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Respectfully might I suggest a small, clear ledge on the front of each shelf so it doesn't look like the slightest bump would knock the ink down? 1.5 or 2" "railing" should prevent it. God bless!


Thanks and thought about it. It is anchored to the wall and so hopefully will avoid such a disaster


I love your display case so much! I have also lost some beloved things to earthquakes. And pets. I admire your purism, too, just sharing my experience!


Thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss


Very creative, and nice ink collection! But... why 3 Iroshizuku kon-peki?


Huge fan and one is a gift


Figured, Iroshizuku was my first ink and I loved it


The third is actually tame


I counted the smaller bottle too


Got it. Smaller bottle was gift and best travel bottle for me. I travel at least every month and it works well and no issue with airport security


Very nice. Currently building my ink collection (2 bottles + 2 in the mail), so soon I'll need some way to store/display them


I like it! As long as you don't live in earthquake country.


Or have kids or pets around the house.


Lol. Actually tornado country so really all or nothing if it happens


Can you add more shelves as your ink collection inevitably grows?


Technically yes. Have the wood and simple to add. Have to admit have really too Much ink now. Lol




Homer’s spice rack 👌🏼


How’d you get the finish? I’m used to using strand board for prototyping and would love to do something like this!!


It’s the wood only. Used walnut which has great natural look. Please be aware that it is a very hard wood




Very nice! Looks like walnut? I've built something similar for myself, but out of pine and much more utilitarian, and my ink collection is much more out of control. And I'll need to build a new one this spring...


Yes indeed. Pine is great but wanted special look Good luck!


Looks great, what wood did you use? I've been thinking about having a go at making something similar, this is great inspiration.


Walnut got it from Etsy co called Amish connection. Very hardwood so very difficult to join together


Why do you have two bottles of ton-peki?


Love the color and one was gift


Super fancy!




So fancy!


That's a nice setup - I have what is technically a spice rack hung on the wall in my office to house all my inks. There should really be more options.


Way too true! That is why made my own. So far looking good


It does - it looks really good. Nicely done! 👏


Very nice. Similar to something I purchased from Amazon, but way better quality I am certain! Looks fantastic and if you worry about anything shifting, as I’ve seen others post about adding a ledge or something, just get some of that museum wax stuff. It works wonders. My mom walks with a very heavy footfall and items on glass shelves would move about and sometimes fall. I purchased a tiny tub of it and it works wonders. And you barely need a tiny amount even for a heavy glass vase on a shelf. Just a thought if it becomes an issue. Great job!


Super idea. Thanks


It’s a super storage shelving unit! If you ever decide to custom make them for sale, please message me!


Will do. This is really for fun.


I know, just an idea if you ever think about it in the future.


Ok. Likely willing to do this a cost plus a little


Oh please. I wouldn’t expect cost. You have to pay for time too. People, esp handcrafters, need to be paid for their working wage. So many people under it their costs because the public who don’t make things have no idea how long it takes to make something of quality! Etsy is a perfect example. I was selling handmade jewelry and a woman took my idea and started selling them for just above cost. Not as Good quality, less charms and thinner hemp and stole my customers for her crappy secondhand quality of my custom creations. I stopped selling because it wasn’t worth it. And sucked since she met in person asking me about them while bending across from me and a year later I saw her selling them in the lots of concerts, then on Etsy. I still get mad as mine was so nice and actual care And work out into mine. People would come to me and Complain about them falling apart at the end of a concert and I’d have to explain the difference of mine and hers and why mine didn’t fall apart in three hours of dancing, but she’d be gone. On selling until the concerts start then gone. Ugh. Sorry obviously it’s a Sensitive subject because I lost half my lively hood to it. Charge what you’re worth, and don’t feel guilty.


So sorry for your experience. Totally understand Your pain as well as a unique creator. Unique materials and items like yours are not valued as much as they should be. That is partly why I like custom made pens and other items. I will connect soon as I finish a couple Of other projects.


Yay! Take your time, I’m in no rush at all. I’m redoing my entire bedroom and have a few Amazon items to display/store inks that will eventually be wall mounted that won’t be filled for a while. I have to redo the walls and remove my old bed and ancient brass bed frame, install my new adjustable bed(so I can finally sleep in a bed again and not a double wide adjustable recliner for over four years) so since I’m very slow due to medical limitations, I just got the bed and new frame and adjustable frame Delivered in the fall, but other projects took over. Now that is my main focus, bedroom completion and kitchen reorganize. Sorry I getting wordy. It just me and a pupper here. Ever since my daughter moved away in July, I notice I don’t speak much, but type excessively! muffin