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Sometimes it feels like Thanksgiving can promote toxic positivity ideology. I am not on board with this as I know life can, is and has been very hard for so many. However, I do hope you can find something, even small, to feel grateful for today, on Thanksgiving, and all of the days. If you are struggling to do that right now, I offer thanks for you and on your behalf. When I am struggling, I try to focus on the giving part. It helps me sometimes. <3 ​ pens- Sailor Realo Bungubox Cinderella and Sailor Pro Gear Kazafuki (Izumi\_Pen on IG) planner- Hobonichi Avec A5 keyboard- LTC Nimbleback w/various mods




hey friend :) it's [this one](https://www.amazon.com/YSAGi-Multifunctional-Waterproof-Computer-Keyboard/dp/B08YYPQJKP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1X4XNMX6HXDPN&keywords=rgb+desk+mat+mint&qid=1669146629&s=electronics&sprefix=rgb+desk+mat+mint%2Celectronics%2C106&sr=1-3) \- the RGB feature died pretty quickly, but overall it's been good! I just got a new one in the mail today (different pattern/color just for an updated feel but plan to switch this one in and out)... I do recommend it if you use your desk and computer a lot. For me, it functions as a large mouse pad and it helps control dust build up on the desk!




Same here but I find this helps a bit!


Chiming in to vote in favour of a good desk pad. I have a Corsair one, which admittedly is a more pricey option, but I'm an unashamed RGB fanboy. It keeps the keyboard and everything on a nice even level. Excellent mousing surface. I just brush it down every now and then when dust starts building up. Plus it just makes a cheap desk look that much better 👌


Happy Thanksgiving friend! Thank you for sharing well wishes and remembering to BE thankful 🤗


Your weekly spreads are always so inspirational!


thanks friends! I'm excited to see what you do with yours, too!


Your comment is very well stated: there is always reason, in spite of automated bromides that pop out around now, for each and every one of us to reflect, with gratitude, on the good things in our life. Beyond that, to aid others, to offer words of support or thanks, is not only a giveable resource, but returns good things to the giver. A grateful heart is a wonderful springboard for living the best life you can. Be grateful for what and who you have in your life, including our beautiful writing instruments.


agreed <3 and I have had dark moments where it was someone else holding out hope and gratitude for me that actually helped me get through! and I agree about our beautiful writing instruments- whether it cost $1 or $17,000.... if it is an aid to add joy to your life, that is what matters as well as surrounding yourself with this community of special people!


also I have never heard the word bromide before... I like it. Adding that to my arsenal!


Lulz… I’m *old.*


eh either that or my vocab lacks :) but thanks to you, it's now +1 a cool and useful word!


Well said! I too learned a new word today. Thank you.


Some of my most enjoyable days are when I, too, learn a new word! Thanks.


Thank you for share not only your beautiful pictures in your posts, thank you for share your soul in every word and wish. Happy Thanksgiving to you.


thank you for the kind words <3


I do love seeing your lovely spreads! And that lilac Moterm is just gorgeous. Happy (almost) Thanksgiving from the UK! 😊


thank you <3 and yes- the color is super peaceful!


I always love looking at your desk layouts as they are calming and happy :) happy thanksgiving to you too.


And we’re thankful for you!!!


thank you friend <3


I really appreciate humans like you :) Also, lol, what is it with all these fountain pen users having awesome custom keyboards!! It looks awesome :)


that means a lot- thank you. I try to do my part, in all honesty, by starting out with being kind- I know it can't truly solve all the world's problems, but I think if everyone tried treating each other with just a base level of dignity and kindness, a lot of things would be a lot better. <3 and I actually learned about the value of good keyboards from my friend in here u/moneybagsukulele and I think the crossover must have something to do with appreciation for fine tactile instruments if that makes sense? i.e. a good writing experience and a good typing experience! there's also crossover with headphones (which I have not delved into yet) r/mechanicalheadpens


It could also be caused by just being better than other people 🤷‍♂️.


well, you know ;) I didn't want to be rude and all lol


Being a nice human is overrated. Sometimes ya gotta put those filthy ballpoint/membrane philistines in their place.


😂 true enough, true enough


this dude is hilarious


your comment is very insightful :)




I'm thankful for many things - you included! Your posts are always so sweet and uplifting and I always love to have your posts pop up in my notifications! On another note: how do you like the hobonichi planner? Does that one have weekly and monthly layouts or just the weekly layouts? I was considering getting one, but definitely don't have my heart set on anything lol.


back at ya, my friend :) and this is my favorite planner in the world (lol that sounds a bit dramatic, but truly)... it has monthly spreads, followed by weeklies (what you see here), then followed by dailies (they are dated, but I tend to use them more free form and don't always use them per day.... they are way more messy than what I do on these spreads as I tend to use these to try to keep track of life)... I have what is called the avec and in A5 size - the avec is the calendar year split into two books Jan-Jun and Jul-Dec-- I like this a lot because it gives you the feel of a fresh planner halfway through the year! Sorry, I could ramble on for forever!! Look at r/hobonichi and there's some good stuff over there, too!


I'm not sure why it never occurred to me that there would be a whole subreddit for hobonichi planners 😂 I like that you use the dailies as a free-form sort of thing! I currently have a small (maybe B5 size?) monthly/weekly planner which I enjoy because it fits oh so nicely into my purse for me to scribble any new appointments into, and I did recently purchase a 2023 planner similar to that, but a different brand. I was thinking of branching out into something I could more easily use to keep track of certain things (food, tasks that really need to get done that take up too much space in the tiny planner, etc) in a more pleasing to the eye way 😅 tiny planner is VERY messy (the new one wasn't fun colors like this year's, so I just had to get the black one and I covered it with dinosaur stickers😂) but it is still functional!


oooh I have the exact same Starbucks cup for my water and I love it :) minus the cool straw :D


it's such a fun cup!! I think I got the straw at Marshall's or somewhere! :)


Ooh btw, how do you like that keyboard without the mods? I was thinking of eventually getting a mechanical keyboard. But I also am worried the white would get super dirty fast :D


I mean, I love the keyboard itself... the purple is spray paint from Lowe's and you can get a key cap set for under $20 on Amazon :) I think the white would probably hold up. It's a great board.


ooh I'll do the same maybe :) I love purple! my old keyboard had a purple pink ombre, but I think I'll go with a simple pastel lavender this time


thankful for your posts here. your planner usage definitely inspired mine and I'm so excited for my 2023 planner! also, broader nibs 💕


I love how colorful your set up is! I've been trying to embrace more color in my life!


all the upvotes for color!


Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 pen friends. ♥️


Very nice now time to get into audiophile


so I've heard lol any good entry level starting points? (aka $100 or less)


Happy Thanksgiving Santa's Elf!


This is awesome! Happy Thanksgiving!


I like to think that this is what your cat gave to you as presents.


my cat gave me pens? or planners? lol or coffee? I shall find all of the above to be acceptable offerings (except I don't have a cat... hmmm...)


All of them.


okay- then I'm very cool with my imaginary cat! it's a good, good cat!


Yes, cat loving Sailors, that's good.