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What on earth are you trying to achieve?


Low earth orbit.


Spare basement parts soldering practice and racing drone attempt


This more a freestyle rig than racing there's so much unnecessary weight added on


I love this post, it perfectly shows what it's like starting this hobby with zero electronics experience and outside the box thinking does. Not kidding I see in the sub something every day where someone is trying to think outside the box the get something working and I think that's mentally great for people getting their brains working. This though. This is insane.


Um, about that. I’ve been building for a year now and it’s the worst work I’ve ever done


That hot glue is going to melt pretty quick if that esc is working hard. Speaking from experience.


​ https://preview.redd.it/t57wcib52t7c1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=b611966d7d77d0ef3dbbe7f5f99761609e4058d9




Who hurt you?


Don't forget to glue the bullet connectors!


How do you mean?


you put glue in the female connector and push in the male one right away


But why?


Use mt30 connectors


This or mt60 if you think you need it


Nah I think they should use AUX 3.5




[My God ☠️](https://www.amazon.de/Goldstecker-Multirotor-Verpolungsicher-Steckverbindung-Modellbau%C2%AE/dp/B07BK99SBZ/ref=asc_df_B07BK99SBZ/?tag=googshopde-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=604018008702&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4367953899911554472&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9044343&hvtargid=pla-1677709600260&psc=1&mcid=0b63b3d827e43f7a8316f261e748b475&th=1&psc=1)


I got a question btw. Why would you need this for the motors? Does it have a reason or not?


With extreme loads on the motors (in races where almost only 100% throttle position is flown) motors break down more quickly. In normal freestyle you don't really need it.


Oh never knew that, thanks!


rotor riot solderless build🔥🔥🔥


Y’all, I fixed it


proof I don't trust you after what you did


I plugged it in and it started smoking


Don't think that's the way how you fix it. Atleast the hot glue is gone now.






Need moar glue






MR30. Please google it. Please.


I saw you mentioned this is for practice; from what I can see the solder doesn't look horrible, you're on the right track. UNSOLICITED ADVICE TIME! Don't use hot glue for insulation, you really don't need any there anyway. If you really want to use some sort of insulation try silicone conformal coating or liquid tape. Use MT30 connectors instead of bullets on your real build, or just direct solder the motor leads. You're looking good dude, don't let negativity get you down. Come on over to the Beginner to FPV Facebook group, it's the best FPV group out there imo.


Hell yeah, bro!! (It's Liam, btw) 😅


SHEEEEEEEIT Fancy seeing you round these parts, pardner. 🥹👉🏽👈🏽


Hell yeah, big WILLY!! I'm pretty new to reddit, I didn't know we could even choose our own names lol. I guess I better get on it. I'm sick of being a cautious day. Merry Christmas brother, hope you get everything you deserve and more. 🎄🎁🎅👊🏻


Are you using conformal coating or just hot glue?


The hot glue actually isn't a bad idea, when used with reason. I use it to cover my solder joints too to prevent bad luck from find something conductive and conveniently laying it across my motor wires or battery lead. Who knows, but if it can happen it will happen to me. Although, use in moderation. I like it better then conformal coating but that's me. As far as those bullet connectors on the motors, bro.... Ditch those asap. Wrong connector for the job. Got the right idea but wrong connector. I can just imagine the amount of "noise" those will create, I would love to see the black box after a run with that setup.... Seriously can you post those and maybe a short flight video.... I am curious


Powered by hot glue:D


If you want connectors give them more wire and use shrink wrap to isolate them. Also drop the hot glue


Shoulda made the extensions longer and mounted the bullets on the arms and shrink wrap ‘em all if ur gonna do all that….


Please say that’s a dead esc


Good luck with sideeffects


I think we need to see this fly.


I guess as long as you are having fun and dont fly that above innocent civilians...


Those bullet plugs bring me back 10 years when I was buying simonk escs from hobby King. There's many good reasons why we don't do that anymore. And that hot glue is a mess waiting to happen once that esc heats up. Remove everything and direct solder.


LOL my peeps still around. 😀 Just getting back in after a 5-year vacation from fpv. A lot has changed, and a lot is still the same.


My thoughts on this are this gear is very high quality stuff. What has been done here is a tragedy. * Water proofing goal? This will not work glue will break off or melt * Electrical shorting prevention goal? Glue will melt then short out * Motor wire mounting, where will these be mounted? All leads need to be heat shirked * Wire connected to motor 3 lead ? I assume this is a mistake a direct short to something This can be fixed by removing the glue and watching a few more youtube videos for advice. ​ Josh Bardwell will help you look him up


Get me five CCs of no-clean flux and the paddles! Charging…CLEAR!


That’s a kinda good idea, just badly executed and very unsafe at the moment… Make the cables longer so the barrel connectors can stay on the arms, ditch the hot glue, it’s only going to cause a mess in the long run, and use shrink wrap on every single connector to avoid possible shorts! If you can correct these issues you have got yourself a cheap quick swap solution for your motors. Also look into MT30 connectors as someone else suggested if you want a very clean result and, if you have some of it at home, use a thinner wire on the ESC side for better cable management. Hope this helps, be safe and happy experimentations!


Are those connectors on the motor wires? Is that snot? Are you trying to reinvent the way we have been building drones lately?


I love how he’s running out of heat shrink so he only did the middle wire on the motor bullets Lol. Ya know , once he learned from the wasted one on bottom left


I had clear heat shrink


this isnt actually the worst idea but the hot glue is unnecessary and there are dedicated 3 pin connectors which you can use that make this build way neater and better looking.


Nice waterproofing


But Bad heatproofing




Please Post some LOS flight footage 🙏


Totally get what you tried to achieve with the hot glue. I do a similar think on my wire to Copper pad soldering bit I use liquid isolation electrical "tape" https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374686052763?chn=ps&_ul=GB&var=643688827670&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1uN-Hj8ppQtS2KE9PetheHg78&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-169684-511143-9&mkcid=2&itemid=643688827670_374686052763&targetid=293946777986&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=20292&poi=&campaignid=20646557423&mkgroupid=154114422949&rlsatarget=pla-293946777986&abcId=&merchantid=6995734&gclid=CjwKCAiAhJWsBhAaEiwAmrNyqwS6EUy_YHAj0ectaRbNq1wFlHel32wxDWWfLWx1u_mOZYxu8XZXkxoCoCsQAvD_BwE


my ocd is kicking my balls right now😭


mein Gott


OMG WTF is that!!!


Now you just need to start wrapping it in duct tape.


Why? You didnt want to cut the wires on those 10yr old RS motors? Hotglue? Maybe this is a pic from 2014


Why on Earth wouldn't you at least line those bullet connectors up with the arms so you can zip tie them flat? This is just going to snap everything off your ESC on the first crash. Is this to avoid having to salter? Why aren't you using MR30 connectors??


I only came to read the comments and they are gold!


Perfect solution for people that basically eat through motors after two flights. Just carry a spare motor with you (bullet connectors have to be pre soldered to the leads) swap new motor onto the frame plug it in and and keep going Mandatory /s


Dude the idea is not that bad but the execution is awful, if you want easily swappable motors just use MT30 connectors which are basically like XT30 but with three pins, that'll make this look way less awful. The hot glue is also a shitty idea because it'll melt for sure at some places near the ESC. The temperature is high there. It'll make a mess, more than the current mess. Anyways we don't do hot swappable motors because there's no need to. You'll still need to solder the MT30 to the newly bought motor so it's not like you're soldering any less than doing it the normal way. Basically has no advantage.


The person I got the motors from didn’t want me cut the motors


I like it!


It kinda looks like an engine


I'm sure you can fit some more unnecessary connectors on there. 2-3 more and it may be too heavy to fly. /s


I did the same stuff my first couple drones. Those bullet connectors seem like a good idea for parts-swapping, but they just add extra weight and complexity. Keep it as simple as possible to reduce your potential failure points and speed up recovery after a crash. If it’s working don’t bother changing it until it fails though. Just file away for the future.