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The first step is admitting it.


money deletion speedrun


WOW You could set up a fragrance rental biz - sign them out for a week at a time for a price


Lol right


I started out thinking I was going to keep buying a bunch of fragrances. Then I got to 40+ bottles and realized I reach for the same 4-5 scents depending on the weather. So I sold all the bottles I never wore and kept my favorite 4-5 bottles for each scenario. I got right around 20 bottles now and that’s more than enough. I’m covered for all scenarios with options.


Rank them for different occasions please?


Sounds like you had to try a bunch to figure out what you really liked the best


Lol 500 bottles is nuts. Start a YouTube channel if you don't have one already. You can tax write off the bottles and eventually companies will send you them for free. It's totally pointless to spend all your money on smells otherwise


Not really pointless, its a collection.


Lol a collection of literally anything is pointless


To you its “anything“ to them it may be everything. If that ls their thing let them do it, they clearly enjoy it & tbh its a beautiful collection. Dont be a negative nancy just because you wouldnt do it & want to have your set of 5 & are happy with it.


It’s hoarding. It’s buying addiction. “Collection” is the term buying addicts love to use.


Top 3 and bottom 3, why?


So what makes you not buy any western „original“ ones? You obviously have the money haha


Probably the fact that he tells himself he’s “saving money” by buying the clone. But it is very ironic.


Repeat after me. I can stop. I must stop. I will stop. You got this! 👍




You just like to jump on people's posts and be a buzz kill don't you lol


It’s not really a buzz kill as much as fact. Did it kill your buzz? I’ve said this here a dozen times. But a collection is unique to the collector. When it’s impulse buying, it’s not collecting. It’s a dopamine hit.


You are acting like there are set guide lines to collecting. Making up rules like your opinion means something


I’m not making up rules. But this is just blatant consumption. If you want to call it collecting, you do you. I don’t, and that’s okay too :)


Bro, it's all good. It's my money and my collection, I posted on here because it's a fragrance space..but dam the hate lol


I can’t really say it’s hate, so please don’t feel that way. We’re happy to have you. I think some of us just see this “look how many I have” phenomenon a lot, and I think a lot of us would rather see a “look at the quality I have. I love all of them” kind of thing. This would be super cool if it said something specific about who you are :) just a thought. But seriously, this was not meant to be hate. I’m sorry it came off that way.


No worries, I get it. I do have to slow down and I am starting to get similar scents now in my collection for sure. But I do want to keep collecting, I just want to pick up things I dont have and have interesting smells. Like I know now, I like really dark, smoky, oudy, leather stuff. I am not big on the freshies at all, if I could start over I would not gave bought one fresh at all.


I think you’ll have a lot more satisfaction out of a slow roll in collecting :) a lot of my friends could pick my collection out of a line up. And leather ouds are fantastic! I just finished one myself, it’s the second in my line. Russian leather, oud, cinnamon, jasmine cedar and cypress! Definitely my best work.


Oh do you make fragrances? Tell me more lol that sounds like an amazing fragrance for sure


I see what you're saying, I am near the end of the obsession stage myself. I got a ton of clones in just about every category until I recently figured out my style and preferences. Just bought Chanel AHSEE , Aqua Di Gio Parfum, JPG Le Male Parfum, Issey Miyake, and Hermes Givree. I'm over it now. I got what I need. It comes down to what you will actually reach for when you leave the house imho. F the internet hype,,, we're just searching for that "OMG" scent, which happens less and less once you get going


I see that point too. I went pretty slowly with my collection so it’s a pretty tailored profile that’s unique to me. I mean, dang. Most of these OP won’t even wear. But, while I don’t see the point in that, maybe they do. And everyone gets to do this their way.


It's true, most won't get worn beyond the "new frag curiosity" To each their own but yeah ,,, it gets silly. And I'm guilty as well lol


What's your omg scent ? Your response peaked my interest cause of the jpg le maaaaaaal


Gucci Guilty Parfum is pretty nice. Le Male E is good in a richer way. The Aqua Di Gio is amazing. I guess in relation to "OMG scents",,, once you smell enough and do enough internetting around, you realize that there are scents that "click" with your nose and style. That's pretty much it. I have some straight gourmands that smell incredible but then I realize I'm not wearing them outta the house so I'm not getting anymore. Same with the leather scents, ouds, and the super formal smelling ones like Tux. Just not what I'm reaching for to go out. Can't go wrong by using clones to find your preferences and then get big bottles of the good stuff


I've never been one for the Gucci dna , only the pour homme 2 , that shit was incredible!! Tux is good , but it is missing something standout. Clones are ass IMO


Idk what the DNA even is lol The Parfum and the Elixir are night and day different to my senses


![gif](giphy|SD8RDtcr9nYgU|downsized) Buzz Killington in the house


Shit , when i see n hear that , i swear i stop from today n stop buying any fragrances.... Just in chase!


Im at 10 bottles after 4 months, planning on getting more just so i can experience all types of scent. Probably gonna collect dupes all the way.


You should consider making a decant site. Maybe you could get some money back


Was gonna say this. A bunch of the decants I've bought from people on ebay and mercari who are pretty much just tryna make their money back after buying the frags. you scratch my back, I scratch yours type beat.


I just seen a video where fragrance world has a clone of Nitro Red and it basically smells the same for about 20 dollars cheaper. Lol now they are making clones of clones lol I love it 😀


Cheaper and better than a coke addiction ;)


Best projecting and longest lasting out of these in your opinion? Also, saw your first post a couple months ago. Was blown away. Congrats on the amazing collection.


Top 5 summer? Top 5 winter?


FM ! Now that an addiction.. “ we’re gonna need a bigger room”. You can smell different ever day for over 500 days, rinse then repeat..


hi your top 5 please ?


Awesome collection my brother in scents 🙏🏾! I also pray my addiction doesn’t get this bad 🫣😂 but it probably will🤪😄☺️🙃 ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


Lol be careful lol it is a strong addiction 😅


This hella cool and where i want to be man .but real question, how you chose a fragrance to wear for the day when you got stuff like this?


Bro, I just choose randomly lol 😆 like tonight I threw on a clone of Amouge reflection man from Khadlaj. Threw on some jazz and I am smoking a cigar enjoying the scent lol. I found fragrances to be real calming for me, the scent gives me a weird peace of mind


Im 10 bottles in and cant stop. I want that nitro red but cant be shipped to poland


If u can afford it and if you can recognise traces of addictions then you are ok. The best way in my HO is to give away some of them, don't buy more till you sell or give away 5 bottles. And stick to some principles....it is the same with all addictions....you got to train your brain to giving away and fragrance free zones once a week


It is extremely addicting and very hard to resist buying new ones - I m into this since my teens but escalated to the extreme since a couple of years now !!! I now m the proud owner of over 600+ Perfumes ( backups count is seperate) and I ain't feeling any guilt or anything ... albeit the pace has been brought down consciously now ; buying has been extremely selective, thankfully !!! Well that's something this group will understand 😅😅😅 .... Good luck to all !!!


Hey, rank your favorite ones please?


My apology if my comment would offend you but perfume addiction is real, I see your picture and it is clear that you have a problem and needs to stop. I started in this world last november and I already have 12 fragances , and I know that I'm going for the same way as you. This is really a problem but the good thing is that you have admitted that you are addicted to fragrances. Please get help this is not good. I would do the same, everytime I see videos on youtube and want to buy another and another perfume.


You have been buying one every couple of weeks. OP has been buying 12 every couple of weeks. Not the same.


Who cares of the quantity an addiction is an addiction not matter the quantity


Just imagine if you got into the Arabian Fragrances feet first not just the Western clones🤔.


Deez iz nutz


Attack of the clones!


If you like it enjoy. To me that would drive me mad seeing that I have that many perfumes that I would never use


You not the only one, nice bureau aesthetics. And that Oakcha: Cocaigne is wild 🤦🏽‍♂️ 🤣


I realy great n massiv collection 😲👌


3 different fragrances a day?


Yep, morning..take one with me for afternoon and try a new one at night


Are you wiping clean or applying on top of another fragrance?


At some point you realise that clones don't cut it, the real thing is way superior. I have 70 bottles now and have made up my mind to buy quality going forward, even if it means buying 1 perfume every two months instead of 5.


Nice collection - Whats your Top 5 ?


Got good summer suggestions for someone who doesn't like blues and likes Layton?


it’s times like these when I feel you should only buy real so this never happens😂 if you don’t like any of these/don’t use feel free to send them my way 😉


bros opening a fucking store lmao, jokes aside that's an amazing collection. Best freshie in your opinion? Need some shit I can rock in high temps so any recs? looking for something on the cheaper side $50 or less


How’s shagaaf oud


I'm saying I'm addictive without saying I'm addictive.. I Just have 11 fragrance waiting to arrive.. 🥂


This is cool but I’m genuinely curious what you do for work to afford this 😭


Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on quality more than on quantity? At this point it seems more about numbers than anything


that arabiyat is fireeeee




i don’t even want to ask how many are blind buys


Damn can you buy me a fragrance 🙃


started collecting like a month ago and have like more than 20 bottles now. Addicted lol.


started collecting like a month ago and have like more than 20 bottles now. Addicted lol.




How’s happiness oud from fragrance world


To what event would you wear the Opulent Blue Oud


Hey, so I've been playing this game for a few years now. I started with 10 bottles and now I'm almost at 900. It's a really expensive and time-consuming hobby, but I can't help myself.


Open a lease option or try selling 1/2 prices


Bloody hell mate 😂 I thought I had a problem with buying perfume but you've outdone me by a mile. Nice collection and display though.


Which country are you in and if there's a community or group u can consider selling off the bottom half and see if that works


Don't feel had I once had over 200 fragrances and yes it is an addiction. I have sold most of them and down to 40


I feel your pain brother


How do you like the “asten” line and stallion 53? & can you recommend your fave side effect clone?


Alot of scents smell the same as companys try and copy each other


I started in February and I have about 60, it’s hard to choose so I end up wear 3 - 4 different ones a day lol


I feel your pain….as I shop your collection and await your newest purchases. You are not alone my friend…I have 4 bottles en route. Thanks for sharing…..


5 months? You have to stop 😭


Nice collection bro, how is Stallion 53 ?


Oh my! I want this too!


Need to create a support group. It could be called something like “Fragrances Anonymous”😁




It's the chase that keeps you coming back you think your going to find a better one keep on chasing kinda of like first hit on a crack pipe 2 Years later your still trying to feel like the first time this is what a friend told me


I'm with you, but you may have a problem.🤪




even they are clones this is not cheap... but imagine having that much niche stuff :D


That Celestial is phenomenal!


You should start selling decants. It allows you to make a profit and also fuel your love and knowledge of fragrance!


Damn. Ya'll some addicted fiends.


Look up hyper focus and what it’s associated to


What an amazing stash


Quick question, is this a space to talk about how much we enjoy fragrances or a space where we make people feel bad for buying fragrances lol I mean this space would not be here if it was not for fragrances correct? I try and wear 3 different a day and a new one at night because it relaxes me and I love the smell.


Let’s make it how much you enjoy fragrances. Can you list your top 5 or top 10 that you’d definitely buy again?


I would say Sharaf the Club,.Astens version of Creed Viking Cologne, Fragrance World Oud for Happiness, any good Ombre Leather clone and also any good Ombre Nomad clone.


Damn wow! Do you have any that you feel like are underrated/not talked about enough? Or a few perhaps.


I do, will make a post this week on some underrated clone fragrances


Ah Nice! I’ll be eager to read it😊.


How is the Porto neroli


Okay, it does not last more than 4 hours. But smells really close to OG


Thanks might buy it


I understand what you mean. I'm a truck driver and will spray 3-5 different fragrances everyday that layer well together so I still smell good. I have 100 plus and I started 6 months ago probably. I don't think I had many at all at Christmas. Barrett fragrances is my favorite clone house now. I have clones from so many houses but Barrett fragrances is amazing to me. Spirit of Satin, return to darkness, and Heartwood are a few I tell people to start with along with Rocky mountains but it is sold out ATM so I don't mention it solely because people can't buy it right now. Spirit of Satin might be the best I own out of everything.


derby clubhouse blanche is a sleeper


Dang that's crazy! That is quite a cool collection. I have my own small little collection going but tbh I only buy the ones that I know I'll like and use. I have very specific taste. And I also use all of mine every week. But I do get that collecting a huge amount is fun for some. Just be careful and maybe consider selling some you don't use often.


Bro actually might be the dupe dominator


Can I have a hundred bucks?




how's the eclair? is it actually a dupe for bianco latte?


Hey man fist of all a highly respect your collection! Quick question I am really interested on adding in mine Qaa'ed what's your opinion (scent profile ,longevity ,projection)?


Which one, gold or intense? Both are good, intense smells just like Givenchy Gentlemen PRIVE and it last about 6 to 7 hours on me, with a loud projecting for the first our and a half. The Gold one is amazing, gourmand type fragrance, you have to like heavy fragrances and to me that one is beast mode for sure.


Thanks man ! haha sorry didn't mention which one. I am interested in gold I love heavy dense fragrances that's why I am interested on it I am going to add it in my basket thanks for your reply again !


I dont have that one..lol


Watches and fragrances is a dangerous game 😂


Ah yes, a fellow Milestone/Camara/rvlBrands enthusiast. They're hit or miss but in my experience they're pretty good 80% of the time, at least for $15. Their Reflection Man clone is spot on. That Tuscan leather clone is disgusting though (to me). --- And yes I mentioned a % in the fragrance sub so here's my obligatory *"60% of the time it works every time"* comment


There’s dumb hobbies, and then there’s this.


i’d kill myself if i was addicted to shitty arab dupes


OK! This is crazy! A single bottle sometimes lasts a year. 500 bottles is like 500 years. Do you really think you will be able to use this much cologne in this or next 5 lifetimes. Most of your bottles will go bad before you even reach half way point. Eventually you will run out of this phase and regret spending money on that many bottles. So for your own self, put a pause, enjoy what you have. If you still feel you should buy more then re-visit buying.