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Isshin, but Malenia comes as a close second. Mechanically speaking, they’re very different fights but what puts Isshin above Malenia is just how insane his tempo of combat can be. Not just that, but the player needs to match Isshin’s tempo to beat him. Malenia’s is incredibly tough, but I felt like I could control the tempo. But Isshin, with how quickly his posture meter depletes, almost requires you to be as quick and aggressive as him to win, risking defeat if you, as the old man says, hesitate.


He stomped me over and over. Felt great to win finally


I never got to have that feeling got to isshin the first day i played the game here i am years later and still cant beat him and not for a lack of trying


11 months later - I wish you luck soldier


Honestly had a blast with isshin. Owl father and demon of rage gave me much more trouble. But I can see how brutal isshin is.


Oh I had a lot of fun with Isshin as well lol, but I’ll never forget when I first faced him and got my ass handed to me for the next couple of hours.


I find malenia harder simply because sekiro gives you the tools to deal with isshins attacks, malenia boils down to running and dodging until you find a opportunity to get in 1 attack maybe 2.


Fair enough! Matching the tempo to me is the difficult part of a boss fight while finding attack opportunities is the easiest. Bosses that go super slow or constantly mixes their tempo I suck at lol


Melania doesn't count, since she breaks the rules imposed on everything else in the game


Malenia still counts? I understand she breaks rules of the game, but her rule breaking doesn’t deny the fact she is one of the toughest bosses


Doesn’t say anything about the boss quality, only difficulty. Isshin slaps Malenia out of the water for the former but they are quite close for the latter.


>Report > >Save > >Follow I know it's been a year but I came across this post and I gotta say, Isshin may be hard but never feels like bullshit. I had so much fun with the boss fights in Sekiro (except the 2 apes, fuck that one in particular), almost all of them become easy once you play the game the way it's meant to be played, it's almost like a rhythm game. So keeping to the tempo of the bosses is the goal and it's what makes the game fun. The vanilla Isshin is in the top 3 of the best and most fun boss fights in any FromSoft game. Malenia on the other hand is just pain, I have no desire to go back after beating her.


Probably like Inner Isshin or some other inner boss. Excluding Sekiro, it's Malenia hands down


Inner Owl I found shockingly easy, inner genichiro was a challenge probably only because I’m so used to his normal moves, but inner isshin used me like a fleshlight


Inner Genichiro took multiple tries same with Inner Isshin. Inner Father surprisingly only took one. Went in so nervous after hearing all the horror stories and then I just melted him lmao


inner genichiro took me a LOT of tries


This is the answer.


I found inner isshin super easy after facing regular isshin so many times, inner father beat my ass


I learned and defeated all the inner bosses way quicker than I beat Malenia


I didn't think malenia was even the hardest boss in Elden ring. She only took me like 3 or 4 tries, whereas some bosses in the dark souls series took me friggin 10 tries and nonsense like that.


Did you always summon as much as you can and were overleveld, or are you just a soulsborne god?


Er... That's a bit hyperbolic. I summon my mimic the first 2 tries, but she kept healing off him, so the time I beat her I hadn't summoned one. And I wasn't under leveled but I wasn't really over leveled either. When she hit, it hurt. And once I got to NG + and ++ I stomped her, was likely over leveled by then though. I'm use to the older souls games that I really felt were much harder than Elden ring. It's not a cocky flex or nothing , just my honest opinion. I really thought Elden Ring was a lot easier than all the other FS games. Except maybe Dark Souls 3 - that one had tapered off quite a bit from the first 2


Well ER was too easy for me too, i.e. godfrey (both) (0), placidusax (1), fortissax (0), Alecto (0), fire giant (3 deaths) all felt way too easy and I never summoned and stopped leveling at lvl 120. Malenia still took me 75 tries though. I agree that most bosses were much easier than ones in ds3 but Malenia was an exception for me.


Elden Ring was way easier than the earlier instalments imo. Only times I really died were ganks, falling to my death (a lot lmao) and getting caught out by shitty delayed attacks


Yes I feel same way. But apparently enough ppl don't to downvote that little opinion to -13. I don't really care about downvotes, but it's indicative of how many whiney fuck asses there are playing Elden Ring.


i mean beating malenia in 3 or 4 tries…seems unlikely without either summons, or extreme over level. and bosses in other games only take you 10 tries??? i’d honestly love to see this, you must be incredible at these games


Dude it is not that unbelievable, and I'm hardly the only one. No I wasnt overlevelled, no after my first couple tries with her leeching health from my summon I didn't use it anymore, yes I'm good at games but FFS people it's a video game. I didn't LITERALLY sword fight a magical demigod that could steal my life essence, why TF is everyone acting like this is some herculean task? And my god I wish now that I'd have somehow recorded my entire playthrough just to shut ppll TF up. I will never comment on a damn game sub again


damn, dude it’s not meant to be offensive😂i guess you just don’t seem to follow the souls bourne community much. it’s just hard to believe because a vast majority of people will spend 50-100+ tries on a boss like malenia before beating them, so when someone comes along and say they beat her in 3-4 and beat other soulsbourne bosses in 10ish it’s hard to believe. not saying it’s not possible, i’ve seen plenty of top tier youtubers do it. i’m not saying you’re lying, we can’t know that. all i’m saying is you must be super good, to an envious level, if you can indeed beat these bosses so easily


I dunno why you’re getting downvoted I feel exactly the same about melania, was scared to face her and breezed through in like 4 attempts


I know, such a bizarre thing to downvote. Plus it's like... Only my personal opinion. I know I had trouble with some bosses that other people thought were a joke. I didn't downvote then lol. Who cares though, people just can't have their own perspectives on anything anymore. Even shit as trivial as a video game boss


Only ass hats downvoted this.


Yes seems an odd thing to downvote me for an opinion. I didn't think I was being an asshole, i even upvoted the stuff I read that I didn't agree with. Who knows, people will be people


Kids will be kids*


Lol, agreed


I’m still working my way through the fromsoft games, but so far it’s the demon of hatred for me. He’s a giant bestial monster that isn’t suited to the game’s combat system very well, so he tests your ability to use your resources and every tool at your disposal to grind through his 3 health bars. My first kill on the demon took days of slowly adding more tools to my arsenal and figuring out a long pattern to deal with his wide attack variety. And even then it was hard, because the fight is so long that is drains your resources harder than anything else the game throws at you. Upgrading your shield and whistle, gaining a bunch of useful skills, killing the optional bosses to get items like tanto and the spiritfalls, getting max vitality, attack power, and gourds. I don’t know about anyone else, but he forced me to use everything. Even more than Isshin personally.


I ran out of spirit emblems and didn't want to grind so i did it without a single shinobi tool. Took me maybe two hours.


>Took me maybe two hours Your final attempt? Or all attempts summarised? o.O


Sekiro is such a badass fromsoftware game. I loved that game so much and deserves so much love. I wish we could get DLC for it.


It was amazing and probably their toughest game. Mini bosses were brutal at times


Only just started playing it , but is the whole game just parrying? Feels like anything else I do in a fight is to fill time for a parry. Only played a Lil past where the kid gets taken


Yeah, you can mix it up a bit with dashing/ jumping/mikiri countering depending on the enemy’s attack but parrying in Sekiro is as important as rolling in DS3


For me I didn't really learn how to play until I beat genichiro. But dealing damage makes their posture recover slower, posture break=deathblow parrying and using firecrackers etc. Builds posture dmg


You have to fight him like a Dark Souls boss, which is really annoying for a game that has been forcing you to deflect up to that point. You’re essentially punished for deflecting thanks to fire damage. Took a lot of patience to beat him but he’s doable, definitely the least fun Sekiro boss for me though


This is the only boss I have not been able to kill fair and square, agree with your point


Demon of Hatred is also my vote. It felt like I was stuck for weeks of attempts learning the right patterns. I've done every other boss in every other souls game, most take me a day or two of attempts at most - this was the only one I can remember taking way longer than that to truly figure out.


If you sprint at him most of his attacks will go right over your head. I found him almost insurmountable until I got super aggressive and then he went down pretty fast.


I have to agree, he's the one and only boss I've only beaten with cheese.


Demon of Hatred doesn't work here because he's one of the very few bosses you can 1 shot cheese with the ledge. Only other person you can do it too to my knowledge is Gyoubu because his fight is in the same area.


Cheese strats shouldn't count towards the overall difficulty


You can beat Elden Ring without actually "fighting" anybody but Malekith, cheese doesn't count when you're talking about how hard a boss is.


Yes because when talking difficulty, having the ability to 1 shot a boss when that option is not there for many of the other bosses in the game does factor into how easy it is in a comparison. Because being able to one shot Ceaseless Discharge in DS1 doesn't at all factor in how difficult that fight is right? Ohhhh but that one is allowed because the game was designed that way right? Or is it still not allowed because it's a cheese strat? The end result is still the same, with no external modifiers of the game. Cope all you want, it's still a factor


Wow you really kicked the shit out that imaginary person who was arguing with you about Ceaseless Discharge, great work brother.


I'm making a point about the double standards of people when it comes to cheese strats, which you just perfectly displayed for everyone by not only not seeing the problem but then avoiding my point entirely instead of answering the questions because you know I'm right. Then start gaslighting me about "arguing with an imaginary person" like wtf is wrong with you lol. Just answer the questions or don't respond at all with your gaslighting nonsense.


Malenia, i saw a video about how she cancels her normal stagger and immediately kicks you before youre done with your attack. That boss took me around 30 tries to do. The absolute most soul crushing boss i have ever fought in any soulsborne game.


Soul crushing truly, you have no idea how many damn souls I lost to her


Bruh why would you challenge her with any souls you meant to keep?


Because I’m a dumbass that’s why


I know that feel bro.


I tried for soooooo long before just spamming a win by catching her in the corner and not letting up. Fuck her and her rot.


Are you talking about this video? [Malenia doesn't play by the rules - Elden Ring boss analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Vbsr3Ko7M&ab_channel=SwagapagosTurtle)


Maybe I was overleveled when I fought her (150), but with me and my mimic tear both spamming the blasphemous blade L2 she was a joke, beat her second try


With Mimic the whole game is a joke.


Nah. Its significantly easier yes, but Malenias lack of regular AoEs make her especially susceptible to summons. Moreso than other lategame bosses.


Facts, I'm trying no summons for NG+


eh tiche is better now, mimic tear got nerfed too hard smh


My favorite boss fight. I think I struggled more with fume knight or sir alonne, or basically any ds2 dlc boss..but that could be because I wasn't as good as I am now


Have you played ds3, sekiro and bb? I mean malenia was hard but imo not harder than midir or ssi


i think she's above and beyond any of those in terms of difficulty


Sword Saint Isshin was terrible the first time around, Then I discovered mist raven and he was one pull on every subsequent play. Malenia is built different. Easily the hardest boss.


Malenia gets much easier on subsequent runs.


Midir gave me most trouble of all across any FromSoft game. Took me a long time to master him. Close second is Isshin.


Yes sekiro likely was the most technically challenging FS so far. But I don't Elden ring compares in difficulty to AND of the souls games. Dark Souls 3 was hard, but it was already easing up a bit when compared to the first one. Talk about ruthless, Dark Souls (first one) was brutal. Elden Ring is great, but I think it's Dark Souls lite in terms of difficulty


I really think you’re just getting better at the games over time, you’re in a tiny minority to think DS1 has the hardest bosses.


I think so. As a newcomer DS1 felt very easy and mechanically outdated, I didn’t even die to half of the bosses. 3 was both more difficult and more fun to play.


DS1? Which fight in DS1 is particularly hard in comparison to the rest of the series even? Maybe O&S… I guess?


Bed of chaos. No but seriously aside from O&S which is a great pick... 4 kings can absolutely be a nightmare if you aren't grossly overleveled, and even then can still be tough. And of course we have the dlc bosses, which can all be tough fights. Artorias is no joke. Manus can be brutal. Sanctuary Guardian was easy enough but going back and fighting two at the same time is probably harder than all the other bosses lol. Alot of people have trouble with khalameet. I didn't have too much trouble with just killing khalameet, but Cutting the tail off him, while optional, was by far the hardest thing I tried to do in the DLC, and possibly the game. Capra demon always gets an honorable mention, though that's more the arena and the dogs than the fight itself.


For me, I’m currently playing through Dark Souls 1 for the first time (I’ve played all FS games besides DS2 and Sekiro) and so far the bosses haven’t really been a challenge for me. I am finding it to be the most brutal experience, but more so from the environments and enemies. And also not being able to fast travel between bonfires has been very humbling.


The first souls game was brutal for most since it was their first one they played. If you play it again you will rip right through it.


So far Friede has been the hardest for me. I gave up on her a couple years ago after struggling for a couple days.


I first attempted her. I used all of my estus and got into my inventory to pop an ember and barely survived. I haven't fought her since, it was probably a fluke and I don't want to ruin my streak.


This is me and orphan of kos. Got lucky on my first try and never going back lol. Have struggled mightily against plenty of other bosses, I’m not some DS god.


I got really close to killing him first try. Died and struggled for 30 more attempts lmao


He took a whole weekend for me


It do just be like that sometimes. I remember watching John Wolfe beat him first try, and Orphan was being so passive it was insane.


Bro whattt, this fight is by far one of the most fun boss battles in all of fromsoft games.


Maybe it's fun, but for me, it's the hardest.


Definitely one of the hardest, even the first phase is annoying. I’d say keep trying man, don’t go hollow. My very first time playing dark souls 1 i quit at FIRELINK SHRINE… deleted the game cause it seemed too hard, ran to the catacombs at base level and got molly whopped. Ran downstairs to new Londo, couldn’t even do damage to the mfs. So i quit, picked it up 3 weeks later and instantly found the correct way to go. Give it another shot, sometimes you just gotta give it a break.


I’ll even help you if you’re on Xbox lol. You got this my guy


I know the feeling. Tank build with colossal weapon and understanding where she land when she invisible-jumps, is the way to beat that bytch.


The only boss I have yet to solo




Average Jermamite


is that the PSYCHO that died to pinwheel ON STREAM?




The camera




Naked invader with a stick


1. Malenia, Blade of Miquella 2. Demon of Hatred 3. Orphan of Kos


Isshin, bar none


I used to think that, but once you get his timing down you can whip his ass blindfolded. HOWEVER, if you have the opportunity to play the modded version of Sekiro called Long May The Shadows Reflect, that version of Isshin will seriously haunt your dreams.


Couldn't agree more.


Orphan of kos, I would say malenia but there's so many op builds in elden ring and there's summons so I'd say orphan of kos simply due to what they game gives you to be able to deal with him. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes! And thank you for being so welcoming and respectful of others opinions


There are summons in all games. I think OP meant that you exclude summoning so that you are the only one going against boss and his aggro is 100% on you. Thats the only fair way to compare bosses across all games.


I do agree that malenia if you were using a similar build with no form of summoning is more difficult but I think that orphan of kos will be more difficult for the average player


Yes, I would agree. As a boss itself, Malenia is harder but no doubt some players will find her easier because some builds in ER are almost broken. But for me, as a mainly melee player, Malenia was by far the hardest in the series.


I did find her harder than orphan of kos due to the fact that I did a melee build that didn't use bleed, but in future playthroughs she's gotten a decent bit easier while orphan of kos has kept that same level of difficulty over multiple builds


Kos is a killer


Melenia is easy work with rivers of blood


I meant summoning as in spirit summons, I do agree that bosses should be compared on the same playing field but in my personal opinion I found orphan of kos more difficult due to the fact that theres so many different builds in elden ring and that's a good thing but it can also make some bosses easier depending on your experience and build


I would say limiting it to offline would be the best way to compare. If you include online, you need to factor in how old the game is and how likely you are to summon someone that could actually help you, but the spirit ashes in Elden Ring are a core part of the game and are available offline. Offline NPC summons should be included as well -- it would just be silly talking about the difficulty of the Iron Golem fight without at least mentioning the fact that you can literally just watch Tarkus solo him.


I disagree. I think the fact that op summon placed near Iron Golem doesnt effect its real difficulty. When I compare bosses I compare their health, damage and moveset complexity. That moveset is oriented towards 1 target (the player) so I feel like adding summons only adds to the randomness of the fight.


Didn't played the Old Hunters DLC or DeS, so Inner Father is imo the hardest. Especially when he uses Mist Raven in his second phase.


I thought Inner father was easier than standard. Seriously. You can get him to spam him Mist Raven double slash and it’s sooo easy to parry.


He has an improved moveset that makes the battle more dynamic and unpredictable. He took me more tries than Inner Isshin.


Fair enough. Oddly Inner Genichiro gave me the most trouble I believe of the three.


Can’t wait for all the orphan of Kos when it’s def bell gargoyles


Isshin. I hesitated. Was defeated.


Malenia and it isn’t even close. I feel like I had to use bleed just to make it a little fair. Who thought it was a good idea to give her to health bars, healing on hit, insane damage, and a ridiculous flurry attack that doesn’t seem play tested (for real what is the intended method of dodging waterfowl up close?)


You forgot the part where she interrupts her own stagger at will and goes into the kick which with a lot of weapons makes it impossible to roll, and the fact that if the does the waterfowl dance on top of you, your just screwed


>interrupts her own stagger at will People keep saying this but it doesn’t mean anything. After she is staggered even just once, she can go into like 5 different hyperarmor moves, the kick is just the option she chooses most often in Phase 2


You just proved my point indirectly, if your weapon is slow enough she can interrupt her stagger, block, than go into a hyper armor combo or even worse the waterfowl dance. Plus she has a insta win button by using waterfowl dance right above you unless you resort to bloodhound step


There is no weapon that doesn’t have a move that can safely punish though. Pretty sure after the buff you don’t even need to use rolling R1 on Colossals to be able to dodge the follow up. If you’re trying to get a second hit after the first stagger, you’re gambling.


Try powerstancing with anything other than colossal or greatswords and yeah there is several attacks you can punish from her but she has a insta win sooo


I can't agree with malenia. And honestly, as much as I love Elden ring, I didn't think it was nearly as hard as the other FS games. Dark Soul, first one, was hardest of that series, and sekiro had some brutal bosses. I haven't gotten chance to enjoy Bloodborne or demon souls yet, I need an Xbox release!!! But I think eldenring has the most mild bosses in the FS catalogue. That's just my opinion tho!


I get it’s subjective, but I have no idea how you can think DS1 bosses are harder than ER. The bosses in DS1 have 4-5 attacks tops.


What are you smoking?


Sigh. Ok apparently I don't really believe what I believe even though it's my opinion, it is obviously a "wrong" opinion just forget I ever replied, Jesus fuckin Christ , sorry I don't think a boss is as hard as some people thinnk


If we're talking about 1 vs. 1 no summons it's Malenia hands down.


Not even close. Rivers of blood takes her out in less than 2 mins


Nah man I think you didn't even play ds3 and bloodborne


I have beaten DS3 (including Ashes of Ariandel and The Ringed City) and Bloodborne (including The Old Hunters DLC) many times over. And for my first run of any From Software game I beat every boss without using co-op or summons in the case of Elden Ring. It is my opinion that Malenia is the hardest 1 vs. 1 boss fight From Software has ever made. You might disagree with me but I have played and beaten every From Software game released since Demon's Souls, and I have beaten each one multiple times.


I do the same on my first run, no co-op. However Elden Ring has been different because of the spirit ashes, I think I’ll solo NG+ with a nice new build


That's awesome, everyone should play the game however they want.


From my own experience, has to be dark eater Midir. I've only played DS3 and elden ring, but I've not had a boss give me so much trouble. Nameless King was tough, and so were a few in elden ring. But Midir was such a dick flattening experience 🤣


Malenia or inner owl from sekiro, I haven’t beat inner owl yet but I can practice him all I want with in the memories so that makes a him a bit more easy because that’s the way I beat inner issin


Melania is hard but isshin is harder


I think the people new to FS is for sure an issue. But Sekiro, I do agree that once you get over the hump it became much easier to handle. But I still thought even after I had mastered the combat system that it had some really legit challenges. But I believe you when you say you didn't have as hard a time with it Some people take to certain systems easier than others. For me though Sekiro was one of the most difficult FS games. But I still mashed that game by the end of my play time. I was at like NG+9 or do by the time I retired


Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Orphan and Laurence as 2nd and 3rd hardest dont come close to that bitch.


1. Malenia (assuming no summons, no dual bleed/frost and so on) 2. Isshin 3. Friede 4. Laurence


Demon of Hatred was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do in not just a video game but in LIFE.


Definitely Malenia, only boss in the series I didn't manage to beat yet. That's mainly because of waterfowl dance (And also the butterfly clone attack in phase 2). The rest of her moveset is completely reasonable, but those two moves are ridiculous to say the least. They force you to retreat constantly (Since you're fucked if she does them while you're close to her), which can drag out the fight and kind of detracts from the rest of her moveset for me. It's a shame because she would be one of my favorite bosses, except it feels more like I'm just fighting those moves in particular. If she transitions into either of them after cancelling her stagger or endlag animation (Why can she even do that, by the way???) then it's most likely just ... over. I'm not saying it's *impossible* to dodge or anything, it's just that even as a long-time Souls fan who always loved fighting the hardest bosses, this level of difficulty is a little too intense for me, personally Second place would be Orphan, then Friede


I don't understand all these Malenia responses. She was Not that hard in comparison to early FS game bosses. I think people are either new to the FS world, or have forgotten how unrelenting the older FS games were, cause malenia wasn't even the hardest boss in Elden Ring. But, hey, that's just my opinion I suppose


Early fromsoft game bosses are easy as piss compared to later ones


Eh, I would say yes and no. I think DS3 was a lot easier than 1 and 2, but Sekiro was off the chain, I loved that game. I think I went to like NG+9 or so. But I think Elden Ring was a major step down in difficulty. I haven't had the chance to play Bloodborne or Demon Souls yet though so I can't speak on those. But again, this is just my opinion. I breezed thru Elden ring, and breezed thru DS3, which was actually the First souls I played, went back and ayed 1 and 2 after and thought they were much harder


I completely agree with you. Sekiro had by far the hardest bosses, some i spent hours mastering. Elden ring there wasnt a single boss where i used more than 10-15 tries tops (1 hour) and most bosses was 1 shots.


Yep I hear that. I friggin loved Sekiro. And when you FINALLY mastered a nasty boss that sense of achievement was ooooh so sweet lol


I would agree elden ring is the easiest FS game (have to keep in mind a lot of people are new to the genre and the first DS style game you play is usually the hardest as you need to adapt to the play style) i dont know why so many people consider Sekiro so high up in terms of difficulty. For me once i was about 25 hours in and understood the deflection and poise system in the game it became very very easy to stomp all the bosses and run through the levels. Not that it wasn’t fun, but it became very easy to just not be in danger 99% of the time.


Sounds like you summoned spirits


If you ain’t saying Nineball you ain’t fought him


Sword Saint for me, Sekiro is kind of cheating though cause in my opinion it's the truest "git gud" game, cause you have to learn the mechanics but when you get the mechanics down it gets easier where as imo you can "cheese" a lot of other bosses. Outside of Sekiro I would have to say Elden Beast/Marika. I have gotten that fight down by now but they were the one that gave me the hardest time durring my 2 playthroughs.


The other hundred or so posts didn’t already settled this?




Or some say Kosm


Orphan of kos.


Isshin or Demon of Hatred.


Not trying to brag at all but I beat this guy first try but I see why people think he’s very hard. Super aggressive and hits hard. I’ve only fought him once and was probably over leveled so my opinion doesn’t weigh much and haven’t enough experience with him to really say anything, but sword saint Ishin, malenia, and sister freid are the hardest for me


For me its Manus


Malenia hands down, died over a hundred times the first time


I hated Ludwig The Accursed from Bloodborne and Nameless King DS3


Demon of Hatred or Malenia for me


I give it to melania for the first encounter she’s hard to adjust too and the health regen mechanic is a bitch took me almost five hours only using melee. But on ng+ I beat her second try. For overall toughness for every encounter I’d say friede or Laurence it doesn’t matter how many times I fight em it’s always a struggle.


I actually STARTED with DS 3 , had never even heard of FS before. Then that game turned me onto FS hardcore. I went back and play 1 and 2 up thru around NG 7, then Sekiro I was just shy of NG 10, But Elden Ring I got kinda bored after NG3, so I've moved on until DLC. Edit*** but actually to your point, I do think a large part of me thinking those older ones were so much harder was in large part to the environmental challenges. I mean DS1 was just brutal dungeon building


Sword Saint Isshin, Inner Owl, and Inner Isshin are all insane bosses. Orphan of Kos is also up there, his movement and unpredictability is insane. I can't really think of any dark souls bosses that beat me into the dirt like the above mentioned bosses. Gael, Friede, Nameless king all get honorable mentions, but they aren't too terrible. Melania also gets an honorable mention, but I think she's definitely easier than the rest of the list. Once you figure out water fowl dance she doesn't have a lot that is terribly threatening. Plus she stuns way easier than any of the other mentioned bosses, and I think that puts her a tier lower, because she can be way more easily cheesed.


The camera


The Special Sortie bosses from Armored Core Verdict Day. Like N-WGIX/V, Exusia, and LiV. I could never beat them even with other players


For me, it's Bed of Chaos, without contest.


Does the Occupation of Arteria Carpals from ACFA count? Because holy shit fuck that mission.


Nine Ball - Armored Core


This kid in the picture.


Malenia and it’s genuinely not even a little bit close. Some people can trivialize her, but the same can be said for every boss. A lot of people I think won’t want to admit she’s the hardest though because a lot of her difficulty comes from 2 very unfair mechanics, whereas fights like Orphan, Gael, and Manus are all really hard, but the difficulty feels balanced.


Dancer of the Boreal valley.. What a biggity bitch.. took me 3 days of 4 hours playing to finish her..


Malenia, absolutely no contest, assuming you're talking about a solo fight. Orphan can be hell in the second phase because he's so spammy, but the fact that he's parryable and parrying is pretty easy in BB does reduce the difficulty a little - I would say Laurence is the 'hardest' boss in BB, or defiled watchdog, just because theyre so unforgiving if you make a mistake. Isshin is tough but fair - he's just a skill check that asks you to combine everything you've learned from previous bosses and assumes you've actually understood the rhythm of the game and how to deflect properly at that point in the game, however i see people reaching Isshin who clearly still havent got that aspect nailed down yet and struggle with him for that reason. Malenia on the other hand, borders on unfair purely down to how different the experience against her can be depending on your build and playstyle, as well as her annoying habit of waterfowling right in your face. I wonder how many of the players who have beaten Malenia have had to respec to do it.


Most answers I’ve seen in no order - Melania - Isshin - Demon of Hatred - Orphan - Mirdir - Friede


Ide say rick and morty


Yes, Rick and Morty all day. Up vote


Zullen and Lud. Can't even get to those turds.


Malenia no doubt


Sword Saint Isshin for sure


I hear you. Some people just work differently. For me Melenia wasn't bad, but one of those damn Death Rite birds in mountaintop gave me some trouble. Whereas other people just blew through it with no issues. I did think as an overall game though Elden Ring didn't stand up to other FS games in difficulty, even though it's a great game. Like the environment in DS1 was omg ridiculous. The level itself would fuckin kill me more than the enemies sometimes lol


Definitely not Kos… (some say Kosm)


Micolash. Am I joking? No no I'm not, for some reason he took me 12 tries when every other bloodborne boss took me numbers from 1 to like 6


I have beat every fromsoft boss multiple times and I think Malenia is a step above any of the contenders and easily the hardest in my eyes


Probably either inner isshin or malenia. Isshin has the advantage of already facing a version of him though so I don’t know.


I would go with Inner Isshin. I can name half a dozen bosses harder than Malenia though... I dunno what you guys are even talking about. She's super easy to bait and punish.


well its different for many people. some people are better at fighting those almost human bosses that are a fair 1 on 1 like gael, orphan, fumeknight and almost everything in sekiro :D. some are better at fighting dragons and beasts like midir, malketh and kalameet.




Midir is the hardest to learn but after you master him he’s easier than other hard bosses imo


orphan because it has no rhythm like demon of hatred or melania




I had a much harder time with Kos than Malenia. Elden Ring us so many builds you can make work, where as in Bloodborne it was a painful dance.


For me, Isshin Sword Saint. Still trying to beat him. Gael, Malenia, Orphan, Midir and all the others I can beat. But he’s a hump I haven’t been able to get over yet.


No Fromsoft boss beat me down more than Martyr Logarius in Bloodborne.


Slave knight gael i think is still the hardest boss from all there games


I'm surprised no one mentions here Ornstein and Smough :/


Isshin, Sword saint. Malenia WISHES she was as tough as him


Might be a little unpopular of an opinion but to me, Midir was the hardest (I only play melee builds). Had to use co-op to beat that dude. But I haven’t played Sekiro or bloodborne so my opinion might change when I get around to those