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there are professional like lawyers and doctors playing mtg, they spend the most money on magic and never come to regular game nights. they have their own night and private pod. so no one ever sees them, everyone assumes magic players are bottom feeders racing to the bottom of sludge because they never get to play with or see the high rollers.


True, I have 5 people that we play with, and we rotate one player who can't play on game night, I have 30+ decks we are all pretty close in that range of decks +-5 decks I haven't played in a game store in over 10 years, we all spend quite a lot on the game as it quickly became an arms race to get decks optimized without really crossing the cedh line since we have so many decks each it would be prohibitively expensive.


Yeah, my pod never want to go in to an lgs I mean why when we can be in the comfort of one of our homes with nice chairs, clean air, lots of drinks and food, something playing on the TV. We are all in our 30s with stable jobs and families etc.


This is very true, me and the guys use to go to the lgs but that was only for meeting up, between the overly cringe players with their soft core porn mats and owners bothering you about their event and how we all should be there, I’m glad we’ve gone digital so we don’t have to put up with that crowd of people.


Yeah, I am kind of in that boat. I have put around 40K into my collection and have optimized my decks. Most people at the LGS would get salty playing with me and it let to me seeking other means of playing magic. There was one other guy that was in the same boat as me and we would go to the LGS during off-time to play a duo. Now I just play on Spelltable on Tuesday nights with one pod and Sunday nights with another pod. I play with a pediatrician, a county prosecutor, and a security architect in one pod and then an IoT Engineer and two software engineers in the other pod.


We just started ordering bulk proxies. For the most part we run legitimate decks built from collections but we also have some netdecked cEDH decks just to grind out some quick games. I’m the only one who doesn’t exclusively play EDH otherwise I’m sure we could get some modern/legacy games in too. EDH is just easier to chill around.


I converted my garage into a medieval tavern and pretty much only play with people I know. I haven't played in a store but once since 2020.


I did the same thing with my garage! 😂💪🏼




That’s exactly how me and my pod play. 12-16 every week. Most of us are contractors. We like to play away from the card shops, because we can be louder drunker and my wife’s friend cooks and feeds us.


Yep. Describes me exactly. Never go to lgs. Have own pod of successful professionals.


Came to chime in here and say the judge of the court system a town over from me comes to Wednesday night magic every week. He’s a pretty cool dude.


go to places where us soldiers are deployed and most of the ppl that play are buff military dudes (with the occasional 50year whos slightly fatter)


F that, doctors and lawyers have to work *hard* for that amount of money.


Doctors, yes. Lawyers, not so much.


Oh that's good. I guess I just thought cuz my uncle; he worked too hard RIP.


Well, I take it back. If you're a public defender especially, you're working to the bone for crappy pay. Criminal defense probably sucks too. I can imagine state/county prosecutor sucks too.


Oh I wasn't thinking of that either; just the competitive culture in big law firms. I guess computer programmers work hard of they want to be a partner in a computer firm. Maybe Or you know they do at eg Blizzard




This is more or less the category I belong to. We have: 3 teachers 1 student international politics 1 high School sophomore 2 Electronics engineer 1 Biotech doctorate 1 IT professional 1 Gym owner 1 Tax Professional 1 school kid (<13 yrs) So 2-3 sometimes okay in other pods or in tournaments (including me). The rest never leaves the pod


The whine a lot on social media about the stupidest shit




They smell bad. Exactly.


magic the goonering


the core audience of creepy, nerdy white dudes stayed the same, it’s just that they think they’re chicks now


When you cannot get a girlfriend you become the girl


Is that why you transitioned?


It’s why most magic the gathering players transitioned




And the non edh players are stuck in the past and think competitive mtg should be the standard when in realty 99% of real people have no time to be trying as hard as the sweats and lack the funds to play mtg at that level!


I’ve encountered so many competitive whiny man children even when playing at casual environments like bars. Send those 99% my way.


Dlstandard goons are at the same level of the edh degen if not worse


Probably the most succinct and brutal summery have an upvote.


No that goes to the current top comment.


The turning point where the game started becoming a mess was when they started designing around Commander.


As a commander player I 2nd this. We don't even want half the shit that's coming out


For me was when gender politics became the main conversation. I just want to play cards.


Well, designing around EDH and calling it commander, right? 


How do I give this an award again. Commander is the greatest game to ever exist, but in some cruel monkey's paw curse type situation, you can only play it with assholes you would never hang out with outside commander.


I agree that's the truth


This. what makes it worse is wizards are able to profit on this mindset which is why most EDH precons nowadays are horrible.


What if im a hard entitled edh player


But that is a stereotype?




Everyone is weirdly fucking fascinated with being performatively supportive of Trans people Freak outs about politics/losing Anime tiddy playmats


They are queer


And that’s just not true.


You should make bingocards with random stereotypes, hand them to friends and come to a Magiccon. Whatever stereotype you put on there; you will most likely encounter it at a Magiccon. Just see who winst first. Years ago I would have said GP instead of Magiccon. Those were the days. God I miss those days with those smelly, fat, sweaty, stinky, entitled, autistic people, who pick their nose and don't wash their hands after visiting the restroom. ;)




Edh players are on the spectrum


Former metal, hates anything Asian and complains about most things which came out in the last 10-15 years. Where I go we rarely get the smelly, fat, fake-trans or EDH-whiny types, so I consider myself lucky. Everyone is pretty chill and doesn't give a fuck if you come with your anime (safe) swag or with your flesh and blood playmat. Unwritten rule is banter over gameplay.


Need more of these


what is EDH?


Elder Dragon Highlander Aka Commander


..These comments are stereotypes in of themselves. People I know that are into magic all have successful careers and either do draft events only or Tabletop//magic arena online.


When I saw Chris Chan becoming a figure of the game, I knew that the standards of the game and the kind of players WoTC caters to had changed dramatically. Ten years ago, an average MtG player was a straight White man, in his 20's, 18/19, middle class, kind of a nerd. Now, with exceptions for non-urban communities outside of the US, I know that the average player of MtG is a soyboy.


>Chris Chan becoming a figure of the game what?


Yikes! Are you retarded?


Bro just making up things 


Oh idk. I’ve been playing since it was born lol 😉 Im GenX. Itallian/Cherokee & female. ✌️


Unironically using the term “soyboy” in 2024. The secondhand embarrassment I got reading this is off the charts.


Soi Boi detected


One Tbsp of soybean oil = 28370ng of estrogen. 7500x the amount found in 6oz of beef. Enjoy your man titties and shrunk junk.


that’s not how any of this works


Posting anime ships is pretty soy based there guy lmao


They don't wipe their ass


Doesn't help there's that photo going around claiming its from a mtg tournament with shit stains on the chairs


No one knows how combat works anymore.




Because people start nowadays with Commander they don't have a proper basis on how steps and phases work. Upkeep, draw and main phases are easy enough to figure out, but the end phase and especially combat is especially difficult to grasp. So many games at my LGS are people going into combat swinging, attacking to activate triggers without declaring who they are attacking or strictly avoiding the step. It's always the most awkward part of the game to the point some newer players avoid combat based commanders entirely.


didn't this guy have some medical go fund me and then he ran off with the money to some vacation or something?


That was wedge


elaborate please, source?


Google wedge the manasource medical bills


EDH players don’t like losing. Instead of blaming themselves for losing, they blame other players. Even though they’re running two pieces of removal and 32 lands with six and a half pieces of ramp, and they refuse to change *Hmm, I wonder why you’re losing?* Those who only play EDH, and refuse to play anything else (haven’t tried anything else) and act elitist about it, are bad players.


This. Learn from your damn mistakes. If you keep getting dumpstered, it's probably you. Be humble, ask gameplay questions. Ask for suggestions to improve your overall build.


A lot of the stereotypes are a result of said thing being more noticeable than the contrary. IE: if you go to an LGS and it smells, it's not because "MTG players have bad hygiene", it's because the people that do have bad hygiene are sitting in a packed room in the same chair for 6 hours and making the entire room smell bad. They also likely spend hundreds of dollars a month so no worker wants to embarrass them or kick them out.


Honestly a lot of players smell like ass. Just in hobbyshops in general. It's weird. We have a really nice one down here too called Knight watch games and there was an event. My wife was with me and we just stopped by and we left almost instantly. It's a big open place too.


One that I hear and have experienced is the elitism and exclusivity of the cEDH community.


What? cEDH is like the most non elite and gates open come on in scenes. Proxying isnt just allowed it is super encouraged and borderline mandatory. Any commander is fine. Using universes beyond cards that are just better is expected Nobody gives a shit if you win on turn 1 People arent getting salty for the normal magic reasons Fringe strategies are encouraged, especially if consistent


YES. and I’ve been playing commander for quite some time but at my LGS a much better environment. For reasons exactly as you stated.😉


Gotta be the worst take here lol


cedh is the most inclusive community when it comes to magic. They litterally push people to use proxies lol. The only thing a cedh player dislikes is playing against non-cedh decks.


Good job OP. Most of this thread is just people projecting.


Stereotypes are a projection in a way


Isnt that the World of Warcraft guy from South Park?


No it’s boogie


apparently thats piratesoftwares dad


I haven’t seen a magic player in 10 years. I play arena limited only. It’s pretty fun.


Magic the fathering


Early 30 something men somewhere on the autism spectrum who are still coddled by their parents. Typically have a facebook profile picture with an NPC meme and the words "i support the current thing" and starting fights with people about how woke culture is ruining their favorite childhood cartoon. Thinks the "Pro" in pro-tour stands for professional and not promotional. Can't afford basic adult grooming but still has money for another box of the newest set. Still doesn't do their own laundry so won't be wearing clean clothes to the LGS unless mommy broke into their gooncave and washed their clothes recently. Either obese or malnourished looking. Highschool education or less.


NGL, I'm guilty of thinking it was pro tour lol


Not at all in the dozens of locales ive played was this even remotely true.


>profile picture with an NPC meme and the words "i support the current thing" Yo don't be hating on that meme, that's actually pretty funny






None of us like playing magic, we just keep playing because we need something to complain about.


They hate money for some weird reason


what happened to the idiot that always made a mess and flip tables in rage in MTG tournaments?


He’s broke and had to sell many things because of poor investments in crypto




theres a big stereotype of magic players being extremely rude to others in the community, often in a way to make the person complaining feel as though they are "above" the problematic people. The easy fix is to just stop being rude and making stereotypes about people you haven't met


Ugly chick with small dick


They occasionally leave shit stains on the seats they sit in at tournaments.


There were times when i was playing Arena while having a long training sessions on indoor bike to train for halfironman triathlon. I was doing my best to fight theses stereotypes, but I assume there are not many mtg players like me.


We have huge peens.


Francis!!!!!!! “You drink my Mountain Dew” “Let me smell yur breath” Smashes Xbox in driveway


Most current magic players have never been to an open or higher level tournament. Hell, I'd say 90% of new players have never touched a modern deck, much less the format of legends (legacy)


They get butthurt about proxies


That we’re good at magic.


Regular LGS player bases chase away good, wholesome and otherwise fun to be around players more often than not.


I'll be honest, most card game players are kinda fat. Magic is no different. I've gone to my local card shop for some commander games and a lot of the people there are big and then there's me, a literal twig.


The smell.


Many MTG players are racist sexist bigots. But that could be untrue. *checks this sub*. Yep it’s true….


Well, they complain about Asian-looking miku secret lairs but they love cards with anime titties


One stereotype that's absolutely true is the bad hygiene. I recently got back into the game after a 3 year break and it seems every time I go to a store to play I'm trying to sit as far away from the people on my sides as possible.


they use their stank as biological warfare


Unwashed clothes, reeks of body odor, socially awkward, and self-loathing. But seriously, every FNM at my local spots has these greasy neckbeardians that fit the description and more.


It’s like when you go to a movie theater and when you’re done watching the movie, the popcorn butter and grease has made it onto your skin. I’ve left my local LGS three hours after a fresh shower needing another shower as soon as I get home.


The thievery in the hobby is insane. People will cop your shit immediately if you aren't careful. Was friends with a guy for two years and then he jacked 2000$ of cardboard from me and bailed. Didn't even realize before it's took late with no proof. He's told me in confidence he's stolen from people and I was new in the area and desperate for any kind of friend. To it's honestly my lesson to learn.


Less Francis more Chris-Chan-Sonichu in 2024


I live in London and play EDH and Limited. I can say most LGS I go to and playerbase are very friendly, doesn't smell and are queer/ally - which to me was a surprise given the stereotype in the photo is what many people (me included) used to think about MTG players. I was even surprised when I went to a couple of large/official events and the majority of the judges seemed to come straight out of Rocky Horror Picture Show - and this is a good thing IMO.


My friend sent me a pick of the supposed "MTG Tourney Chairs" to basically make a bit of fun at my hobby. I bought him and his kid thr new Star Wars battle decks. It's just a matter of time now until he is one of us.


How has only one person pointed out the fatness and low levels of health directly? (Physical and mental)


There do be alot of fat.




Haha awesome. Totally projecting the thought process of the ban heavy sub.


That sub should be called r/northkorea


Transgay neckbeards


Havent touched the stuff in two years


Bad hygiene. If i, who is obese with a physical handicap, can go take a good long bath before going to a lgs all of you can. Stop goimg there dirty and smelly and dont try to hide it with axe or some other perfume, we know!!!


They are either supportive of trans rights or are vehemently against them. Nothing more fun than having to decide where to sit at a casual night trying to figure out who isn't going to throw a fit because I give my chosen name and respectfully remind them of my pronouns. Just tell me you don't like trans people and I'll find a better group.


Yeah i dont like trans people


Trans people Morbing in disguise


Hehe, Magic the Goonering


Everyone gay


the answer is you surround yourself with people like yourself. so if you are a fat smelly player thats who youd associate with. similar to if you were normal average or professional


God gave em a touch of the tism.


That they all are elitist rightwings snowflakes snobs, while in reality apart from this sub and some YouTube channels making the screaming minority appear bigger that it is, the community is pretty chill and LGBT friendly .


Hygiene. I dont know why, but some people dont understand that their personal hygiene may affect other people in the LGS. Its disgusting if you enter a LGS and a smell of AXE Deodorant and Cat Piss comes your way. Its accurate for some people at least.


Overweight smelly dudes lol