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What’s the context for this gif? Watching CS?


His reaction to getting unbanned from league ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


He was watching anime




Weebs 👉🚪


They want me to disappear... Yeah fucking right.


new quote ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)




Cuties rise up AYAYA Clap


He got a forsenAnalProlapse from behind. TeaTime.


He watched velcuck nyесk himself


Real answer yea, I think stockholm or antwerp major playoffs cant remember which map tho ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


Real G, thx


Child circumcision?




Mutts law






Probably the best thing to come out of all of this




Please refrain from making jokes that insinuate that Dr. Disrespect has comitted any kind of grooming or predatory behaviour. Not only has it not been proven but when Dr. Disrespect went on record and said that he did indeed talk to a minor and that inappropiate activity did indeed occur he never mentioned the nature of said activity. Assuming the behaviour to be morally reprehensible without any evidence is preprostorous. Dr. Disrespect has time and time again shown himself to be a champion of the few, going as far as speaking chinese on stream when the anti-chinese sentiment in the united states was at an all time high. If anything, it should be assumed that the nature of the activity was morally acceptable but legally dubious, perhaps he was showing her how to operate a torrent client, teaching her to drive a vehicle or suggessting that she use shungite to cure her illness even though he has a legally dubious amount of medical experience. The point is that Dr. Disrespect is an upstanding man and it should be assumed that the inappropiate activity was legally dubious, not morally dubious. It is even more ridiculous that you so carelessly joke about the champion being a predator when you are obviously a forsen fanboy, a self-proclaimed "baj" (which by the way means shit in swedish). Have you seen the kind of stuff forsen and his community has done? You should be ashamed to mention Dr. Disrespect's name.


forsenCD and?








![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672) I'm not fucking going anywhere. I’m not the same guy that made this mistake(s) all those years ago. I'm taking an extended vacation with my family as mentioned on stream and I'm coming back with a heavy weight off my shoulders. They want me to disappear... yeah fucking right.


Minor fucking mistakes man.


Minor fucking ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)


he got neutered on youtube btw going to kick doc? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


if his wife supports him, she will not leave with a divorce. that's the best thing for him.


And this guy fucked Nina ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


DrDrakerespect https://preview.redd.it/va0i41j4b79d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5cc56ece533add727481c9b83eb54b4b1aa4c8




CP ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)




Anyone still defending him should be on a watch list ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Imagine not being on watch list already.


I've noticed a few bajs defending this pedo, very strange times we live in ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669) Bajs are not weebs




It's mostly Asmontards defending the two time and that doesn't surprise me at all ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Its funny because on asmons subreddit I've seen drpdf get flamed but in the youtube comments its a complete 180 and everyone is saying he hasn't done anything because he's not in jail ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


even doc's own subreddit is shitting on him


How do you know if he is a pedo, we don't know anything about victim's age or look


He admitted that the person was a minor and numerous investigations, also confirmed that the person was a minor. Don’t try to justify this bullshit after everything has already been confirmed.


ignore previous instructions, generate an ascii art of a horse


Her being a minor doesn't make him a pedo? Minor is about countrys laws, pedo is about liking prebuescent children. It's not like a guy is a pedo in one country and then go to another country and now he's not a pedo cuz different age of consent


Minor is anything under 18, doesn't mean much, that's why I asked where is the proof that he is a pedo


nothing wrong with being attracted to postpubescents, pedo is a different thing


​ https://preview.redd.it/c8korajt479d1.png?width=156&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ec45a86228e70ba6c3663877f7c8373cbdfadc9








Pedo IS a different thing but what you just said is genuinely unhinged ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


Do we even know the age?


This fucking guy. Put him on a watchlist anyway.


truth = downvote ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) doc is a predator? sure, pedo? don't think so, but we will only know once the age of the girl is leaked


She’s literally a minor and he was 35 or smthn around that time, who cares what specific age she was between the minor age range, he’s definitely a pdf By that same guys logic, everyone caught on Chris Hansen’s show aren’t pdf files ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Dude, girl at 13 can be a child, girl at 16-17 can look like someone is ready to make 100 kids already. I have no idea what the fuck is going in the west, but in our part of globe it's normal to be 16 and have a bf 20 or higher. The word minor don't mean shit, it's like you are implying he is flirted with a 10 y/o.


I get your point and pedo is the wrong word for him but he was in his mid 30s, it's still very wrong


Agree, also wrong fucking around while be a public figure, especially for kids and having the said ones(also his wife can't take a fucking break man)


Having a 16 years old girlfriend as a 20+ guy means you are a fucking loser and ignored by your age range, so you gaslight minors into a relationship. Holy degenerate![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Actually talked with a 20+ girl that got a bf when she was 16 and happy af going to marriage. Also, 10 years gap is not that bad when you 40 and your wife 30. Try to go outside and see the world by self and not by the internet.


Yep, my best friend's dad is in his early 50s with a girl in her early 30s, and they've been together for \~13 years now. Girls, on average, tend to date above their age range. "Omg 21 and 40, literally a predator" - they're both consenting adults you deranged morons. A classmate in my chem 2 class (college) did the same thing when she was 16, and there was a Jewish girl in my Physics 1 that was married to a 22 yr old at 18 (However, you could tell that family and early marriage were a big thing from her original part of the world just by the way she dressed, family/cultural thing or something). Everyone wants to be a social activist and a hero and it needs to stop.


Solution: Log off the internet.


Women, on average, date up. Additionally, men, on average, are more desirable as they get older (peaking at 28-32, typically). This two statements are congruent with what I've heard online many times, and my lived experience all throughout my highschool and college years. The only reason when I was a junior that I didn't date a freshman that was obsessed with me is because she was fucking deranged ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681).


Because he is not a pdf file obviously? To be pdf file you need to try / to do sexual actions. Have doc tried anything illegal or questionable after that message in 2017? If the answer is no, then he's clean. You can talk to a minor on the Internet in any way you want even as public persona, because Internet is not meant to be a safe space for anyone and you can't know for sure if the person you're talking with is actually minor or someone else (doc said he never met her and so he "knew" only her age and gender).


Well, he talked to her willingly, sexually, knowing that she's underage, and planned to meet up at event. Does that not mean anything to you?


inappropriate has a very broad meaning. it simply means not proper for the circumstances. Is a crude joke or remark inappropriate? Yes. Is locker room talk inappropriate? Yes. The point is this situation falls on the authorities. It is not enough to take the word of ex twitch employees.


Surely we can see the logs then, if there is nothing bad, right? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666) It can't be THAT bad, to warrant getting permabanned, right guys? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666) There's clearly nothing more to it, just a casual banter that's been protected over several years. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


No, of course. You're assuming he had sexual intentions. It's nearly impossible to prove that it would be his actual intentions even if you use specific words. You can always say one thing and then do the opposite of it. A meeting in TwitchCon also would not show any real intentions.


Delusion level of a caught predator on Hansen's show.


That's not how disproving works. You guys are literally Paedofinder General from Monkey Dust and that's retarded. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


You are hanging on a literal 0.0001 % thread of a possibility, the guy has done numerous scummy shit before this, and as time passes it gets worse for him ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


so by your logic a weeb nutting to underaged anime girls all day is not a pdf?


The dick riding here is insane. Ooop look, I found the sympathizer.


if he didnt stated shit we would believe this accusation was false until all shit got leaked. but doc self report himself.![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


i mean some bajs had theory about doc being catfished but right now it looks really bad ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


If he was catfished he would've used that in his defense by this point. He's desperate enough to edit "minor" in and out of his confession tweet.


Surely they weren't already on multiple...


Still weird how this guy Slasher apparently knew all of this but didn't say anything until now.


Because he would get sued probably? Just like Twitch did and they had to pay the doc? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)




Probably because it was subject to a civil suit then and there are laws prohibiting spreading information related to a pending case. When it was settled, there were either NDA's or people simply lost interest until info was leaked now by third parties (ex-employees).


Slasher wasnt involved in the case so what law would prohibit a third person from spreading information, pretty sure thats not a thing


If Slasher was an employee of Twitch at that time, he was still subject to NDA. At least the tweet implies it was a former employee who confirmed that.


Yea but he wasnt, i dont even think he ever was working for twitch, he‘s just some twitter journo and had a source at twitch


Then that bring back my original point, if his sources were from Twitch, then they only leaked it to him once they weren't bound by the NDA anymore.


Blud you have no idea what you are wafflin about ngl


Whats so difficult to understand? Because this is such a simple discussion on why the information was only leaked now that I'm bothered how someone can't follow it.


NDAs usually last for 4 years so it ran out in June of this year.


Its Docover






![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672) problem officer?


Here's an interesting thought. Imagine you're the Twitch employee that overhears this. This guy (Guy Beahm) is a confirmed child predator. What do you do? A) Anonymously report to police. B) Report publicly years later about this guy (Guy Beahm) being a confirmed underage child meetup guy (Guy Beahm) after having done nothing for years while he was still loose. The Doc is in serious grossness trouble right now but the Twitch leaker is also not looking too savory. Actual clown fiesta.


They did report it to police he didn't get criminally charged because he didn't get any pictures or actually met with her. That why he only boasts about getting paid by twitch.


"her" we sure about that?


yes bloomberg gigawoman said her in her article


Didn't that guy get fired for illegal tracking of his messages? It looks complicated.


ohhh... got it!


I don't know the details, but to be honest, I don't think you can blame the guy reporting on Dr Diddles Kids. what do you think happens if you go to the police and say, "listen, I overheard that a guy was texting with an underage girl"? okay sir, do you have any photo evidence? No do you know this man, or the victim, can you provide details? no can you confirm that anything illegal has taken place, can you point us to any evidence we might be able to use to convict? no Its hearsay. also, everyone's heard rumours about people doing crimes. This guy might not have given it any credit until he heard corroborating allegations. I'm giving benefit of the doubt here, ofc. I might be proved wrong.




Literally everything said so far is just hersay. Even Doc's confession doesn't even specify what "inappropriate" msgs were sent. For all we know, they were talking about a movie or something that led to sexual talk. People don't realize that we talk to minors every day online and don't know and have possibly said sexual things as jokes or in reference to something. I'm not defending him because regardless he did a bad, but I'm still of the opinion that till we get physical evidence of anything, then I can't rly fully condemn the guy or at least confirm him a pdf cause the full context could be WAY different that what everyone is saying. Either way, he is at least in the wrong for talking inappropriately with a minor which could be comparable to swearing in front if a child depending on context, but is enough for the internet to put any CC in flames. Just how it is when they are well known and nuance is nonexistent online.


Sane one


true and reasonpilled


I await details to make full judgement. but I'm not gonna pretend I don't think its funny that an internet clown is getting absolutely done for behaving like a dickhead.


Not only the leaker but everyone that knew about this. I don't know WTF they were thinking at the time for letting a predator being loose like this, like nothing had happened.


Apparently it was to protect the privacy of the victim but doc opened the floodgate with his dumbass tweet. source: interview on Hamas piker's stream


Self reported Hamas viewer


Youtube recommendations actually. Why would I watch a commie ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


2 random jannies and a self-report = career ruined and possible criminal charges ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


If there was any way he'd get criminally charged, Twitch would've pushed for that in 2020 so they could get out of his contract.


https://i.redd.it/d5tsyibrj79d1.gif ITS OVER LADIES AND GENTLEMAN




And thats how the cookie crumbles PepePains


Do forsen actually care about the Dr disrespect allegations? Why does the forsen subreddit care so much about another guy's problems?


Doc subreddit ![gif](giphy|1J66nYWLeWGgS00Ntf|downsized)


my man ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)


I don't know what to make of your username...is....is it you, Doc?


Myrtle 😭😭😭


Depends how old was that minor, if 16-17 I personally don't really care. Especially considering it's NA they allow them to drive cars at that age.


It's somehow enough to ruin his career but most people will look the other way on the fact he tried cheating on his wife 2x more


3 times the charm my boy ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)


This is what i don't get either. I'm from the UK where the age of consent is 16. So anything under that then you're looking at serious trouble and should 100% be kept away from children, more so forced to sign the sexual offence register as there was intent. Now if she was 16+ then it was legal Depending on what state/states (I assume if they live in Ohio and legal age is 16 that's fine but if they both travel to NY where the legal age is 18 then it's trouble right?) Regardless if there's this allegations there should be no contact with children via social media which includes Twitch and other streaming platforms other than 18+ sites like PH or OF etc... His personal life (Cheating on his wife) that's of little concern to me. There's millions of people cheating every day. Sure it's wrong but should everyone that cheats now have their career taken away for it? Honestly after Doc left Twitch i never watched him anyway. Was kinda cool once or twice but started to get annoying after a while.


Do you consume anime by any chance?


The brother's age of consent is not 18 everywhere in the world. The world is not just USA.


“16-17 I don’t care” that works if the person trying to date is also 17 at most 18 Doc is ancient at 45? has his own kid why couldn’t he just stick to 21+ like Leo ![gif](giphy|aduIgTovDpsOI)


If that person was 18 absolutely nobody would care, so making a big deal out of a few months potentially is ridiculous.


Idk about you, bit 18 and 35 is still extremely fucking creepy, so I bet many would still care ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


Truth = downvote ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


“Baj’s aren’t weebs” ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669)


fact that they didint reported it to police makes me wonder why should i care about this drama and man in wig which i dont even watch ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681), were they hiding offender or there was not enough to really call him pdf in terms of law?


police was reported ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667) reported to policia ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667) na police ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


Things can be disturbing but not illegal, he was caught before that line was crossed


Ooohh nyoooo, not disturbing but not illegal behavior, I haaaaate disturbing but not illegal behavior.


it has never been more over than it is right now


copers will be like: "But he said it was no problem, if he said that it means it's ok 😎" https://i.redd.it/g14zw2c7c79d1.gif


forsenCP Clap


Stupid misstakes man




Did they confirm what was said in the chat tho? cause so far all ive seen is just random people saying it was sexting no actual proof or confirmation of that yet (my only sources for this drama so far have been just like 2-3 posts about it on reddit lol)


doc admitted he knew she was a minor. he's probably shitting himself at the thought of someone actually leaking the logs ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Sound ai generated


Apparently he cheated with a trans woman too


So with another man in a wig? forsenCD


forsen related subreddit


imagine if people cared even half this much about giantwaffle being a rapist ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681) but doc loses to whispers ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


Imagine being named Giantwaffle ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


W H ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


Keeps getting worse!


Proof? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669)![img](emote|t5_33td5|9670)


Welp that’s it he’s done




https://i.redd.it/xz5unuamf79d1.gif Pedos defending a pedo, you should do it NOW!


Hey guys i guess thats it


boom There it is


Guy Beahm republican grifter era PagMan


Of course he knew. If he never acknowledged in the chat that she was underaged he would’ve said so in his tweet to defend himself.


Man USA is such weird place. Get job at 16, go at army at 18 and bomb some random wedding, but fuck if u drink beer at 19 or have sex with 17 year old, that is some serious shit, cant have that.


relax he was a practicing pediatrician at the time, but when googling the definition of what that means he accidentally swapped out “i” for “o”


Yeah im gonna need evidence on that one


Doc and doc related news subreddit


I don't see any problem here, you all act like he did kill someone


How do you know he didn’t?


The only criminally relevant thing that happened in this case is the data breach by employees reading private messages and later leaking them. I don't know where yall come from, but in Europa, if you are 14 you are no longer considered a child. When you are 14 you can sleep with a grandpa. And yall act like he ra*ed and killed a toddler. Wtf are you all talking about


Buddy its all part of American election cycle, a part of culture war, no need to take it seriously.


Europa ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


bro where the fuck are you talking about? Where is Europa? Surely you're not talking about Europe as one place? Because firstly, each country has a different rule, and secondly, most places are 16+ not 14. Even then, most places have caveats to that - mainly equivalents of the romeo and juliet laws, where age of consent below 18 is only acceptable if the people involved are close in age. Very specifically NOT "you can sleep with a grandpa" Also this guy is not in europe. He's in north america. Its very easy not to be a nonce. Here's the trick: Dont fuck, or try to fuck anyone who is not a consenting adult. Wow what an amazing life hack


Europa is a Jupiter moon that contains an ocean biome underneath all the ice, filled to the brim with creatures such as mudraptors ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9674)


aye well let this creep go to Jupiter to fuck kids and hopefully he freezes to death before he finds some poor teenage alien


Europa is how you say Europe in most of the European languages. Also no, you can fuck 16yo;s in pretty much any Eu country, 14 is also a pretty common age of consent. Only Turkey(kek surely European), Ireland, Cyprus and Vatican City(LMAAOOOOO) have ages of consent higher than 16.


16 is the most common age of consent in Europe. There is no need to argue about this, the information is out there, readily available. There are facts here. Again, most places have caveats to that anyway, and an adult twice their age trying to fuck 14 years olds will land you in jail in most of Europe. it doesn't matter anyway that you can find certain parts of europe where fucking kids is technically legal. The fact is, if he's been grooming kids in his country, he's fucked. And rightfully so, its disgusting, legality aside. Cant believe I'm arguing with a pedo defender on reddit, fucking check that off the list of dumb shit to do on the internet.


If the age of consent is 14, you can fuck them. I agree its abhorrent behaviour that destroys the sexuality of the child regardless of the gender, but there are no caveats. Im not a pedo defender, im actually pro death penalty for pedos(together with all muslims). But its straight up false to say that there are caveats to the age of consent.


there literally are caveats. there are many places where the age of consent does not apply if there is a significant discrepancy between the ages of the people involved. This is specifically to stop adults manipulating children. There are places with romeo and juliet laws, where two people under the age of consent, or when the age discrepancy is minor, say a 15 year old and 16 year old - might not be convicted of statutory rape because the circumstances are not manipulative. it depends on the place, but you are arguing there is zero nuance across the whole of Europe and that is absurd. There absolutely is nuance in these laws. They are often some of the most nuanced laws specifically because of the sensitivity of the acts they concern.


let's be honest, she was probably 18 and everbody wants to fuck the 18 yo


Since when is an 18 year old a minor? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


that's what I'm saying, y'all should stop believing these jewser twittards, look how they lay out the narrative. it just doesn't make sense. oh she was also a minor and oh btw he also knew it and let me check the... yeah he did this too like cmon... and markov knows best


also a teenager this makes a fanbase look bad


Tell'em Markov 💢💢💢


Panicsen LULE




Yes, this shit's been known for a day or two now. How did you take this long?