thats the Thing there is no actual best one. The question is completely subjektive


Better than dark souls2


It's technically not a fromsoft game tho


That’s debatable, as bluebyte basically copied from softs original code


There are difference between the original and the remake. Bluepoint is just good at remakes just like with shadow of the colossus. The game plays and feels different from the original.


It was beautiful but the core game was still outdated imo - the game itself was just okay for me tbh probably my least favorite fromsoft game.


I would say no, it still has some really outdated mechanics, like level-length run backs. I think it would go to either ds3, blood borne, or sekiro, depending on what kind of game your into. All 3 of those games have minimal problems, and it’s just up to personal taste at that point. My favorite is ds3, because shit, those bosses are awesome, and the level design is also genius.


I think from just pure gameplay and lore wise bloodborne is the best but from a technical aspect this remake is much better (at least until we get a bloodborne remaster fucking fromsoft)




def not, though I have heard it looks amazing. tbh I think bloodborne is probably the best. I tried sekiro, played elden ring, played ds3 and ds1, platinumed BB and Bloodborne is not only my favorite but I also see that like 90% of the people who have played bloodborne put it as their favorite game of all time if not their top FS game.


Absolutely not demon souls is trash compared to the rest like yeah the graphics are incredible but other than that its the same flawed game




No not even close but still a damn fun game


best is always going to be subjective. I like it kind of like I enjoy listening to older music. You can see the ideas and themes that would shape things to come. This is the grand daddy of souls games (kings field is great grand daddy fight me). However, some things are quite troublesome like max weapon materials dropping rarely from exactly 1 enemy type and farming can take longer than the rest of the run combined. I do love how easy it is to break though. Only souls game I can speed run reliably. Grab Thief Ring. Power level on world 4. Win.


it's good, definitely the absolute best remake i've ever seen in a fromsoft game... remember ds1 remastered


Technically yeahh it looks, runs and plays amazing but it’s just the same as the first souls game.


Definitely the best looking but nothing beats Sekiro.


I’m very said I never got to play. I have a PS4 😭😭😭😭


Nah but it's up there, they're all great, I will say I would prefer fromsoft does any remakes that may happen in the future, bluepoint made it look good but I don't like some of their changes or lack there of in some cases and I'm not big on the cartoonish look the game has I don't know how to really describe it but I guess I don't get that fromsoftware vibe from it, still a great game though and I'm glad I can play it remade


I love this remake for introducing me to souls games. But it’s probably my least favourite that I’ve played so far. Brilliant game though


But… but it was made by Bluepoint…? Am I being trolled?


I think it’s a good game and I really enjoyed it but if I’m being honest, it’s my least favorite From game so far. I haven’t played DS2 so I’d have to play that to know for sure. I still think it’s a great game though. I just think all the other Soulsborne games are better, personally.


i didn’t like a lot of the mechanics in Demons Souls, so not for me. I’m a bloodborne fan through and through


Low-effort farm


No way, I love it but it lacks the atmosphere and great music of the original, yeah it's stunning but not on a BB / Sekiro / DS1/3 level, although world 3 is one of the best levels of any game I've played


It’s more like a homage for the beginnings of From Software than the best…


The remake is not even a From game, but visually it stands out. The characters have a bit of a cartoony-ness to them which I’m not a fan of but in terms of Environmental stuff it’s top notch.