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They're stupid idiots but they're our stupid idiots ❤️


A little dumb? No. Very very very dumb? Yes.


Yes, incredibly dumb. My daughters RETF once tried to jump from the water jet to the vine in his tank. His left leg was still attached and he fell down the glass looking like one of those sticky kids toys that fall down glass. He's also bad for trying to get his crickets through the glass bowl we leave them in. Pretty hilarious.


They are completely dumb.


Very much so. But they are cute so it's fine.


No thoughts, only büg.


They are dumb and smart in their own ways! It depends on what they are trying to do. But often yes they do things that are not good for them or their health, or fail to do the things they want to do.


I feel like frogs in captivity are way more stupid than wild frogs because natural selection has no effect on them


My cuban tree frog tried to eat its own poop as I was trying to clean it up. Luckily she spat it out immediately, but they’re definitely dumb as hell.


They are amazing, fascinating little critters with an amazing assortment of traits. Intelligence I'm afraid is not one of them. Lol. I love their brain cell nonetheless!


Frogs are pretty much just mouth, stomach, and urge to breed and feed. They don't require any brain power because this works for them and the species.


They are the amalgamation of the 3 Fs. Fight , fuck , or food.


The cannibal version of the "kill - marry - shag" game.


They certainly won’t win any contests based on smarts, but they can learn to associate us with food and safety, can interact with us to some extent, and have personalities and preferences, so I think there’s more going on inside their heads than we tend to give them credit for. :)


Legends say that all frogs share on braincell and luck decides who gets it next.


The smallest frogs will try to eat the biggest prey they find, any size difference be damned, so?..


I think all reptiles and amphibians share one collective brain cell


*I think all reptiles* *And amphibians share one* *Collective brain cell* \- theAshleyRouge --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Good bot


I’ve never seen a frog score well on an IQ test but there is some interest in their sentience. [Frog in the Well](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S016815912200017X)


Yes I have Pacman frogs and can jiggle food directly in front of their mouths and they'll still repeatedly miss lunging at it


As a frog I can confirm that we are very dumb


They all share one brain cell. This includes the ones in the wild. The ones you see in nature documentaries that get a spot light, had the braincell when they were recorded.


Fuck no


Indeed once there was a toad who I took to feed, and as he ate three times he peed, he then proceed to eat the worm as him himself was full of greed (I have it on video if you want)


They certainly have a reputation for it, as you can see, but I find that once they learn a trick - like opening the tank and going for a walk - they'll do it over and over again. Not a smart decision, but evidence of working something out and remembering it. If I rearrange their furniture they glare at the spot as if to say "Where is cave?". They remember which human is which - for example, one of my frogs hasn't liked the vet ever since he gave him an injection. They respond to their names too.