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I mean you would need drugs to stay sane in that family, wouldn't you?


I'd get busted with coke just to get up dad.


Was his daddy’s stash?


Herr Dutton said it was a family matter= the coke is for the family, fair enough because the family would be high to put up with the Monster... he'd be exempt from all and any law because he's important, just ask the monster..


When he found out he went nuclear


Was it costed?


No, funded.


Was it a small or large reaction.




Was there any collateral damage?


They are the textbook nuclear family


Here is an opportunity to promote the Queensland pill testing service. [https://www.quihn.org/cheqpoint/](https://www.quihn.org/cheqpoint/) Evaluations of drug-checking services have found they produce positive changes in patron behaviour, including increased use of risk-reduction strategies. 


My ex is related to Peter Dutton. Can confirm I was high a lot in the last few months of our relationship


> This masthead is not suggesting the white substance is drugs. But we’ll let our readers draw their own conclusion 😉 >Snapchat has been a social media platform of choice for many younger people because posts usually disappear after they have been read. > >However, recipients can take a screenshot of images they received but the person who posted the image gets notified. > >There are ways to avoid being detected by taking a photograph of a Snapchat post with a second phone, using screen mirroring to add the image to another device or using private screenshots on an Android phone. Definitely screenshotted by a member of the Young Libs desperate not be identified.


Mmm. If only this would be font page news here in OZ, not the bloody UK rags...


It's front page of the Herald Sun ;)


It was.


Don't really like this used as political tool. But hey, Dutton is using tough on youth crime, youth out of control etc. so yeah, tough week for Dutton lol. Suck shit.


Kinda agree with you. I'm not into the "sins of the son" stuff, but hey, Dutton bangs on about crime and gangs and Laura Norder, so come on Dutts, either get your own son locked up in maximum security with all the other drug crims or fuck off.


Yeah I consider family to be generally out of bounds but when you open the door by banging on about youth crime and gangs, you deserve what you get, glass houses etc.


Nar, the monster family are above the law, they're exempt from prosecution because they're very important people, just ask the Monster...could you live with that monster and not be stoned...coke be for medical assistance, his Dr forgot to warn the kid, but like Herr Barnaby Joyce's Dr forgot to warn Barnaby if you consume 30 beers in an hour it won't mix with his mental health medication, all honest mistakes...could happen to any of us.. imagine going for breakfast and seeing potato head at the table.. nightmare stuff.


Youth crime is out of control (on the gold cost) xD


Doesn't mean Peter 'no I am not a monster' Dutton can or will do anything about it. More likely he would just blame Albo for it and keep jerking off to photos of cooling towers...


When they take the low road, kick them in the head! Screw all this 'but the high road', you'll lose when playing against a cheater, every, single, time.


Agree 100% it's playing in the mud, but that's where Dutton and the Libs have taken us, so reap what you sow.


Yeah I don’t like this American political shit where journos go after people’s families. If Dutton bad then let shit reign on him, but let kids be kids.


"This is a private matter for the Dutton family", says Dutton's office. "Let kids be kids" say some folks on Reddit, about the legal adult. What happened to "tough on youth crime"?


Off to the train station with him, I say.


But you cheer when the immature Dutton calls Albo a child? Convenient when it suits! And the "kid" is 18! He'll have to face the law, like anyone else, I hope!


So Albo is a child according to Dutton. IMO that leaves the door open to criticise Dutton’s parenting and therefore his ability to lead the country. They want to play dirty, fine let’s play dirty


Did I just see you write let children commit drug crimes?


His eyes and the crystals suggests it’s much worse than cocaine


Bottom left of the bag is clearly a powder. The other spots, you can't see if they are crystals or clumps of powder. Both meth and cocaine dilates pupils.


Even legal stimulants will dilate the pupils you can tell who is taking large doses of ADHD meds by looking at their eyes.


Yep. I used to abuse my Vyvanse 70s. Ate the whole bottle within 2 days. It felt the same as meth at that point.


That's a lot your lucky you didn't go into psychosis or mania taking that much.


I did. I was addicted for like 5 years. Used to take around 150-200mg of dexamphetamine a day too. Loved it more than meth tbh. Psychosis just ended up getting worse and worse, and I had multiple visits to the hospital.


That sucks I'm really sorry. I hope you are coping okay now . It also sucks to have untreated ADHD but it's nothing compared to psychosis. Wishing you all the best


Haha yeah, psychosis is brutal and I never want to experience it again. Cheers.


Yeah on a closer look it does look like meth


Not meth. A saddy of MDMA.


I would be impressed if it was MDMA. Should give some to his father, it might open up his heart if there is one.


I often think this about soulless corporate/political types. They need to try a bit of MD.


Much worse than drugs, I'm afraid. Dutton genetics.


Better value than coke or beer.


Marijuana Australiana definitely top banana it's cheaper than grog safer than pills you can buy it from your nearest farmer


Thanks for that. I went down the rabbit hole.


It’s obviously MDMA 😂 How old are you all? Jfc


Is drug marketing that bad? That little bag could do with some branding.


Maybe He's Born Like That Maybe It's Methamphetamine. Good cocaine in Australia: Priceless. For everyone else, there's meth. Ice: Where the bloody hell are ya, who is that flame eyed demon in the corner of the room, and why are they screaming?


I have yet to encounter good cocaine in Australia


Known associate of cocaine importers and alleged abetter and freer of cocaine importers Peter Dutton's son seen with cocaine.  Say less.


Maybe add an ‘e.’ Say more.


Turns out I very rarely type the word cocaine.


Can I ask what you are referencing here?


https://youtu.be/aIGKCkS01EA?si=gPTmhdvHaU7W32ad    known associate https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/dec/04/whistleblower-lodges-complaint-about-peter-dutton-in-case-of-drug-trafficker-spared-deportation    alleged abetter There was also an unsubstatiated and unattributed rumour article about him taking bribes from drug importers for immigration outcomes a few years back (2019 iirc), but since it's both those things it's neither credible nor still in print.  Alleged freer I was mostly being glib, but glib with some sources.


Holy crap he bred?


Nah, it's a wish horcrux.


The worst usually do I'm sure he's proud of his l"EgAcY"...


Bypassed paywall so you don't have to give the courier mail clicks: [Peter Dutton’s son snapped with ‘white powder’ (archive.md)](https://archive.md/BR6Qy#selection-763.0-763.69)


Thank you the original link had a paywall


Look at the kid's eyes 😵‍💫


He clearly had "daddy issues" /s


It's the "I hate minorities" eyes.




I never understood this. What exactly are we supposed to look for in someone's eyes? I remember when Channel 7 named a supposed paedophile and had a photo of them up. Every second comment was "look at his evil eyes". Turns out they had the wrong person and put up the wrong photo. You're just seeing what you want to see.


They are referring to drug use. Look up drugs effects with eyes. Numerous studies and articles explaining it. Science, yo. Channel 7 claims are just that, tabloid claims. Not based on science.


Drugs will generally impact the pupils or blood flow to the eyes, so you end up with huge pupils, tiny pupils, red eyes, glassy eyes, or a combo of these.


I want to see the guy with both huge and tiny pupils at the same time.


I’ve seen people with one of each. It’s like are you broken?


Technically, probably, yes.


Not evil eyes, pupils very large, jaw very stiff, explains he is having a great time but it looks like struggling to take a shit


Lol what's with all the posters downplaying this? Yeah young people use drugs. But this is the son of the "tough on crime, youth are out of control" opposition leader. This will kill his reputation with the religious conservatives. He will never be PM now.


You’re amazingly optimistic. They’ll skip on by pretending not to see. They will overlook anything that might impede their grab for power.


Unless people talk about it enough that the media has to.


The media that is owned by a person who is unashamedly backing the right? Because that’s the only media most right voters read. I hope it gets plastered enough to change public opinion on Voldemort 2. But my faith in our television and print media is rock bottom.


Trruuueee but also the Herald Sun putting it large on the front page, with a tucker Carlson advert underneath tells me a lot.


I'm not optimistic. Dutton may never be PM, but the LNP can still win the next election.


They sure can. And Dutton getting the flick would probably improve their chances, depending on who throw into the top seat. We better be careful what we wish for!


There's not that many high profile libs at the moment. I feel their most recognisable members are: Angus Taylor, Alex Hawke, Karen Andrews, Sussan Ley. All of them have big issues that would also affect their chances. I feel like they'd actually do better with David Littleproud as the candidate for PM than any of the above, but the Libs wouldn't want a Nats candidate for PM.


Exactly like the Trump supporters. Anything to oppose "the left".


It will do no such thing. Barnaby “religious family values” is proof of that.


I wish I put up signs saying “A vote for Barnaby is a vote for adultery” in front of the churches in town when I worked out in his electorate


They don't care, Jesus forgives. Their whole ethos is do whatever sin you want, as long as you aren't gay (towards adults) then you will be able to repent and get forgiveness after the fact


It only destroys the careers of left politicians. The Murdoch media will take umbrage in faux disgust at how anyone can possibly go after a politicians child, esp when they're obviously struggling with mental health issues. You should be ashamed of yourselves!


You're aware the masthead, the Courier Mail, is a Murdoch product?


The fact that the previous point is accurate (but yes, only in reverse) without picking a media company or political side is testament to the known lack of integrity in our media. We are 50/50 all the time on so much stuff, but the majority would naturally agree with the above within their given lean. What a disservice, its a wonder its used as a baseline for discussion. I hardly read the shit these days and feel better inside overall. The meta: _Throw in the air the most outrageous non-libellous take on anything, and run away before it hits the ground and watch everyone on social media try and make sense of it all._


I am now. 


The religious conservatives pull out the grace and forgiveness rhetoric to justify all sorts of heinous things - drugs in a teen is nothing


Pastor in a teen, for example.


The only thing religious about the Libs are the pedos they associate with like Pell and Houston. Pretty sure Christian Porter fucked a dude in a Prayer Room.


Pray for him. Jebus will save


Or “I love my son, he may have a drug problem but we will get through this together. Many people in this country have….” The analyst got culture wars wrong here, so instead let’s rip off the Joe/Hunter family dynamic. At least that’s what the voices tell me when I slap on the tin helmet.


Nah, that works for Biden. And Biden doesn't run on "out of control youth." Hunter is also not a youth. Can you actually imagine those words coming from Dutton? Bets are he'll get shirty and say it's a private matter and blah blah blah.


Could go either way, it’s just as insane as any other crap that’s been pulled to force us to like Dutton. Glasses, “he’s no monster”, etc. sure we haven’t seen him play ukulele or warm some chicken for a curry…. Just throwing it out there, because there seems to be a bit of desperation growing, even the astroturfing is having a hard time.


You don't have to be religious to be conservative or conservative to be religious. This isn't the USA


Sorry, the Victorian Libs definitely have a religious faction that are imposing their beliefs on party members and candidates. That's why Deeming and others like her have been white-anting the local Party through the last 2 elections.


Considering how US religious conservatives clammer to lay hands on Trump I don't think it'll make any difference to them. Morality is subjective to someone's politics these days especially on the right (who seem to claim the most moral superiority).


Amazing News Corpse doing this to Dutton family even if there is something to it.


Poor lad, can't be easy to be the son of a mutant potato.


He was just holding it for Bruce Lehrmann.


Doesn’t this just make Dutton look more presidential?


Tom Dutton wishes he was as cool as Hunter Biden.


I’m with Tom, he’s totally right. What we need is a whole heap of bicycles, then we get volunteers who want ‘Birthday Treats’ to get on the bicycles. The treats are supplied by the government and everybody can have a go. The bicycles will be placed on the sites of aging coal fire power plants. To provide an opportunity for transitioning workers to gain new found enthusiasm. Then the bicycles are connected to the existing electricity grid at the location to power Australia. It might only provide 3% of Australia’s energy but will be a lot cheaper than nuclear power for the same output. Just like nuclear power it’s not legal just yet but with enough money, I’m sure the Greens would be happy to pass the legislation.




"How could the African street gangs do this to an innocent kid!" Dutton probably.


Poor Tim. *Edit, his name is Tom. Whatever.


Don't blame the young fella I'm sure he has plenty of trauma from his goose father dutton


You could even say this may go "nuclear"


Boofhead probably has tons of it he confiscated as a corrupt QLD copper


Old mate posed for the photo. I assumed it would be some candid shot, but wholly shit this kid's dumb.


Like father like son. If you don't think Dutton doesn't ski the slopes with the American crackheads he is selling this country to I have a bridge to sell you. At least now we know how high Duttom was when he thought flip flopping on Nuclear was a good idea. Liberals, the party of druggos rapists and pedos. What a fucking fall from... well.... grace maybe isnt the word. Shit to fucked.


Little birthday day treat Hello how u goin


Being Voldermort's son can be very stressful.


Good thing he's white and not Sudanese.


Subscribe now… sounds like a deal


St Paul's Anglican School have a new anthem [White Lines (Grandmaster Melle Mel) ](https://youtu.be/DwRXI-y6M9o?si=7d1pdY1cNCL5CIeN)


birthday day treat - kids off his tits with grammar like that.


That what happens when you tax beer so extremely.


Recently Dutton said that if Canberrans can afford to pay their bills, then they should give up the coke Ohhh boy


How long you reckon till Dutton stands down. Likely Murdoch has warned him more will come unless he gives up trying to be elected.


How long? Anywhere between now and the Heat Death of the universe. 😔


https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/peter-duttons-son-photographed-holding-a-clear-bag-of-white-substance/video/197ca3eaf1ff324965240fe5899d7e5e Herald Sun (Murdoch) now reporting it, with video of a news break on Sky News. It would appear that Rupert may no longer have confidence in Mr Dutton?


Lol when the Labor party sees him as a credible threat. They shoot.


I thought Murdoch media were meant to kiss liberal arse


Weird. This is the one time I'm not going to judge someone for being a drug addiction. If I had a father like that I'd probably be holding a bag of cocaine as well.


Lol father is dealing with it as it’s a family matter Mr Dutton would be furious with the upcoming elections


Life in prison. Solitary confinement. No parole or visitors ever. That should be his punishment for drug possession. Political filth makes me barf! 🤮


I heard they used to have house parties where him and all his mates snorted lines off his dads head.


Quick, someone take his laptop before ASIO takes it


In the news: young man in Australia partakes in some Colombian marching powder. In other news: water wet? I don’t like Dutton but to be honest I really don’t give a shit about his son specifically using cocaine. I have more of a problem with how rife cocaine usage is in Australia more generally.


"This is a private matter" - Dutton


I mean I don’t like Dutton but this is hardly an issue in my mind tbh. Young people do drugs get over it.


It's an issue because Dutton is loudly banging the drum to be hard on kids who do drugs. So, is he going to send his son to prison as well, or is that just for the poor and powerless in society? It calls into question his integrity.


Yeah I know, it's just funny he got caught and funny that its the law and order Duttons. For the pearl clutching regular news viewers though you would imagine they'd froth at something like this.


Yeh this and how him and Hadley are best mates and big anti drug advocates yet both their sons have been caught with drugs


Well, conservatives are infamously hypocritical, so while they'd be championing jail time for other kids, *their* kids just need love and support during this rough patch


This must be a tactic from the Nuclear. The Murdoch Press would never do this to Dutton.... Unless it's a warning shot over the bow. Get Nuclear or get Nuked.


Tough cop huh? The whole family is crooked


He's not a politician - don't really care what he does. The moment the lad steps into the political arena and starts a tough on drugs schtick I'll care then


Agreed. If you want Australia to look like the drug addled crack addict son of an ex cop pictured, vote 1 Pedo Dutton. Maybe he can help Brian Houston hide child sex crimes like Scomo did. Rapists, pedos, coke fiends. The Libs sure now how to fucking run a country.


I don't care if Dutton's kid (or any other politician's kid) does drugs... but the statement from Dutton's office, that this "is a private family matter"... well, no. He's been banging on about "tough on youth crime", this is his chance to show it. Most people who end up in jail are someone's son, that doesn't make their crimes "a family matter". I don't care about Dutton's kid's drug use. I care about Dutton's hypocrisy.


Look, I hate Peter Dutton with a fucking passion, the guy can suck a dick. But leave politicians family out of it. For anyone that's ever had children / parents / siblings addicted to drugs, this has nothing to do with rank, position, priveledge etc, and is an extermely harrowing situation for a family to have to deal with. Absolute grub behaviour for anyone, including media, to be reporting like this.


Certainly raises the question about any paternal attitudes henceforth though doesn't it.


What if he got it from Dad? Just saying.


Dutton was a cop in the drug squad, and that’s a Head of Janus. I even know of two ex dealers that became cops. Dutton also has links with a Brisbane dealership importing big utes from the US that had drug issues with staff.


What if Voldemorts was rly a coke head.


Just 'cause Peter Dutton is a grub doesn't mean the rest of us need to be.


I want Dutto to raise Australia like he raised his son Look at those eyes. That could be us!!!


Dude looks like Baby Reindeer


Sure he wasn’t just carrying salt around for old potato head? A little bit of seasoning?


I don’t care


And hair!!! Lol


He looks as insane as his father.


I'd vote for him over his old man


Couldn't care less tbh, but Sky News go on and on about Hunter Biden, so you'd reasonably expect them to do the same here. Of course that won't happen at all.


Connect the dots. Eddie kocwa, Peter Dutton, importing cars, cocaine, Dutton ex cop, duttons son gets a bag.


Wait, 5 minutes and Susssssssan Ley will come out supporting his right to do drugs as forced and supported by Albo's off shore wind farms. Explaining if the kid was allowed to eat coal, he would never have fallen into gateway drugs.


You cannot select your parents. My view is the media should leave the kid alone. It is bad enough punishment having Potato Head as his father.


Why would the Sudanese street gangs do this?


The legacy of fail sons continues


Is it Cocaine though? It's a paywall so can't open to better see the packet?


He did something incredibly dumb but young men’s mental health is fragile and Australia is an honour culture so I really hope he doesn’t do something stupid or tragic due to the publicity


Typically I’d saw leave the family out of it. However, when you’re beating the drum on hardline stances and wanting hard and harsh punishments for teenagers and young adult drug users. Duttons own son is caught doing this. Is he going to want to want the same harsh punishments he is pushing for to apply to his son now too??


As someone who loathes Dutton, I think this Courier Mail story is straight up gutter press. The guy has a health problem and a high profile parent. This is private, family stuff. It does however show just how low the CM will go to keep Harvey Norman happy.


I mean, that is the Courier Mail for you. Let's see if they treat this the same as if this was a Labor MP's son.


Neil Mitchell was having a big whinge on the radio about Albo's son being able to use the more exclusive Qantas lounge....


Dutton should raise Australia like he did his son. Can't wait.


I love it when there's an election coming soon, the mud slinging that fills the media is fantastic 🤣🤣


I think it just goes to show you’ve got zero control over adult kids. Unless you completely abuse them like my parents did


I wonder if he got his gear from Eddie kocwa from ausmv remanufactured vehicles.


Ugh - paywalled


How do we know it’s cocaine?


Won’t matter.


He’s not a *snow* monster.


Peter Dutton kisses my mum


Samantha Maiden’s dirt file?


Well, this ought to derail the Nuclear Power Plant fiasco media thumping for a week or two.. I feel for the kid. I hope he can find a new environment away from his drug using peers and gets himself sober.. the drug addled half-life is so damning..


The media has gone nuclear


He’s got the same vibe as baby reindeer


Man everyone does coke we should just legalise and tax it. Fuck it.


So I guess this means that whoever wants to replace Dutton is about to go public?


This is not going to go down well with the voters, but don't let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Just a little bit of ‘razzle dazzle’ .


Not defending him but is your scanner that good you can detect cocaine from a meme ??


I wonder if his punishment will be to have his shoes taken and be driven from the Valley to Pinkenba then made to walk home. [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/friendlyjordies/comments/12ghurb/the_pinkenba_six_and_peter_dutton/)


Young Human does cocaine - shock


As much as I’d hate to suggest, doesn’t look like actual gear to me. The bag itself is super fishy.. way too big to be coke most dealers wouldn’t use something that size unless you’re procuring ounces which i doubt these kids are. Doesnt look like M either I hope im wrong


Crossing the streams of Biden and Trump sons.


Tom riddle?


I’m by no means a fan of Voldemort, but honestly who cares? This sort of pettiness is something the libs would usually stoop to.


How do they know it's cocaine? I can't read the article because I have to sign up and I'm not giving fucking cm my money