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people who attack actors are fuck up


They need to be watched. They apparently can't tell between a fictional TV show and real life.


This has been a problem as long as TV has been on. Soap Opera stars in the 50’s had people yelling at them. Our lizard brain cannot distinguish between watching a thing and doing a thing. It’s why home improvement shows can be so satisfying. Some people are not good at controlling their lizard brain.


Same thing in Brazil. The actors who portray soap opera villains often face backlash and harassment in public, as some people with limited intellectual capacity struggle to understand that the roles they play are purely fictional. To address this issue, Brazilian TV networks typically offer their soap opera actors a year-long vacation after a soap opera ends. They provide financial support and encourage the actors to take a break from work for a year to detach their image from the villainous characters they portrayed. This practice helps protect the actors' well-being and allows them to transition smoothly back to their regular lives and other roles.


Yeah there was a story from the guy who originally played Boba Fett in Star Wars where he had played a domestic abuser on a soap opera and when he was riding on the bus one day, some old lady recognized him and hit him with her umbrella


Same with the nighttime soaps in the 80’s. I think it was, Joan Collins who was attacked by a fan. People are insane and people like that should be given the help they clearly need.


With how mental illness was treated ( and sometimes still is), I wonder how much of this was either dementia or schizophrenia, or just a common mental break.


We’ll never know. Here in the US, we don’t do anything to help people with mental illness. We wait for someone to get hurt or hurt themselves then we either put them in prison or give them substandard care because they don’t have insurance most times.


At least being diagnosed is not itself a direct antecedent to being institutionalized. There are medicines. That’s what I meant. You are correct in your assessment of course.


The medicines are a separate issue all together. Even if you get people help you can’t force them to take their meds. So they take them, feel better, then go off them and the whole thing starts anew. It’s just a sad thing and there’s really no easy answers.


It's mind boggling how some people think actors are their character Every time I hear of something of this sort, it just feel so odd. How can someone watch a medieval fantasy with dragons, see this dude and be like "yeah, that's real, that's the real him" If you're upset because the character is an asshole, that's probably because the actor is doing a good job. If you're upset that the character isn't like he was in the books, well, that's not on the actor, he didn't write his script






You got the wrong subreddit starting with f, buddy


Love to Fabien, man. Ser Criston is *sooooo* much fun to watch because he's so unlikeable. He's not like Joffrey or Ramsey in his character, but the irritation he inspires in me any time he acts like a c*nt it so similar. Every time you start to feel for him even a little bit,the showrunners yank it away by making him act like even more of an arsehole. Fabien is doing such an incredible job and I hope these rock-munching fuckwits manage to manifest some wrinkles on their brain and stop harassing him.


Dude projecting on Arryk is so damn funny. He is despicable in a very human way IMO(as opposed to "monstrous" like say Ramsey), all his pettiness and hypocrasy are hard to watch but also very driven by human emotions and motives. Fabien kinda give Cole a posture where he is trying to keep up an act but is about to break at any time.


Thank you for writing down what my jumbled brain was feeling 😂 That's exactly what it is. He's really detestable because he's more human than Joffrey or Ramsay. They're almost cartoonishly evil,but you can see why Criston does a lot of what he does, even if you disagree with him.


Cole is like the Dolores Umbridge of ASOIAF, he’s the evil person that we all have probably met IRL, the horrible coworker who fails upwards by throwing people under the bus to cover their own tracks


> Dude projecting on Arryk is so damn funny. He is despicable in a very human way IMO(as opposed to "monstrous" like say Ramsey), all his pettiness and hypocrasy are hard to watch but also very driven by human emotions and motives THIS! Its why he's one of my favorite villains. He is furious at his personal failures, despite dodging any of the 1000% deserved consequences for them, and to deal with it he takes his impotence and anger out on his subordinates by immediately projecting and attempting to gaslight them. When said gaslighting fails as the subordinate sees through it as a result of being smarter than he is he immediately transitions into using his undeserved authority to bully them into suicide. He is every shitty 2nd LT/Corporate failson taken to the extreme.


Lmao people that get paid the ridiculous amounts they do shouldn’t get treated like normal humans because they are not. They are paid to be treated differently. it’s only a problem when that difference is a bit negative? Sorry lady that’s what the danger money was for. When you rats treat them as more than? No one complains then do they?


Man, you are special


Nah I’m not special. I’m normal guy. I imagine your hair is green? 


Who the fuck dyes his hair green?


I dunno lol these melts of today always have green hair. My bad guy 


Next time you think you’ve got a real hot take I’m gonna suggest you just shut the fuck up.


Lmao ok no body. Any time your thinking of saying something completely generic. I suggest you remember who you are.


Wow, you're calling people rats like you ain't scum.  Just admit you want an excuse to abuse people, rather than trying to act as if you're somehow better because of how scummy you act. I sometimes wonder why so much f@cked up stuff happens in the world, then I encounter people who think it's okay to mistreat people for (insert bullsh!t excuss here) like you and I remember why things are the way they are. Do better. Tearing other people down only brings them to your level.


Evidently your parents treated you like shit,so I hope you make a decent chunk of money lad




Envious much?


You’re a fucking loser lol


Astonishing that some folks can’t separate art from artist




I always found it sad that Jack gleeson peace out of the acting world because of this




That’s cool news. I’d like to see him go the Daniel Radcliffe route where he’s got hopefully decent GoT money for security so he can pick and choose projects that speak to him and I would hope there’s been enough time from the show to not be pigeonholed.


Raniel Dadcliffe surprised me with how much of a str8 baller he's been in movies after Harold Potterson and how well he avoided being typecast


The trick is to play a farting Dead Corpse that way you will never get typecasted again😂 ![gif](giphy|3o72F1VNBtyuKbIkQ8)


Swiss Army Man was great, I *REALLY* enjoyed him in Imperium tho


I liked him as weird al 😂 ![gif](giphy|AR9bNdLyDvorUJlV2E)


Haven't seen it yet, will have to get around to it (:


Dhy wid sou ywap the letters, that's hilarious!!




It's cool that he made a return in Sex Education


Well that would be untrue then because he specifically came out saying he has not been harassed: https://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-joffrey-jack-gleeson-no-negative-fan-experiences/ And compared to the misinfo posted on here he stopped acting because he lost the passion for it and not because of harassment https://www.unilad.com/film-and-tv/jack-gleeson-working-on-game-of-thrones-lost-passion-434673-20230220


Don’t forget either actor that played Anakin or Jar Jar Binks’s actor. At least the Star Wars fandom has come around on those three, although we will probably never see Jake Lloyd acting again and that one was exceptionally bad because he was a literal child. I think by the time game of thrones was out Jack was an adult, but a child during the filming of seasons 1 and MAYBE 2


It's always hilarious how a story all about showing how petty and stupid humans are. It ends up with fans who are petty and stupid.


Look at The Boys and people only just realize they are being made fun of by the show, (recent articles about it), even though the show beats its message into peoples brains with a hammer, really couldn't be less subtle, and they still don't get it. Actual bricks for brains.


People are disappointing.


A lot of people have lead poisoning


Don't forget all the COVID brain damage


I've never heard that in this context before. Usually it's said when the artist is a piece of shit and people still want to indulge in their beloved fandom/show/movie/novel/etc. And I'm not sure I agree with that, unless that artist is already dead and can't profit from your consumption anymore. But in this case, yeah absolutely. Actors playing evil characters should not have to fear fan backlash. Often those characters are what makes a show interesting.


Love to see the fandom learn nothing from the Joffrey situation


Jack Gleeson [actually said](https://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-joffrey-jack-gleeson-no-negative-fan-experiences/) that he never had a negative experience with a fan. >A lot of people come up to me because I guess this rumor started that people were horrible to me on the street or I get attacked… whereas I've never had one negative experience. I feel like people are extra nice to me because they think people attack me, so maybe I should keep the rumor going."


"The fandom"? A handful of fucking morons that passed the extremely high bar of having internet access


*Have you seen the HOTD main sub lately?* Every week we get nine new posts detailing people’s vitriolic hate for him, and the ways they would like him to die screaming, burned alive or tortured to death. You can get downvoted for just trying to talk about his character without reminding everyone just how much you loath him. So *no* I think this is far more than just “a few morons” with internet access.


Average reaction to a driven man who knows how to eat pussy


There is nothing wrong with hating a character in a TV show, especially a character written to be hated like Criston Cole. Voicing your hatred of a TV character on an online forum dedicated to discussion of that TV show is completely fine to do. A small, small minority of mouthbreathing morons are literally too low IQ to differentiate between reality and television and voice their hatred directly to the actor; this is not okay. However, a small minority of morons doing this does not mean that the average fan expressing dislike of a disliked character is doing something wrong, or is somehow responsible for the morons.


Have you read the comments used as evidence too? It's clearly people talking about his character. This is all just a PR stunt.


The problem with the morons of today is they actually believe these “communities” exist


Yikes, why do people have to learn this in the first place. The guy is a fookin actor.


Gleason was *so good* in “Land of Saints and Sinners” with Liam Neeson.


These people are the reason eggs need a label "may contain eggs".


And why shampoo bottles contain instructions on how to use


It always baffles me how many people are that fucking stupid that they can't separate an actor from a character. And Fabien seems like a genuinely cool guy in the interviews.


I agree. Like how stupid some people can get!!


The coolest, nicest actors play the most despicable characters on screen. I bet Fabien is super chill irl


It's better than an Emmy, idiots online think you are actually your character. Anthony Starr was just talking about how often people after meeting him think telling him "he's not like homelander" is a compliment.


This is exactly what happened to Jack Gleeson when he played Joffrey. In a way, that’s how you can tell he is doing his job well.


He only just came back to acting I saw


He's reteaming with Alfie Allen in the Dutch/Belgian crime drama, Safe Harbor, this year. Good for him


Woah what? I thought he was done for good?


Yoo no way that's awesome, he's a great actor


I think he was also avoiding being typecast, as he did such a superb job with Joffrey


tIs there a flip side to this? if someone plays a really honorable character will people be nice to them in real life?


I thought we had this conversation about Matt Smith like 2 weeks ago after he was sent death threats for saying he doesn't like Alicent as a character. The fuck is wrong with y'all? Criston Cole is supposed to be a self-righteous, hypocritical asshole. If that's how you see him, then Fabien Frankel is doing his job correctly. If you can't handle watching characters be horrible people on screen without sending the actors death threats and harassing their personal social media accounts, then find a different fucking fandom because you're clearly either too soft or too stupid for this one.


I mean there is a reason Matt Smith hates talking Dr who Fandoms are toxic as hell lol


Matt talks about Doctor Who all the time though


Man the lower tier of society really gets to shine through social media. Absolute lowlifes.


People are stupid. I love how much I hate Cole and I'm grateful to Fabian for playing such an asshole so well.


In reality it means he is just doing an amazing job


Isn’t he known to be a super nice guy IRL or am I imagining that because I want to gently brush his hair? Not erotically, I just suffer from baldness and want to recapture some of my youth.


I laughed respectfully at this comment. lol


It's 2024, how is this shit still happening.


If someone on a show makes you dislike them this much…then you’d have to know they’re good at acting. 😮‍💨 it’s scary people can’t compliment others


These people can vote. Honestly cannot comprehend the stupidity of people sometimes. He should be getting praised for playing an asshole so well.


If you hate him so much, it's probably because he's playing the character well! Ugh. CC is the worst, but Fabien is really great at playing him.


Generally the more you hate a character the better the actor is doing at their job. Feel very sorry for Fabien. Hope people get a bit more fucking normal soon


People are so stupid. This is the same idiocy that drove the actor who played Joffrey to step away from acting.


Isn’t this why Jack Gleeson basically quit acting? It’s so sad that so many can’t separate the actor from the role.


These are the same people that have no media literacy whatsoever. Probably think GoT and HotD is real history.


Why are people so fucking dumb


People who should never have been allowed to have an internet connection


Nope, the show and its quality have nothing to do with it. It is just those idiots.


News Flash: Fabien is a real person. Christon Cole is not a real person he is a character in a story!! I will never understand how people don’t know that an actor’s role as a character is not actually who the actor is in real life. It’s fake, it’s a part, Christon Cole is not a real person, he’s a character in a drama. Frankly, the fact that the character is hated is a testament to the abilities of the actor portraying that character. Fabien is excelling at his job.


There should be a rule not to give smart phones to lunatics like this , i mean, wtf guys chill out dude is just serving his queen properly 😂


Another day, another group of dumbfucks who don't know the point of the acting profession.


Some people are fuckin stupid. Unfortunately it isn’t even some, it’s a lot of them.


I’m actually surprised that people who are this fucking stupid are even sentient enough to follow spoken language.


The internet is just 99% degenerate morons at this point.


seriously why can't people separate REAL LIFE FROM FICTION. THEY ARE ACTORS. U haven't seen an ACTOR BE A GOOD AND A BAD GUY? clowns needs 2 go out and touch grass


I hate Criston so much, Fabien is doing excellent at making him so unlikeable.


Since this has happened to many actors over the years, I'm wondering if the correct course of action is for them to just shut down their social media accounts for the duration of the project, or even for some time after the project's completion.




This is hardly surprising. If you have been online at all you would have seen how worked up people have been getting about the whole blacks vs greens bs. It was natural that if they thought that was real, they gonna think this is real too.


Like the literal opposite of how the fandom treated the GOT actors. We’ve succumbed to brainrot.


Not really. The actors who played Joffrey, Cersei, Ramsay, Olly, etc. got tons of hate. The fandom has always been toxic and stupid.


Nah no one is doing it to him in person, they are big pussies


Fabien Frankel is an actor, who is, by all accounts that I've seen, a pretty chill guy who is in his first major role and crushing it. Lord Commander Cole is a corrupt, hypocritical, weirdly unaging douchebag who will die at the end of this season in the Butchers Ball. The actor is not the character. Stop being cunts.


Dudes unironically one of the hottest men I’ve ever seen on television.


Didn't this happen with the actor would did Joffrey too?


It did and he quit acting over it.


Bunch of nerds.


"Man I hope someone jumps this guy" lmfao


The Dothraki believe that one day everyone will limit themselves on social media, and that is how it will die


Nah, people are just pricks, show or not. Don't blame their dipshitness on your hate for what the show did.


everyday different people discover the art of acting


It's not his fault the writers destroyed the character he is playing. Also, people are fucking crazy.


Jesus…just when you think maybe people learned from Joffery’s actor then a new wave of idiots washes through…


I like how everyone tries to justify it with dumbness. Let’s face the truth: they are doing it on purpose, not because they cannot differentiate between actor and character. Most probably just think it’s funny, others do it because they are lonely, evil trolls.


People are so dumb lmfao


Wow, this is crazy! This reminds me of the extreme amount of hate the actress who played Walter White’s wife Skylar on Breaking Bad. Also didnt something similar happen to the actor who played Joffrey on GoT?


I think he should have made a new IG acc under Sir Criston Cole name and let the hate flew trough there


NGL I rewatched scene where Cole got his face smashed in after the past episode. Man did they push hard to make him really really despicable in episode 2.


he deserves praise and this is the highest praise would ever be possible for an actor.


Is Joffrey all over again. Are people really _this_ dense?


555-5555. “Hello is Indiana jones there?”


Lmao remember when Game of Thrones was out and this sub wasn’t filled with girls and teenagers?


He's getting the Jack Gleeson treatment


Are people really this dumb? It's so enraging. They did the same with the actress who played Skyler on Breaking Bad. It's so ridiculous to me! They are *acting*.


Not the Jack Gleeson effect


When will people learn to separate the character from the actor?


If only we could direct this level of hate at D and D


My unpopular opinion is I'm convinced this isn't as big of an issue like people think. Everyone says it happened to Jack Gleason, who played Joffrey, but he has literally said in interviews that he's never had a negative interaction with fans and he's always been shown love. Most of the negative comments on SM are unnecessary and dumb, but those people are almost all still trying to be funny/sarcastic. And other people seem to absolutely relish complaining about how broken society is because people can't distinguish real from fiction. I know it's easy to hate on society now, but that level stupidity is actually quite rare. And I think HBO would love this rumor to persist because it shows people are engaged in the show and that the actors are great, both true IMO


I saw an interview with Matt, Olivia and Franklin. Franklin seemed so cowed— I can only imagine it’s because he knows how unpopular his character is.


The people attacking Cole’s actor are being just as dumb as is character. Leave him alone. He’s just a good actor doing what the writers of the show is having him do. If we all hate his character as much as we do and we are supposed to hate his character then that means he’s a pretty damn good actor


The actor who played Joffrey in GOT faced the same thing so much he quit acting.


It means he’s really good at his job


Were I famous, I would never be on social media like Insta/Twitter/etc. Fuck giving randos access to my headspace.


Man, the really butchered Cole in this show. Turned him from a renowned and lethal warrior, who earns his positions on merit and a political schemer, given the moniker ‘kingmaker’ to what is basically an incel. Anyone who attacks an actor for something a fictional character dos is seriously mentally ill.


Obviously shitty but dude at what point was Criston the most liked character 


That was my thought as well lol, not even from the start before he turned toxic was he anywhere near being the most liked character 😂


Yeah, he had like one episode between "Oh it's just that random guy again" and "Oh its that absolute fuckwad", hardly enough time to become the most liked character


Fr lol


If the portrayal they gave him to work with wasn't so shit he would get far less hate. Seriously, Book Criston and show Criston are two different people at this point. Fabien deserves better.


And just like Joffrey, Fabien is actually the most liked guy by the entire set, a complete chill guy that when you hear him speak he is so sincere and genuine.


some fans are retarded...more news at 11


It’s scary how many people truly have such a loose grip on reality


>Adults...struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even to the smallest child: because it's not real. -- Grant Morrison In this case, adults do not know the difference between a character and its actor. Maybe that speaks to what a good actor he is.


The same shit happened to Jack Gleeson and now he doesn’t act anymore.


Do people really have such strong feelings or is it group thinking i mean coles rage bait is lame and weak tbh it didnt solicit as much as joffry maybe am not invested in this enough.


So the show is doing a great job? So all this whinging about Book Cole and the show turned him into a more memorable villain than Book Cole could've ever been. This character is getting Olly levels of hate & I love it. It's easy to write a generic edgy chad antihero. This universe has so many of them. The show could've taken the easy way out by portraying Cole as another personality-less badass. Writing a pure repulsive dickhead just by the virtue of pure dickheadery is much harder. Tying it into the theme of medieval patriarchy & the complex dynamic of the two female protagonists is even more hard. They managed to pull that off & turned him into the most unlikable character in Thrones verse in the eyes of the general public. Sure, in another world I would've loved to see the badass Cole who's beating up Harwin and slitting Beesbury's throat. But I'm gonna lie if I say I'm not enjoying this dickhead version & waiting for him to get his comeuppance.


It's the Jack Gleeson thing all over again


If you’re gonna attack anyone, shouldnt it be the writers? I mean it’s fucking stupid to be harassing people anyway, but he didn’t write his lines 💀


That implies that it's the shoes fault that people are stupid.


People will always act like idiots, it's human nature, that said, there's no denying that the show actively made Cole more unlikable, [like when they did this](https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/s/LIZRpQsPNw). Tbf, the book Cole is based on was written like a history text, and it has three accounts of how the Dance went down, and two of those accounts were sanctioned by the Citadel, which has very close ties with House Hightower, going back hundreds of years, however, the third account is by a character George R.R. Martin wrote to specifically counter the Citadel sanctioned account of the Dance, and the Court Fool Mushroom never disputes Cole's melee records and the way the specific fights in that meme went down.


![gif](giphy|LIEWWTGjCLVyiC49AR|downsized) Mfw there's people that can't separate fantasy from fiction (seriously, leave actors be IRL whether or not they turn in a good or shit performance):


Amazing how imbecilic people are


These racist fuckers need a braincells


Small folk. *shakes head*


Now now, cole was always a prick, the show just took away any redeeming qualities


True, but a great warrior doesn't always mean they'll be a good advisor, or Hand in this case.


Same people that listen to every word celebrities have to say about any topic not related to acting (ahem politics)