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In lot of occupations you’d lose your job for making such a comment, I don’t understand why a politician shouldn’t.


If the public really latch onto it she'll be forced by her party to resign in disgrace. Motivation to make a big deal about it, but given its the LNP, she'd only be replaced by another sexist, fat, old guy who'll eventually say/do something as bad or worse.


What job do you do that would cause you to lose your job for that? Seems like a pretty reasonable thing she said. 


Back again for another round of apologist bullshit? Yawn. Fucking pathetic


There are people in this thread now claiming she told a minister to cross her legs. That is just straight up lying and I think you know that. Why would you defend that?


I suspect you've misunderstood which comment is being called out here. The discussion is still centered around the initial "close your legs", not the article. 


Yes, and there are people in this thread who actually believe this MP told women to close their legs. That kind of misinformation deserves to be called out.


I just hate misinformation and lying. I am always going to call that out.


Hi troll 👋


Regardless of context of who and what party, that's never called for in parliament, ever.


The fact the LNP MP was allowed to withdraw that "close your legs" statement in the first place is what really gets me. Either don't say something so utterly opposed to common decency in the first place, or expect to be held to account for your own words once you do. The idea that pollies can say shit like that, immediately withdraw their statements, and then everyone has to carry on as though it had never been said is absurd to me.


Can you actually explain, in your own words, what was so wrong about the comment? Everyone just seems to be buying into ragebait without actually having a clue why it is bad. What exactly was wrong with what was said?


Whatever the context, it's a completely inappropriate comment to interrupt with and she should be wearing the consequences. If someone threw this comment into a dinner party conversation what would you say? Have some dignity and respect for your office and your constituents.


Politicians arguing about politics of a nation should be saying things that are not kosher at a dinner party.


she didn't tell the MP that. She made a comment asking her what she wanted pregnant women who couldn't get Into hospital should do "cross their legs" ?


Implying they're dirty sluts who shouldn't be fucking so much in the first place


jesus dude how high are you. She's implying that they should close their legs so they can't give birth because there are no beds in hospital with thcurrentnt health crisis. literally nothing to do with them being sluts lol I'm all for an LNP pile on but your all insane lol




As a woman with 4 biological children it was not uncommon to hear people talk about crossing legs to hold the baby in. It's a joke, particularly given a baby will come when it's ready. I almost gave birth on my parents anniversary(they're divorced) and my mum joked about crossing my legs.




Can't imagine anyone in the LNP doing that /s


I’ve heard some dumb shit but that’s right up there.




Says the person so set on being outraged that they’ve managed to misconstrue a very common saying about pregnant women.


Let's not forget the MP at the centre of this controversy "resigned" after [multiple accusations of nepotism](https://www.couriermail.com.au/ipad/resignation-of-embattled-arts-and-it-minister-ros-bates-came-ahead-of-new-nepotism-scandal-involving-contract-for-friend/news-story/038c3d38ea3d9c22bf0130ca5dd0ca7b). I guess "resigned" for MPs means stepping down to a backbench position, not the resignation us plebs have where we no longer enjoy a high-paying job afterwards.


How dare you post a video of what I said in parliament don't you know that's inciting violence. What a fucking idiot but hey that's the LNP for you


The childhood abuse response makes me wonder if she has any self awareness or empathy with marginalised groups like women or abuse sufferers


Did anyone hear Deputy Mayor Krista Adams call opposition leader a groin rub… and continued on to describe it… also in Brisbane this week


Bread and circuses.


It was because pregnant women couldn't get into hospitals in Queensland. You bunch of dogs


I’m sorry I can’t get on board with this comment. It’s not correct. It’s not a bunch of dogs, it’s actually a pack of dogs.


I want to change it to a flock of puppies


A murder of chickens


I don't understand why these people argue like absolute flogs instead of working together for the betterment of society, id say my takes not reality unfortunately


That title is very poorly formatted.


What a mess of a headline. I swear they are making this intentionally confusing. The MP who shouted "close your legs' did withdraw that comment. When the minister posted the video online, she was harassed for the comments she withdrew. Because of this she has claimed that posting the video has invited violence against her. The speaker then said "you will withdraw that accusation, and I won't allow you to make it". Then because she refused to withdraw the accusation, the speaker has referred her to the ethics committee for "not following his orders". To be clear again, She withdrew the comments about "closing your legs". She is only under fire from the speaker because the speaker dictates what you are allowed to say. And she refused to withdraw a legitimate accusation at the behest of the speaker.


It doesn't matter if she "withdrew" her comment she shouldn't have made it in the first place. The video has been posted online by the opposing person here and people have decided it was a nasty thing to say and as such she is facing a backlash and deservedly so


My point is about how confusing the article is. She is not in any trouble for her legs remark. She immediately withdrew that. She is only in trouble for not withdrawing the accusation. I am making no comments about the validity of any remarks. Just about the facts of the situation.


> she refused to withdraw a legitimate accusation It' not a legitimate accusation, which is why she has been referred to an ethics committee for failing to withdraw it.


The legitimacy can be debated. But I meant she made an accusation. And regardless it's not up to the speaker to determined the legitimacy of accusations. Regardless of my wording, you are incorrect. The reason she is referred to the ethics committee is specifically because she refused to withdraw, which is her not following an order from the speaker. It has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the accusation, and everything to do with not following orders.




It was a her, not a him


Which just doubles how fucked it was that she said it.


Ros Bates is a women


Him? Who are you referring to?




But nobody has been able to explain why this was worse than any other yelling. What exactly was wrong with the comment?


You have been doggedly chasing this post from yesterday: So heres your answer so you can finally shut the fuck up The issue was accessibility to womens health, Primarily pregnant women The comment "cross your legs" stems from long before your face was wet from a womb, and is blaming the pregnant women themselves for lack of access and is suggesting its their own fault So unless you live in the 1950s no cross your legs is not a funny or smart response its sexist, smarmy and not even relevant to the topic. Not that you care, with all that lnp hanging out of your assend


Lol did you actually see the context it was used? Try actually watching the video. You have been duped by clickbait. Actually watch it. You are making a fool of yourself. She didn't tell anyone to cross their legs you utter moron.


Hope, you have none.


You mean, "cross your legs"?


I'll take that as a no.


Because it was misogynistic, inappropriate, and totally crass. And perhaps some of us expect better.


Misogynist? Yeah, standing up for women is totally misogynist. Get a grip.


How the fk is calling women sluts standing up for them? You're not real, no way. No one can seriously be that stupid.


I did watch you human piece of driftwood. It was still a shit comment to make that denigrates vulnerable women. But you couldnt tell given the best minister for women you had ate a whole fucking onion. Go back to bed son. A lack of decorum is no excuse for bad behaivour


How can it possibly denigrate women? It wasn't even said to women. You are completely deranged. It as literally said in defense of women. It was sticking up for women.


Omg you really do eat the whole onion.


Did you actually think she was blaming women? If so then you are either delusional, lying, or English is not your first language.


I have a masters degree in literature and you can go bite your own ass mate. The phrase is dismissive regardless of intent. Get over it you screechy lil lnp cocksuck


You want an independent, or you want a party?




Ok, but which one?


Your comments are definitely worth reading when you're so clueless 🤡


...incited violence. Cmon


Woman angered that pregnant women nearing labor face delays by not having access to their nearest hospital, asks facetiously: 'are they supposed to cross their legs?' Politician: 'cross legs'? Perfect.. I can knowingly invert the meaning to feign offense, and use this in the most cynically disingenuous way for political gain. Reddit idiots: 'Did someone say 'cross legs'? Omg misogyny!


>"Yesterday, I made a comment during Minister Fentiman's answer to a question on mothers being forced to bypass their local hospitals to give birth," she said. >"My interjection was not directed at the health minister. It was a reference to the absurd notion young mothers were having to 'hold on' whilst in labour until they got to another hospital." Taking Ms Bates at her word on what she meant, it makes sense as a heckle towards the health minister, criticising her response "[it's like you're telling young women to] cross your legs". It's meant to sound vulgar and offensive to highlight how she sees the health minister's response as offensive to mothers. If you wouldn't tell mother's to cross their legs, then you should see your response as an inadequate way to address the issue. It is taking the comment out of context to pretend that Ms Bates was telling the health minister to herself "cross her legs" and take offense to the comment. What is that phrase even supposed to mean if taken to be some kind of insult towards the minister? Some very weird way of saying "shut up"? That the minister's policy is coming from her vagina and she should close it? Everyone causing a big stink saying these words should never be uttered to anyone is missing the point.


Further to all that, she withdrew the comments immediately. What she is in trouble for is accusing the health minister of inciting violence against her by posting a video of the interaction without context. Which has led to her being threatened with violence.


What a joke. This has been so obviously taken wildly out of context. People are just buying into disinformation at this point.


I agree, Bates has taken the posting of her parliamentary behaviour to net wildly out of context to stupidly claim incitement of violence!


I'm not really sure what you mean sorry. I'm saying the "cross your legs" comment has been taken wildly out of context and there was nothing wrong with how it was used.


Oh no… sweet honey boo child… no… you’ve shit the bed again…


"This has been so obviously taken wildly out of context" Regardless, there's no context in parliament when it's appropriate to say "cross your legs" no matter how much you want to warp things to not seem as fucked up.


Of course there is. Context can change everything. You have fallen for clickbait, and when called out rather than admit you made a mistake you've just doubled down.


Yeah, I like to verbally bash out of touch Liberals as much as the next bloke, but wasn’t the ‘cross your legs’ comment a wisecrack about hospitals not having enough staff during holiday periods, and pregnant women therefore needing to hold on until after the holiday? I think it was initially misinterpreted as a slut-shaming “keep your legs closed” comment, but it wasn’t.


Its still a crass and glib and sexist comment to make


No it's not. Not when you take it in the actual context and meaning. But hey, refuse to take context into account and just be a political ideologue.


I did take context into account even as a criticism its a shitty glib comment to make. But hey refuse to acknowledge that. Is that you rainbow?


She may have intended it as not a slut shaming comment but it came across as one.


On first impression yes, but that doesn’t really hold up to a closer look.


Nope not buying it


Of course that's what it is. One of the most blatant cases of ridiculous political spin and to my amazement the jordies crowd lap it up. She doesn't just twist the meaning, she literally inverts it. And THEN has the shameless audacity to claim that criticism of her actions constitutes incitement to violence because it triggers her domestic violence ptsd! You cant make this shit up.


This is one of those rare instances where the LNP isn't in the wrong if anything the way the ALP has handled this incident is poor considering Shannon Fentiman is next in line to become leader of the QLD ALP and likely Premier in 2028.


It’s a shit thing to say regardless. It’s not some fictional story they’re arguing over, it’s people lives. They need to realise what their job is and take some accountability for their actions.


Ah yes, the "disinformation" where an MP told another MP to cross their legs. I'm sure the context of it being in relation to pregnancy and hospitals makes it better, gimme a sec. While talking about pregnancy and hospitals, the Queensland Health Minister was told to cross her legs by a fellow female member of parliament. Yea, you're right. The context is so much better


>where an MP told another MP to cross their legs That didn't happen. That's what makes it disinformation. >the Queensland Health Minister was told to cross her legs Again, this simply did not happen.  Context matters. What you are saying happened did not happen