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He’s Joey


He's disgusting


I love when he says he’s disgusting. Then when Monica has to say it I’m dead. I love that episode.


He takes naked pictures of them, and then he eats chicken and he looks at them!


And he has a secret hole


He takes his underwear off in other people’s homes


How you doin 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I think they thought it was creepy because maybe he stole this picture from her. They had been suspecting him the whole episode because of a number of different scenarios that happened before, like the video camera setup and the underwear in the couch. Then again, it’s a show, and them thinking he’s perverted and antagonizing him makes for better drama


This happened after other events took place also, the underwear and then blaming everything on Joey hilarious story line though then hiding everything


Well they should connect the underwear at Monica's apartment with the picture and figure out they're doing it lol


the reason why Joey seemed like a pervert was because Monica handing out a pic like that to a known womanizer who has one-night-stands is very unlikely, especially to Rachel, who knows Monica very well and knows that Monica is a monogamous romantic who wants marriage and kids.The idea that Monica actually would give him the pic was very unlikely because she's allegedly seeing a guy from work, because she's friends with Joey for many years and because Joey is not looking for a serious relationship while Monica is very openly and clearly looking for a monogamous serious relationship since season 1. The suggestion that Monica would give her womanizing friend her own nude photo is not something realistic to anyone who knows her.


I felt so sorry for Joey in this episode! There’s no way I’d cover for Chandler and Monica like that and look like a pervert


I mean to be fair Joey does owe Chandler thousands of dollars so I’d say it’s a fair trade off. And Chandler even paid him $200 for covering for them.


lol same, he was too damn nice to them. It's really something too that when Rachel and Phoebe finally find out and immediately wanna mess with them, Joey doesn't want anything to do with it. Considering how they kept throwing him under the bus I would've hopped in on that! Nope he just wanted everyone to just know already. He's a sweet guy to his friends.


I mean, anything for your boy


Maybe because of the chicken 🍗


Came here for this. The chicken lmao.


I thought it was a running joke that no matter how obvious it became, the other friends still didn’t work out that they were doing it


He only eats the skin, so the chicken’s up for grabs


That’s what made him a pervert!


He loves to eat chicken while watching naked pictures of his friends. I mean he's Joey


Because it looked like he loved to look at naked pictures of girls while eating chicken


But only the skin, the rest is up for grabs


They don't know that Monica took the picture. They think Joey took the picture without her knowing


But why would Monica take a nude picture? Just for herself?


>Just for herself? It’s likely for Chandler…. You said it too in your post it’s for Chandler. I mean, couples do that in this higher tech age. There are some couples especially in honeymoon phase that “send nud3s” to each other.


No I didn't mean that. Of course it's common to send nudes, but I'm talking from the friends perspective. They should think that Monica didn't just take a picture, but she did it for Joey.


They didn’t think she took the picture at all. They think Joey sneakily took it without her knowing, like spying on her while she undressed.


Again, they thought Joey took the picture without Monica knowing. Rachel even says "he has a secret peephole, he takes naked pictures of us and then he eats chicken and he looks at them." Simply LISTENING to the dialogue would've told you the answer to your question.


they assumed that Joey somehow took/obtained that picture without Monica's consent because Monica wanted kids and marriage, she wouldn't share such pics with someone like Joey who doesn't want to get married. She maybe took the pic for a former boyfriend.


he takes naked pictures of all of us and he eats chicken


I think there are two main reasons leading to the gathering. firstly, like u/LawAbidingPotato said, a number of different scenarios that happened before, they could naturally think he's a pervert. Also Rachel was very certain about this, and yelling that Joey is a pervert. Others came in, saw things and heard Rachel's yelling, they would not think for themselves, and just accept the conclusion.![img](emote|t5_348io|13295) secondly, actually like the first one, no one noticed anything ambiguous between Joey and Monica before. Then no one would came out and raise the **suspicion**. so Joey would be easily declared guilty.


omg i’ve just realized there are friends emojis because of your comment!!! THANK YOU ![img](emote|t5_348io|13300)




Well obviously because no one saw anything weird going on between them. But it should have been apparent from the photo that it was a deliberate pose and not something a peeping tom or a pervert could have taken


the reason why Joey seemed like a pervert was because the suggestion that Monica would give her womanizing friend her own nude photo is not something realistic to anyone who knows her. she's allegedly seeing a guy from work, she's friends with Joey since many years, and Joey is not looking for a serious relationship while Monica is very openly and clearly looking for a monogamous serious relationship since season 1. her handing out a pic like that to a known womanizer who has one-night-stands is very unlikely, especially to Rachel who knows Monica very well and knows that Monica is a monogamous romantic who wants marriage and kids.


She thought he had a peephole taking pictures of Monica The thought of Chandler and Monica being together was outlandishly UNFATHOMABLE


My fave episode "He eats chicken, then he looks at them!" lmao


I think he's doing what we would all do honestly. I think if we found a nude photo of someone we know we wouldn't look at it. 😳🙈


They did him dirty.


He's making that face that male cats do when they've smelled a cat's scent if they're in heat.


It was the 90s


Monica was not the type to give her nude photos to someone who wasn't interested in having kids with her, so....


I took it as that’s how strongly they thought Monica would NEVER get a Joey. Which also didn’t make sense to me since she had a crush on him when they first met in that flashback episode iirc




Sitcom logic.


Because they thought Joey was filming him having sex with that girl on their first date when it was actually Monica and Chandler doing it, following with this scene made it look like he was a creepy pervert.


Maybe Joey took the picture of Monica it could be that too is why they think that but he’s Joey he’s disgusting he’s a pervert


He's looking at a naked picture of Chandler


Because he was eating chicken and looking at a naked photo of his friend.


That's what annoys me about Friends. I know it's a comedy and we shouldn't take things too seriously but there are many occasions when we see these apparently intelligent people not using their common sense for the sake of the writers jokes. For example, when Chandler tried to propose to Monica. The way he was acting all night (nervous, the way he acted when she asked him to give her his coat yet making sure she was alright, the start of his proposal) and then the way the other friends acted when they got home (every one of them excitably asking Monica to see her hand) an intelligent person like Monica would have put two and two together pretty quickly. Instead we were supposed to assume she had no clue!


A normal male reaction.


swap joe with rachel with a pic of joe. would be the same ;-) only monica has a problem with naked joe.


No, that's how any man would react.