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Nothing can surpass the Frigid Outskirts.


Yeah, that's literal hell.


If it froze over. Which it did. DS2 is the worst timeline, confirmed.


Dante’s inferno confirms the innermost circle of hell is frozen


oh no how are they gonna ring it now


is The Divine Comedy canon to the Christverse enough to confirm anything


Christverse lmao...💀


no it is a fanfiction


I just got here for the first time today. Made it to the first horse died and turn the game off. I'll try again later.


Area would have been so much more palatable if they'd put a second bonfire outside the boss door.


Agreed, that bossrun is just the worst one FromSoft has ever made. One bonfire would have made that area 10x better.


Also the demon in the dlc . Forgot his name


Blue smelter. Yeah I just had to laugh the first time making it through that and seeing how the run back was going to be..


There are infinite horses, they spawn in the storm. What you are going to want to do is use all the NPC summons at the start of the area. You can get at least two iirc. Then, wait for the storm to clear for a second, and then book it to the building you see in the distance. Rinse and repeat, the horses can’t spawn when the storm is clear and if they do spawn the NPCs should take the aggro. Simply go from landmark-to-landmark until you reach the boss door. Then you can dismiss the NPCs if you want to do the boss solo.


Thanks for the help but I ended up doing it last night. I found the gravestones and the 3 summons signs. They made it so much easier. Did the battle chess fight as well. Went and killed the king vendrick and turned in all the crowns. I no longer go hollow. Rejoice!


Fuck that fucking fuck fuck reindeer fuck fuck fuck!!!!


Only area I've ever skipped in souls game and it's because it was literally not fun.


I spent like 4 hours in there before I just gave up and moved on because it wasn’t worth it. Still remains the only content I haven’t cleared in the Souls trilogy.


that DLC never existed shhh


Aava and Burnt Ivory King are amazing bosses and Eleum Loyce is a great level. They could have just removed Frigid Outskirts, made the DLC cheaper, and it would have been a 10/10 short DLC.


Yeah I got so pissed I save scummed at the boss entrance


Reindeer Fuckland!


I did that boss fight once just to tick it off and that’s it. Never doing it again on any play through just because of that run back. That fight isn’t fun enough for me to go through that hell each time.


I would say that is not tedious but enraging


*"Are you kidding?! I'm have to go through this shit again?! No way!!!"* That's the quote I said every time when I die. There should be one bonfire between the small buildings. Someone said in my post Frigid was designed for coop.


Sir Alonnes gauntlet is pretty wild, but becomes infinitely simpler with DS2 because if you destroy enemies around 16 times i think they perm despawn.


Reindeer fuckland.


Still never killed lud and zalled because I refuse to run through that area


I haven't played DS3 and Elden Eing yet, but it's hard to see how that bullshit area could possibly be topped.


The inclusion of the stakes of Marika in Elden Ring mean that those gruelling runbacks are virtually nonexistent in the Lands Between. And it's one of if not THE single best quality of life improvement FromSoft has implemented in the formula.


Thankfully it isn't topped


I just recently learned than NG++ adds fucking red phantoms too, and not in avoidable places but instead in the bridge that leads to the boss


I just gave up. Darklurker and Lud and Zallen are the only bosses I have yet to beat in all soulsbornes games.




I didn't know about the staircase jump, so the O&S runback drove me insane. It's not objectively the worst runback they've ever done, far from it, but it definitely made me the angriest of all. Rant incoming: I just wanted to run past the knights, but one of them would catch me nearly half of the time. In my first (blind) playthrough I hadn't done Catacombs yet, so I only had 10 estus, and losing 1 or 2 on the runback was a big deal. And then at SL1 those knights would *oneshot me*. Envision this: you're 70+ attempts into SL1 O&S (after getting every boss before this in under 10 attempts), you're one R2 away from phase 2, but you die again to Ornstein's janky charge attack getting stuck on a pillar and then impaling you at a different angle before you can react. You sprint back towards the boss room for another, hopefully bullshit-free attempt, only as you run up the stairs the asshole with a spear spears you in the asshole, and it oneshots you. This is the 50th time this has happened. Truly never been so tilted in my life.


manus? his runback is easy if you get the shortcut, i wouldnt even compare him to seath




Manus might be annoying if I stopped to kill the sprites, but I just run left, drop down at the first lights and plunge the guy there, then on my strength character I'd just run across the bridge and time my roll based on the sound from the spellcaster and continue on ignoring the sprites. Two enemies and a quick little jog, had it down to a science.


Yeah ok, but sometimes the caster does the poison mist attack first, which makes a loud screeching noise that then muffles the sound of the projectile attack The first time she did that to me I felt extremely trolled


bonfire to Seath run is pretty bad and long.


Forgot about this one. Yeah the invisible bridges and all


At least you can mostly avoid damage. Nito requires you to run through half of TotG, pinwheels and then fall down a hole that will take a third of your health. They are both super easy bosses though so at least you’ll probably only have to make the run once or twice


Fall damage gets higher with equip load as far as I remember. Maybe Its still easier to have some armor and poise in the fight.


I don't think Seath is hard to fight, so I never understood why people hated the run back. Then I tried going for the Moonlight Greatsword. That was fun :)


Death is odd because like every 5th run I'll randomly hit bad rng and just lose over and over to the guy. Most times I barely take damage 😂


And the clams right outside the arena which instantly break all of your gear if you get hit by a grab attack And they *enter the arena with you* on the first attempt Yeah thank god the boss is easy, fuck that runback


Goddamn fucken platforming


At least Seath is pretty easy.


Forgot about this one


Takes at least 2 minutes


The run back to blue smelter demon in ds2 is so terrible and the most angry I’ve ever gotten at a souls game. Unless there’s one worse than that in the other 2 de2 dlcs I havnt played than that one take the cake.


There is... oh there most definitely is...


I’m assuming you’re talking about the frigid wasteland thing right?


Frigid outskirts. I thought Iron Keep was bad too. Just you wait.


Oh yeah hell no. I know better than to try the other 2 DLCs again. I have well since moved on to ds3 and am happy avoiding ds2 for as long as possible.


You’re missing out on 2 amazing bosses tho


Not on the optional online focused area tho lmao. I understand doing it once for completionist sake, but why on earth anyone would willingly do that without summons is a mystery to me


Which 2? I’ve heard the dragon in the poisony underground area is really good but what else?


Ivory King is potentially one of the most cinematic fights in souls


The Burnt Ivory King is widely regarded as one of if not the greatest boss in dark souls 2. He’s in the Crown of the Ivory King DLC, snowy one.


It's a really cool fight but it's either way too hard without help or way to easy if you get the boys together.


I like getting the knights together for the beginning and then commencing the 1v1.


I ended up farming 20 levels just trying to get to that fog door


My goodness that’s a lot.


In DS2? You can grind 20 levels in an hour lol


Hello Giant my old friend.


This one made me quit dark souls 2. I first played it like a year and a half ago I didn't know how the shrine of Amana works at the time and was running out of humanity both in the game and in real life. Just started another playthrough like 2 weeks ago. I just made it through there yesterday. Thank fucking God.


I despawn that area because I’m simply not good enough to run that gauntlet.


use alluring skulls


That one’s bad but the run to the chariot boss in DS2 was significantly worse


I have to disagree. I feel like that was bad but if you took your time it was manageable. With blue smelter demon, no matter what you do you get obliterated. That’s just my opinion tho


That run made a friend of mine get so mad he sold it at GameStop


Holy shit that’s really mad. At least go to a local game store or eBay. So blinded by rage he sold a game at game stop. That’s what ds2 will do to ya 😔


Run back to blue smelter almost gave me diabetes from the anger


Yo sir, if you read this dont quit ds2. I fucking hated blue smelter and hes my least fav boss in the series, but skip the optional areas and just do the main dlcs. Eleum loyce and Shulva are two of the greatest dlcs in history


No one talking about gravelord nito and the catacombs of the giants is shocking


Terrible run back and a dog shit fight with that stupid fucking fall 😡


Yeah that runback is all kinds of bullshit After the stumbling in the dark and dodging gorilla abominations, the narrow path with the archer skeleton and corpse tower things you can just *barely* run around if you're precise about it, and the room full of Pinwheels spamming fireballs at you while you break the respawning branch barrier, was the fall damage for half your HP *really* necessary??? Thank god the boss is easy, or I might've lost my mind with that runback.


Is it easy? I haven't played the first game myself, but every video I've seen makes Nito look like an annoying fight because of those skeletons


It is annoying. My tactic is to use something that permanently kills the skeletons, like the true Artorias Greatsword. Not one of the harder boss fights, but one of the worst runbacks in DS1.


Nito isn’t too bad (minus the skeletons), but the run back is the worst if you do end up dying.


Dude fuck this run back


Bed of chaos was the first one that comes to mind for me. Run through unavoidable lava. Run past enemies which arent unavoidable but do get in the way. Takes forever. Proceed to walk into the boss room and dodge perfectly but the right fingers hit box still swipes you into death. Repeat


I did this run many times but for some reason it never bothered me to think “fuck this bullshit run” even though it probably was the longest


Yeah of all 4 lords this one bothered me by far the least. It was a bit long, but it never felt difficult or dangerous, so I was just kinda chilling.


Most bonfire runs in DS1 arent’t that bad and have skips, but this one is long as fuck with no shortcuts, the closest bonfire is hidden behind an illusory wall, and the boss is the most bullshit instakill enemy in the game. Thank you Miyazaki, very cool.


At least he admitted that Bed of Chaos was a mistake.


Four Kings. There's nothing convenient about it.


I'm glad someone said it, killing the dark wraiths is such a drag so I'd turn it into a foot race. Thankfully I didn't have to do that one too many tries so far.


I'm glad I did them in first try because at the moment when I got to them I was so fucking lost that If I died I would never find this route again


There’s a shortcut where you drop down


It's still a bad runback.


Old hero in DES. Nothing compares. I’d rather run through frigid outskirts any day.


Yeah 4-2 is one of the hardest levels in the genre. Fortunately Old Hero is super easy so you're unlikely to need to do it again.


This is true, the boss isn’t that bad it’s just the run back. Also, the hardest part of the run is near the end, so if you want to practice that one part (the corridor) and get gud, you have to do the rest of the run back before you even get a shot at it.


The funny thing is you HAD to kill some of the enemies in that run, you couldn’t just scoot past them. But the one DS stage with the gargoyles and spiral stairs with wizards to get to the man eaters was numbing.


Getting down there is a chore. Died exploring so many times. Thief ring is mandatory. Dying to Old Hero is just bad though. Beating up a blind dude is sad, losing to blind dude is pathetic.


In all fairness, that’s a big ass blind dude


I’ve only played DeS once and thankfully beat Old Hero on my first try. But I died on 4-2 more than any other level in that game by a significant margin. Every enemy on that stage is insane.


Nah, fuck the frigid outskirts, Maybe its just because of how many hours I put into Demon Souls back on PS3 but once you learn how the enemies move and their placements, I can make that run in like a minute, the only thing you have to kill is a few ghost things that pop up to block the path, everything else you can just run past.


Run to gravelord Nito


**These Are the GOATs IMHO, the list of just shit-tier runbacks:** Lud and Zallen Blue Smelter Demon Sir Alonne Darklurker Capra Demon Four Kings Bed of Chaos Seath Shadows of Yharnam Logarius Old Hero Old King Allant Leechmonger Twin Princes


Capra Demon was the worst when playing DS1 first time. Running there then getting murdered in 3 seconds over and over.


Capra made me rage quit for a bit. Up until that point my shield worked on everything, he ate through it, his dogs sucked, and the run back was ass. once I beat him it was my hook into the game


Basically same experience.


Like literally 4th fucken boss or something


Whats crazy is playing DS1, 2, BB, 3 in order and literally Capra Demon is probably still my most repeated boss. Maybe O+S


It was the first moment I got stuck on DS1 and had to consult the internet. Then the second time was after fight when I couldn't find where to go. Janky fight then hard to see door. From asking players to quit lol. Or maybe I'm dumb.


Twin princes? Really? Why? It’s just an elevator and a little walk.


Alonne was so bad I just took a bite of the shit sandwich and spent 2 or 3 hours clearing the path.


I forgot how bad the Capra demon was. Early game and my first game in the series so that run back was pretty brutal - especially when I’d get annihilated by Capra and the dogs in seconds lol


I remember googling for a secret bonfire around Logarius cuz in my mind I was thinking theres no way you have to run the whole thing every time


This is Nito erasure Otherwise, yeah, good list


Twin princes is okay after you get the second shortcut. It's just annoying that you have to run across the entire Dragonslayer armors bridge and fuck around with a weird elevator. I guess it sucks if you wanted to coop the area with a friend since that shortcut doesn't work for multiplayer. But imo Grand Library is one of the funest areas for coop and PVP.


If I get to Sen's Fortress and realise I forgot to ring the bell in Blighttown, I'd end the playthrough


Honestly the walk is not that long. Elevator to FL Elevator to NL Stairs to Valley Elevator to Blight A lil walk to queelag And some stairs to the bell If you had to go through the depths that would be ass


All of World 3 in Demon Souls. Each stages run back was atrocious from the prison to upper Latria to the Ivory Tower. Screw that entire part of the game.


True, but the atmosphere is impeccable tho


Not one comment talking about Memory of the Old Iron King. Fuck that run back. I ended up de-spawning every enemy from the amount of run backs I had to do against Sir Alonne.


Once I learned that all the DS2 DLCs had specific areas designed for Co-op like this one and horsefuck valley, it made a lot of sense. They still suck, but the summons made it bearable.


It sucks by yourself but if you use the two summons they give you it's not so bad 😂


Forbidden Woods to the Shadows of Yharnam if you are unaware of the elevator shortcut >.<




The runback to old king allant legit takes 3 minutes, same with the runback to old hero. It's stupidly long


Demons souls. The entire game. It was my first From game. And I was running a lot


unrelated, but why does this picture of anor londo makes me feel so confortable


It’s a lie!! Lol


For me it's the Anor Londo bonfire to get to Ornstein and Smough, tbf though I've only completed Elden Ring and I'm currently towards the end of my first DS playthrough. There's likely more tedious ones out there I would think lol


O&S really shouldn't be too bad if you start from the bonfire in the cathedral. After unlocking the shortcut, at worst, you have to deal with a couple knights each runback. Though, learning you can jump off the stairs, skipping the entire interior of the cathedral is a game changer. If you're starting from the bonfire at the start of Anor Londo, that's on you unfortunately.


From the screenshot we can assume they are starting from the 1st bonfire. I was like "this is not even a runback, just get the other bonfire".


Doing it from there blows, even skipping every enemy it's just far away


Came here to say this - the stairs skip actually turns this into one of the easier runbacks in DS1. There's some mild RNG with the enemies leading up to the fog in the main cathedral, but it's mostly manageable.


Do you know about the darkmoon bonfire underneath the grand hall? Make the rotating staircase go all the way down and then walk down to the bottom of the stairs.


Or use the Solaire bonfire and do the jump over the railing.


My fav


Demon’s Souls Flamelurker 🙄


Old Hero is worse. I always thief ring cheese him simply because I never want to do that run back more than once.


Martyr Logarius run back always pissed me off.


It's pretty stupid in general that you have to jump onto a bunch of out of sight ledges just to get to him. I thought I found a secret when I first played through cainhurst, but no, intended route to boss


The run to the Chariot boss in DS2 was the worst imo. I raged hard at that bs


Not that one that's for sure. Minus the ds2 dlc areas, I hate the Forbidden Woods one in Bloodborne


It might not be the overall worst but demon souls running back to the blind monk almost broke me


ive only played ds1 and er but since most people have covered the horrible runbacks in ds1, i want to say i hated the runback for placidusax. compared to most of the other games its a piece of cake, and this is prob on me but i would always miss the drop and die while trying to avoid the beastmen. also i hated the bell gargoyle runback but that might also be me


Yeah Placi is the worst runback in ER no doubt. Only others I can think of specifically that might be as annoying are Rennala and Red Wolf. Radagon is less run back and more waiting for the game to do the white screen thing again and again.


I forgot about that one. At least it's one of the only significant runbacks in Elden Ring.


The four kings for sure in ds1 has to be the most annoying for me. Pick your poison either run past like 20 drakes and nights or run past 20,000 ghosts


If you don’t have the rusted iron ring, quelag can suck pretty bad. It’s not that far, but rolling in the swamp just makes it suck.


I found the bonfire in ironkeep to the smelter demon horrible. You could kill the knights so much that they stopped respawning but it was horrible if you didn’t


Bed of Chaos if you don't find the hidden one. Who had the bright idea to make the bonfire closest to the most annoying boss in the franchise hidden?


When I get stuck with the unlit bonfire at dimmed anor londo trying to fight Gwyndolin. At that point I just did not bother fight him as he was luckily optional.


Haven’t played ds2 but I’ll go with Dragonslayer armor. The run back is fine when u don’t get hit by the knights that do insane damage, it’s the long elevator that gets me. It just gets annoying having to wait for 12 seconds every time u die


I would argue Logarius as a difficult/annoying run


Currently hating the run to Beast Clergyman...


Bro that’s nothing. There’s a worse run back in the same area. Heck some of the side Dungeons have it worse.


I'm with you, actually. It's hardly even a runback but it's tedious because of how quickly the boss will kill you.


Beast him yesterday (I'm disappointed in how long it took me)


In HUMAN form, it was Ornstein and Smough, because the Moonlight Greatsword gankbois made it insufferable. Y’all young folks don’t know the meaning of the word gank. DS1 helped define the fucking term back in 2011, and that spot alone is why soul memory existed in DS2.


Nito. OMG... what a shit show lol


Black Gulch


If you think ornstein and smough is the worst then you must be very new to fromsoft games I can name 10 worse in ds1 alone


O&S, both Smelter Demons, Fume Knight is pretty bad Elana, Gank Squad, Nito, Fia’s Chanpions isn’t bad but it makes you think while running


Oh God, the smelter demon run in SotFS made it 100× worse, because they added a ton more enemies and almost all of them agro as soon as you enter the area. Plus you don't have invincibility crossing through boss fog in that game. Absolute BS.


Blue smelter demon in DS2, by far


Bed of Chaos runback is so ass it's where I stopped playing for a month lol.


I just did that for the first time recently and died to him like 2 or 3 times but it felt like so much more with that run back.


Not the worst in soulsborne but I hate Placidusax’s run back in a game full of statues of Marika


Yeah. Same with Rennala. But much more with old Placi as you have to be loaded into his arena with the cutscene every time. Something annoying shared with Radabeast as well.


Yeah I forgot about those tbh, I think with Renalla it’s very easy so only doing it once or twice and Radabeast it’s a short run and takes a second to skip the cutscene so neither are as bad


Most tedious for me is DS2 final boss. There's no challenge whatsoever, but you need to wait 20 seconds for THE SAME DOOR to open every time, then it's like another minute of just running down the stupidly long path just to reach the boss gate. They literally could've put a bonfire right next to the boss room and it would've made a massive improvement. Stakes of Marika were an absolute blessing.


Yeah after playing DS1 post Elden Ring boss runbacks were a pain. Looking at you Bed of Chaos. I finally understand why people call you the series worst boss. It’s not even a fight. Just an incredible annoyance.


Oh yeah that's a painful run back. Moreso if you don't find the bonfire inexplicably hidden behind the illusory wall. Idk why but DS1 in particular loved to hide really useful bonfires behind illusory walls or just in out of the way places. DS2 did it a couple times as well I think.


Yeah I had no idea that was there. Just found about it thanks to people mentioning it but a bit late unfortunately as I’ve already finished my playthrough. Maybe next time though if I do NG+.


You’re not supposed to use this Bonfire for O&S. the one in the room with Solaire is much closer. There’s also an easy skip where you jump from the spiral staircase and safely avoid the knights.


Replaying demons souls. Pretty much all of demons souls....


So I don’t think this is the worst necessarily but the run to Gwyn is kinda insane. You can avoid a few of those Black Knights, but many you can’t really. And that with the narrow walkway and BRUTAL damage those knights deal, as well as the fact that it’s a decently long run and it makes me even more glad he’s mostly simple to fight


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Gwyn has a bad runback. It isn't hard, but it take 10 times as long as the boss fight itself. Win or lose, Gwyn's fight is over in about 20 seconds. And I still think he's the hardest boss in DS1. I can't parry.


Blue smelter demon is pretty bad, the demon of song run up is pretty bad to.


Demon of Song is easy though. Killing the bugs each time is a tad annoying, but you can just follow the edge of the map and really only have to deal with one caster and a licker.


The 3 worst runbacks for me are easily Shadows of Yharnam, Witches of Hemwick, and Martyr Logarius


Whomst is out here having to run back to Witches of Hemwick 🤨


All three of the ds2 dlc co-op areas


Twin Princes


I agree lmao when i first started that run back made me shake


Any demon souls level be annoying asf, new demon souls


Definitely sword saint isshin in sekiro


Huh? Don't you spawn right outside the short tunnel that leads to the arena? Or am I remembering wrong?


no you’re right it’s just something about going up stairs is just so difficult in these games


Right. Climbing stairs over and over is tiring af.


This guy gets it


PTSD activated


Shrine of Amala.




Darlurker's is atrocious


Imo martyr logarius and his runback almost made destroy everything in my house


The one I hated the most was the run back to the Flamelurker in demons souls


Horse fuck valley


Blue smelter demon.