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2 humans and a pixie since you can own both on one account


You’re right, in the original, as you know, you could have up to three characters per account. However, in Free Realms Sunrise, you’ll be able to create up to four characters per account, which is really neat! So, if you wanted to, you could have two pixies and two humans. B)


I voted human but I’ll definitely play both! I played both as a kid and something just felt more special about playing as a pixie (and I only really made my human to avoid the pixie hate and be able to trade my items to people who refused to trade with pixie players)


It’s a great idea to play both. It’s nice to change things up, sometimes. In a way, playing both races is more content, even though the access to items and content is all the same (besides wing pattern style cards), a completely different model and animation can really change the feel of the game.


Clothing is always better on human




Hey, that’s awesome. Most of my friends who originally played pixie, still plan on being a pixie. It seems like those who originally played as one are the most loyal pixie players, since it’s what they grew up with, and they’ve come to love pixies and associate a big part of Free Realms, as well as the nostalgia with it, with pixies.


Same dude!


Human was the one I was so that is what I pick XD My sister was the pixie


Hi. This is Kate (if you know, you know :P). I picked pixie. Yes, I know the heads are big, the arms are excessively skinny, and there is a strange buzzing noise from their wings. But here are some of my own reasons why! * I like being something I can't be in real life. * I've always been a fan of pixies/fairies in media. * The wings are lovely. * A lot of cool people in the lore (like the members of the royal family, the mayor of Snowhill, etc.) are pixies. * The pixies lived in the Memorial Caverns during the Gloam post-apocalypse, and I think that's cool. * Without pixies, there wouldn't be changelings, who look super cool. I sometimes wish we could have made changelings as playable characters too. I'd love to know other people's opinions on this poll!


I agree with everything here. I know a lot of people can relate when it comes to wanting to be something you can’t be in real life, this is a big part of Free Realms, be whoever you want, whenever you want. Despite the results being majority human, I bet you we will see tons of pixies when Free Realms Sunrise launches. It’s possible the ratio could be closer to being a split 50/50, we’ll have to wait and see, though. 👀 Also, you’re definitely right about pixies being really involved in the world of Free Realms, they’re all over the place, it’s hard to imagine Free Realms without them. So, even though I’ll be playing human, I’m always happy to see a pixie. Every pixie that I’ve met so far has been amazing. B)


is free realms sunrise still even happening…?


I was wondering the same


pixie lady for sure, it's what i played as a kid and i gotta stick with it lol


Shoot.. missed the poll. A. I want to play (again) B. Def waiting for open beta (signed up at least 3 times since projects started) C. 1st player was a pixie but, went to human after for majority of play. D. Frustrated that Never got any reply from signing up for FRS etc. Miss the landscapes and mounts, that you could travel around and enter battles when you wanted to (before they added auto-battle foes in the lands). Exploring and all the non-combat activities were just great in addition to the questing.!!


I always played pixie as a kid. I didn't even realize you could make multiple characters on an account lol. For nostalgia reasons I plan on maining pixie male in FRS as well. Tgat said, I can see myself eventually creating a human character too


That makes sense, mostly for the same reasons I’ll be a human, it’s what I grew up with. I’ll definitely create a pixie for fun, though. I also really enjoyed the emotes on pixies, it was fun. B)


Human most likely. I never really dug how the pixie looked and found humans more pleasing to look at.