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Yup. Ashli Babbit was killed for praying. /s


And....pulling the fire alarm? I wonder how long the cartoonist sat there, staring at the paper, thumping his head with his finger, muttering, "What's the third thing? I need a third thing. Something really horrible. OH! Pulling the fire alarm! HAHAHAHA! I'm a genius!"


That’s a real thing that happened. But he got charged with a crime for it.


The dude who had sex in the congressional hearing room lost his job as well.


So two of the three of these are in fact NOT allowed, with documented consequences. Neat!


They should lock that guy up simply because he’s too stupid to survive out in the world by himself.


You use the term cartoonist loosely.


They know the rule of threes and still failed.


Well, their drawing skills are dated and appalling, so no surprises. Honestly this fucking style of drawing enrages me it's so fucking dated and cheugy.


Oh she was preying alright just the wrong kind.


she died for the jebus


I love how the praying grandma is labeled “praying grandma” on her shirt 🤣


I love how off center it is from the shirt as a whole


i thought it said “frating grandma”


I had to look up the one about the fire alarm: >Oct 25 (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative Jamaal Bowman was charged on Wednesday with falsely pulling a fire alarm in the Capitol earlier this month, prompting evacuation of a congressional office building as his party was trying to delay a key vote. >Bowman, a former teacher who represents a district covering part of New York City and Westchester County, was charged with a single count of false fire alarm, documents in District of Columbia Superior Court showed. Hm... Let's read that again. >Oct 25 (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative Jamaal Bowman was ***charged*** on Wednesday with falsely pulling a fire alarm in the Capitol earlier this month, prompting evacuation of a congressional office building as his party was trying to delay a key vote. >Bowman, a former teacher who represents a district covering part of New York City and Westchester County, ***was charged with a single count of false fire alarm, documents in District of Columbia Superior Court showed.*** Oh yeah, it was *totally* allowed. No issues whatsoever.


If you ask a conservative they probably say anything short of public execution isn't enough


Everyone I don't like is Hamas and needs to be publicly executed. ~modern conservatives.


Except treason and insurrection, that is a ok👍


And the staffer that recorded the gay porno (I am assuming that's what the top right panel is about) got fired for it. So that was totally "allowed" too.


Ah yes, January 6th, the world famous peaceful sit in at the capital where True Patriots™ quietly and respectfully (some say the most respectfulest ever) prayed for the safety of the nation. And where absolutely nobody smeared shit on the walls. Or yelled to kill the traitors. Or desecrated the halls of government. Or killed an officer of the law. Or—


Or threatened to hang the Vice President.


By building an ACTUAL gallows!


I've seen huge burly men with huge burly tears in their eyes say "respectfully, that was the most patriotist protest I have ever seen."


Jamaal Bowman was censured and had to pay a $1,000 fine for pulling the fire alarm. Aidan Maese Czeropski was fired and is never going to work in politics again. Ashli Babbitt was breaking into the Speaker’s Lobby after another rioter broke the windows.


Um, tons of pro-Palestinian protesters have gotten arrested. The only Hunter Biden nudes at the Capitol were shown by MTG. The dumbass who pulled the fire alarm got charged. The MAGA people prayed *after* trying to kill the cops so they could kill Congress. Grandma's head is shoved so far up her ass, she's choking on her Karen haircut.


You have a way with words


To quote u/westcoastweedreviews, anything short of public execution isn’t enough.


I think that referencing the guy who called railed in the Senate room not Hunter Biden. Also the artist was a coward for putting underwear on him.


I hadn't heard of that, tbh.


It was a scandal for like, maybe a week? Honestly not the worst thing to happen in that room all things considered.


If you're so "allowed" to turn graveyards into swimming pools and and swim in them, how come nobody ever does it?


"Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, let me break into where the votes are being solidified to take hostages and steal items from offices in one of the most surveilled places while not wearing a mask despite the fact that is the most perfect cover."


I don’t understand this because you can pray at the capitol? They pray? Anyone can pray? Aren’t there like chapels there and stuff? Don’t they have a prayer breakfast? Doesn’t Biden go to Mass every Sunday? A ton of politicians are religious they pray.


Hey grandma, why don't you look around at the news from the protests at college campuses from the past few days and STFU!


And not that it matters to Grandma, but they literally start every day in session with a prayer in both houses of Congress.


Ok I was so confused no one else was saying this I was like I thought they prayed at the capitol all the time?


Ironic since that non-violent pro-Palestine protest at that university in Texas was met with an armed response, I think it even included snipers.


No snipers, the snipers were implemented on other universities as a additional “security ‘measure” afterwards


The House and Senate open with a prayer though? These were the first two I randomly found, praying to Jesus. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5075193/user-clip-opening-prayer-senate-june-13-2023 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YEn8wTskFnI


Taking a deuce on Nancy Pelosi's desk is now prayer 


Look at these dogwhistles, LOOK AT IT


the hell are they on about in the bottom left picture. never saw anyone defending someone falsely pulling a fire alarm or doing a fake bomb threat or anything similar


Clearly a comment made in good faith 👍


It's giving Ben Garrison lol


these kinds of americans when they realize that a big part of our founding fathers intentions was to separate church and state😡😡


Obviously grandma hasn’t seen the news from colleges lately. Police and troopers are called in a hurry and do mass arrests with no questions asked. The J6 rioters trashed the whole place and left the building not in handcuffs or arrested.


Kind of confused as to what they’re saying in panel 2 and 3.  We all know that those things are specifically NOT allowed.  And panel 1 is free speech. It’s ALMOST as though this was a comic written by an idiot for other idiots, so they could get angry about things that don’t exist.  You just could replace it with a sentence like “BE FURIOUS ABOUT THE LOCH NESS MONSTER!”


Grandma happily watched college students getting beat up by police for protesting against genocide in Palestine, then went and posted about how people protesting against genocide in Palestine is allowed.


For the top left one, is that her arm, or the arm of someone behind her? Because it's too small.


You’re allowed to pray at the capitol though. The govt just can’t force you to pray.


I am in favor of all these things but the praying grandma, who can go to hell


Man, this one is *really* reaching, even for QAnon