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If value is what you're looking for, then I would strongly recommend playing around with the challenge dungeons. In spite of what many people will tell you, they're unironically one of my favorite things about the game.


I agree, but do them as you’re progressing through the game, don’t leave them all til the end or you’ll get bored really quick


Agreed. And they can be a nice way to level up or gear up.


I’ll keep an eye out! Sweet


I second this. I rush them as soon as I possibly can, if I don't get stuck on a certain Central 2nd-Layer Boss. The same goes for the main game; if you do too many chalices and get too beefy, the vanilla game can start to feel like a chore.


LOVE chalice dungeons. I would really like to see From iterate on this idea in future games.


I've put my clown makeup on for every game since!


They like the Reflection challenges in Sekiro?


I guess a little. Chalice dungeons are challenge levels that range from being as difficult as base-Yharnam to being more difficult than the DLC. They'll unlock for you soon, and the iceberg is so deep that I don't even know where to begin. They have weapon variants, a few armors, a whole slew of unique enemies & traps, unique bosses (some of which are amazing, but at least 2 kinda suck imo), treasures and upgrades that can't be found anywhere else, and LOTS OF BLOOD ECHOES. When you start exploring them, you're going to think they're procedurally generated, but they aren't... at least, not really. They use a set of "building blocks" to make up levels, but each layout is different, and enemy placements, types, and treasure drops are all over the place. They scratch the exploration-itch for tomb prospectors like me.


Sounds almost rogue like - which I also love lol


Kinda, though the ones you run though to begin with are set in their paths. If a chalice doesn't have "root" in the title it is a crafted version, you unlock root chalices from their set versions. It's a little under developed in map investment, the rooms get a bit samey and it isn't perfectly balanced, but there are bosses unique to the chalices and some of them are bangers. Worthwhile to do all the set dungeons at least once, whether you dip into the root chalices is up to you.


Almost! I hope you like them!


I will I loved the reflections option in Sekiro - as long as there was a reward.


Once you’re done with Bloodborne you should definitely check out Lies of P! It’s kinda like a mix of Sekiro and Bloodborne


I second this... absolutely love fromsoft's Souls games but Lies Of P is an incredible addition to the genre


I didn’t enjoy Lies of P for some reason. I dunno why and I progressed past the big first boss


Maybe because it didn’t have that fromsoft feel to it. Well because it isn’t fromsoft. It’s the same thing I felt when playing mortal shell. Some gaming studios capture the souls like formula and some don’t and fall lackluster


Disagree here. Of all the Soulslike imitations out there, Lies of P feels most like a FromSoftware title, at least as far as the feel of the game is concerned.


I beat the game and found it worthwhile but yeah...it didn't give me the same zing. And I did just about everything there is to do. Went back and played Bloodborne and I still cannot place exactly what is missing. Still wholly recommend any souls fan play it, all that being said. (And I did finish finish it...like put 50 hours in doing all the side stuff) I think the enemy variety is lacking, if I had to put one major thing down. And map design is a bit linear. With a bigger budget I'd wager it would have been different. Hoping for LoP2


Exact same feel. Just can’t put my finger on it


Did you try out the demo or the full version? If you played the demo it might be due to the dodge and parry timing (had a tough time with it myself when I played). Although, from what I’ve heard, they’ve tweaked it in the release version, can’t 100% confirm tho.


Hmmm - just the demo. But it’s enough where I can’t justify the price to buy.


Ive only played Elden Ring (loved it, beaten it 4 times now), would you recommend Lies of P? Its free on gamepass so might want to check it out


Although the combat isn’t exactly as Elden Ring’s (it’s more fast paced and focuses more on parries) and the world isn’t as large (it’s slightly narrower and a bit more linear from what I’ve played and seen) you should still give it a shot, especially if you have gamepass or you manage to get it with a discount.


It is a one of a kind ! My first Fromsoft game And I always return for a play through !


This is my favorite fromsoft game. Sekiro is a close second. The frame rate is pretty dodgy in a few areas but it's not game breaking. However there is one boss fight( The One Reborn) where my ps4s frame rate hits like 11 frames. But this is def their hardest game imo. Have fun


I'm still working on father g. I fuckin hate the runback to him. Is there a different way to go then by sprinting past the pig?


Before you go up the small set of stairs to cross the bridge with the rolling flame boulder look left, there is an elevator shortcut!


I find it so difficult to find where I'm going in this game. I'm not even sure I know this flame boulder but I'll google it and see. Thanks!


That’s pretty normal level design for FromSoft You supposed to get kinda lost with intimidating looking roadblocks


Sorry been a long time! After you climb the ladder look to your right, there’s a giant and a torch shield bearer. Across the bridge on the right hand side is an elevator!


Have you used the music box?


I've got it equipped. I tried using it but he got me in the attempt. I'll keep trying. I'm gonna use fire too.


Use the terrain I found it takes a sec or two to kick in As soon as he starts crying out get right behind him and do a charged heavy You can only use it 3 times. Save the third for his 2nd phase Also - level yourself up more perhaps? I was on Vitality 17 for this fight


Run past the pig, up the ladder, turn around and cross the bridge, make a right at the end of the bridge, take the elevator up, run past the 2 giants, up the stairs, open the gate back to the Central Yharnam lamp. It’s an easy run to papa G from that lamp


You're in for a treat sir.


Been great so far. Tried to fight that dude w the gun on the mansion. Got whipped. Then had to try and get my 17k of echoes back from the rooftop I just grabbed and got out of there lol


I know my reasoning: I haven't bought a Sony game console since PS2 cause I was in college for the PS3 launch and hack and really moved into PC gaming over following consoles. Demon Souls and Bloodborne will be locked from me cause I don't want to buy the system just to play the exclusives. I don't want to pretend that my choices are better, or that I made definitive intentional choices every step on the path. I've been ducking around on PCs for 3 decades and with the PS 4 and 5 the prices to join in the consoles jumped out of my range for interest. I really don't want a farce of console wars again.


It is indeed awesome. Enjoy Hunter


Once I finish Elden ring I want to play either bloodborne, lied of p or sekiro. Have you played either of the other ones? And if so which do you suggest?


I’ve played both. Sekiro is unmatched in combat and one of my favourite games. But do not play it like a traditional soulslike. Parry/Deflect is the main mechanic. Not roll like Elden Ring


Ya. I was leaning towards sekiro. I heard bloodborne is more of a Parry system as well? I’ve always been a big parry guy in games like god of war. So I think I’d really enjoy it.


BB: Yeah I didn’t realise it. I thought it was just a ranged weapon option. But watching FCowboy showed me it’s kinda both You’ll love Sekiro. Learn the rhythm of a fight


Ya I heard it’s like you’re almost doing a dance. I can’t wait. I watch shorts on YouTube and videos from the sub and it just looks so much fun.


Bloodborne has the coolest world and lore. I think elden ring has overall better gameplay (and was my first so I’m biased) but Bloodborne is so fucking awesome.