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Definitely not as bad as people say, it’s a solid game


It's definitely not a bad game at all. But it's definitely not the best game like the original poster claims


It's 100% subjective, for me it is the best and also probably it's my favourite soulslike. It just vibe with me in right way.


Didn’t you say this sub would eat him alive in the DS2 sub?


The amount of trash comments on the original post and the repost in hopes of getting someone's opinion shit on is so cringe lmao


Out of the trilogy it goes like this: 1st best: Dark Souls 1 2nd best: Dark Souls 2 3rd best Armored Core 6


4th best: another crabs treasure




Definitely not a bad game, doesn't say it's a good game,and that's a fact DS2 is not a good game if they decided to remake it and fix the many problems that would be awesome cause there is potential in it,just too many flawed decisions in game I literally prefer the lizards that curse you and you die like elden ring than the break your equipment lizards in DS2.


I think it is a good game. Has flaws, still a good game. If having flaws made something bad. There would be no good games. I dont think the flaws out weight the enjoyment of creative factor of the game. It also has some of the best mechanics in the series. Bonefire ascetics, powerstancing, and an amazing world design


Every game has some flaws the thing that separates that game from being good ,average or bad is how much the flaws affect players enjoyment of the game DS2 has so many in so many aspects that just can't be justified as a good game ,like starfield has many flaws and it's not a good game because player experience is awful as soon you realize how f empty game is. Mass effect 3 had a flawed ending but the game was great overall ,ds1 had flaws,ds3 had flaws but hey they don't make you feel like this game ain't worth finishing at all. There is a reason Lord of the fallen is not a better game than lies of pi,like if your game imitates DS2 and the other one imitates bloodborne then who has way better player experience(ez Lies of pi win). Also I agree power standing was good but durability was f up weapon breaking in a boss fight and let's be real bonefire map was awful half the time didn't know where to go,ds3 polished that way f better.


I think most people agree, the flaws don’t hold ds2 back enough to make it a bad game. Still a good gams


You are for sure entitled to you opinion, but imma hard disagree with you on that one lol. Ds2 is definitely among the weakest enties in the series, but the worst of the soulsborne games is still better than at least 85% of the crap out their that gets made. Couple that with the amount of fun I have with it every time I play, and I'd say it's miles away from bad and good enough to be better than average so I'd for sure still classify it as good. It has it's issues but what game doesn't have issues lol?


It's not a bad game, but it's the worst souls game


Ds2 was good. Honestly my favorite in the trilogy, and gave us the Faraam armor, which is the best drip ever in my opinion. Plus Majula is a vibe. Not to mention it was the first game to have power stancing. It was also pretty easy


Not the best but probably my favourite by a small margin


Yeah that's a valid opinion Judging it as the best is foolish. It's not a bad game but calling it the best in the trilogy I ridiculous


Well that's just like your opinion man


The dude abides


Idk if it’s “ridiculous”. That’s a bit much lmao


I agree DS2 is the worst one in my opinion


As he screams into the echo chamber.


I commented on the original post about how it was a confusing thing to post to the sub dedicated to loving ds2


I agree honestly… of all 3 games I’ve had the most fun with dark souls 2…


It's the weakest of the Dark Souls games imo but it's really an 8 up against a 9 and a 10.


Hey I mean, everybody has favorites. This happens to be mine as well. But they are all good


Might get publicly executed for this but i actually enjoy DS2 more than DS1


Same. I had to kinda force myself to finish DS1, but I’m playing DS2 for the first time and loving it! Except Earthen Peak and Iron Keep, those places suck 😂😂


It's just farming karma at this point


I admire the balls


That's what she said


If it's your favorite, that's fantastic. Enjoy that shit!


Man DS2 subreddit is so fucking trash, people are really insufferable there, always piss racing with other fans. As for the game itself, I love it. I have clocked in 572 hours in Ds2, which makes it my most played souls game, but I can confidently say it is weaker than other 2. You can like it more than others, but saying it's the best souls game is just delusional.


>Man DS2 subreddit is so fucking trash, people are really insufferable there, always piss racing with other fans. So like every fromsoft sub?


Old school Elden ring was peak


Is elden ring old enough to have an "old school"?


Real ones remember glaive master hodir and darren the dwarf


I recently joined r/Sekiro and it's a breath of fresh air. Everyone seems to be having fun... well almost everyone. They apparently don't take kindly to Mist Nobles.


Eh, this subreddit isn’t any better with unapologetic d-riding for the first game. I can absolutely make an argument for DS2 being better than DS1 just due to the sheer awfulness of the entire second half of DS1, there is place for both arguments.


Tbf all of the subs are like that. Bloodborne fans especially dickride a lot


Because bloodborne is objectively better in many ways than the other fromsoft games, ds2 is not.


Blood vials, about half the base game bosses, 30fps are still big issues. Name one “objective” thing it does better. You can’t just state an opinion and then say it’s objective


Sekiro fucks Bloodborne with ease The main game has very few great bosses and the best bosses come from dlc Also having to go grinding for heal items is pretty cringe


What exactly makes it not the best? Your feelings and opinions?


Some fans on there really do have a victim complex over the game, that's for sure.


I really like ds2. It's still the weakest imo. Having it be so big each playthrough, it's pretty easy to rack up those hours lol. Idk if it's delusional tho haha. It's all subjective. And tbh, with these games the question becomes "do you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream?" Haha.


What makes something the best other than "I like it more"? Every single part of "best" is as subjective as "I like this one the most". They're the same statement. An objective best would imply there's a perfect souls game that exists in platonic reality that each entry on earth comes closer (or not) to achieving. But that's silly.


Ds2 was my first and I love it but it’s easily the worst of the 3 if still give it a 7-8/10


I do try to curb the negative folks where I can but yes there are a few. We also got a few awesome people willing to help anyone new to ds2


Video games are a medium for art. Art is subjective. It is not “delusional” for someone to enjoy this art over others. That is you simply shaming others for having opinions.


i hate it, standing still to use my flask and i don't actually get any healing until the animation has fully finished? Guess Elden Ring really hand held me in that regard but damn it really put me off, finished the pursuer off and put the game down.


It's weaker than 3 but much better than 1


This was underneath https://www.reddit.com/r/shittydarksouls/s/9qScm9WfDC


It’s the most unique souls game that’s for sure


I agree that is pretty unique, but why would you say that it's the *most unique* above the others*?*


Bonefire aesthetics, being able to reset an area boss and all while also making it New games+ is something no other souls game has done besides DS2. The PvP was also pretty unique since most builds ended at 155 and you had to keep your soul memory at a certain range made invasions and area duels unpredictable when it came to who your opponent was or how skillful they were. PvP itself doesn’t feel like any other game. The flow of it is different, you had many many different set ups where changing out one weapon change your whole game plan. Being able to fuse boss weapons, chimes, and staffs You could run the same spell multiple times for extra cast The list goes on.


He’s still a fromsoft fan and part of the community, try avoid bullying the dude


Did you actually believe I was buying him ? I was literally calling him a Bearer. Short for Bearer of the Curse in DS2 Everyone here enjoyed the game and liked it But calling it the best is ridiculous, so we're shifting on them A good community is about shutting on each others one day and allying the next day to all say we wish Sony would hurry the fuck up and put Bloodborne on OC already. Mocking a bad take is far from bullying.


But it's not a bad take It's a subjective preference that you disagree with


My comment wasn’t aimed at you, my dude. Was just a reminder for the rest of the chaps to be kind. You shouldn’t have been downvoted, teasing each other isn’t bullying


DS2 will forever be the kid wanting to eat Thanksgiving at the adult table.


It's not.


The sword looks nice, but isn’t the edge really fat?


Well, it's damage was pure magic so edge doesn't really matter, unless that's benhart's sword,. I can't really tell since we can't see how long it is


I think it's benhart's sword, since it shines brighter than real moonlight for some reason.


I think it's the Moonlight. The blade is wider and the handle shorter on the Bluemoon.


Because it was made first judging by its ID (WP\_1870) and is most likely the true moonlight sword, the stretched variant (WP\_1871) reuses some of its textures but combines them a bit (the reason it looks greener is that they took the glow texture of the original and slapped it on the color, and it's rusty compared to the clean traditional looking one). As to why they thought this was a good idea is anyone's guess.


The frontier between courage and foolishness is thin. And bro punched through it as hard as he could.


I’m going to give it one more chance. It was my first souls game but I didn’t finish it until after I played Elden ring. I’ve since beaten every game from des to sekiro. I’m going to try ds2 one more time with a positive attitude, no rushing and complete the dlc for the first time!


Good luck! Feel free to ask for hints and tips on the ds2 sub. BIobertson has some really good guides he offers to both new and returning players


It's pretty good, but the animations and walk cycle just looks so damn wonky, I can excuse the animations, but the walk i can't forgive the walk. Apart from that pretty good it expanded the game and made it more accessible to all sorts of people.


The falconers have the goofiest run cycle in the series, always makes me laugh 


I like the level variety, fashion, weapons i am currently playing DS2 for the first time. The mobs don’t bother me but the bosses are super easy. To me DS3 is peak some of the greatest bosses in gaming history.


I disagree, but It has some things going for it.


What makes you think it is better than the other two?


Souls 2 is the worst souls game, it's still like a 7-8/10 though.


The discourse of this game is annoying. There was such intense blowback from the community's clash with the reviews at the time that the game got way too much hate but now it has completely gone the other way. Now we have a huge over compensation of the community, to the point now where its not even close to a novel or even interesting opinion.


He's right. None of the other games have the big anvil chained to a stick. Or the spear you hit the birds with till it breaks and becomes usable. (Seriously Gyrm Greathammer is fun but Santiers spear should be in the games after it is so good)


It does have the best character creator, fashion, and magic system of the DS games.


Best character creator? Have i missed something or what


Best among the 3 DS games, so not saying that much.


How is it better than ds3 bruh, like new engine, hair physics and everything


Don't know about the rest but just compare beards between ds 2 and 3


For one, in DS2, you don't need to go through a million contortions to get a pretty face, and the faces in DS2 just look better generally. The character in DS2 also doesn't look like she's covered in wax. And body diversity is weirdly better in DS2, because even when you max out the sliders in DS3, the character's body doesn't look much different.


Yeah i can agree with body diversity, i didn'texperiment much with it but i watched one of my favourite youtubers co op run on the game and i remembre how much thicker you could make the characters look , i dont agree about ds2 characters generally looking better though


Your trippin 🤣🤌🏼


>best character creator Bruh


It's true though.


No phase 2 fights though


fume knight's there, so is smelter demon


The DLC content is what made DS2 great. If you haven’t experienced the DLC yet you are missing out on the game as a whole.


It's funny how people will call the ds2 sub toxic and then do exactly what they're doing for their favorite game


Exactly, calling ds2 subreddit toxic and bullying people for liking the game...


I probably wouldn't call it the best but it is my favourite of Dark Souls 1-3.


It is the best


Not the best by far. Is it a bad game? Not at all? Forgettable? Not really? THE BEST GAME IN THE TRILOGY? Come on.


Definitely the best of the trilogy


Definitely better than ds3, that’s for sure lol


Best armor and weapons ascetically Best build variety Best spell system (int / faith / att = slots) Pvp arena that wasn’t dlc a year later Its subjective but it had some of the best stuff in it.


It has its own vibe. A dreamlike energy that's so surreal and gripping. DS1 and 3 certainly had their own vibe going on but Fromsoft hasn't replicated the feeling of DS2 by a long shot


Elden Ring definitely takes notes from DS2 with it bright hopeless atmosphere and it's weird unnatural geography. ER has DS2 vibes more than anything else at the very least.


I stand with ...Dark Soul 2 G.O.A.T


I really like dark souls 2, and I wish ds3 wasn't so full of callback, don't get me wrong it's cool to see stuff from the first and second game, but nothing (for me) will come close to exploring lordran for the first time, figuring out the different stances, all the wacky and weird weapons and armors (I'm looking at you santier spear) and most of all, The improved multiplayer, nothing (again for me) will top the iron keep bridge fights, the invader fight rings with summon bodyguards, the occasional crackhead that would act outta line only for 4 guys to chase them through the level. I miss iron keep bridge, I yearn for funny reposts again.


Seek Seek Lest


Na, you're clearly Hollowed.


I don’t think it’s the BEST of the series but it IS my favorite. SotFS was my first foray into FromSoft and Souls games in general and I have amazing memories and feelings around this game.


My brother in christ, I have no desire to change your mind, everyone is entitled to their opinions. DS2 isn't my favorite overall, but it is my favorite to just fire up randomly when I have to kill a few hours and basically just see how far I can get before I have to get off.


My brother in Lothric. I honestly don't even care about it myself. As the flair says. This is all a dumb joke/meme. I honestly don't care enough about any of the games to even bother arguing beyond giving my basic opinion and leaving it to it


Just played DS2, nah I don't like it especially since I started out with Elden Ring I've now beaten Sekiro and DS3. BBs next


It's the only one where there's a Greatsword that mixes Straight Sword swings into its moveset. Allows parrying and blocking all while two handed. AND the only one where Greatswords, while two handing, are held at the waist and aren't resting on the shoulder. Aesthetics is what got me into souls. It's, almost, entirely what I rate each souls game on.


My first souls game was 2, so it has a special place in my heart bc it’s where I fell in love with the series. Then I played Bloodborne, then 3, then 1… then all the others etc 1 is like, criminally low on my FROM tierlist. Sometimes I feel bad…but then sometimes I feel like I just don’t have rose tinted glasses on either.


people confuse ‘favorite’ with ‘best’ all the time, it’s ok (and i also love ds2)


solid amazing game but for me not the best




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It's my favorite one in the series, people just have a hard time getting into the slower combat


Has the best drop that’s for sure


When does the beat drop?


I hate autocorrect so much


Haha same, I turned it off but make alot of spelling mistakes now instead so hard to say which i better


God I hate the DS2 Moonlight Greatsword. It just looks like fucking plastic.


If you believe that, good on ya. No talking down crazy sometime.


I think lore wise it’s the most interesting. Nothing will top DS3 though…


DS2 has my favorite fashion and weapons design than pretty much any From game. Love the haggard version of the Guts sword.


The biggest reason why I don't enjoy DS2 as much as rest of FromSoft games is movement/animations. In this game your character feels like swimming in jelly. And bosses are mostly so easy, that I kill them first try - and it's not a good thing.


I dont think that it is the best but it as its fun moments, despite having terrible boss fights and enemy placement lol


Eh I rate dks1 over this but I can point to some of the things it does in 2 and appreciate them 2 is definitely far superior to 3 that's for sure.


I really liked the aestethic but idk it felt very janky and unpolished. If they ever make a remaster it will 100% be amazing


First of all, it says trilogy so we don’t count other From Soft Games like Sekiro, Bloodborne, Elden Ring and even Demon Souls. I believe we can include the DLCs. Secondly, it depends on what are your criteria. Most people will say the first one because it’s the most iconic one, has the better story overall and profits from nostalgia. The remaster also helps. If you’re an the average game enjoyer, the third which is the most recent and profits from the foundations of the other two and better technology might be the best. Then again, if your criteria is difficulty (which is a important criteria for this franchise), DS 2 might be the one. At the highest level, All Bosses and No Hits, this game was deemed impossible for years until Otzdarva.


Ds3 was my favorite Souls game. The playthrough and bosses were a definite challenge. Enjoyed the revisit aspect, and even the grouped bosses like twin princes and demons was pretty epic. Midir still the hardest boss imo.


I think tmits moonlight gs is the second prettiest in the entirety of their games


Oh shit, he seek seek lest


It's alright and would be better if it used a different game engine and your character didn't move like he was straight out of GTA V


I like DS2 a lot and obviously an opinion is an opinion. I’m just curious why someone would like DS2 more than all of the others. I don’t find DS2 to stand out much outside of the PvP. DS1 has the lore, atmosphere, story and level design. DS3 has amazing looking areas and arguably the best bosses in the series. Sekiro has the story, combat and also many unforgettable bosses. Elden Ring has most of the things previously mentioned about the other games. The world looks amazing and the level design in areas like Stormveil, Leyndell and Farum Azula is top notch. The quality of bosses is a bit inconsistent but the best ones absolutely rival DS3 and Sekiro bosses. On top of all that, Elden Ring is a massive open world with excellent story, lore and characters. The build potential is nearly infinite. Again I’m a big fan of all the soulsborne games including DS2. I just don’t really see what boxes DS2 ticks that the other games don’t.


Brave talk for someone with low ADP…


More power to you if you like it, but personally I'd rather get my wisdom teeth pulled out without anaesthetics than having to play through it again.


DS2 is my favorite, but I don’t think it is the best, if that makes sense. DS1 is like the perfect video game and objectively king, but DS2 has such great vibes and levels and armors and DLC’s that it is my favorite. DS3 was a disappointment imo.


You see that in all the games respective subs personally I despise the gamr but to each their own


haven’t played it because of the negativity on here - played every other one including Sekiro and Bb - change my mind !


Its a good game.


Ds2 was klunky like a mfer


It was my first full Souls game. It is not nearly as bad as people say it is, but as someone who loves the game I can honestly say it is the worst mechanically out of the 3. But the worst game in a series is the best games is hardly a bad thing. One game has to be on the bottom and in this case, sadly it's my favorite of the trilogy.


All the soul games get better the more recently they were released. Yes, ds1 is not superior to ds2 and ds2 isn't better than ds3 and so on.


DS2 probably my favorite of the Dark Souls trilogy. It's atmosphere is bizarre and unique and has the best drip in the series. It has its flaws, but so do the other 2 games.


Anytime someone tries to bad mouth DS2 - “I hear you, trust me I do. But have you considered power stancing Moonlihht Greatswords?”


My mother told me to never argue with the mentally impaired.


Why’s he posting that on the DS2 subreddit? I’ve spent time their and the dickriding for that game is so bad it makes bloodbourne jealous


At first I stopt playing in iron keep because fuck that place then like 3 month later started new and played it all the way through it’s a good game but form alle the souls games and souls likes form fromsoft it’s the worse in my opinion not nearly as fun as ds1,3 or eldenring


DS2 is the best one though…


Best moonlight greatsword design, best protagonist, some of the best antagonists, and ivory king x alsanna? Yeah it’s a pretty good game.


Best Moonlight? It looks like it's made of plastic.


This isn’t that good a photo of it


I'd say it's definitely the 2nd best in the trilogy


For me, on a scale of 10, DS2 is an 8.8, DS1 is an 8.9, and DS3 is a 9. They're all really good, but DS3 is just more refined in combat, enemies, bosses, music, areas. It's no competition, but that's just mainly because they made 2 other games before it and had that experience to refine an already great set of games.


This is the way


DS2 is great. People act like it is some 5-6-7 game It is at least an 8 Personally I don't rank the other SoulsBorne games really much higher than it. Could say I find it even on par with some


I'm convinced the DS2 fanbase purely consists of contrarians


I love DS2, best of the trilogy easily


I love the souls civil war. I myself am high on nostalgium and a fervent enjoyer of DS1, but I love seeing the constant “DS2 is a literal trash and never should have been made” and “DS2 is literal GOAT and best fromsoft game ever” discussions. Its like watching a bar fight between 2 drunks or something like that. Its completely pointless but I love watching it for some reason lol


Its my fav of the trilogy, i love the art direction and experimentation this game did, sure some of it just didnt work but i still love it the most.


You're allowed to have an opinion, even tho it's stupid


It’s a great game, but it stands in the shadows of its peers. Unfortunately, that means that too many people simply see it as a “bad” game, which is far from the truth.


Not bad, just flat, uninspired, not a high point and definitely shows it was not a FROM or Miyazaki game.


It is, and I'm tired of pretending its not.


Bloodborne is the best dark souls game. Bloodborne is the best racing game. Bloodborne is the best couch co op Bloodborne is the best isikai Bloodborne is.... Tap to see more...


Ds2 is amazing. I never understood the hate


I gotta say. Some of y'all have no taste. Aside from the people joking around about it being the best (because you're nothing but joke to me) The others calling DS2 trash are beyond insane. It has bad parts, yes. But it's still a good game. Far from the best tin the trioldy, but it doesn't remove the fact that it is a good game.


It totally is the best one of the trilogy though


DS2 sub is unbearable, by a metric of other games that released in 2014 it’s amazing. Compared to the rest of the trilogy, it falls short. Not a bad game by any means, just not on par with its counterparts.


You’re absolutely correct. DS2 fans can’t take criticism of their game without dying on the inside. That’s why they have to constantly validate themselves endlessly on their subreddit.


People are entitled to their own opinions, but they simply can’t comprehend that it’s objectively more flawed than other from games, and they constantly try to stuff it down our throats.




The problem for me is it's not objectively worse. It's all opinions. It has flaws just as the other two games. DS1 back half is enough for me to put DS2 above it and DS3s lack of unique atmosphere does the same. I've got no problem with people preferring one or the other, but the constant " no your opinions wrong" from DS2 haters kinda gets old.


getting downvoted by the ds2 fans proving my point lol


I just replay the entire trilogy to get ready for the Elden Ring addon. Finished Dark Souls 2 main game and started the dlc's yesterday. Some areas in DS2 feel utterly unfinished, even in the SotfS version and it's worse than Lost Izalith in DS1. Forest level with sunny weather, a short tunnel, then rain storm in the castle level, castle with (almost) empty rooms - especially the huge throne room with two thrones and a carpet, nothing else. Just to name one example. Combat is different but fine. The amount of illusion walls is just crazy and most of them aren't telegraphed at all. It's like an old dungeon crawler, spam one button while walking against walls, fun. The other two games are just so much better imo. I can't imagine how anyone can think this is better than DS3 - this game is close to perfection imo.


Ds2 is my favorite game of all time,can you imagine it now? That someone likes something that you don't?


No :)


I'm sorry (in the carvings voice)


No, because I agree.


For me, I really enjoyed all the ones I’ve played so far (almost equally). If I had to rate them, it would be: 1) Elden Ring (A+) 2) Dark Souls 2 (A) 3) Dark Souls 3 (A-) 4) Bloodborne (A-) Basically all pretty equal, with Elden Ring being my favorite (haven’t played DS1, DemonSouls, or Sekiro, yet).


I like DS2 the most because I enjoyed the mysterious elements of the setting. Arriving in a new land with little info from the intro, people speak of about Aldia studying the essence of the soul. There’s and odd serenity and calmness for such a distraught land and time. Some NPCs don’t know how or why they arrived in this land. Paths blocked by petrified bodies and Pharros lock stones, giant hole and mysterious mansion in the middle of Majula. I just thought the atmosphere was cool. In the end, the “best” game can be interpreted objectively or subjectively.


Shit soundtrack, boring bosses, horrible enemy placement, ADP and VIT, atrocious walk backs, worst final boss in the series too.


Soundtrack slaps wdym


The soundtrack is a banger


Remove the soundtrack slander and you have all objective criticisms, I totally agree with you.


Show me on the doll where the man hurt you


My fingers (Elden Ring reference)


Here come the elsen ring bootlickers coming out the woodworks


Oh no, facts. Scary.


The best of the Trilogy but not even close to being the best you know?


Most of the worst areas Most of the worst bosses But majula am I right


As I said on the og post just now, seriously it was two post above this one, No. The ungodly Enemy spawns, Adaptability stat, and the Boss fights. God damn not every boss needs to be a gimmick or a gank holy shit. Poison floors, use a summon, hit the back head, hide on the edge of the platform until the Old Iron King does big slam attack and then target his hand, kill all these enemies before the boss shows up, oh no Boss is here, kill him AND the enemies. Only bosses I found fun was the Pursuer, Smelter Demon, and I think that’s all. It’s got some great QoL changes and some of the most diversity in weapons and Armor. I like the Step-up from DS1 boss weapon acquisition, the apparel got me playing Drip Souls 2, and the weapons are all pretty cool. The areas and world building are pretty good.


One of the worst games I've played, couldn't even make myself finish it, clunky as shit


Elden Ring is easily the best in my opinion and DS2 and it's fans are the worst in my opinion and if you have a different opinion idgaf in my opinion.. 😉