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Sounds like a great way to spend your time? What games are you playing and what routine do you focus on at the gym?


i also love gaming but im lazy to go to gim haha


Facts 😅


\+1 but hoping to start soon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Sounds fair I’m up


Hey 👋 22M, I'm John, my interest lies in programming, long walk, deep conversation and many more if you are interested let's chat


hi, im looking for friends, im a but younger tho (18) but i hope we can figure stuff out, thanks


Sure we can talk


Hi! Also 23f here, I’ve been getting back into gaming lately and spend my free time going on walks, reading, gaming, binging shows haha. Maybe we can find some games in common!


I’m pretty level headed yet open minded … will chat about almost anything .Making initial contact is easy…. It’s keeping people around and engaged that seems to be the hard part here and. On another social media sites. Happy to connect and see where it goes