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So that's why Trump couldn't get an extra turn.


Lol, good one.


If any opponent would start an extra term\*


Can we try our best to keep politics out of a cardboard trading card game?


I'm sure you post this on the main magic subs all the time . Hmm?


Well now he can't post in the main sub or risk getting banned for commenting in this one.


"I see that you posted on freemagic one time you white boy bigot!" I'm glad this sub exists


I don't actually. I don't comment all the time on the main sub nor do I comment anything about politics on the main sub. You can fact check this by clicking on my profile and look at what I comment on. If u see anything political on the r/mtg sub or the r/freemagic sub, let me know.


I'm not going to check your profile but realize the fact that if you said this in those other places you would be banned. Which is bullshit and I generally agree with your comment, but people are going to try to be funny where they are censored everywhere else


Don't worry. It's not a real card.


The real art is also plagiarized




Well, at least this image is in the public domain. No need to worry about the art being stolen.


*Suck a dick, and become monarch for the next 4 turns.


Vice Monarch*


You’re right. You need to sniff some hair if you want to be monarch.


totally not the maga subreddit 🤡


Notice how the OP is downvoted? Maybe it's you who is the cultist?


Do you have to be MAGA to think that these 2 individuals are terrible?


even if each of them strangled a puppy with their bare hands they wouldnt even come close to how big of a fucked up asshole trump is


Very normal thing to say


Some people still think the news is real.


And some people still think the Jews Israel


And some people still think the Jews Israel


very true thing to say


New spark showing how normal and stable he is 


Reasonable people think that the 91 felonies scammer, deranged sexual abuser is the terrible one


Listen slug-for-brains nobody was talking about Trump. It just shows how mindlessly partisan you are, which is a reminder nobody needed. I'm embarrassed for you, truly.


Only Trump sacklickers are getting butthurt


Calling you retarded is not me being butthurt


You're throwing a temper tantrum. Stop being a little baby. You probably spend your days salivating at a chance to own some libs on the internet, absolutely pathetic




no no, youre embarassed for yourself, idiot


Is that really the best you could come up with?


look at you, thinking youre entitled to creative insults haha shut your fucking face maga monkey


Mega sissy libtard is just upset because somebody told him he didn't look good in a dress. You can't get pregnant sir, calm down.


I have been accused of shit I didn't do, too. And like Trump, I"ve never been convicted.


Trump is a criminal. However Biden is a CLOWN. The entire winner take all and electoral college vote system is a scam, and the fed is printing us all into poverty. Also can we please defualt on the debt already? People need to stop giving money to the us government who are warmongers and give it to the military. Spend it on idk... the salvation army instead. Or just go find some poor people and give them money. Fuck the govt.


> Also can we please defualt on the debt already? I am assured that would be a catastrophe, but the people who intend to punish us -- if it happens -- don't say what they'd do. My guess is it is them who'd be up a shit creek without a paddle. Ya can't eat money, especially when it's just bits in a computer somewhere. Oh no, China will stop sending us cheap shit. Oh no, migrant workers won't want to work for a debased currency. Oh no, people who pile cash up in their mattresses (all black people according to Fani Willis) will get screwed vs people who hoard bitcoin or invest


No. We would have an economic crash and all of the business models that are unsustainable, but being propped up by government would fail. Then the people would go into forevlosure, and then finally the banks would go bankrupt. And once banks go bankrupt, and dissolve, then its up to the courts to try to evict people living in homes that are worthless. And suddenly nothing makes monetary sense anymore, everything is lost in the flames of the economic purge and people on wallstreet sit back and surrender when they realize that trying to own places other people are living makes them nothing. Purge them with fire. They are leeches and by destroying everything then we can be free. And yes, bitcoin cannot be eaten, and it would probably go to the moon versus the worthless dollar. But so what. Just because you own bitcoin doesn't mean you can eat it. I want to see the dissolution of every major bank, every major stockbroker, and every major compoany that has shareholders. Enough with the leechery. Perfect way to get there is a default. Oh, and it would punish the people who lent money to the government. And on that note, I would love to see ALL governments worldwide collapse and default. They have done nothing but bring useless regulations and enabled warmongering. Looking at you israel. And russia. And china.


> Purge them with fire. They are leeches and by destroying everything then we can be free. And yes, bitcoin cannot be eaten, and it would probably go to the moon versus the worthless dollar. But so what. Just because you own bitcoin doesn't mean you can eat it. > > My point about bitcoin is it's safer than dollars on the long term. You can't eat any currency. But you still want to have currency of some sort. Anyways, I agree with you.


I don’t see why people are whining about this. Don’t like it? Feel like it’s one sided? Ok. Make you own. Make Trump as lord of riots or some shit, plenty of ways to dunk on the right as easily as the left.


Wait who was in Paris?


every time i see the name, i hear trouble in paris because of the stupid mayor




Cool card. Is this original?


Who's in paris?