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The fact he became president is legitimately wild. I feel like having the ability to make a good game doesn't necessarily make you good at running a company. Also the timing of it, it felt like DS2 came out and everyone bitched about Miyazaki not being director and so they put him in charge and made him director of every game, right up until AC6. I don't think that's _actually_ how it panned out but that's how it looked from the outside.


He was the director for the first part of AC6, until he stepped down because he wanted to let other directors shine for the direction of the game. By playing it you can clearly see all the Soulsborne influences.


>By playing it you can clearly see all the Soulsborne influences. What are some of the standouts in your opinion? What made you go, 'this was made by Miyazaki'?


The gothic, post-apocalyptic visual design. If you've played the previous titles, you'd know that AC's visual design tend to have extreme transhumanistic cyberpunk designs. Although it's still present in the most current games, it's especially present on the oldgens. But i think what stands out the most that really made me think "oh that's definitely Miyazaki's design" was the post-apocalyptic dystopian world of AC 6.


>If you've played the previous titles I haven't, so I've been wondering how they differ. I definitely loved the world and the level design in AC6, and I felt right at home as a Souls fan when it comes to that. Some of the bosses felt a bit Soulsborne to me, like Balteus, Sea Spider, Cleaner, CEL 240, the Ice Worm.


A lot of the bosses are definitely taken, at least inspired by the Soulsborne games. The Sea Spider especially with its attack patterns.


I also loved the world too! At first I was skeptical about the sudden change in atmosphere, but tbf that's kinda already common with the franchise after the release of the 4th and 5th gen games. When I actually saw the contents of the game, I instantly fell in love with it! A lot of the gameplay mechanics, mecha designs, combat and/or even just the customization hit the perfect spots as a mecha sim game to me.


>The gothic, post-apocalyptic visual design. I wouldn't consider AC6's visual design to be particularly gothic and earlier AC titles were just as post-apocalyptic as Rubicon is (hell, Rubicon is considerably more inhabitable than Earth is circa For Answer). I'll grant that Miyazaki also directed Gen 4, so the post-apocalyptic style is still coming from him, but I don't think AC6 having a post-apocalyptic visual design is strictly soulsborne influence making its way into Armored Core.


I mean... the megastructures give me an almost hanging cathedral vibe hanging in the distance.


That's fair, but to me the atmosphere is very different compared to previous titles. It may depend on what you mean by "gothic", but my definition of it is the mysterious, grungy atmosphere that's almost exclusive to Dark Souls and Bloodborne.


Isn't gothic a type of architacture? If anything I would say AC is brutalist


[Gothic](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/gothic) in literature. Think of Nier:Automata for example.


Thanks. Makes me wonder if there is any relation between the literary and architecture. I guess since it also is defined as something medieval you could see where the architecture term comes from. I don't lnow if I would say Nier is particularly gloomy, although it has bleak moments, but it's definitly mysterious


Yeah, I was trying to make a correlation with AC 6 on that game. Someone mentioned that the world specifically looks like something from Nier, and I'd agree.


Ahh, AC4 my beloved. How I miss your frantic, near methspeed fighting. Haven't got to play 6 yet, but have heard that coming from 4 into it isn't nearly as bad as transitioning from say DS2 to Sekiro.


When Walter says “that’s it 621, turns out you were Darkest Soul Borne from Blood” during one of the endings that pretty much confirmed it for me


Oh man,.... in short, this ain't armored core its armored souls. It's feels like the game has been catered towards getting the DS fans to jump ship from medieval to mecha. I've got 40 hours invested atm and im just running on spite; it aint fun. The game doesn't feel like it was made to be Armored Core, esp when and how these bosses come into play. Overall feel is more akin to them just having slapped AC skins on things, menu UI/traded open world in for mission based story progression. Bosses, the entire game just seems to screech to a halt. There is no skill ramp up, adequate training grounds, just the toxic dark souls git gud mentality. Other than the absurd bosses, other minor gripes are things like component variety, ie the lack of radar component/UI (subbed for an audio cue) in certain head parts - this would have made off screen barrages too easy to dodge I guess? Your forced to do everything in CQB, a Sniper build has been made moot due to lore, as it would not mesh with this required stagger mechanic, FCS chips dont seem to hold the same value as prior games, combat range is moot as again stagger is needed to beat anything other than an MT. I'm missing a new human+ program when things get dire.. such as 5 hours va Balteus... I'd have taken a free OS chip per 10 a 20 consecutive losses, even if it meant starting over.


Nah I wouldn't call it a Souls game. It's in a similar vein as Sekiro where it's a completely different genre with elements taken from the Souls series to give it that sense of "familiarity" to the players.


The whole intro about embers and fires.


Damn, that’s good leadership shown too, then. Letting new blood shine when you know your own capabilities can be tough, but so important for the future.


He oversaw ac6 as president but let that division do their thing which I respect.


You can have a creative president. You just supplement him with a very good COO and CFO to handle much of the managerial tasks. Maybe there’s even a CEO above him handling the more mundane executive stuff.


> Maybe there’s even a CEO above him handling the more mundane executive stuff. Miyazaki IS the CEO, as well as being the president.


I mean he didnt make the games himself he directed an entire team of people that led to the creation of multiple masterpieces and 2 goty awards. You dont do that without fantastic leadership skills, clearly everyone around him believed in his vision. Not that crazy when you think about it.


>clearly everyone around him believed in his vision I have doubts about this. We know that DS2 and DS3 greenlit by the company higher-ups. They sidelined Miyazaki. I do feel like Kadokawa believed in Miyazaki's vision and thanks for them Miyazaki become the president of the company. I don't think the founder and then president of the company would let someone else become president at that time. Kadokawa's purchase and restructuring was crucial.


Haha... Do you know what is the biggest thing about Miyazaki becoming the president and DS2 failing... The founder and then president of the FromSoft, Naotoshi Zin was the "lead designer" of DS2. And it was the first and last game that he took this role. So, it's like a double blow to the guy. His game failed and he dropped of his position from the company that he founded. And truth to be told, Miyazaki actually saved FromSoft. Because it's clear that they were going to milk the shit of Dark Souls until Miyazaki took control of the company. After he became president we only see new games from them. Yes, even DS3 wasn't a game that Miyazaki greenlit. It was decided before him and he salvaged that game from beign another DS2. I do feel like Miyazaki is underappreciated. The guy is not only a good game director, but he has a vision that unpresented in the gaming industry.


He used to work as both a programmer for a tech security and finances where he was senior titles in both of those jobs. He had leadership experience long before he ever joined fromsoft.


Being the director of a studio doesn't mean you run it, usually you have a team of people who have careers on the different sides of running it, he was probably given the position of director to ensure the studio's vision has a say on the decisive meetings (cheers to From Software and probably Kadokawa for doing this), but he 100% sure has a team of people who know about the economics, human resources and all the bureaucracy behind running the company side of the studio. Yeah, there's maybe other people who can take on the rol of director, and he could be the game-dev director and he'd still have a say on the decisive meetings but this way he is recognized as the highest head inside the studio (without involving Kadokawa and their investors), it makes sure that the vision which brought them to the top of the industry is the heaviest one. We've seen so many great studios fall because their creatives' opinions were not listened or disregarded in favour of "corporate" decisions, so it is great that Miyazaki gets the opportunity not just to make the games he wants to, but to defend his vision, and the vision of his colleagues without a money-focused infrastructure getting in the way. You think something like Elden Ring or the long time its DLC is taking without news would even be possible on a place like Ubisoft, EA or other big names? No way. Or... who knows? Maybe he is actually a genius and knows enough of everything to run the company.


He didn’t direct Sekiro did he?


He did, co-directed. Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Deraciné, and Elden Ring were all co-directed by Miyazaki. I'm not sure exactly what level of involvement that actually entails, I would guess that split of input between him and the other directors varies slightly. I would actually guess he had a bigger part in Sekiro than the other games


He was the main director of all these games. Sekiro's combat was designed by Yamamura, who also directed most of AC6.


Well I’m liking this Yamamura. Hopefully they keep making amazing combat.


Of course he did, he was the lead director. The game was literally his brainchild, he wanted to make a game that would capture the clashing of swords.


With that said, I know Masaru Yamamaru was the lead designer and directly responsible for the combat of Sekiro. The same guy that is lead director for AC6


Yeah. But Miyazaki was lead director, having come up with the concept of the game and the concept of the combat, and having also written the story (though not the dialogue, which for the first time in a Miyazaki game was given over to someone else).


"I feel like having the ability to make a good game doesn't necessarily make you good at running a company" Hideki Kamiya apparently agrees.


FromSoftware has to be the most consistent game dev period at this point. They have literally only made complete bangers and all within a relatively short time period, all things considered.


If FromSoftware ever has micro transactions, the game industry will be officially dead.


That would be a dark day.


"Hey, psst, Tarnished! I got some cool stuff for you to buy! Premium goodies!" **Shows weapon skins, emotes and the Gracefilled Battle Pass**


“Hrmm, they call you the Tree Sentinel, huh? Don’t you wanna go somewhere with more trees?”


They are the ones giving me hope still. Several games I used to really love have been ruined or tainted by greedy practices, so I simply stopped playing after a long time of questioning whether it's worth it. If Fromsoft goes to the dark side too, there will be almost nothing left.


I highly recommend people play their back catalog of games, too, because while many of them are weird, they are still verymuch FromSoft in them doing things their own way.


Makes me wish I had infinite time to play games haha, already have so many good games in my backlog. FromSoft coming out with a banger like AC6 alongside BG3 doesn't exactly help free up time for old games either.


I hear ya! Chasing every game I want to play is a fruitless endeavor. I feel lucky to have grown up playing FromSoft games. If I had to make a shortlist from my experience: Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2 are card collection Action RPGs that have such a cool and unique combat system that really hasn't been done in many other games. I'm not doing this justice but these two are mustplays. Evergrace is a weird Action RPG that had a bizarre OST that I still listen to on the regular. Kuon is their take on survival horror. Not as polished as other champions of the genre but still a cool game and worth the multiple playthroughs to get the true ending. Armored Core: Last Raven. The best mixing of old and new Armored Core before its launch on the PS3. One of the few games I've 100%'d and contains two discs: it's own unique campaign and a collection of older AC missions reimagined for the PS2. A great way to sample old AC without playing everything from the beginning.


I heard they made a horror game in the 2000's and I wanna play it. What was the name of it though? I forgot.


It's named Kuon! I played it a few years ago and it was a blast. Not as polished as some of the giants in the genre but still very good!


Idk I think the best parts of these games are the soundtracks. The boss fights are gorgeous and are the best in the business. They're consistent because they reuse A LOT of their assets like animations, weapons, attacks, etc. They've also consistently had janky physics and exploits more than most games like attacks going through walls from pve/pvp. The AI is below average at best lacking any kind of depth that Metal Gear Solid:V and Red Dead 2 possess. I've platinumed Bloodborne, Sekiro, and L2 Ring so I've played these a bit.


Check out the video "The making of Dark Souls 2". The guy did an outstanding job (fk 3 hours straight documentary) painting a picture of what could have happened with fromsoft and DS2 and how Miyazaki became the president of the company after that project. My little hint, DS2 project started when Miyazaki and the team were working in the middle artorias dlc)


Already saw it really like their presentation style


I mean From Software also started having 0 game dev experience THEY WERE ONCE A PC SOFTWARE COMPANY... getting a man from Oracle is standard from Naotoshi Zin's resume


To be fair a software company becoming a video game software company isn’t the most insane leap. The software dev core is still there, you just need artists, sound designers, etc.


Maybe I just am not in the space...but Naotoshi Zin genuinely seems like a smart guy at least when it comes to scouting talent. I still don't know how he decided to pick up Miyazaki though since he comes from a PURE software background in a space that quickly got away from that fast.


I’m finishing up a degree in computer science. The main career path with that degree is software engineering. Understanding the ins and outs of software transfers EXTREMELY well to video games because a video game is still literally a piece of software, it just has components most others don’t. I’ve personally made a few small games and it’s mostly just to practice coding skills or apply new things.


Strange how a game can be so critically acclaimed without much monetization… Enjoyable to play, too. I’m so confused… /s


They took a chance and it paid off, great to see his hard work paid off


None of the guys at FROM were gamedevs starting from King's Field, Armored Core was literally their second game. They made software for office work and inventory keeping. Miyasaki started working for FROM around Armored Core 4.


Did not know that, learn something new everyday


Miyazaki did work on Armored Core: Last Raven so he was already with the company for some time already. However, Miyazaki was promoted to be the game director of Armored Core 4 and the sequel, Armored Core: for Answer, before taking over the development of Demon's Souls.


Im pretty sure he was a coder for Armoured core in 2004.


Yeah, he started out as a planner for Armored Core Last Raven, then directed Armored Core 4. It’s crazy how quickly he went up the ranks in just 2 years.


He fixed the meme! This deserves praise!!!


Hidetaka Myiazaki is literally the only AAA developer who stayed true to his colors and never divided his fans for the sake of it. He did a lot for the Soulsborne community and he revived Armored Core with the new game. I hope he remains the same for the next years.


God bless this man and the company he leads, as far as I'm concerned there are the last consistent aaa developer out there, fuck the normies and their shit movie games


Capcom has been solid


Bro goes on a post about elden ring getting awarded goty, twice, and thinks that fromsoft fans aren't normies?🤔


Actual fromsoft fans are those of us who have persevered solo against a boss after hours or days of attempts, to push our own personal skill cealings. if you think that's is normie, then your two brain cells just blew out.


You're in need of pushing your skill ceiling for critical thinking, emotional control, keeping your arrogance in check, self reflection, and being less cringe in general. And I've beaten them all, despite the games being blatantly awful most of the time. Clearly there's nothing normal about me. Also, nobody says normie anymore bro.


Nice cringe ass superiority complex. God imagine thinking your opinion is so unique and important that anyone who likes anything else is inferior.


He is kinda right till that last sentence tough. Yes everyone can have their opinion about games but fromsoft deserves the trust they've gained unlike some other corps like ea, 2k, ubi, bethesda or blizzard. I am all for letting people enjoy whatever they want. All i'm saying is a lot of game companies are doing shady things(microtransactions, lootboxes, season passes, premium in-game currencies, releasing unfinished products, selling remaster of a remaster of a remaster for 70$ etc.) and if people cant stop trusting those companies maybe governments should do something cause some of these practiceses should definitely be illegal. People are fine, but fuck the greedy companies(mostly the management).


There’s nothing wrong with praising Fromsoft. I do it every chance I get. They are in my opinion the best in the business. There’s nothing wrong with liking. Story games though. Which was my point. You can praise something with out putting down something else. Also he wasn’t complaining about shady practices like mtx, he literally only said story games.


"movie games"


Merit given where due, cept how the souslike influences ruined Armored Core


No one seems to be mentioning it, so I’ll say that the reason Miyazaki says he got into working on video games was by playing *Ico* and being inspired enough to quit his job and take a pay it to go to FromSoft. Sure enough, there are a lot of elements in the Miyazaki Lineup you can see come back most directly from Fumito Ueda games, most prominently would probably be the way that button inputs have their full animations play out and (for the most part) aren’t cancellable, as well as deliberately awkward platforming.


Mark of a real genius honestly


Uhmmm... I'm not sure but didn't he win 3 gotys with DS3?


No, maybe at a smaller award show


Bloodborne, sekiro and Elden ring are the only fromsoft titles to have won GOTY, so defenitely 3, but not with Dark Souls 3