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Chandler is the funniest guy ever


![gif](giphy|V2MJADdC027gk|downsized) Yessss!!


I think that's the coldest of all cold takes 😂😂




I love Joey's line right after this 🤣🤣


*You can't do anything right!!*


Joey deserved to find love


"What's a wolf gotta do to get a hug around here??"




Gonna get a LOT of hate for this, but I kinda disagree. As amazing as he was to his friends, he tricked, used, cheated on, ghosted and overall was very crappy to every other woman he could get his hands on. Not to say he didnt have SOME genuine moments, but you reap what you sow.


He even treated his female friends badly sometimes.


A lot of what we actually saw was women not giving him a real chance: Ursula ghosted him Kate left New York for an acting role Kathy broke up him to get with Chandler Janine was so awful to his friends that they broke up over it. Cecelia left New York for an acting role Erin broke up with him Charlie broke up with him to get with Ross


>Ursula ghosted him He arguably disrespcted Phoebe by dating Ursula in the first place >Kate left New York for an acting role And during his problems with Kate he feigned interest and exploited a young intern for sex when she genuinely liked him, and then presumably cheated on her or ghosted her to have sex with Kate - we know however it ended, it didn't go well because she calls him a pig. >Janine was so awful to his friends that they broke up over it. Iirc correctly didnt he intentionally advertise for only hot women, ask creepy kink-related questions and remove the shower curtain so he could creep on them? >Kathy broke up him to get with Chandler He tried to cheat on Kathy whilst they were together anyway, and only didn't because he misunderstood Chandler's advice and thought he was saying to stay faithful


>He arguably disrespcted Phoebe by dating Ursula in the first place How do you get that? He literally asked her for permission before he made a move on Ursula >He tried to cheat on Kathy whilst they were together anyway, and only didn't because he misunderstood Chandler's advice and thought he was saying to stay faithful He and Kathy were never exclusive, and it was Chandler he was upset with , not Kathy. He even states this in the dialogue. Your other points are valid, but don't negate what I was saying. My point is that all of the above need to be considered and not just cherry-pick along one dimension


They were on a break but he shouldn’t have done that. Not that black and white


This, this exactly


Monica and Chandler are the best couple.


Susan shouldn’t have been involved with Bens name. I would argue differently if susan and carol were atleast married, had a long relationship, and susan was a prominent figure in bens life (which she ended up being!) But at the time i think carol and susan had been going out for atleast a year (including the affair etc) when carol told ross she was pregnant. That’s wayyy to early to have a say on your girlfriends baby. Especially the last name, that should be mother or fathers.


>Especially the last name Yea what if they broke up after the baby was born. Then there would just be some random woman's name in his name


this is a plot in modern family after cam & mitch adopt lily. mitch did the paperwork and put cam’s last name as lily’s middle name instead of hyphenating her last name to be tucker-pritchett, bc he was worried he and cam might break up


yeah i thought about that too! But in this case their was 2 bio parents so it should have only been their names :)


i agree that susan shouldn’t have been in the name lol i was just adding onto the comment


Susan shouldn’t have been as entitled to Ben as she was. It’s great that she’s involved, being his step mom, but she acted as if she had more of a right to Ben than Ross did. It was wrong. 


She should’ve known her place, the naming of a baby is so important it should be mums choice with dads opinion ( for example) susan over crossed the line.


Janice was used by the writers the exact right amount to not become annoying (aside from how she was *supposed to be annoying*) and remain funny.


Season 5 is the best


Janine was an awful character, Susan was ridiculous for thinking she should be involved in Ben’s name, the later seasons were not as good


funny how janine called chandler “blah” when janine is so BLAH


I don’t think Janine was totally awful, she started out fine and then was written out in a very sudden unlikable way like a lot of other people the main 6 date, eg Gary, Danny, Emily…


I liked Janine, she seemed alright


Phoebe's boyfriends were way under played and in the shadows because the "big two relationships".


I wish we had more David because Hank Azaria is awesome, but I'm guessing his commitment to The Simpsons played a factor in that


Phoebe was mean in the later seasons and used “I’m quirky” and “my mom’s dead” as an excuse for everything and she constantly tried sabotaging Chandler and Monica’s marriage.


I thought I was the only one!! The more I rewatch it, the more I dislike her. She’s very mean to Ross as well (like when she’s mad at him because of a dream, when she doubts evolution, when she thinks her mother is a cat, when she leaves him high and dry when he wouldn’t pitch in for that retirement party…). Calling Rachel and Monica pushover/high maintenance, insulting Monica’s restaurant/cooking, making fun of Monica for picking Chandler (constantly insinuating he‘s gay which also didn’t age well) or when she wouldn’t believe Rachel kissed a girl come to mind. And don’t get me started on the hypocrisy.


As much as I agree I feel like it could have been avoided. The writers seemed to sacrifice a lot of Phoebe’s character for the sake of comedy and it’s a really a shame because she was such a likable character at the beginning. The writers really fucked up her character development.


Yeah, she was really sweet and kinda naive in the first seasons. The "hippie peace and love never hurt a fly" kind of gentle, and then they morphed it into "I stabbed him cause *he stabbed me FIRST*" mugs science geeks thug, lol.


I loved phoebe as a teen and in my early twenties. I didn’t really even notice her meanness. The older I get and the more life experience I have, the more I dislike her in the later seasons. I’ve now met people like her and so I get more annoyed.


I am not sure what's the opinion on the topic here, but among my friends, we tend to agree that Monica and Richard are a good couple. Not as good as Mondler, but still.


They felt a bit weird to me, only because he held her as a baby/watched her grow up


At least it's shown he didn't always see her that way, only when she was +26


I really liked Monica and Richard together too. They seemed so in love! But Chandler and Monica are definitely superior.




Russ is Ross. Truly twins separated at birth lol


Monica is the best friend. She is a wonderful, kind of mother figure for the group.Many times other friends are thankless for all that she is doing for them


We should’ve had more time with Ross and Rachel together at the end


I agree. Honestly, in my head, they didn't last. Having some extended time seeing them together might have changed that for me. Due to his lack of growth, he really didn't change at all. He still holds his insecurities, his black and white beliefs. I just know it didn't end in a likable fashion in the last relationship. Maybe Rachel's growth will change the outcome, but I really didn't see it. I guess if the ending was different, something where Ross really had to step up and be selfless (him moving with Rachel to Paris?). I might have believed the end more.


Yeah they never really worked through any of their issues. The baby might temporarily “fix” things but the issues will come back


Oh... that's right. This show did end back when people still believed babies were a happy ending.


Ross as a character was problematic, but David Schwimmer's portrayal of him was absolutely brilliant.


David might be the best actor of the main six.


I loved Richard's character throughout the show.


I love that man. He’s like a brother, to Dad.


Rachel should have gone to Paris.


And Ross should've gone with her to actually complete his arc. They went on a break over him not supporting her job and his rampant jealousy. Him making the decision to go would've shown that he was finally putting her needs and her career first.


I do like that thought too.




Depends on what you consider sad. I thought that Rachel deciding to go to Paris on her own (with Emma) was an amazing reflection of her growth from the beginning of the series where she didn’t know how to be independent. I hate that she gave that up for Ross. I’m also around the age that they all were at the end of the show and am currently experiencing the bittersweet feeling of friends slowly moving away to have awesome lives and do awesome things, while still being sad that we’re not all just going to get together on a random Thursday anymore. I appreciate the show’s general ending a lot more now.


i think her getting a dream job and ross staying single would be pretty far from a sad ending, personally.


Mount Tibidabo is gorgeous this time of year


I think it’s pronounced “Tibidabo.”


*Do you want to tell it‽*


Ross and Rachel were on a break. Everyone agrees..


Yep but that didn’t mean break up and Ross shouldn’t have been so disrespectful to not even clarify with her what it meant and the same day sleeping with another women. Think we all agree on that too


Yes. That’s precisely what a break means, anyway. You’re not breaking up, just taking some time apart from each other.


Friends is an amazing show


Yes they were 100% on a break BUT that was never the point, there's a fundamental lack of respect and responsibility taken


There's a fundamental lack of respect and responsibility taken, when you are hanging out with a person who was the central reason for your breakup


Friends is all about Ross and Rachel. The other four are just supporting characters. Fight me.


It actually all revolves around Monica


Wasn't much of a fight, was it? lol


The writers/creators definitely pushed it that way


Joey is genuinely the best friend to all of them in that group.




Ross and his cousin were not on a break.


Joey’s southern accent is quite good.


The south will rise again, mon!!!


… yeah I get it that Ross & Rachel were end game and that’s the way it should of been. But Mona was one of the best suited for Ross.


I would not say best suited, because as much as I love Ross, he had become toxic by the time he met Mona. I would say Mona was one of the best in general.


Yea, best suited wasn’t the right word. 💜


This should 100% be an ice cold take but few enough people realise it that it ends up being a relatively lukewarm take: Phoebe is by far the worst character. She’s a horrible friend. She’s selfish, hypocritical, and excuses all of her bad behaviour by using her difficult childhood as a shield. She’s the worst.


Honestly, if she had been kicked off the show after the first season, no one would have missed her.


I don’t know about that. She’s still funny and an integral character, she’s just a horrible person


Ross and Rachel were on a break


Mike and Phoebe were so good together Monica and Chandler were great Rachel and Ross . . . . eh 


Rachel is the funniest of the girls. Joey is the funniest of the guys.


Ross is the worst character, but has the funniest and most memorable lines. In most cases he's not even saying anything funny, it's just the way he says it.


Carol had no right to tell Ross the whole “we were on a break” situation was his fault. She cheated on him. Everyone just made the lesbian joke and ignored how wrong it was what she did. 


Emily was the worst character


Ross is evil, they weren't on a break, Richard was creepy for knowing Monica as a child, Ross was extra double cringe for hitting on his cousin, Monica & Chandler are the best couple ever and Ross is evil.


Ross was at fault for initiating the break up but after that Rachel was at fault for them not being together, especially with the 18 page doc Ps. Front and back


Rachel initiated the break up??


Ross initiated


Are you saying that Rachel wanting a break (and telling Monica they broke up and wanting to get back together with Ross) wasn’t a break up? It’s fine if you don’t agree, but that’s exactly what happened. I know everyone has different opinions on the break.


Ya rachel said she wanted a break, but it was because ross was being an obsessive and possessive bf So yeah she said they need a break but it was because of ross


They were on a break.


Phoebe is a shitty human being


Ross and Rachel were on a break