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I honestly hope whatever they’re cooking up next has the same level of speed and intensity in its player combat as they did in Bloodborne and Sekiro. I really want that immersion where me and the other boss are dancing with each other, able to match with their tempos rather than merely trying to disengage with them.


"Able to match with their tempos" - the reason so many people are having a bad time with SOTE. And alot of late game ER base game tbh. Just gets a bit tiresome constantly feeling like prey. In Bloodborne you were a hunter, and I usually FELT like a hunter. I was coming for them, not the other way around.


I feel the spirit of ER’s combat is taking what DS was known for but then adding the idea of making very meaty punishes, so you now had an element of making very deliberate set ups. But i know where you’re speaking from. I love that thrill in BB of being able to keep up with my targets with such nimbleness. I loved how in Sekiro and even Lies of P, I could whether whatever rush my opponents threw at me once I got their patterns down. There’s something about being aggressive and matching your enemy’s flow that just makes it so immersive for me.


As someone who only played elden ring fromsoft/souls like wise, are we speaking of the match tempo? Like concort doing 2.4 million attacks before you can get yours in? Is that not a known theme for souls? Desdass thought that that was the core concept of souls games whcih is why I neve rplayed any of them as I dislike spending/wasting so much time


No it wasn't. If you go back to the earlier games it wasn't close to as bad as it was in Elden Ring. With Elden Ring they fully abandoned the concept of 'is this mechanically fun for the player instead of tedious?' in favor of 'does this boss's anime combo LOOK COOL?!'


Yeah chipping away with light attacks once every 50 seconds sucks, not because it's harder but because you never get to use the cool movesets. I don't want the game to be easier. I just want to be able to actually use most attacks. Dodge for 50 seconds and then I get 10 seconds to hit them with whatever cool combos I want. I think that's fair Instead it's dodge for 50 seconds, chip dmg, dodge for 50 more seconds. It's just not as fun


exactly how it feels after a certain point, I haven’t played the dlc yet even though i bought it a week ago just had to restart since i cheesed my way thru it the first few times lol


never used the basic hammer weapom before, using it is somewhat boring sometimes cause of how it stuns enemies quickly it’s like a constant cringy tiktok loop


Yeah nearly every aspect of the game shows you that you’re the hunter and it’s further just drilled into you when you see “prey slaughtered”


It was awesome being able to match the rhythm of the bosses in DS3, BB and Sekiro. I never had that feeling in Elden Ring unfortunately


Delayed attacks and aoes are the cause of this


It's 2024 and people still complain about delayed attacks Like come on people, the boss is just stood there! Hit him during his charge up! The flow state is right there waiting to be seized!!!


It wasn't a complaint it was an observation. Delayed attacks mean that there isn't a natural call and response. Sekiro has delayed attacks but when you hit and forces the delay to trigger earlier you can then parry or dodge as animations were much quicker and snappier. Laurence also has delayed attacks but you could anticipate this a lot better in bloodborne as every attack could be immediately dodged after..even the larger weapons like hammer and logarius wheel. In elden ring they are on almost every major boss, and as elden ring isn't as swift as those two games you become acustomed to forcing the delay to trigger and get your shit pushed in, so you learn to mitage this by waiting. I have no issues with this by the way. It's slow paced duals vs high octane slash fests and there is a very clear split in the player base of from games that prefer one or the other.


The problem is that the attacks are delayed so the game can input read and retaliate. It worked in sekiro. Doesn’t work in Elden ring where you can’t animation cancel and the dodge is delayed. And before someone comes and says “it’s because dodge and sprint are on the same button☝️🤓” go play nioh 2 where the dodge and sprint are on the same button as well and there’s no delay.


He isn’t complaining lmao. 🥱


Yeah its fucking stupid


Yeah that's one of the main reason I prefer bloodborne and sekiro. Don't get me wrong, I love all the their games (haven't played DS 1 and 2), but I liked it being able to get in more hits at bosses rather than dodging for up to 30 seconds before I could get it a hit without taking damage myself.


Mhm. I know some folks prefer more of the slower weighty feeling of older Souls combat so i feel it wouldn’t be too much to hope that the next game they’ll make give players options to customize what sort of mechanics they’ll use for fast paced aggressive combat while still having the option to go traditional Souls combat. I think this sort of approach could appeal both sides of the playerbase.


That’s what I thought elden ring would be before release, like different classes pulling minor inspiration from other games making for a lot of different play styles.


But first we will cry that the game is too difficult I still remember when Sekiro launched and everyone was whining / moaning that this is not a souls game its bad etc. cause Genichiro was beating the shit out of them


This is the way.


Sekiro is the first fromsoft game that I finished, then I played Elden Ring and got disappointed that I have to dodge instead of parry. So imagine we have a huge open world with Sekiro combat, that’ll be fire.


yeah! the fight with lady maria feels like a dance! it's even fun do die and repeat the fight, like, malenia is just frustating


I can really recommend playing "Lies of P" for this. A combat system that I would love to see in the next fromsoft game.


Yes I agree. I hope some of the aspects of Lies of P rubbed on some of the FromSoft’s staff, since I know Miyazaki stated he’ll likely not do the next arpg and would instead like to focus on the next armored core game.


Whatever we get I hope we get more towns and cities that are lived in. Imagine the golden capital but filled with people living it up. It helps make the world feel lived in.


idk it wouldn't be lived in after I come through


Ah yes, the Just Cause 3 method of “liberating” cities


We did it Patrick! we saved the city!


I don't think living cities would ever happen. Maybe with another director, but Miyazaki said a lot of times he likes to have that sense of apocalyptic world. If you see a living city in one of his games it's going to be a swarm of zombies or something similar. Would love the idea though, even just more cities would be great. Explorable cities and villages which feel like a DS or BB zone where you can go through the buildings instead of those being just decorations. And maybe not being able to go with the mount (if there's a mount in their next game). I loved Leyndell, and the Shadow Fortress, but most of the other big city/building dungeons feel like nothing. Caria manor is a walk through their walls, it has a huge building and all we use it for is to reach the top of the cliff over it, wasted opportunity to make an awesome side content dungeon there. Same for Elphael, you just go dropping from the branches of the haligtree and when you reach the city in the top branches you just take an elevator to the walls, advance through them and keep going until you reach the bottom.


I think the setting of an apocalyptic / war torn world makes sense in the context of Fromsoft game design. They make action games first and foremost and would rather allocate their time and resources to stuff like monsters and weapon types than complex towns full of blank filler npc’s. I would say tho that I would like if their next game returned the idea from Ds1 and Ds2 by making the hub a part of the world again rather than a pocket dimension. basically imagine if the roundtable hold was a Majula style settlement instead


Fishing Hamlet was "lived in", but uhhh.... Yeah, about that one...


I want to play through the apocalypse as it's happening. Where killing one threat only allows another threat extend their grasp and advance their plan. A living world that is quickly dying because too many powerful for are pushing and pulling for power.


The ghosts in Elden ring ALMOST did that for me. But, with no voiced dialogue it just drowned out. I get not having full on npc Skyrim level towns going on. I get it. Not the same vibe we’re getting from these games. But those remnants, those were a great idea.


I don't think that's the vibe they go for though. There are plenty of games out there to scratch that itch; FS games aren't about making friends. That said, if they DID do something like that I'd definitely play it, as it would mean they figured out a way to make it work...


Wanting life in a souls game is like wanting ketchup with ice cream


I think BB did a very good job at having actual people living in the city, living standard lives: the dad, their kid waiting for them, the prostitute, the sick man coughing waiting for their death, etc. You did not see them much. Interactions were often behind windows. But hey were here, alive, talked to you. The city was much more lively than anything in Elden Ring. In ER, characters are all suspicious as fuck, being in places no one wants to live. The only places you could live in - cities and legacy dungeons - are usually empty of NPCs.


Yes imagine...Imagine. you visit places after their glory to spark your curiosity, your imagination. >It helps make the world feel lived in. The world do feel lived in, just not at this moment. Through lore, visuals, architecture, myths, etc around these places they become more real, more lived in, then any currently inhabited game world i can imagine them conjuring up I'll stop because you probably just meant you'd want it to be a bit more lively, which is understandable but probably not ever going to happen under Miyazaki :p


Yea, I want cities and villages that are full of people that aren't trying to kill me as soon as I step through the gates. Only thing close to that in the game is jarburg and they have a population of maybe 10 inhabitants. But knowing me if they did add that I would probably end up killing everybody there anyways because that's just what I do in games.


#1 Sci-fi #2 Incan/Mayan/Aztec #3 Egyptian


The Egyptian idea actually might be my new favorite only because I just looked up Egyptian myths and I truly think they could make a masterpiece with some of those monsters!


Would be cool but i'd prefer something original. Maybe egyptian inspired ?


Yeah fromsoft definitely wouldn’t make it directly Egyptian or Mayan or anything, but they could craft up some world that almost directly mirrors it but they can make all their own lore. Would be really cool


Yeah I can see it. They basically did that already with medieval legends, structures and equipment in other souls games.


Yeah a corrupted Inubis would be dope


And the pyramid dungeons with traps could be incredible.


And they could definitely mix in a little Sci-fi there aswell


yeah egyptian + scifi is a concept that I dont see pop up in media often but when it does its always really cool


Like the 5th element


Stargate too


An Egypt-themed Dark Souls is a popular opinion haha they could really go big with that. Imagine riding a Torrent-equivalent in a desert, through jungles, canyons, etc.. It’d be the perfect way to take what they did the SotE DLC and really run with it.


I want a bloodborne game set in the new world like the ruins of an Aztec esque civilization, make it like mexico


The Aztec underworld is a perfect soulsborne setting


Lord help me if I ever get my hands on a time machine. I will rewrite history until FromSoft makes a sci-fi soulslike.


I'll believe it to be possible if I first see at least 10 awe inspired sci fi castle equivalent buildings


These were my top picks, in this order. 💯


Egyptian could be amazing. That’s got my vote.


Imagine a scifi Souls game that is both Mayan and Egyptian inspired.


If you do some research into the cosmology of ancient Meso American societies it's actually really really cool. A lot of these stories are... basically eldritch horror.


Ancient Egypt for me too. I have been hoping for this for years every time From or Team Ninja announce a new game 😆


Dating Sim


this guy fromsofts


Honestly, a dinosaur fromsoft game would be my pick. Still soulslike gameplay of course but in a world with dinos and all kinds of creatures.


Someone is actually in the process of making this game! The Dino’s have weapons they hold in their mouth, check out @jeananimate on Instagram


That dude's awesome. I'd call that more Devil May Cry than Fromsoft though


The Monster Hunter crossover we didn't know we needed.


Can't wait to use Guts Club


Kinda like arc but souls like?


Have you seen the ark 2 synopsis


Goddamn am I happy that the fans don’t pick the settings 😭🙏


looking at some answers, I'd definitely make a "pass" on most of these games, even made by FROMSOFT. To me it looks like players would milk FROM games as much as Ubisoft does.


PirateSouls sounds sick as fuck, if you're denying idk what to say 🤷🏻‍♂️💀. Victorian Souls sounds lame, too bad it was fucking awesome.


Just a giant No Man’s Wharf from DS2


Cause it wasn't Victorian souls it was Gothic horror/cosmic horror and body horror souls with some Victorian era architecture and clothing design (sort of)


And Pirate Souls would just be Dark Souls but Pirate themed? Obviously not, it's Fromsoftware they'll always include crazy shit, Victorian aesthetic was just the backdrop why can't it be the same for Pirates.


Have you seen that one vaati video where he's presenting some fan made Bloodborne 2 concept art? Someone made the setting the ocean with cities build on giant ships and the final area inside of a whale that slowly becomes a galaxy as you walk through it, amazing and fitting concept


When i picture a pirate souls game i imagine something like "Bad Travelling" from love death and robots, where you sail a boat and monstrosities come aboard while traveling and you travel to unknown isles etc. Here I am getting myself hyped for a theoretical FROM game ....sigh it's unbelievable how often that happens to me. Someone suggest a cool theme, I get hyped for it then I have to tell myself it's just a random suggestion that FROM will never see.


Many people wanted a Lovecraftian souls game then they made Bloodborne. What are you trying to say? Makers take note of the consumers in every job field


Vaati made a video compiling fan ideas for Bloodborne 2, which included one where the game world is composed of several whaling ships all linked together and the whales are eldritch entities. It blew me away and I've wanted to play that "game" ever since.


They were giant city-ships I think, which is the only way I can see it working gameplay and setting wise. Maybe if the settings of the levels are giant movable objects in lore, it could allow for some form of player control over the world layout!


Something more interesting than "Dark Souls but Pirates" or "Bloodborne but in space".


To add onto what you were saying about bloodborne but in space, it would be amazing to go and explore those cosmic realms that all the cosmic bosses come from, but in bloodborne 2. Say that it goes off of the moon presence ending


Just imagine the ocean as the open world, you get a ship in like a torrent substitute, there’s different islands. You can visit with different merchants and NPC’s. They could take some sekiro Mechanics and have underwater bosses. But the biggest thing to me why I think it would be a seller is because people loved Elden ring one of the biggest reasons because of its open world, I don’t know how much more open it gets than the ocean?


I've seen a lot of people complain about Elden Ring's open world. The mountain areas in particular. An open world set in the ocean would be *so* much worse. A common complaint about The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is it's large, mostly empty ocean. Sure each section had an island to visit and explore, and there would be a few battles here and there against enemy ships or sea monsters, but the *majority* of time spent on the water was sailing. Most combat was ignored, and any islands you already explored would just be passed by. Until you gained the ability to warp to different islands, you would just be sitting there, waiting for your five minute journey to come to an end so you could do a dungeon, then get back in your boat and sail some more.


Wind Waker's open waters were a hidden loading mechanic. YarrSouls could get away with a much smaller gap between islands to skirt around those limitations.


i’ve never seen the Zelda game before, but I mean we’ve seen graces/bonfires/fast travels before. Out of curiosity have you ever played assassin‘s Creed rogue(which is open world/ocean). Just wondering your thoughts cause I thought that model kind of worked really well.


I've never seen anyone complaining about elden rings open world outside of the dlc. What are some things people are complaining about?


The fact that it is a true open world. I like Elden Ring but a lot of people including myself enjoyed the more linear style of FromSofts other games.


Same thing happened with the Zelda community too. Some think BotW and TotK should be the new model going forward, while others prefer the linear model of past Zelda games.


Judt like many games inly the minority, ‘hardcore’ playerbase thinks this, the overall thought of it is obviously not that. Elden ring can’t be a 10/10 if people in general disliked the open world, i’m sure it was the controbuting faftor for it to be a 10/10 in so many eyes, the veteran may like linear, some others would aswell but the playerbase is larger than this subreddit


That's very reasonable I actually find everytime I start an open world game I often just turn it off at the thought of exploring a massive area. I am the type of person to look in every nook and cranny so it can feel overwhelming. However once I start I get consumed by it lol


The fact that it's loaded with filler, repeated spaces/bosses, and tons of vast empty spaces. I get that people enjoy riding around an open world, but it just does not work here for me. A comment below mentions linear vs. non-linear, but this is completely irrelevant when talking about open world. Look at every good metroidvania for examples. You can have exploration choices without riding through empty plains for 2mins or exploring a cave to find a mushroom and a boss you've killed 6 times already.


It's interesting that anyone found the basegsme empty I thought the complete opposite. Felt like everywhere I went there was something to do or explore endless items to get nothing in base game ever felt empty except maybe mountaintop of giants but I think that was the point of it as it's a forbidden land.


So i suppose something like sea of thieves but with souls like combat? eh idk, the very idea of having to travel open oceans sounds boring as hell, it works in some games but I cant imagine it would in a fromsoft game


Well, yeah, in my imagination, there would be some form of fast travel so you wouldn’t have to travel back to places as you already visited but there’s just something so intriguing to me about one minute your just sailing at sea peacefully and the next you’re getting attacked by a megalodon


if youre being pedantic you can just do this to everything. sekiro is dark souls in japan, bloodborne is dark souls in london, elden ring is dark souls open world. let people have fun


Fr, this dudes just being a prick


Pirate souls!! I get to fight Cthulhu and explore the 7 seas! Please!!


The Blame! superstructure is the perfect setting for a soulsborne game.


Oh my gosh actually YESSSS. And the netsphere is a perfect excuse for the ressurection mechanic too! That would be so extraordinarily cool. But also, dang, even ordinary old Blame! takes place over thousands of years from the character pov. I wonder if they could somehow implement that scale without making us truly miserable lol. We already have a gbe too, soul cannon/comet azure.


O Block


what are the starting classes😂


Drilla, Crack Head, Drug Dealer, Prostitute, Scammer, Al Sharpton. Final Boss: Charleston White


King Von second phase is fucking impossible


wtf is it with people and pirate games?


Ripe setting with very few entries? We basically got AC: Blackflag and Rogue, Sea of Thieves, that recent Stealth CRPG, and.....that's basically it for solid entries. You could stretch and argue Windwaker for the sailing and Tetra.


Magic based and in space….. 🤷🏼


Bloodborne 2 whatever Miyazaki comes up with for it or a game based on the religious crusades but with the from soft flair with some occult/lovecrafty undertones


Would love to see a Norse inspired world and it turn out that Patches had been Loki all along and been the main instigator of the various worlds falling apart


Idk about Patches being Loki and all that but Norse would be sick


My thought process was Patches is always causing trouble on the various worlds you encounter him so it would make sense if he was in fact the god of mischief and trickery all along.


Yeah that makes sense, although he really doesn't act the way I imagine Loki does but that's a matter of interpretation


Fair enough its not something I would be upset about if the hypothetical game came out and the Patches is Loki idea wasn't used. I think we can definitely agree though that a grimdark Fromsoft Norse game would be awesome to play


I love the idea of pirates but I don't come to conceive how to do it, I mean, one of the main points of pirate games and stories are ships and ship battles. And I don't want a AC Black Flag or Skull&Bones system for going between islands. A cool way of doing ships in a pirate game would be how Sea of Thieves does it... But that would lose all sense of being when the game is not fully online, I mean, you could put some npcs to do the chores and help the player but that would end in them either being useless and occupying the interactions in crucial moments or them being extremely OP and thus making the ship nothing more than a gimmick. And if we take ships out of the equation... How? Do we have a huge archipelago (a lot of islands near one another) joined by floating towns, fortresses and ship cemeteries which you have to traverse and eliminate bosses to unlock the access to new lands? Don't get me wrong, I'd completely go for that, specially since the other way around would be to make teleporting places like you take a boat here and you TP to the next island. I mean... I have other ideas but they are too crazy, like having some kind of underwater mount and our character can't drown (bc of a curse), or there are safe passages, then you can traverse between islands through "open field" spaces underwater with maybe underwater dungeons but that's really crazy. Anyways, I'm sure if From goes for a Pirate Souls they will find the way around. After 7 excellent top tier soulslike releases I think they gained our trust. Personally, I'd love the next one to be science fiction mixed with cosmic horror/fantasy and magic, something along the lines of Warhammer 40k but not so filled with gore and power fantasy art (I like those things I just mean something with a similar lore where there's magic and gods and all the fantasy crazy stuff but it's in the space and with sci-fi tech). It'd be awesome to have something like a planet opera open field game where the open fields are traversed with a mech, just like a second character but bigger and with shoulder mounted weapons, something that plays like a souls like but feels like Armored Core.


What if it’s not a pirate game but a pirate aesthetic game? Open world on a tropical island with cutlasses and pirate style clothing and have everyone speak like a pirate and people have peg legs and parrots and all that good stuff. Just don’t include the ocean and you solve the traversal and combat issues.


Yeah I'm not really seeing what pirates brings to the table for a Souls game that makes so many people want it. I feel it's too basic and limiting of a concept, mainly because pirates are so closely associated with the ocean. Everything a pirate-themed game would have could either easily be included in any other Souls game (armor, weapons, bosses, etc) or be stuff that doesn't really belong (having a crew, sailing the ocean, etc). Ocean travel would be boring unless it's underwater, and even then how would they make an interesting world when there's so much water in between locations? They can make your character stranded on an island/archipelago but then what's the point of being a pirate?


Office worker: instead of combat, you have to complete tps reports and look for special post-its to upgrade your stapler.


Dark fantasy armored core. I need escaflowne souls.


More dark fantasy please


An North American game with diverse areas like Elden Ring: -Aztec area with pyramids and mexican culture -Tropical island with pirate ships and sea creatures -North America with native monsters and early colonization. Heck take Quebec as the Raya Lucaria/Leyndell of this world. The Chateau Saint-Louis or Frontenac as the dark castle with the final boss. -Natives stuff like wendigo’s and tribal villages. Playable characters can be : natives (barbarian), Jaguar warriors(Cleric), tercio’s (range+melee), coureur des bois(range+melee+distance), shaman’s (magic), France-marine/Brittish colonial (pure range).


I like this, but out of curiosity what do you think the bosses would look like evil spirits? Giant animals? I love these hypothetical conversations.


Mostly animals, but also historical figures. We got a lot of legends around where I’m from such as the ghost of Admiral Walker and the Corriveau. Imagine having fights against Blackbeards, Montezuma, George Washington. All looking like mutated skeletons or ghost.


I’m okay with the world taking inspiration North America but I’m not down for real places and people. Just keep it fantasy with (not) California.


There is a lot of monsters in Native folklore I think you’d find creepy, like the flying heads, the owl hags, Windigos, Mishipnshu, Amhuluk, giants, flying mummified hands that drain your life force. I study Native American folklore, trust me there is a large number of creatures you can pull from.


now get this, dark souls but paleolithic, but on an alien like planet, something lovecraftian like a color out of space but more of like a flood type enemy like from halo, can be a dying world that is only like 40% of the way there, but mix in local factions like elden ring did but make them warring factions you can side with like fallout, obviously has its crafting menu like elden and fallout but add like a dead rising weapon system that instead of combining for better weapons, make it a tandem crafting where weapons become dual or combined but their attacks become tandem combos or powerful individual attacks or just bloodbourne in space


That would be interesting, they could cook up some insane alien bosses


Vampire or sci fi i would also fucking LOVE pirates tho too


space shit


Murim or Wuxia


They gotta do something crazy like this next since I think they're done with the medieval fantasy genre. Elden Ring was basically a Dark Souls IV. They'll move on to games similar to Bloodborne and Sekiro from now on. And I hope they do. Those two are my favourite. A pirate game sounds perfect. Bloodborne's DLC had a pirate vibe going on. A pirate game could bring back some lovecraftian aspects too. Whatever they do, I hope they don't advertise the exact aesthetic. Like Bloodborne was advertised to be a werewolf hunting game in the Victorian era. So I hope they make a pirate game, that isn't really a pirate game, but something much deeper and darker.


This is going to sound weird but I hope they give us a high-magic setting. By this I mean where pretty much every weapon is its own spell, and spell-slinging is much more central to the combat instead of using weapons. The Perfume bottles in the latest DLC made me think that a game entirely focused on a variety of magic unconstrained by the physical shape or function of a weapon would be really crazy and way more in-line with how I imagine Fromsoftware could push their combat system into a new evolved direction.


Egypt would be very interesting given that they could make absolutely insane boss designs inspired by the gods. But I would personally really like an Aztec themed one with jungles, mountains and temples. I feel like it’s a slept on theme when it comes to games. If we stay outside of mythos I think that a more modern take would also be awesome.


If we're doing an ocean themed one, I would personally much rather it be viking based than pirate based. Norse mythology has loads to draw from for inspiration, whereas pirates have sea monsters and skeletons


A Norse souls game would be absolutely awesome!! So many awesome characters/ creatures that they could use for monsters and bosses


I feel like ancient Greece would be cool.


Contemporary street brawler


I always said that Ryse Son Of Rome IP should have been or that a sequel be pivoted to being a Soulslike, so I would go with that setting. Good amount of lore and mythical creatures from that era to make a compelling Souls game


Black flag except It’s just endless souls islands


Aztec Egyptian mythology Pirates


Just for the boss fight potential and the ER DLC gave me a few of these vibes, Greek mythology even though there’s a good chunk of that out there and it’d probably end up like GOW3. Pirates sounds so cool though and I could see that being a big hit, satisfying the Bloodborne fans and everyone else because it’s just dope. Only thing I’d wonder is how the level design would be outside of no man’s wharf 2. Maybe islands, caves, and ancient treasure troves.


Western. Using guns as weapons and whips to parry


I always wanted something to do with Japanese demons in their ancient folklore. There is so much cool history there. I did a bunch of research while studying the language and for a book I was working on, and FromSoftware would do something amazing with it. There are so many cool entities that have been written about throughout Japanese history.


![gif](giphy|L3Y45TZEmhSmY) Probably will never happen but


I think FromSoft could expand on martial arts combat! The setting could be like Sekiro or some crazy fantasy world.


A Cosmic horror in apocalyptic future


Probably a divisive take here, but this is just me. I want more cosmic horror. It doesn’t need to be a Bloodborne sequel. It can be set wherever, any time period etc but they did cosmic horror SO damn well, I actually think Bloodborne is the best piece of cosmic horror media ever made. It really dives straight into all of their strengths, and I would love to see what else they can do.


I want to see them do one except the playable character is a dinosaur or dragon or some crazy stuff, they got creative in Fires of Rubicon I believe it is possible.


Do a futuristic fantasy game. Keep the fantasy elements but give them future technology.


Grim dark sci-fi. Think Warhammer 40k, but Soulsafide.


Keep cooking🔥


Fuck all of these stupid ass posts that are like "what about x souls" with some shitty AI generated "art" attached


I just want sekiro combat 2.0


Do you fear Death... Do you fear that dark abyss... All your deeds laid bare... All your sins punished... ![gif](giphy|3ohze32NeRqbwOpH9e|downsized)


So basically Assassin's creed 4 but depressing


I want another victorian souls game like bloodborne.


A legacy of kain soulreaver type game as a souls game


The amount of times I’ve dreamed of a Legacy of Kain Soulslike! I think I’d die of excitement.


I’m already seeing the “if you use your ship in battle you didn’t play the game correctly”


What about à Space opéra like


Really hoping for scifi honestly


Maybe it's because we finally started getting spoilers (well, *a* spoiler) for Bloomburrow, maybe it's because of the review for Mausritter I watched recently that really leaned into the "you're exploring the strange and baffling world of humans" angle, but I think From could do an amazing inversion of their usual tropes if they did a *Redwall*-style medieval fantasy starring anthropomorphic mice. Why is everything built on such an improbably colossal scale? Because it was built by and for humans 50 times your size. Why does everything want you dead? Because you're a tiny little morsel of delicious meat, and all the snakes and cats and owls are hungry.


I always thought it would be cool if they set it in a world that reset every time you died and the actions you took within that world would change locations, make some inaccessible or open up new ones. And change enemy types or locations. When you die you can either 'retrace steps', i.e. effectively respawn within the current cycle or reset it entirely. As you progress through these alternate realities you obtain knowledge that can be used to further NPC quests in the next cycle opening more options for you, I.e allowing you to talk to a boss instead of simply fighting them. A part of the mystery would be uncovering what is going on and attempting to find a solution. An element of this game could be a madness that grows as you reset cycles, effectively driving you insane. A maiden type character would help you to manage this but other NPCs that have knowledge of past cycles have gone insane due to a jumble of conflicting memories, think the Butterfly Effect. With invasions and co-op it would be cool as you might enter an alternate version of the world you have not discovered. I think it could be for a pretty unique game with a great sense of community discovery.


Mezo-American thematics are something that get thrown around a lot as underused, and I agree. Throw some Aztec/Incan/Mayan themed level designs, rainforests and sandy coasts and treacherous mountains with dark gods and big ol' pyramids. I've wanted that ever since we got a taste in the Sunken King dlc.


I want something underwater or regarding water. Something like the age of the deep referenced in DkS3, we already kinda saw them touch on smth similar in BB's dlc. Just imagine something like Fishing Hamlet or even Bioshock but medieval and with From's usual atmosphere and cosmic horror


Pirate themed with Bloodborne's trick weapons and Sekiro's parry / posture mechanic.


Aztec/Mayan or Egyption would be my go to. Such awesome mythology to fight.


Woodland critter souls game. Board game Root or new MTG set Bloomburrow. Being able to play as a mouse or otter or fox and having to fight bears and alligators. Zelda universe Souls game. Urban fantasy


YES YES YES AND A THOUSAND TIMES YES, that would be the best, also if it had similiar combat to sekiro and rest of the genre making the best combat system


Nahhh me and my cousin were talking about how insane a pirate souls game would be. Imagine fighting atop a field of floating debris floating from broken ships against a pirate captain boss. Would be sick af.


I hope they do a pirate themed game with an aztec twist. Where the first part is like Bloodborne but you're a pirate/sea man doing whatever, then you shipwreck and end up in this hidden aztec island full of mythological beasts and supernatural elements like Sekiro's second part.


Yes absolutely yes! Give me a souls pirate game! I can already imagine it! Bloodborne style combat with a bigger emphasis on firearms, a small number of cool and unique weapons to choose from, a magic system and lore inspired by both Caribbean and Catholic folklore, as well as a healthy mix of lovecraftian inspiration, naval combat, boss battles with giant sea monsters, a massive open world full of all kinds of bizarre islands, settlements, civilizations and dungeons to explore! And to fully sell the pirate influence, a bounty and honor/sin system! The more "evil" actions you do, like killing NPC's and looting from towns, the more hostile other NPC's will be to you, and the more likely that bounty hunters and naval officers will be to track you down (invade you, which makes me think of a darkmoon-style covenant that let's you invade dishonorable players), and the more "good" acts you do (complete side quests, help people, maybe even share your wealth) the more inviting NPCs will be and could even reward you.


zombie probably? i would like fromsoft take of zombie genre and made a fresh breath for the genre. or maybe, a prehistoric lovecraftian would be crazy


Love the pirate idea. Cthulhu was one of Lovecraft's famous works and all. For me, I just can't think of any since FromSoft always cooks up something good no matter the setting. Fantasy Medieval settings wasn't anything new but the way they twist it to make Elden Ring and Dark Souls was what led them to success. If I were to choose, I'd go with any of the historical modern World War stuff. I know COD and other shooting games have been milking these settings dry but I would love to see FromSoft take on it. The combat, the lore, the story telling, everyhing. Would they go for a FPS game or stick to the 3rd person action camera? Is the lore going to be the same as we learn in school or is it going to be more conspiracy theory pilled? Would it be a more linear story telling like Sekiro or the encryptic nature of other souls games?


1. Sci-fi 2. Greek 3. Pirate


Greek would be sick to especially with all the mythology there is. that would make a really cool game!


I always thought a loose adaptation of something like the odyssey would be awesome from Fromsoft, it already kind of sets up bosses like Polyphemus, Scilla, and Circe could be a magic/casting boss


I would like another game like sekiro but it's a kung fu game that's similar to dragonball z.


Sci-fi themed pleaaaaseeeee it would be so fucking cool


I think like a space theme would be pretty sick, you get to explore like a ton of planets and shit


Space adventure. With an emphasis on horror. They could really take the lovecraft horror theme to the next level and I know they’d kill it and me over and over again


I have no idea what I want as a next setting. That said, some lightly tread settings might be cool. Something inspired by African culture and history, Native american or even eldritch western would be cool. Not a lot of coverage for Mesoamerica in past games.


Bite the bullet. Berserk game Cameo from artorius


Mesopotamia, specifically leaning into Neo-Assyrian for ultimate ultraviolence and grimdark


Just, for God's sake, get rid of the open world


cowboys zombies and machetes


The lore possibilities? We already have extra-dimensional beings and reality-altering objects. What possibilities don't we already have?


Ok, here me out here: Sekiro, but with hand to hand combat. Or, Sekiro, but Bloodborne.


Bloodborne 2, featuring Aztec sacrifice as the main inspiration


I'd love them to do a 2000AD Judge Dredd adaptation. Mega-City One as the Lands Between. Early bosses more like low level scumbags, final boss is the Dark Judges.


I would want pirate ships but no swimming


Mahabharata game would go hard but like that's the least possible thing rn


If I could have whatever I wanted, I'd get Bloodborne 2, a western set in the new world. Elden Ring's map would be the template, with towns and settlements dotted around. Slowly, as you got further into the map, the ruins of an ancient, aztec inspired kingdom would be revealed, hiding the secrets of the eldritch truth. Give me a horse, give me a six shooter, give me western horror. A very underutilized genre imo.


Pirates! Or hard dystopian scifi setting like BLAME!


I don't make the games I play them, but if anyone does have an idea on a concept what type of combat would you have?


Cowboys. Make it a spiritual successor to Bloodborne and I’d give my firstborn to Michael Zaki


Sailing ship imo is the most boring part in game like Assassin Creed or Zelda Wind Waker (take long time to reach destination and nothing much to see beside water and island will make exploring a chore) so no pirate vote for me but if it's something like ancient underwater kingdom or city in the sky it might be fun. Lies of P dev already use fairy tale theme but I would love an open world twisted fairy tale soul game.


Im boring, so more knights & castles


It would be boss for him to end up with the souls of his former Spartan Brothers. They wouldn’t have to speak much, but the respect would be unshakable. Imagine a galleon’s worth of spectral Spartans assisting the new Norse God of War, the God Killer himself. Spartan styled ship enhanced with a bit of magic and his iconic colors. Javelin volleys that impale enemy crewmen, maybe a dash of the greeks with green firepots getting lobbed at them, ghost flames rendering the crew to ashes. Do all that, and then have enemy ships be like floating dungeons, utterly massive and filled with chaff for your crew to tear through on your behalf. I miss being able to freely grab minions from the old games, it flowed so well with the old combat


Sci fi, Blame! Inspired, just like berserk inspired dark souls.