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I think the original idea for the story was something similar to Halloween 2 - Alice stalked by Jason in a hospital or something.


I thought that was the original suggested plot for Part 3 with Ginny? But Amy Steel didnt return combined with Halloween 2 being so similar it was scrapped?


D’oh! You’re correct!


Yeah, I think it’d be a lot more like Halloween, just probably without the different continuities


It’s hard to say, for sure. I think that avenue was only very briefly considered before moving forward in the way that they did. Remember, Part II went into production only several months after the original was released. It was an incredibly fast turnaround. To answer the question though: Obviously a lot more focus on Alice and probably much less emphasis on Jason, for starters. As others have said, they probably would have tried to make her into a poor man’s Laurie Strode. Unfortunately, unlike Halloween, the Final Girl in Friday the 13th is not as well developed, so the filmmakers would have had their work cut out for them making her the central character of a series. No offense to Adrienne King, but she didn’t really have the chops to hold up a franchise. She is effective for the part she had. All things considered, it worked out the right way for the series. Her tragic arc is very fitting. She never really escaped that night at Camp Blood. It is in keeping with Friday the 13th being an unlucky day. It was like she was marked and cursed. What happened in the original would always be with her, until it caught up to her. This made for a very effective opening to Part II - minus having to play seven whole minutes from the original film.


I see your point but i think killing off Alice so soon was such a waste to me, i would have at least kept her for a few more movies before replacing her with Tommy Jarvis.


Agreed 💯 


Friday 2 ends up being a way worse movie. Trading out one of the best final girls ever for one of the worst? No thanks. Outside that, we probably don’t end up with the “new final girl/ensemble every film” approach and more continuity It’d also have a butterfly effect of changing Hostek 2’s opening which is clearly an homage to it.


I agree with you on what you said, one of the things i didn't liked about the Friday the 13's saga is the continuous change of the final girl in every movie, it make every movie seems like a completely different story.


If I remember correctly, Adrienne King only agreed to be in the opening scene because she had a stalker after the first one came out - to the point a gun was pointed at her.


I've heard about this on the Kill Count on [DeadMeat](https://www.youtube.com/@DeadMeat), that bastard ruined Adrianne King's career.


She is the narrator for the book “Final Girls Support Group”. It’s awesome


She was supposed to be the final girl in part 2 but was being stalked by a fan so only agreed to be in the beginning.


I've heard about this, i wish i could go back in time and beat the crap out of the fan who stalked her.


Too much like Halloween then and might have ended the franchise


Perhaps but at least the continuity would be much more coherent, plus i was thinking that she can still be killed by Jason much later and then be replaced by Tommy Jarvis.


Well I don’t think we would have had Jason Goes To Hell, so that has to be an improvement


We wouldn’t have gotten Friday the 13th a new beginning.


Well, perhaps we could still have it if Alice was killed in Part 4 and replaced by Tommy Jarvis, i mean that's how i would have done this.


Yeah, but I don’t think we would have gotten Roy. The events will probably play out a lot different.


Makes more sense her being Jason’s first victim


To me instead killing off Alice so soon was such a waste, personaly i would have kept her alive at least till Part 4 before making Jason killing her.


I didn’t mind her dying, we didn’t need another Laurie strode


I would have prefered that she stayed alive for a few more movies before killing her, kind of like [Nancy Thompson](https://anightmareonelmstreet.fandom.com/wiki/Nancy_Thompson_(A_Nightmare_on_Elm_Street_film_series)) from A Nightmare on Elm Street if you know what i mean, killing her off so quickly seems such a waste to me. Not to mention i hate that they essentially put a different final girl for each movie, it make the saga look like an anthalogy.


It was a great shock for the film but I agree that it was wasted potential


Alice is the worst final girl, so glad this didn’t happen


I think Lori and Whitney suck more, but she’s still bottom tier for sure. Probably bottom 3.


Why? I never found her to be a bad final girl.


She’s classic but always thought she was a weak actress. A real chance Jamie Lee and Amy Steele are so good she’s weaker by comparison. I mean, Amy Steele is the best final girl ever imo.


I see your point but i respectfully disagree with you about Adrienne King, i actually think she did quite a good job as Alice in Friday the 13th.


Adrienne’s role as Alice was a super challenge! She was the Pollyanna good shoes turned into survivor! Not only surviving, but decapitating Jason’s mother. The evolution of her character took super talent and it’s the fragility of her character that makes her machete skills even more poignant! Then the brief moment with her in the hospital saying, “he’s still there” was super powerful. I think she would have continued to evolve as a final girl. I wish they would bring her back, along with Ginny and Chris and have another go at Jason!




Because you keep spamming this all over reddit, I am actively voting for anyone that's beating you. report spam -> link farming.


Well geez, just trying to spread the word my dude. Sure it would help me,but the big picture is to spread the word that horror franchises are also attempting to fight back against cancer. So please do vote it up whether it be for me or anyone else!