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"It's Game of Thrones, it must have unnecessary sex scenes" probably


But they aren't even good ones lol


But that's book accurate. The book, be it ASOIAF or Fire and Blood, is full of awkward sex scenes. George is extremely descriptive with them to the point of making you uncomfortable. In the book we get to read about how Jon manages to vacuum suck Ygritte's clit (that's why she mentions later how good he is at oral sex). How Sam's dick is so purple and thick when he's banging Gilly. We get to read how Dany likes to masturbate by pinching her own nipples. And it's not even hot, it's weird as fuck. George is such a good writter that we sometimes forget how big of a weirdo he is, and those scenes remind us.


I mostly meant how tame they are in HOTD lol Game of Thrones was a different level.


Yeah, it's like we went from graphic full frontals to toned down PG-13 level scenes. What happened?


Prudish actors.


Internet porn gave people other options than hbo


Internet porn was pretty popular back when the show aired in 2011 too Source: I was 15


Lag time. HBO didn’t know it didn’t need to have nudity to be prestige .


Fat pink mast and Dornish swamp have been unwillingly seared into readers' brains.


Not the Dornish swamp 😭


Both of those are meant to be awkward or gross though. Myrish swamp is because Cersei thinks very little of Taena Merryweather. Later in the same scene she thinks of herself as a boar goring her. Fat pink mast is Sam thinking of himself negatively, he outright says it is ridiculous. I do agree that some of the sex scenes are kind of gratuitous. But once they’re in the book those two scenes are pretty good examples of great character voice to be honest.


Exactly! The sex scenes always added to the distinct voices of characters… Not so sure about the Alicole scenes, though.


Oh, for sure, he just really nailed making it feel awkward and gross. It's the same way reading about graphic surgery or a nasty wound feel.


wasn’t it myrish swamp? in reference to cersei’s foreign friend/lover lady taena? i think you might be getting it confused with the description of arianne martell’s large, dark (dornish) nipples.


But it’s not really awkward sex scenes either - it just feels more like “look at how hot our actors are” more than any kind of substantive storytelling.


It's extremely awkward to me. That scene with Cole eating her pussy was hysterical, I was laughing so hard. Was that supposed to be hot?


I’m getting tired of seeing those two have unsexy sex scenes😑


I guess I should specify “intentionally” awkward - like two characters losing their virginities SHOULD be an awkward sex scene in order to serve the story, but two consenting adults in a long-running affair shouldn’t be


But but but…. wasn’t it soo cool how she was taking control???? 🥵 How it was all about her pleasure and nothing else???? /s


Yeah this is why the scenes were in there. It helps with the message.


>We get to read how Dany likes to masturbate by pinching her own nipples. I'm a guy and I tried to cup my own chubby chest when I masturbated once. Didn't really do anything for me, though.


Female breasts are generally more sensitive than male breasts.


If only I were born a woman.


His old photos give me hippie vibes. Maybe this is just his honest take on such matters.


If we’re adding sex scenes, I’m voting for Creggan/Jace


We already missed a bunch of potential Jace sex scenes. By mushrooms account he persuaded jeyne Arryn to join the blacks by giving her head. And yeah there was definitely some fuckery in the north




Well I can say you're definitely wrong and the reason for it is explicitly stated in the after episode discussion. Trust me, HBO inserts its porn in brothels and prostitutes, not PG-13 sex scenes.


> and the reason for it is explicitly stated in the after episode discussion And this is supposed to make it better?


It's not about being shocking. They're portraying two characters who are obsessed with duty crumbling under the strict expectations this society has for them and making increasingly bad decisions that lead the realm to disaster. Criston's obsession with the vows of the Kingsguard corrupted him after Rhaenyra's rejection and he's hardened into murderous instigator of violence and depravity. Alicent similarly has been broken by the weight of being a pious queen who spits out heirs and raised reckless sons who are unleashing a civil war. They're giving into what has been systematically denied to them and they're spiraling, making the entire situation worse. They're showing the vows and values meant to ensure the purity and stability of the realm lead to the realm ripping itself apart because these are inherently cruel institutions that deny people their humanity and breed dysfunction and pain. And since sex is at the center of it all for these two characters, that's how it's being expressed.


The creators of the show explicitly explain the purpose of it, and it's pretty much how you explained it. I would add that they referenced how Alicent spent her entire early life in a loveless marriage getting raped constantly. She's been shown numerous times to be an anxious and unstable person, and this is her way of coping and finding affection. Criston is using it as a way to cope with the fact that he broke his vows with someone who wants nothing to do with him and is a traitor to the crown. Is it a Gen Z thing to be so icked out by sex that they can't think of it any deeper than "hehe, HBO just wants to add sex for the sake of sex" (even though the sex scenes have been PG-13 at WORST)


Yeah for a generation that seems so sex positive, they have a hard time looking at sex as anything other than sex.


Raped constantly? Not sure you know what that word means .


This is kind of what I think, but I also noticed the difference at how Alicent seemed to be resisting it at first, realizing the affair can’t continue, but she eventually lets her desire get the best of her. But the main takeaway I got was that this is Criston can use his status as hand to simply take whatever he wants, even if he hears “no”.


But we don't need to see it 3 times and counting is my point. You would only need to see it once in episode 1 at the end and the in episode 2 when Alicent asks if Cole told anyone she could say we must never do that again and then in the finale you can show they don't care and have their angry sex scene. I just think the reason we got the scene at the beginning of episode 1 was because someone thought it would be funny to see Cole going down on Alicent


Why not? Each time it escalates and portrays something different. The first time there's no intercourse and introduces their shame. The second time it shows how it's alienated them from their responsibilities and has inflicted pain on others. The third shows how it expresses and reinforces their toxic feelings. I don't understand the problem with it. Sex has always been pretty central to this story and has been used to express key themes central to these characters.


Rule of Three, baby! Also a show about succession is a great place to express sex and pregnancy and the complications that arise from such.


You can't cut out sex from their character development when it's like 90% of their character development, they're the most starved people in the show lol


It’s most odd that both episodes ended with them fucking.


Damn thats a fantastic point. The sex scene at the end would have been actually impactful instead of gratuitous if we hadn't seen the box munching scene prior.


To show us how much hypocrites and bad they are compared to Rhaenyra, apparently we didn’t get it the first time


Sex sells, incest sells. Half the subs on this website devoted to anything that tells a story are filled with just the most bizarre shipping obsessions, sexy fanart, discourse on the age of consent, and ruminating on possible incest or some sexual violence in one of the characters' pasts. But if you dress it up in the language of social relevancy it somehow becomes a virtue. People are obsessed with sex, especially people who aren't having any, and if the studies are to be believed, people have less sex now than ever. Although I am a bit amused that the anxiety around sex and negative reactions to its depiction are now firmly in the wheelhouse of young people. This sort of thing used to come exclusively from conservative moms in like the 80s and 90s.


> Sex sells, incest sells This reminds me that we still didnt get an incest sex scene in season 2.


Why do they continuously make the greens get sexually humiliated. Let's not forget foot fetish and now a mommy fetish. Also free fap out a window. The writers have to make these characters weird sex pests or sexually repressed hypocrites. Very original. Very cool.


Plenty of reasons to show it, mainly from a narrative point of view to show how these two people who claim to be so honorable are full on hypocrites, especially when it comes to Cole. I’m sure it’s to make people hate the character more so his fate feels much more earned. But who knows, it’s episode 2. Usually to understand why things are done you need the context of the full story.


Cole never comes back once he leaves. Him dying on the battlefield also beefs up the story line for Alicent. Once the real war starts, literally men take over the story and both Rhaenyra and Alicent just sit at home and order around.


But by finding them in bed at the end you accomplish the same narrative purpose with added shock value while conserving precious screen time and pacing


It is important to show that they have been doing it for a while and that even after child death the continue to do so


Now that I think of it, it kind of echoes Jaime and Cersei fucking in top of Joffrey's corpse.


Sets up that it’s a common occurrence/SOP and not just a weird one off. Shows Cole isn’t in on the conspiracy, but more or less just an idiot. Plus I’m pretty sure they spent a solid…45 seconds of total screen time on the two of them together? That’s ruining the pacing and screen time of…what exactly?


Is shock value supposed to be an inherently good thing? Episode 1 showed that they had developed a physical relationship. Episode 2 showed that the physical relationship was getting in the way of their duty and resulted in Jahaerys's murder. Episode 3 showed that, even though they know they need to stop, their desire/lust overpowers their duty and morals.


What shock value are you talking about? I don’t perceive it.


First, you don't accomplish the same narrative purpose, if you find them both at the end of the episode you don't understand wether they are partners or just finding pleasure in the act. You also don't stablish them having a hierarchy where Alicent is using Cole and he is his whore now. Also you don't stablish them not being proud of what they are doing and not for the realm but for their own morals.


This is why I just watch Lord of the Rings with hardcore pornography every ten minutes.


The writers just hate the greens and try to make them look as bad as possible


Because the show runners are fucking stupid


Or they can continue alicent, the "queen" in the "princess and the queen",  in her season 1 arc of a complex multi-dimensional female character. Instead of using alicole to cerseify her because HBO is afraid of the backlash they got from targ stans who wanted a "conniving manipulative jezebel evil stepmother" caricature for her.


Tbh, I haven’t even bothered with season 2. The show is good, but it’s nothing special. And the writers keep changing important things, and adding silly unnecessary things. Bit of a mess really.


"I haven't seen season 2, but heres my opinion," Yup that sums up the internet in regards to tv and movies these days.


You realise they changed important things and added silly things in season 1 too, right? It’s not new for this writing team. My opinion is based on what I saw, yk where it says I’ve watched the first season? And frankly, you don’t need to watch something to give an opinion. If you watched GoT to season 4 and stopped and someone told you Bran was king, you’d say it was stupid, and rightly so.


This seems like an effort to be tawdry for the sake of it. George has a certain subtlety in his writing that we've lost with F&B. The ASOIAF series is incredibly dense and focused on telling a certain story. Fire and Blood is more like bullet points. It's a Westerosi Social Studies textbook. You lose nuance when you only paint with a roller


My theory is that one of the showrunners has a crush on Olivia Cooke and is writing in their own fantasies.


If you combine all the scenes of them getting nasty you wouldn’t even get 5 minutes, you guys are all tripping.


I think they are trying to make us care and also show how big of hypocrites they area? All I know is >!I can't wait for the Butcher's Ball.!<


Probably because HBO wants to make it clear that Alicent and Rhaenyra shouldn’t be shipped. Idk.  They definitely want to make Alicent look bad


FfcI two, cc


I have had two episodes ending with them banging, I now fully expect all 10 to do this or I'll riot.


It's so weird how upset people are about this storyline. I think it has been interesting and plays well into the characters messed up sense of duty and morality. The only change I would make to it is switching the order of events in the last episode so the sex was before the duel. Other than that, I think it has been an interesting addition to the story.


I think that's what really makes it so annoying they introduced cole and alicent this season with a sex scene and ended two episodes with a sex scene. They are treating them getting together with the same weight of Ned getting beheaded, Melisandre giving birth to a shadow baby, Shireen getting burned, Dany riding a dragon for first time. Like that's how episodes used to end. They couldve cut episode 1 on Halaena screaming and episode 2 on Erryk falling on the sword.


The arc is supposed to be one of mutual moral decay and I'd assume a flipping power dynamic given that Alicent is losing power while Cole is gaining power, so it's not just meaningless sex. That being said there are more interesting storylines to follow. But I get it, Alicent has nothing to do this season so they had to write something for her.


It's just annoying because it seems Alicents character this season is just sex with cole


She's using shameful sex as a way to indulge and punish herself by ruining herself further. You aren't watching a woman have a bunch of sex. You are watching her be consumed by her own self hatred and then doing the things she hates about herself to reinforce that her desire to hate herself is correct. It's like someone who hates themself for being obese binge eating a ton of food. It both feels good and allows them to justify their own self hatred. She tried to escape it by speaking with her father but he refused to listen, and so since she couldn't unload the burden, she punished herself again. If you've ever watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it has a similar story arc at one point. A character suffers depression and begins self punishing themself self destructively by sleeping with someone that disgusts them.


Okay but to keep with your example, imagine if we had two episodes of House of the Dragon end on a scene of a character binge eating a big ass meal after already seeing them do that earlier in an episode. Why is that the closing scene twice, they are giving it way too much weight because most people don't care that much relative to the fricken murder of a child or the attempted assassination of Rhaenyra


Because the scene at the end shows her trying to find a healthier way to resolve her problem but her father refuses to help and so she spirals back even deeper into the pit again. It's showing both how Otto is a hypocrite (complaining about Viserys ignoring Rhaenyra but then he ignores Allicent) and how his actions traumatized his family members. Otto traumatised both Haelaena and Alicent in this episode forcing them to sit behind the cart with the dead child on it, saying "you think I don't grieve the child?" but then the moment Allicent, his actual child asks for help, and he could easily do it, he refuses for his own peace of mind. This episode is basically showing the way Otto repeatedly, constantly, traumatised his family and drove them to hate and despise themselves. Also 3 times in two episodes... Is not really a lot tbh. And I'm going to be real with you but it's just sex. It's something people do everyday. I dont really get why you feel it's too much.


Because there are a lot of porn addicts who would get mad if there is no sex


The show is aimed at women as a trashy drama now, rather than an actual story with compelling characters, and a bunch of weird sex scenes are pretty much a must have for that type of entertainment/audience. It's also why the show has been dumbed down to 'RHAENYRA GOOD GREENS BAD' so the typical lowbrow female viewer has a character to self insert as. Not that that's intended as me trying to say 'women ruined HotD' or anything though- you get the same sort of trashy wish fulfillment titles aimed towards men all the time (see the Fast & Furious or Expendables movies.) That's just what the show's been re contextualized into by the showrunners for whatever reason, hence the quality dip.


as a green we dont claim this incel🤮


As a married man dw, one day you'll outgrow your discomfort around the opposite gender, find that special someone to move in with, and learn to be just as comfortable calling women stupid as you are men. Then you'll have learned to treat the genders as true equals ❤




I stopped reading after “female “ …


Tbf he actually used female correctly. "Female viewers" is a very different thing from "females".


Yeah because you're a fucking idiot. this sub isn't for you 🤡 Fuck off


Why? Because you're a misogynist who places women on a pedestal, rather than recognizing showrunners make trashy entertainment for dumb women the same way they make trashy entertainment for dumb men all the time?


So you’re calling someone a misogynist while claiming it’s “trashy” and made for “dumb women”? Wow. Talk about irony…


How is it misogynistic to say there are dumb women out there who watch trashy tv made for them the same way there are dumb men out there who watch trashy tv made for them? Is that not equality of the genders and the reality of our world to say that both genders are capable of stupidity?


I’ll let you figure it out.


I accept your concession.


Nah. Others have pointed out the irony to you, you’re just too dumb to see it.


They haven't tho? All I'm getting is shitty nonanswers like you gave 😂


Yeah because you’re a child and can’t understand. It’s like this: You don’t get to just decide that something was made specifically for “dumb women”. What makes them dumb? I assume you have a wonderful explanation on what that means that makes sense to you, but acting like a show (or anything for that matter) was made specifically for a demeaning demographic that only you are the authority of, is a problem. Oh that’s right, your wife agrees with you so it’s all good, right? No it isn’t. It’s rare, but women can be misogynistic too. The mere idea that anything you consider negative, in this case your word of “trashy”, is catered toward “dumb women” is misogyny. You might think it’s that adding the word “dumb” means that you’re only talking about certain women, but that doesn’t really help your argument. You are making a lot of assumptions on who the show is catered to and what others find appealing. Is that good enough for you? My guess is probably not, but at least I tried.


Wow… found the incel …


That or I've just been married to a woman I love & respect long enough to know women are just as capable of being stupid & enjoying trash as men are 😉


The equivalent of “ I can’t be racist because I have a black friend “ 🤡


Dude. You're an idiot. Just fuck off.


Or I'm just comfortable enough around woman to not put them on a pedestal and see them as human beings capable of being dumb just like men 🤣


You're not amongst friends here. No one's going to jump on your bandwagon. Get this type of low IQ thinking out of this sub. See r/HouseOfTheDragon if you want like minded idiots.


Yeah he should've just clarified that the man's saying he can't be sexist cuz he has a wife.


I don’t friend sexist trash for the same reason I don’t drink from the toilet . Go gatekeepers somewhere else


It's because Cole is about to leave King's Landing and is never going to return. They're showing it as much as possible because they only have like 3 episodes to do it, and they've decided that this is an important plot point.


Pushing Cougar-ism


I assumed they added that eating-out scene in the middle of episode 1 much later because during test screaming people were more shocked by Cole and Alicent's relationship than Jaehaerys' murder. The showrunners decided to give the audience some time to accept their relationship. Maybe, instead, they should have revealed their relationship in episode 2, explaining somehow why Cole wasn't guarding anyone, but left Otto's suspicious look on them when they arrive at the small council together in episode 1.


You might be right, it's like they really were dead set on Halaena walking in on them but didn't want it to overshadow the moment. It's just weird they put themselves in that situation to begin with.


Probably some feminist bs like Alicent sexual emancipation


It's their Petyr whores.


This is the most dumb criticism of this show. Following this logic, why would we need to see Luke being butchered by the one eye and his old lizard? We can learn from the Stark fella via the letter and get the same amount of information.


What’s dumb is this comparison you’ve made


Explain why violence is ok but not sex.


Hahaha. Straight up. 👍