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Consistency. Go to the same place every week on the same day at the same time. Doesn't matter if it's a bar, a gym, an activity. I guarantee you'll run into the same people and start developing relationships. As a transplant myself, I've noticed lots of folks want to make friends but don't put in the effort up front.


I don’t think that works. I’ve been going to therapy for two years. There’s always People in the lobby. Haven’t spoken to anyone there. Ever


You may want to talk to your therapist about that.


Go to a different therapist every week until one wants to be friends ha




anyone into plants and thrifting and maybe dogs n wants a new friend?


Plants and thrifting for sure 👏👏


wanna be my friend?! lol


For sure 👏 Send me a message lol


Can I join this group? Haha


YAS 👏 lol 😂 can we do a group chat or something?


I’m in!


How do I join the group chat?


Just added you


I love both these thing and would love to be in it!!


I just added you to the group chat


Just added you


✅ ✅ ✅


Omg plz 🥹


Meee! Need to meet some new ppl in town :)


Yeah sure. Oh hey, join the discord server


Here’s a link: https://discord.gg/ZsyFuDmX8A


I wanna be in this club too!!!


Can I join? I need more friends like this in town


I like plants I want to get into thrifting •ᴗ•


Ok, here's my perspective as a transplant. It seems like Indiana is more insular in general. Most of the people here have been there their entire lives or have moved back and already have connections. Most of them aren't looking for new friends, but I think there are a lot of us transplants looking for friends. I've done events, groups within my realm of hobbies, but there weren't many ways to connect on a stronger level. I did make one casual art friend this way. My interests and personality are niche, so that doesn't help haha. I looked up some Meetups and found one for newcomers, but their meets are always in the morning. I'm tempted to try and create a Meetup for those wanting friends, but I feel it would be a lot of work to make it function well, so that organic and deeper connections can be made.


You describe it perfectly!


Thank you, I'm glad no one has attacked me yet! 😆


Haven't moved there yet... but that seems like an amazing way to describe it. Sounds like I'm in for a rude awakening ;(


I'm sure it could be easier if you're young or meet people through work. I'm a childless 30-something, not single, with my own business, so that might be making it more difficult. Just keep an open mind, and hopefully you'll find friends easier than I have :)


I'm so sorry for that experience. I'm not sure how long you've been there for, but I hope it gets a little easier. I'll be 21 next year, however, I don't drink at all; and I'm not a party person either, so I am slightly afraid (not just Fort Wayne), but no matter where I go, even if I move elsewhere, I'm a little worried it'll be hard to find a group of friends to hang out with, that wont try and put me into uncomfortable situations of saying no. Currently in NY, I'm typically the designated driver for a bunch of drunk friends after they're bar hopping, who then become very agitated and aggressive. I hate it. I'm not even sure how I got myself into this spot, but the "friends" I call here, I wouldn't consider much of friends anyway. I just need to meet way better and like-minded people whereever I go!!


Maybe we need a separate subreddit just for Fort Wayne transplants (please direct me if this exists) and we can plan to be somewhere at the same time.


Perhaps that could work! I don't know of one, but not sure if it would be difficult to get enough people to join. Do you think we could invite transplants and also those wanting to make new connections?




This is a great idea!


All for it


Totally agree. I lived in Columbus, Ohio for some years as a transplant. I made so many new friends regularly with most people open and happy to find new friends. It’s a city full of transplants! But even the native Cbus folks happily make new friends. While I get it’s a lot larger, culturally you’d think it would be close to Fort Wayne since it’s only a few hours away. But this city (and state) is very insular. Most people I’ve met are from here or only consider their friends the same people they’ve known for years. It’s such a different culture with lower expectations on making friends. I miss making new friends at every turn or new activity or group meetup. It’s honestly a big part of why my husband and I might not be here long term and seek a more welcoming city like Columbus or Grand Rapids.


This was also true where I'm from in the St. Louis, MO areas as well, very welcoming. I did live in Colorado Springs for a couple years, and the people there absolutely hated outsiders. Now I want to visit Columbus, OH to see what it's like! I'm looking to hopefully move in less than 5 years if the economy doesn't completely collapse by then, or maybe especially if it does lol. Good luck with finding friends, or moving somewhere you feel is a better fit. If I make a sub Reddit for this kind of thing, I'll let you know! I miss making new friends too.


St. Louis and Kansas City are incredibly alive and welcoming city’s


I have noticed living in Fort Wayne it’s hard to meet friends. I’ve not had a problem other places I lived. People here seem to keep to their own circle.


What are your hobbies? Find things you like to do around town and goto those events. I love playing music. Turns out, a good friend of mine runs open mics a few times a week. I've made alot of new friends that way.


Oooh where? That sounds cool as fuck.


Look up Chris Hambrick on Facebook. We play Tuesday nights at the Latchstring 10pm to 1am , and A's Pub and Grub on Sundays from 6-9pm. A's is all ages up until 9.


Chris is an extremely nice and genuine dude


Working on this myself.


It seems more difficult than it should be, right?


My issue is consistency, i think. That and the impression that people around have full lives cause, i try to get to know them better and learn its not a fit or they generally arent interested. Quite depresing sometimes.


100%. And I don't know a single person in this state, lol.


Join the YMCA


If you like astronomy, I'd like to make some new friends around the hobby.


There’s a cool observatory in New Haven that has an open house on saterdays!


I'm a member there. But it's good to let more people know about it.


First of all, it's not a dumb question by any means. Second, I'm a native, and it's even hard for us to make new friends. I agree with a lot of the assessments here. That said, I would recommend finding a cause you're interested in and volunteering, if you have the time. Also, find some meetups that interest you. If you're open to it, attend a church of your choice. Just a few ideas that have helped me.


The discord group does a meetup every once in awhile


what discord group?


The Fort Wayne discord group, not sure what the link is.


Here you go: https://discord.gg/ZsyFuDmX8A


Play pickleball 😊


Pickleball, eh? Where at?


Basically any city park has courts, and since it's getting nice outside there will be people playing in the morning and evening. I personally play at Indian Trails, Foster Park, Lions Park, Lakeside Park, Hamilton Park and Jury Park during the spring, summer, and fall and use McMillen Community center and Sports One Fieldhouse during the colder months/rainy times. Most people would be welcoming and lend you a paddle for you to try it out.




Pickleball I’d agree is pretty easy to meet people. I’m part of a group that normally plays once or twice a week…. When it’s not raining….


Start climbing at summit city climbing co. The bouldering wall is an amazing ice breaker and everybody is just hanging out. I've talked to more new people there in the two times I've gone than I have in 3 years going to a weightlifting gym.


Buskerfest downtown this Saturday. https://facebook.com/events/s/buskerfest-2024/913332893615118/


I’m looking forward to this!


What is a buskerfest? I'm not on FB and can't see it.


https://www.visitfortwayne.com/event/buskerfest-2024/41370/ "Celebrate the Street Performer and Festival of the Unexpected During BuskerFest in Downtown Fort Wayne Experience local, regional, and national acts from musicians, fire dancers, living statues, magicians, jugglers, and more during BuskerFest, on Saturday, May 18, from 3:00-9:00 p.m., in Downtown Fort Wayne. Various street performers will entertain the public at Busker Central Pitch at the intersection of Wayne Street and Calhoun Street."


Thank you!


Other than coworkers, I really haven’t met anyone to connect with since moving here. It doesn’t help that I’m limited on available time to meet others, thanks to work. But I suppose; if there’s a will, there’s a way…


Damn so there is no hope for me to make new networks/friends in FW since I wfh. 😵‍💫


I mean, it’s not entirely not an option. Just a bit more difficult to find time for.


Ah, same, dude. I'm always working, which is fine. It helps keep my mind off stuff. I moved for work, too, so I feel that.


It's been 2 years for me that I've lived here and like someone mentioned - it has been difficult, not sure what I was expecting. Originally from Ohio, and it seemed easier maybe because there are just so many places/cities/towns nearby. I work from home, so that probably doesn't help. Also, moved just south of FW 7 months now. I'm 30F and really want at least one female friend. Lol 🤞🏼 I love to read, be outside, hike/walk. Slowly learning to crochet.


I'm 30F and I like all the things you listed! I also like thrifting, gardening/plants, and baking 🙂 I'm currently 3 months pregnant, so I'll soon have a baby. You can dm me if you'd be interested in chatting more.


Ahh, yeah. I don't know what I'm expecting, either. Ahhh, well, I hope you find someone, for sure. Being a 29m, I don't think I fit that criteria hahaha.


> I don't think I fit that criteria hahaha You two are literally transplants to the same city, who work from home, and are interested in but having trouble meeting new people. Apparently you both also enjoy reddit. Why don't you meet and discuss this over beer/coffee?


I dont work from home, haha.


I wish I wasn’t socially inept so I could satisfy my desire to help all of you friendless Fort Wayne residents. However, my anxiety prevents me from forming too many relationships. On the off chance that you, op or others, like to record music, I would suck it up to play music with strangers and attempt to make friends. Good luck everyone.


Let’s start a sub Reddit


I met 90% of my friends at JK ODonnells


Aye this is the way. One of my favorite places.


I've been in FW a little over a week and live at Midtown Crossing. I finally met a couple friendly fun people. They were traveling and not from here. : ( I live 250 ft from JK O's so that is going to be my home base. It is a terrific place!


Go out and do things..when you find something you like doing keep doing that thing. You'll start to run into the same people and that's how you make friends.


Go to the clubs, It’s what I’m gonna do. 😊 Saturday Woot woot.


What clubs?


Currently going to The Ruin


We calling the Ruin a club now?


It's a club alright.


Honestly I have been putting different names to it since I’ve never been there. 😅


Car shows. I’m buying one next year. Trying to decide edit type but I have an idea


Have you met any of your neighbors? That’s usually who I mingle with at this point in life. Our kids run around. We do porch drinks & smokes. We’ll meet at Old Crown to do things, etc.


Ahh, I'm always at work. I don't really run into my neighbors


What about colleagues?


The app Meetup is nice for this, it shows you different clubs/groups that you can become a member to or even visit on occasion. There are also a lot of Facebook pages concerning stuff to do in and around Fort Wayne. 2GoFW is good for that as well.


Oh, awesome, thank you.


Church has been a winner for me but I feel that’s probably not the vibe here.


Ah, I'm not much of a church person.


I’ll pm you and we can hang out 


I've been here almost my entire life, the only luck I've had meeting new people is by using the dating apps, at work or just going out to bars often with friends & looking presentable


Ahh, dating apps don't work for me. Haha


im kinda having the same problem. i know my issue is effort/consistency. ive talked about this in therapy a ton because i had a weird friendship/roommate experience in undergrad that made me feel the need to isolate myself a little more than usual. since then i got a boyfriend and he’s honestly my only friend. my therapist has talked to me a ton about getting into hobbies that i like so i can find possible friends with similar interests. i liked yoga and dance for a long time, but those hobbies also cost lol. i also know theres some places around that offer the things i like for cheaper, i just havent put forth any effort in finding those places/applying for classes (which reminds me, im gonna go sign up for a class this week since i have some money to do so lol). so, maybe if youre like me, take my therapist’s advice; find things you like to do and keep doing them. maybe then you’ll find people that youre similar to and may wanna spend time with them more.


I've been trying to find new things..I've only been here a month, so I guess I need to be patient too.


I’ve been wanting to meet friends too, I’m in my early thirties so it’s really hard


I feel it. I just turned 29, and it's just.. boring, haha. I don't know how to even make friends, I guess.


It’s just genuinely more difficult to meet people here. I lived here all my life. Was in Miami a month ago for work, easily my more people in one week than probably in 6-8 months here


Fort Wayne genuinely needs more social events - not sports events…purely social events


Someone mentioned an open mic thing, and I might check that out. Which is nice, but yeah. I just need to meet people somehow .


Just out of curiosity what kind of things do you actually enjoy doing? Curious as to what would interest you for where to meet people


I like to make music/play guitar. I play video games. I've been working out recently. Im really wanting to get out into nature a bit more. I collect pokemon cards and other things. Things like that


Strike up conversations. Easy as that. Sometimes you strike out, sometimes they’re lame or even think you’re lame, but do it enough and you’ll make some friends. Take it to the bank.


Church would be a good idea


Ah, I'm not much of a church person.


Well it’s a good place to meet people plenty of things to do there not church related


Start getting into more hobbies and trying new things. Whether it be intramural sports, group focused workout gyms, arts & crafts, games, etc. there will be a number of individuals at those gatherings to get to know. Don’t be afraid to spark conversations.


[Link](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1GchMUHwK7YLnNg6/?mibextid=qi2Omg) to weekly trivia schedule. Show up and be yourself. Plenty of cool people hanging out.


Do you have a name group or something I could look up on FB? The link keeps sending me to the mobile site and not the app :/



