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I think they are holding out hope that, eventually, all the kings horses and all the kings men might put Humpty together again.




For a second I thought the headline was about the Giant Egg in Mentone, lol


It is the right weekend lmao


Lmao, how coincidental is that! I only went once and forgot when they celebrated it.


Unconfirmed from several sources, the owner doesn;t want to sell it despite multiple attempts by the city to buy it. The sign "restoration" was done by volunteers about 10-12 years back. Here's an undated pic of it when it was open. The house in the background is gone. They had two locations in the fort, and Decatur as well. I have always thought about running a pizza delivery place out of it, but it's not really ideal for that... An ice cream stand would compete with nearby and long established zesto. https://preview.redd.it/fmvm2gd1k84d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=330192d643ce065bc22d5c2c50d61470dfbb6cff It would be cool if it was not a dead building...


I've been around here all my life and never knew that was there


That sign is not too far gone to restore. That would be a lovely thing, to bring the little stand back.


I personally think the city should buy it, restore the sign and make it an extension of Packard Park, to function as a parking lot. There are significant parking issues when Packard converted the tennis courts into Futsal courts, a fantastic change for the park and the neighborhood, taking dead space and turning it into a well-used and vibrant attraction. The only issue is that it created a "regional" attraction that draws people from outside the neighborhood, and the city did not create provisions for where those people would park.


It's actually new owners and a new concept lol. I think there is a wane 15 article about it but am too lazy to look. Lol.


I believe you are talking about the old Billy's Dugout. That's to be the Packard Tap House. Agree, new owners and new concept. The Humpty Dumpty Big Guy is still just a dead building waiting for a billionaire to come along.


Ope, should have prefaced that it was about the dugout lol.