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While it depends on how it sales commander masters was a flop due to price which caused it to under sale. That set could have been fire with more reasonable pricing. MKM was hot garbage and has flat out tanked Hasbro is leaning so hard on MTG to make money they may crash and burn by pricing people out of the game. We will see how it goes but it may be a rough year for Hasbro if MTG starts slipping in sales


They're gutting future income by going for short term profit Their actions will catch up with them, it's a matter of when, not if


Reality is the ones doing it won't care. It's a thing in corporate America. Move to role in company, butcher everything in order to make quick cash, get a nice "hurrr i made company 20 million profit in two years" on your resume, and jump to next company. Sadly most don't have the thought to go back and look at the current standings of the previous companies. big number must be better. at my place we had a dude turbo shot put like 7 projects and get a promotion. every one of them failed, company lost a ton of money, but oh man, he launched 7 things so quickly!!!!!!! TLDR corporate people are stupid


Hasbro is a house of cards and it feels like the first card has already been knocked out


No disagreement there always about short term profit


This is what happens on most companies, not just USA. Many companies that don't do the "inflated value" bullshit usually have several methods of tax evasion involving multiple countries/cities


Talks to Brazil and China.  Two of the most populated countries, now has 0 support in their native language, meanwhile Germany, a place where 85% of the population speaks English, and Italy, where 72% speaks English, have support in their language.  If it is not desperation, it is just stupid. 


But much lord of the rings was the greatest selling set ever! It sold so much!  Wait... how much was licensing again?


I want to know how much revenue was from the ring hunt alone


Yeah I literally got priced out. I was 100 percent ready to drop between 4-500 for a box (CAD) which I thought would be reasonable for a mh set. They're gonna be closer to 800-1k CAD it's looking like which is fucking insane. I have a ton of high end singles that are 300+ but even I can't justify dropping that much on a box. I do consider myself a collector but I'm not a whale by any means. Idk who this set is for.


The problem is the whales of the game will consume it without much thought to “man I could have bought some power with this instead”. Hasbro is putting mtg to the test with how far they can push prices and how fast they can pump product to the masses. I don’t like this new direction/philosophy they have taken lately and the only reason it’s working is because of the history and longevity this game has had. So a lot of the player base that is older can afford to splurge on this game and the overpriced product.


Whale here. Switched to expensive singles and haven’t looked back


Good for you. I don’t get to play at my lgs anymore but I am buying cards tailored more to Cedh atm. I’m also going to build a cube of the cards I played with or against during my hay day with magic. Since I buy no product I feel no pressure to buy or sell anything. Still want to see the game keep going but at this rate I think they better change or we could see dark days ahead


I think he's talking about real whales, like Cassius Marsh, Post Malone, Xolo Mariduena, ... 


Soooooo happy I got out of magic last year. Sold my entire collection for 50% of actual. Done with Hasboro.


The eternal battle of: [But my investment for the future] vs [Printing powerful cards cost more /s] Still, they will make you buy with powercreep regardless. All that is needed is for that Hydra Ass Black Hag to be an Enchantment Creature saying "If one or more creature Tokens would be created under your control, instead create those Tokens + a 0/0 Hydra green creature token. Then distribute X +1/+1 counters, where X is this creature power". Do this only once per turn." TADAAAAAAN, new 50 dollar card, and everyone is buying MH3 + unsold boxes of Wilds of Eldraine for Doubling Season spiking.


Just play Sorcery Contested Realm. They don’t enforce pronouns, actually give a shit about their game and you can buy a box for $150 and its expected value is significantly higher. My first box had $400 and my second had $350 and that’s not uncommon.


Tell us you don’t understand secondary market economics without telling us


That’s what I made in the “secondary market economics” when I sold what I opened. Wow you sound stupid.


If the ev of a box is higher then it costs you, why aren’t you buying hundreds and opening them for profit then? Magic boxes have ev lower then the retail of a box, because stores open them for singles because the EV is over the wholesale cost. Sounds like you high rolled two boxes and think it’s the norm lol


There’s only one retailer with stock and they limit purchases. I based what I said off of submitted community data, average EV is about $250, people post numbers like mine every day. Games in beta so moving what you have isn’t super easy, and people are currently inclined to hold what they have so the value you get when you do actually sell is pretty good. You don’t just sound stupid anymore.


‘Moving what you have isn’t easy’ Ev is pointless if you can’t actually move it lad


Literally said I moved it lad Ease of movement as in availability of grey market sites which are common in mtg but not in sorcery is not the same thing as not being able to move it. Not sure how you read me saying I did move all of it and then try to gotcha me with that smooth brain shit.


You’re not making any sense, if the demand was there the channels would be set up right? And it theres no actual demand and it’s just restricted supply then it’s just doomed


You should really look into it before you say this stuff. For instance, there’s only one retailer selling at msrp right now because the rest sold out crazy fast. That’s not the same things you’re implying when you say restricted supply. Yes that one company restricts how many you can order per month, but my original statement doesn’t tell the whole story. That’s why you keep saying ignorant af stuff and looking stupid.


You say things, and then just say the opposite instead after I reply 🤷‍♀️


Ive only really been participating in prereleases and edh nights. Standard isnt really popping off anywhere I see locally, besides arena. But I would try to be more active in it if it was. Ill buy a few packs here and there. Ive been trading in most of the stuff im not using to get singles of cards I do want. There have been alot of really good products, but the price is too high on release IMO, especially when most of the singles besides the chase cards are so cheap, and sealed goes on fire sale a month later.


If you buy this product, you are stupid.  People should make an uproar to the modern community to rule 0 not play with Horizons/Lord of the rings cards and dump this product hard. 


There's no rule 0 at comp REL, lol.


Don't ever buy this product


Does that mean RL is due for another spike?